Technological University Dublin Library

No matches found; nearby ISN'S are: Result Page   Prev Next Save Media Year 9780521810555             The keyboard in Baroque Europe / edited by Christopher Hogwood. 786.09032 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2003 9780521810975hbk : Silman, Alan J.            Epidemiological studies : a practical guide / Alan J. Silman, Gary J. Macfarlane. 614.4 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2002 9780521811002 : Gerstmann, Evan.            Same sex marriage and the Constitution / Evan Gerstmann. 346.73016 22 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2004 9780521811149hbk : Crowther, Paul.            The transhistorical image : philosophizing art and its history / Paul Crowther. 701.18 21 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2002 Your entry 9780521811774 would be here 9780521811798hbk : Van Valin, Robert D.            Exploring the syntax-semantics interface / Robert D. Van Valin, Jr. 401.43 22 ; Blanchardstown Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2005 9780521811859hbk : Stephani, Hans.            Relativity : an introduction to special and general relativity / Hans Stephani. 530.11 22 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2003 9780521812610 : Heracleous, Loizos            Strategy and organization : realizing strategic management / Loizos Heracleous. 658.4012 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2003 9780521812627hbk : Levinson, Stephen C.            Space in language and cognition : explorations in cognitive diversity / Stephen C. Levinson. 401.9 LEV ; Blanchardstown Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2003 9780521812696             Theatricality / edited by Tracy C. Davis and Thomas Postlewait. 792 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2004 9780521813105             Growing together : personal relationships across the lifespan / edited by Frieder R. Lang, Karen L. F 158.2 21 ; Grangegorman 7 day loan:AVAILABLE, Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2004 9780521813174 : Gillingham, John,            European integration, 1950-2003 : superstate or new market economy? / John Gillingham. 940.55 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE, Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2003 9780521813242 : Wiles, David.            A short history of Western performance space / David Wiles. 792.094 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2003 9780521813426 : Johnson, Karen E.            Teachers' narrative inquiry as professional development / Karen E. Johnson, Paula R. Golombek. 428.00711 ; Bolton St. LTT Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2002 9780521813525hbk : Butt, John,            Playing with history : the historical approach to musical performance / John Butt. 781.43072 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE, Grangegorman Library Use:LIB USE ONLY PRINTED MATL 2002 9780521813716 : Dillon, Emma.            Medieval music-making and the Roman de Fauvel / Emma Dillon. 780.90244 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2002 9780521813914 : Brown, Rachel.            The early flute : a practical guide / Rachel Brown. 788.32 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2002 9780521814003 : Daunton, M. J.            Just taxes : the politics of taxation in Britain, 1914-1979 / Martin Daunton. 336.2009410904 21 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2002 9780521814164 : Williams, Peter F.            The organ music of J.S. Bach / Peter Williams. 786.5 BAC ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE, Grangegorman Library Use:LIB USE ONLY PRINTED MATL 2003 9780521814775 : Luey, Beth.            Handbook for academic authors / Beth Luey. 808.042 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE, Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2002 9780521814799 : Perrey, Beate Julia.            Schumann's Dichterliebe and early romantic poetics : fragments of desire / Beate Julia Perrey. 782.47 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2002 9780521814805             The changing adolescent experience : societal trends and the transition to adulthood / edited by Jeyl 305.235 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2002 9780521814942 : Samson, Jim.            Virtuosity and the musical work : the transcendental studies of Liszt / Jim Samson. 786.218949 LIS ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2003 9780521815178 : Litvin, F. L.            Gear geometry and applied theory / Faydor L. Litvin, Alfonso Fuentes. 621.833 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2004 9780521815253hardback             Susceptibility to infectious diseases : the importance of host genetics / edited by Richard Bellamy. 616.9 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2004 9780521815369 : Kaplan, Daniel M. Daniel Moshe            Hands-on electronics : a one-semester course for class instruction or self-study / Daniel M. Kaplan a 621.3815 ; Bolton St. Lending:AVAILABLE, Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2003 9780521815437 : Keane, John,            Global civil society? / John Keane. 320.11 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2003 9780521816342hardback : Rice, John A.            Mozart on the stage / John A. Rice. 782.1 MOZ ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2009 9780521816427 : Whittall, Arnold.            Exploring twentieth-century music : tradition and innovation / Arnold Whittall 780.904 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2003 9780521816519 : Innes, Christopher,            Modern British drama : the twentieth century / Christopher Innes. 822.91 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2002 9780521816878 : James, I. M.            Remarkable physicists : from Galileo to Yukawa / Ioan James. 530.092 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2004 9780521816960 : Train, Kenneth.            Discrete choice methods with simulation / Kenneth E. Train. 003.56 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL c2003 9780521817059hbk : Potter, John.            A history of singing / by John Potter and Neil Sorrell. 783.09 23 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2012 9780521817295             Theatre and empowerment : community drama on the world stage / edited by Richard Boon and Jane Plasto 792.01 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2004 9780521817325             International financial governance under stress : global structures versus national imperatives / edi 332.042 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2003 9780521817776hbk : James, I. M.            Remarkable mathematicians : from Euler to von Neumann / Ioan James. Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2003 9780521817936 : Howe, Christopher J.,            Gene cloning and manipulation / Christopher J. Howe. 572.86 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE, Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2007 9780521818414hardbackalkpaper : Kimbell, David R. B.,            Handel on the stage / David Kimbell. 782.1092 23 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2016 9780521818551 : Hsiao, Cheng,            Analysis of panel data / Cheng Hsiao. 330.015195 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2003 9780521818575 : Deutch, John M.,            Making technology work : applications in energy and the environment / John M. Deutch, Richard K. Lest 621.042 21 ; Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2003 9780521818575hbk : Deutch, John M.,            Making technology work : applications in energy and the environment / John M. Deutch, Richard K. Lest 621.042 21 ; Tallaght Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2003 9780521818704 : Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel.            The modern invention of medieval music : scholarship, ideology, performance / Daniel Leech-Wilkinson. 780.902 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2002 9780521819350 : Ayliffe, G. A. J.            Hospital infection : from Miasmas to MRSA / Graham A.J. Ayliffe, Mary P. English. 616.9 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2003 9780521819763 : Twisk, Jos W. R.            Applied longitudinal data analysis for epidemiology : a practical guide / Jos W.R. Twisk. 614.40727 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2003 9780521819800 : Allman, Elizabeth S.            Mathematical models in biology : an introduction / Elizabeth S. Allman and John A. Rhodes. 577.88 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2004 9780521820080 : Williams, Simon.            Wagner and the Romantic hero / Simon Williams. 780.92 WAG ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2004 9780521820196hdbk             The Cambridge companion to Aphra Behn / edited by Derek Hughes and Janet Todd. 822.4 22 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2004 9780521820356 : Gerry, C. C.            Introductory quantum optics / Christopher Gerry, Peter Knight. 535.15 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2004 9780521820738 : Rehding, Alexander.            Hugo Riemann and the birth of modern musical thought / Alexander Rehding. 780.72 21 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2003 9780521820776hardback             The Cambridge history of twentieth-century English literature / edited by Laura Marcus and Peter Nich 820.9 ; Aungier St. Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2004 9780521821087             The Cambridge companion to conducting / edited by Jos� Antonio Bowen. 781.45 ; Grangegorman Lending:AVAILABLE PRINTED MATL 2003 Email Add to Bag Icon for Add All On PageAdd All On Page Add to List Icon for Save to My ListSave to My List