Technological University Dublin Library

No matches found; nearby ISN'S are: Result Page   Prev Next Save Media Year 9780309096492pbk             Educating the engineer of 2020 : adapting engineering education to the new century / National Academy 620.00711 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2006 9780309097130hbk : Institute of Medicine (U.S.).            Food marketing to children and youth : threat or opportunity? / Committee on Food Marketing and the D 618.9239 22 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2006 9780309100915hardback             Dietary reference intakes : the essential guide to nutrient requirements / Jennifer J. Otten, Jennife 612.3 22 ; Grangegorman Library Use:LIB USE ONLY PRINTED MATL 2006 9780309101479hardcover             Preventing medication errors / Committee on Identifying and Preventing Medication Errors, Board on He 615.6 22 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c2006 Your entry 9780309101943 would be here 9780309102582             Health risks from dioxin and related compounds : evaluation of the EPA reassessment / Committee on EP 615.9512 EBOOKS 2006 9780309102728book             Human biomonitoring for environmental chemicals / Committee on Human Biomonitoring for Environmental 615.902 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c2006 9780309108713pbk             Nutritional risk assessment : perspectives, methods, and data challenges : workshop summary / Carol W 613.2 22 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c2007 9780309108973pbk : "Institute of Medicine (U.S.).            Vector-borne diseases : understanding the environmental, human health, and ecological connections : w 362.1969 22 PRINTED MATL 9780309111072hardcover : "Institute of Medicine (U.S.).            Cancer care for the whole patient : meeting psychosocial health needs / Committee on Psychosocial Ser 362.196994 22 PRINTED MATL 9780309117036 : National Research Council (U.S.).            Assessment of Corrosion Education / Committee on Assessing Corrosion Education, National Materials Ad 620.11223 22 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c2009 9780309119344pbk : National Academy of Engineering.            Changing the conversation : messages for improving public understanding of engineering / Committee on TA160.4 N38 2008 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c2008 9780309136846pbk : Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (U.S.).            Ensuring the integrity, accessibility, and stewardship of research data in the digital age / Committe 001.4028558 22 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c2009 9780309136853pdf : Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (U.S.).            Ensuring the integrity, accessibility, and stewardship of research data in the digital age / Committe 001.4028558 22 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c2009 9780309137126             Liquid transportation fuels from coal and biomass : technological status, costs, and environmental im 662 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c2009 9780309137164             Real Prospects for Energy Efficiency in the United States. Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2009 9780309137379pbk : National Research Council (U.S.).            Informing decisions in a changing climate / Panel on Strategies and Methods for Climate-Related Decis 363.73874 22 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c2009 9780309137386pdf : National Research Council (U.S.).            Informing decisions in a changing climate / Panel on Strategies and Methods for Climate-Related Decis 363.73874 22 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c2009 9780309138642             Prudent practices in the laboratory : handling and management of chemical hazards / Committee on Prud 660.2804 22 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE, Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2011 9780309138642hbk             Prudent practices in the laboratory : handling and management of chemical hazards / Committee on Prud 660.2804 22 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE, Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2011 9780309145886             Advancing the science of climate change : America's climate choices / Panel on Advancing the Science 363.73834 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c2010 9780309145916             Adapting to the impacts of climate change : America's climate choices / Panel on Adapting to the Impa 363.73834 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2010 9780309145947             Informing an effective response to climate change : America's Climate Choices / Panel on Informing Ef 363.76874 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c2010 9780309145978             Limiting the magnitude of future climate change / America's Climate Choices: Panel on Limiting the Ma 363.76874 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2010 9780309148962             Toward sustainable agricultural systems in the 21st century / Committee on Twenty-First Century Syste 630.973 22 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c2010 9780309158718 : National Research Council (U.S.).            Monitoring climate change impacts : metrics at the intersection of the human and Earth systems / Comm 363.73874 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2010 9780309160773set             HCM 2010 : highway capacity manual 388.314TRB ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1998 9780309160780v1             HCM 2010 : highway capacity manual 388.314TRB ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1998 9780309160797v2             HCM 2010 : highway capacity manual 388.314TRB ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1998 9780309160803v3             HCM 2010 : highway capacity manual 388.314TRB ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1998 9780309164252pbk : Institute of Medicine (U.S.).            Finding what works in health care : standards for systematic reviews / Committee on Standards for Sys 610.289 ; Bolton St. LTT Library Use:LIB USE ONLY PRINTED MATL c2011 9780309209151             Understanding earth's deep past : lessons for our climate future / Committee on the Importance of Dee QC903 .U53 2011 PRINTED MATL c2011 9780309209410 : Institute of Medicine (U.S.).            Climate change, the indoor environment, and health / Committee on the Effect of Climate Change on Ind 616.98 23 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2011 9780309265850paperback : Pray, Leslie A.,            The human microbiome, diet, and health : workshop summary / Leslie Pray, Laura Pillsbury, and Emily T 616.9041 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2013 9780309265867ebook : Pray, Leslie A.,            The human microbiome, diet, and health : workshop summary [electronic book]/ Leslie Pray, Laura Pill 616.9041 EBOOKS 2013 9780309300438pbk           Reaching students : what research says about effective instruction in undergraduate science and engin 507.11073 23 ; Bolton St. LTT Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2015       Reaching students : what research says about effective instruction in undergraduate science and engin Q183.3.A1 K63 2015 PRINTED MATL 2015 9780309305297paperback             Climate intervention : carbon dioxide removal and reliable sequestration / Committee on Geoengineerin 363.738746 23 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2015 9780309449809 : National Academy of Engineering.            Microbiomes of the built environment : a research agenda for indoor microbiology, human health, and b QR41.2 .N38 2017 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2017 9780309476522           Environmental engineering for the 21st century: addressing grand challenges / The National Academies 628 23 ; Bolton St. Lending:BILLED - PAID PRINTED MATL 2019       Environmental engineering for the 21st century: addressing grand challenges Committee on the Grand Ch 628 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2019 9780309476522pbk             Environmental engineering for the 21st century: addressing grand challenges Committee on the Grand Ch 628 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2019 9780309476553 : National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.)            Environmental engineering for the 21st century: addressing grand challenges: [electronic resource] 628 EBOOKS 2019 9780309476553electronicbook : National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.)            Environmental engineering for the 21st century: addressing grand challenges: [electronic resource] 628 EBOOKS 2019 9780309530651pdf             The engineer of 2020 : visions of engineering in the new century / National Academy of Engineering 620.00905 22 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c2004 9780309533355pdf : National Research Council (U.S.).            Confronting the nation's water problems : the role of research / Committee on Assessment of Water Res 363.61 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2004 9780309656467pdfs             Dietary reference intakes : the essential guide to nutrient requirements / Jennifer J. Otten, Jennife 612.3 22 ; Grangegorman Library Use:LIB USE ONLY PRINTED MATL 2006 9780309663151pdf             Human biomonitoring for environmental chemicals / Committee on Human Biomonitoring for Environmental 615.902 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c2006 9780312002114 : Jhally, Sut            The codes of advertising : fetishism and the political economy of meaning in the consumer society / S 302.23 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1990 9780312004613 : Gray, Andrew,            Administrative politics in British government / Andrew Gray and William I. Jenkins 354.42 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1985 9780312012663 : Nolan, Christopher,            Under the eye of the clock : the life story of Christopher Nolan / by Christopher Nolan ; preface by 920 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c1987 9780312017019 : Weidenborner, Stephen.            Writing research papers : a guide to the process / Stephen Weidenborner, Domenick Caruso. 808.02 20 ; Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c1990 9780312019501 : Hoffman, John,            State, power and democracy : contentious concepts in practical political theory / John Hoffman 320 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1988 Email Add to Bag Icon for Add All On PageAdd All On Page Add to List Icon for Save to My ListSave to My List