Technological University Dublin Library

No matches found; nearby ISN'S are: Result Page   Prev Next Save Media Year 9780156623414pbk : Mumford, Lewis, 1895-1990.            Technics and human development : the myth of the machine / Lewis Mumford. 901 ; Bolton St. Lending:DUE 22-01-24 BILLED/NOT PD PRINTED MATL 1967 9780156724005 : Oliver, Mary            A poetry handbook / Mary Oliver. 808.1 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1994 9780156849906 : Frisch, Max.            I'm not Stiller / Max Frisch ; translated by Michael Bullock. 833.912 20 ; Tallaght Fiction:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1994 9780160511974 : Gebhardt, Susan E.            Nutritive value of foods [electronic resource] / Susan E. Gebhardt and Robin G. Thomas. EBOOKS 2002 Your entry 9780160789502 would be here 9780160818363 : United States.            2008 physical activity guidelines for Americans : be active, healthy, and happy! 613.7 22 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2008 9780160864162             Restorative commons : Creating health and well-being through urban landscapes / Edited by Lindsay Cam 307.3416 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2011 9780170355513 : Serway, Raymond A.            Physics for global scientists and engineers / Raymond A Serway et al. 530 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE, Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2017 9780170364362 : Geldard, David,            Basic personal counselling : a training manual for counsellors / David Geldard, Kathryn Geldard, Rebe 158.3 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2017 9780170394451pbk : Van der Wagen, Lynn,            Event management : for tourism, cultural, business and sporting events / Lynn van der Wagen, Lauren W 790.069 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2018 9780170421140 : Allen, Peter,            SPSS statistics : a practical guide / Peter Allen, Kellie Bennett, Brody Heritage. 519.5028553 23 ; Tallaght Lending:missing, Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2019 9780170438964pbk : Babin, Barry J.,            Marketing research / Barry J. Babin Steve D'Alessandro, Hume Winzar, Ben Lowe, William Zikmund. 658.83 23 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2020 9780171410068 : Keen, Geraldine.            The sale of works of art : a study based on the 'Times-Sotheby Index' / Geraldine Keen. 338.437 18 ; Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1971 9780171460421 : Fargher, Richard.            Life and letters in France: the eighteenth century / Richard Faragher. 914.4033 18 ; Tallaght Quinn Collection:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1970 9780171460438 : Raitt, A. W.            The ninteenth century / [by] A. W. Raitt. 840.9007 22 ; Tallaght Quinn Collection:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1970 9780171460445 : Fargher, Richard.            Life and letters in France: the eighteenth century / Richard Faragher. 914.4033 18 ; Tallaght Quinn Collection:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1970 9780171470925 : Simon, Andr� Louis,            A dictionary of gastronomy, by Andr� L. Simon & Robin Howe. 641.03 ; Grangegorman Library Use:LIB USE ONLY PRINTED MATL 1970 9780171700015 : Howarth, W. D.            Life and letters in France : the seventeenth century / W.D. Howarth ; [general editor, Austin Gill] 914.4033 22 ; Tallaght Quinn Collection:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1970 9780174130017             Sing a song one / compiled by Wendy Bird, David Evans and Gary McAuliffe. Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1977 9780174323969 : Rawlins, George            Look, listen and trust : : a framework for learning through drama / /George Rawlins, [and] Jillian Ri 371.332 RAW ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1992 9780174382386pbk : Avison, John.            The world of physics. QC23 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1987 9780174382454 : Avison, John.            The world of physics / John Avison. 530 20 ; Tallaght Lending:CLAIM RETURN, Tallaght Lending:LIB USE ONLY PRINTED MATL 1989 9780174382454pbk : Avison, John.            The world of physics / John Avison. 530 20 ; Tallaght Lending:CLAIM RETURN, Tallaght Lending:LIB USE ONLY PRINTED MATL 1989 9780174385479 : Slattery, Martin.            Key ideas in sociology / Martin Slattery. 301 20 ; Tallaght Failte Ireland:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1992 9780174385479pbk : Slattery, Martin.            Key ideas in sociology / Martin Slattery. 301 20 ; Tallaght Failte Ireland:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1992 9780174386773 : Roberts, M.B.V. Michael Bliss Vaughan            Biology / Michael Roberts. 570 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1995 9780174387329 : Roberts, M.B.V Michael Bliss Vaughan            Advanced biology / Michael Roberts, Michael Reiss, Grace Monger. 570 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2000 9780174391456 : Makin, Dan.            Se escribe as� / Dan Makin, Juan Katt�n-Ibarra. 468.2 MAK ; Blanchardstown Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1987 9780174391456pbk : Makin, Dan.            Se escribe as� / Dan Makin, Juan Katt�n-Ibarra. 468.2 MAK ; Blanchardstown Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1987 9780174392064 : Wall, Richard,            Gut gelernt : German vocabulary in context for GCSE / Richard Wall. 433.21 20 ; Tallaght Store:WORN OUT PRINTED MATL 1989 9780174392064pbk : Wall, Richard,            Gut gelernt : German vocabulary in context for GCSE / Richard Wall. 433.21 20 ; Tallaght Store:WORN OUT PRINTED MATL 1989 9780174392262 : Phillips, David,            Schreib mir bitte! : letter writing practice / by David Phillips, Caroline Filmer-Sankey and Claire M 438 ; Tallaght Store:WORN OUT PRINTED MATL 1990 9780174392699 : Colley, Andrew.            L'hotel n'est pas complet / Andrew Colley. 842 20 ; Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1991 9780174392712 : Colley, Andrew.            Objets trouves. Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 9780174394532 : Mascie-Taylor, Heather.            Key french grammar and vocabulary / Heather Mascie-Taylor. 448.2 MAS ; Blanchardstown Lending:AVAILABLE, Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1989 9780174394631 : Harris, G. N.            Alles gute! : a guide to writing letters in German / G. N. Harris 438 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1990 9780174394754 : Clayton, John.            Cara a cara : pair work activities in spanish. 468.3421 21 ; Tallaght Failte Ireland:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1990 9780174394754pbk : Clayton, John.            Cara a cara : pair work activities in spanish. 468.3421 21 ; Tallaght Failte Ireland:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1990 9780174395577 : Jackson, Jenny.            Ciao! : terzo libro / Michael Buckby, project co-ordinator ; Jenny Jackson, principal author ; co-a 458.3421 20 ; Tallaght Store:WORN OUT PRINTED MATL 1992 9780174395577pbk : Jackson, Jenny.            Ciao! : terzo libro / Michael Buckby, project co-ordinator ; Jenny Jackson, principal author ; co-a 458.3421 20 ; Tallaght Store:WORN OUT PRINTED MATL 1992 9780174395720 : Scarr, J. R.            Present day Spanish : volume 2 / J. R. Scarr. 460 20 ; Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE, Tallaght Lending:CLAIM RETURN PRINTED MATL 1991 9780174400196 : Tumbridge, Filomena.            Viaje en el tiempo / Filomena Tumbridge. 863 20 ; Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1995 9780174400240 : Tumbridge, Filomena.            Los de debajo-de-la-cama / Filomena Tumbridge. 863 20 ; Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1995 9780174400257 : Tumbridge, Filomena.            El nino estrella / Filomena Tumbridge. 863 20 ; Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1995 9780174400264 : Young, Brian.            Setas venenosas / Brian Young. 863 20 ; Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1995 9780174400288 : Hall, Kenneth,            Roberto / Ken Hall. 863 20 ; Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1995 9780174400295 : Hyland, Anna.            La vida de una adolescente / Anna Hyland. 863 20 ; Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1995 9780174400318 : Rainger, Amanda.            La trompeta del Inca / Amanda Rainger. 863 20 ; Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1995 9780174400325 : Veramendi, Judy.            Salsa y sopa / Judy Veramendi. 863 20 ; Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1995 9780174402626 : Morris, Peter,            Lernpunkt Deutsch 3 : with new German spellings / Peter Alan, Morris Wesson. 438 MOR ; Blanchardstown Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2000 9780174402626pbk : Morris, Peter,            Lernpunkt Deutsch 3 : with new German spellings / Peter Alan, Morris Wesson. 438 MOR ; Blanchardstown Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2000 Email Add to Bag Icon for Add All On PageAdd All On Page Add to List Icon for Save to My ListSave to My List