Technological University Dublin Library

No matches found; nearby ISN'S are: Result Page   Prev Next Save Media Year 9780460044479 : Hopkins, Antony,            Sounds of music: a study of orchestral texture / Antony Hopkins. 784.2 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1982 9780460044974 : Rombauer, Irma von Starkloff,            Joy of cooking. 641.5 19 ; Grangegorman Library Use:LIB USE ONLY PRINTED MATL 1980 9780460045070 : Machlis, Joseph,            Introduction to contemporary music/ Joseph Machlis. 780.904 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE, Grangegorman Library Use:LIB USE ONLY PRINTED MATL 1980 9780460046206 : Paxton, John.            Everyman's dictionary of abbreviations / by John Paxton. 060 ; Aungier St. Library Use:LIB USE ONLY PRINTED MATL 1983 Your entry 9780460047357 would be here 9780460076630 : Guillaume, Monique.            French cooking made easy; edited with a foreword by Theodora FitzGibbon; drawings by Christiane Neuvi 641.5/944 ; Grangegorman Library Use:LIB USE ONLY PRINTED MATL 1969 9780460078382 : Fitzgibbon, Theodora            A taste of England : the West country. Traditional food / [by] Theodora FitzGibbon ; period photograp Grangegorman Library Use:LIB USE ONLY PRINTED MATL 1972 9780460078658hbk : Hatfield, Audrey Wynne.            A herb for every ill / by Audrey Wynne Hatfield ; with 24 drawings by the author 615.321 19 ; Grangegorman Library Use:LIB USE ONLY PRINTED MATL 1973 9780460078733 : FitzGibbon, Theodora.            A taste of London: traditional food; period photographs specially prepared by George Morrison. 641.5/9421 ; Grangegorman Library Use:LIB USE ONLY PRINTED MATL 1973 9780460078955 : Fitzgibbon, Theodora.            A taste of Paris; traditional food. Period photographs specially prepared by George Morrison. 641.5/944 ; Grangegorman Library Use:LIB USE ONLY PRINTED MATL 1974 9780460101776 : Berki, R. N.,            The history of political thought : a short introduction / R.N. Berki 320.509 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1977 9780460110402 : Herbert, George,            The English poems of George Herbert/ edited by C.A. Patrides. Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1974 9780460111775 : Berki, R. N.,            The history of political thought : a short introduction / R.N. Berki 320.509 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1977 9780460112031 : Wordsworth, William.            Selected poems [of] William Wordsworth / edited, with an introduction and notes, by Walford Davies. 821.7 19 ; Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1975 9780460112871 : Bronte, Charlotte,            Jane Eyre / Charlotte Bronte, introduction by Margaret Lane F ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1983 9780460114837pbk : Berkeley, George,            Philosophical works, including the works on vision / George Berkeley. 192 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1980 9780460119689 : Synge, J. M., (John Millington,)            Plays, poems and prose / John Millington Synge; with an introduction by Micheal Mac Liammoir. 828.912 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1958 9780460126021 : Cook, Nicholas            A guide to musical analysis Nicholas Cook 780.15 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1987 9780460126038 : Johnson, Robert Sherlaw            Messiaen 780.92 MES ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1989 9780460130004 : Berki, R. N.,            The genesis of Marxism : four lectures / R.N. Berki 335.4 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1988 9780460140102 : Greengross, Wendy.            Entitled to love : the sexual and emotional needs of the handicapped / [by] Wendy Greengross. 362.4 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1976 9780460860260 : Arnold, Denis,            Monteverdi / Denis Arnold ; revised by Tim Carter. REF (SMI) 780.92 MON ; Grangegorman Library Use:LIB USE ONLY PRINTED MATL 1990 9780460861052 : Hopkins, Antony,            Understanding music 781.1 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1982 9780460861151 : Service, Alastair,            The standing stones of Europe : a guide to the great megalithic monuments / Alastair Service and Jean 936 20 ; Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1993 9780460870801             Female playwrights of the Restoration : five comedies / edited and introduced by Patrick Lyons and Fi 822.408 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1991 9780460871402 : Paine, Thomas,            The rights of man / Thomas Paine ; foreword by Tony Benn ; consultant editor for this volume Christop 320.011 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1993 9780460872614pbk : Poe, Edgar Allan,            Complete poems and selected essays / Edgar Allan Poe ; edited by Richard Gray ; consultant editor for PS2602 .G7 1993x ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1993 9780460872805             Everyman and medieval miracle plays / edited by A.C. Cawley ; with a new preface and bibliography by 822.108 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE, Grangegorman Library Use:LIB USE ONLY PRINTED MATL 1993 9780460873642pbk : Wilde, Oscar,            The picture of Dorian Gray / Oscar Wilde ; edited by Peter Faulkner. F ; Blanchardstown Fiction:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1993 9780460873802           Emile / Jean-Jacques Rousseau ; translated by Barbara Foxley ; introduction by P. D. Jimack 843.5 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1993       Emile / Jean-Jacques Rousseau ; translated by Barbara Foxley ; introduction by P. D. Jimack 843.5 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1911 9780460873918 : Spenser, Edmund,            The Faerie Queene, Books I to III / Edmund Spenser. 821 SPE ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1993 9780460873918pbk : Spenser, Edmund,            The Faerie Queene, Books I to III / Edmund Spenser. 821 SPE ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1993 9780460873956pbk : Chesterton, G. K.            The best of Father Brown / G. K. Chesterton ; selected and introduced by H. R. F. Keating. F ; Blanchardstown Fiction:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1991 9780460874410 : Donne, John,            The complete English poems / John Donne. 821.3 21 ; Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1994 9780460874410pbk : Donne, John,            The complete English poems / John Donne. 821.3 21 ; Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1994 9780460875158 : Shakespeare, William,            Much ado about nothing / edited by John F. Andrews ; foreword by Kevin Kline 822 SHA ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1996 9780460875288 : Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft,            Frankenstein / Mary Shelley ; introduced by Paddy Lyons ; other critical apparatus by Philip Gooden. F ; Blanchardstown Fiction:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1992 9780460875288pbk : Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft,            Frankenstein / Mary Shelley ; introduced by Paddy Lyons ; other critical apparatus by Philip Gooden. F ; Blanchardstown Fiction:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1992 9780460877299pbk             Female playwrights of the nineteenth century / edited by Adrienne Scullion. 822.80809287 21 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1996 9780460877510 : Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de,            Eight interludes / Miguel de Cervantes ; translated and edited by Dawn L. Smith ; consultant editor f 862.3 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1996 9780460877657 : Thomas, Dylan            Under milk wood : play for voices / Dylan Thomas ; edited by Walford Davies and Ralph Maud ; introduc 822.914 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1995 9780460879231 : Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de,            The Figaro plays / Beaumarchais ; translated by John Wells ; edited by John Leigh Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 1997 9780462007441pbk : Lott, Hester.            Real English grammar : intermediate to upper intermediate / Hester Lott. 428.24 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2005 9780462099040pbk : Brown, Stephen,            Fail better! : stumbling to success in sales & marketing; 25 remarkable renegades show how / Stephen 658.8 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2008 9780462099163 : Brown, Stephen,            Agents and dealers / Stephen Brown. 658.8 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2008 9780462099200hbk : Lunn, Pete.            Basic instincts : human nature and the new economics / Pete Lunn. 330.019 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2008 9780462099255pbk : Meyer, Danny.            Setting the table : lessons and inspirations from one of the world's leading entrepreneurs / Danny Me 647.95068 MEY ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2009 9780462099422pbk : Blythe, Jim.            100 great marketing ideas from leading companies around the world / Jim Blythe. 658.8 BLY ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2009 9780464213680 : Latin, Matej            Better web typography for a better web / Matej Latin 686.224 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2021 9780465002276 : Norman, Donald A.            The design of future things / Donald A. Norman. 745.2 22 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2007 9780465002283pbk : Norman, Donald A.            The design of future things / Donald A. Norman. 745.2 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2009 Email Add to Bag Icon for Add All On PageAdd All On Page Add to List Icon for Save to My ListSave to My List