Lois Lenski Collection An inventory of her collection at Syracuse University

Overview of the Collection

Creator: Lenski, Lois, 1893-1974.
Title: Lois Lenski Collection
Inclusive Dates: 1927-1967
Quantity: 9.75 linear ft.
Abstract: American author and illustrator of children's books. Collection contains notebooks, manuscripts, book production records, original artwork for her children's books, letters from children, and published material.
Language: English
Repository: Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries
222 Waverly Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13244-2010

Biographical History

Lois Lenski (1893-1974) was an award-winning American author and illustrator of children's books.

Lois Lenski (Mrs. Arthur Covey) was born in Springfield, Ohio, on October 14, 1893. She studied at Ohio State University where she received a B. Sc. degree in education. She also studied at the Westminster School of Art in London where she received an A.S.L. degree.

For over fifty years Lenski pursued her professional career as an illustrator and author of books for children. During that time she illustrated some fifty books for other authors, and wrote and illustrated nearly 100 of her own books. Lenski's writing included picture books and stories for very young children as well as intermediate works for older children and young adults. Although she wrote primarily prose, Lenski also published books of poetry, songs and plays for children. She has received several awards, including the Ohioana Medal (1954), the Newbery Medal (1946), and the Child Study Association Award (1947).

Lenski's work includes Blueberry Corners, The Little Farm, Strawberry Girl, Blue Ridge Billy, Prairie School, Corn-Farm Boy, A Dog Came to School and Little Sioux Girl. [Adapted from]

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Scope and Contents of the Collection

The Lois Lenski Collection is divided into nine series.

Holographic notebooks consists of notes written by Lenski as research for a number of her works, along with two notebooks documenting trips from Georgia to Memphis and from Charleston to Tennessee. Although it appears that originally the notebooks were identified by the title of the book for which the notes were taken, the volumes became disorganized at some point and many of them can no longer be identified as belonging to a particular book.

Holographic and typescript manuscripts consists of original and carbon copy manuscripts and typescripts of books, poems, and songs written by Lenski.

The Miscellaneous subject file contains bibliographies, biographic data, book reviews, illustrations, photostats, printed copies of works, and articles by and about Lenski.

Book dummies includes holographic and page proof galleys and blueprint illustrations, with page layout instructions for several of Lenski's books.

Galley sheets, illustrations, jacket proofs, photographs, and miscellaneous works contains any combination of these items for several of Lenski's books.

Published copies of works include copies of books by Lenski and others, copies of children's magazines featuring pieces by Lenski, and miscellaneous magazines containing articles by or about Lenski.

Artwork contains sets of alphabet blocks and two zinc cuts, all designed by Lenski.

Children's letters contains letters written by children to Lenski over the course of her career. This series is divided into several groups by time period and arranged alphabetically by state or country within each group.

The Subject file contains biographical material, articles about Lenski, a photo album, original art, publishers' brochures, and notes.

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Access Restrictions

The majority of our archival and manuscript collections are housed offsite and require advanced notice for retrieval. Researchers are encouraged to contact us in advance concerning the collection material they wish to access for their research.

Use Restrictions

Written permission must be obtained from SCRC and all relevant rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts or images from any materials in this collection.

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Related Material

The collection originally contained a large number of published copies of Ms. Lenski's works. A few remain in the manuscript collection but the bulk have been transferred to the Rare Books department and cataloged; to locate these please refer to Libraries Search and search for "Lenski, Lois" as author.

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Subject Headings


Lenski, Lois, 1893-1974.


Children's literature.

Illustrated children's books.

Illustration of books -- United States -- 20th century.

Illustrators -- United States.

Women artists -- United States.

Women authors, American.


Appalachian Region -- Juvenile literature.

Great Plains -- Juvenile literature.

Southern states -- Juvenile literature.

West (U.S.) -- Juvenile literature.

Genres and Forms

Clippings (information artifacts)


Galley proofs.

Illustrations (layout features)

Manuscripts for publication.



Research notes.





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Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Preferred citation for this material is as follows:

Lois Lenski Collection,
Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries

Acquisition Information

Gift of Lois Lenski, 1967-1968.

Finding Aid Information

Created by: -
Date: Aug 1967
Revision history: 19 Mar 2007 - converted to EAD (AMCon); 18 Feb 2020 - holographic notebooks rehoused; stylistic changes; additional search terms (MRC); 9 Dec 2024 - book dummies rehoused, Box 3 split into A and B (MRC)

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Holographic notebooks
Titles given below are taken from the item, where possible. Where that was not possible, a title has been supplied based on the content; these supplied titles are indicated by square brackets [ ]. Volumes that cannot be identified are filed at the end, listed by first line of the contents.
Box 1 [Original captions]
These are small slips of paper, each bearing the title of one of Lenski's works. Evidently at some point these were inserted into the volumes to identify them, but they became separated. The works listed, with their geographic settings, are: Blue Ridge Billy [Appalachian Mountains], Boom Town Boy [Oklahoma], Corn Farm Boy [Iowa], Cotton In My Sack [Arkansas], Flood Friday [Connecticut], Houseboat Girl [Mississippi River], Judy's Journey [Alabama], Mama Hattie's Girl [Florida and an unnamed northern city], Prairie School [South Dakota], Strawberry Girl [Florida], We Live by the River [Arkansas], and San Francisco Boy [California].
Box 1 Ark [Arkansas, miscellaneous] (2 folders / 8 volumes)
Box 1 Avery
Box 1 Bridgeton N.J. Notes (2 volumes)
Box 1 [Floods and flooding] - possibly used for Flood Friday (4 volumes)
Box 1 [Florida] - possibly used for Strawberry Girl (2 folders / 8 volumes)
Box 1 Homosassa [Homosassa Springs, Florida] - possibly used for Strawberry Girl (2 notebooks)
Box 1 Iowa - possibly used for Corn Farm Boy (2 volumes)
Box 1 Louisiana (2 volumes)
Box 1 [Mama Hattie's Girl?] - all three of these items include mention of "Hattie" (2 volumes)
Box 1 Michigan Cherries - one is explicitly titled as such, the other includes notes from numerous towns and cities in Michigan (2 volumes)
Box 18 Miss. River
Box 18 Okla [Oklahoma] (2 folders / 6 volumes)
Box 18 S.D. [South Dakota] - possibly used for Prairie School (5 volumes)
Box 18 [San Francisco Boy?] - one item is titled "S.F." and the other two contain notes about locales in and around San Francisco (3 volumes)
Box 18 Songs [of Mr Small] - paper slip reads "Small songs"
Box 18 Texas - possibly used for Texas Tomboy (8 volumes)
Box 18 [Texas] San Angelo - possibly used for Texas Tomboy (8 volumes)
Box 18 Trips: Georgia to Memphis, Charleston to Tennessee (2 volumes)
Box 18 Woodall - possibly more Oklahoma material (3 volumes)
Box 19 Unidentified I (5 volumes)
Box 19 Unidentified II (4 volumes)
Holographic and typescript manuscripts
Box 2 "All Around Town" - Poems/ typescript manuscripts
  • "Butcher Shop" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Candy Store" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "City Child" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "City Street" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Double Decker Bus" - carbon copy manuscript and original typescript manuscript
  • "Down In The Subway" - original typescript manuscript
  • "I Am The Mailman" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "On Main Street" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Our Town" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Penthouse" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Stores In Our Town (The Five and Ten)" - original typescript manuscript
  • "Street Cries" - carbon copy manuscript and original typescript manuscript
  • "The Park" - carbon copy manuscript
Box 2 "At Our House" - original song manuscripts
Box 2 "City Songs" - holographs and typescripts
  • "City Sidewalk" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Garbage Truck" - original typescript manuscript and 2 carbon copies manuscripts
  • "Hot Dog Hot" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "In the City" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Newsboy's Song" - holograph and carbon copy manuscripts
  • "Songs of the City" - carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "The City Bus" - carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "The Flower Wagon" - carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "Walking on the Sidewalk" - original typescript manuscript with corrections
  • "Shoeshine Song" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "The Clothes Line" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "The Skyscraper" - carbon copy manuscript
Box 2 "Fun And Playtime Songs" - typescripts
  • "A Hide-out" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Fly-Hop-Skip-Run-Jump" - original typescript manuscript and carbon copy with corrections
  • "In the Rain" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Merry-Go-Round" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Riding On My Bike"-
  • "Walking On the Sidewalk" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "What I like" - carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "I Went For a Walk" - original typescript manuscript
Box 2 "House (Home) Songs" - typescripts
  • "A Home" - 2 carbon copy manuscripts and original typescript manuscript
  • "All Kinds of Homes" - carbon copy manuscript and original typescript manuscript
  • "At Our House" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Dinner's Ready" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Hiding" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "House By the River" - original typescript manuscript with corrections
  • "House or Home" - original typescript manuscript and 2 carbon copies manuscripts
  • "I Like To Live In A Trailer" - original typescript manuscript and 2 carbon copies manuscripts
  • "My House" - carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "My House Is A Boat" - 2 original typescript manuscripts with corrections and 1 carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "Where People Live" - original typescript manuscript and carbon copy with corrections
Box 2 "Songs of Mr. Small" - holographs and typescripts
  • "A Customer" - holograph and carbon copy manuscripts
  • "Airplane Airplane" - original typescript carbon manuscript
  • "Big Mr. Small" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Cactus or Mr. Small's Pony" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Do You Know Big Mr. Small?" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Fireman Brave" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Firetruck" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "If I Had A Boat" - carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "If I Had A Tractor" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "I like To Live On The Farm" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Just Like A Cowboy" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Little Train" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "My Roadside Stand" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Over The Sea" - carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "Ride A red Auto" - carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "The Bird With Silver Wings" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "The Gas Station Man" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "What Do You Do, Papa Small?" - carbon copy manuscript
Box 2 Original hymn and poem manuscripts - typescripts
  • "A Child of God" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "A Clean Heart" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "A Cry For Help" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "A Greater King Than They" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "A Safe Answer"
  • "Come Unto Me" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Do Unto Others" - original typescript manuscript and carbon copy manuscripts with corrections
  • "Early In The Morning" - original typescript and carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "Evening Prayer" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "For The Beauty Of The Day" - original typescript manuscript and carbon copy manuscript
  • "God's Never Far Off" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "In Others' Shoes" - original typescript manuscript and carbon copy manuscript
  • "It's All We Have To Give" - carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "I Want To Be Like Jesus" - original typescript and carbon copy manuscript
  • "I Was A Stranger" - carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "Kindness" - carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "Long Will We Remember" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Morning Prayer" - original typescript manuscript and carbon copy manuscript
  • "My Neighbors" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "O Babe In The Manger" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "No Room At The Inn" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "O Be Joyful" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Our Father Who Art In Heaven" - original typescript manuscript
  • "Prayer For Peace" - carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "Shepard, Lonely Shepard" - carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "Song Of Praise" - original typescript manuscript
  • "The Angel's Song" - carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "The Door Of My Heart" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "The Foxes Have Holes" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "The House On The Rock" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "The Lord Is My Shepard" - carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "The Lost Sheep" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "The Sower" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "There's A Song In My Heart" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Treasure In Heaven" - original typescript manuscript and carbon copy manuscript
  • "Wake Up Now" - carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "We Are Thy Children" - 2 carbon copies manuscripts
  • "We Thank Thee, Lord" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "When Jesus Was A Little Boy" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "When Others Hate" - original typescript manuscript and carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "When They Come To Thee" - original typescript manuscript and carbon copy manuscript
  • "Work Well Done" - original typescript manuscript and carbon copy manuscript
Box 2 "Regional Songs" - holographs and typescripts
  • "A Big Crop" - original typescript manuscript with corrections
  • "Bean-pickers Song" - carbon copy manuscript and original typescript manuscript
  • "Big Ole Snapper" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Born Of The Wind" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Children Of America" - 2 carbon copies manuscripts with corrections
  • "Cotton In My Sack" - 3 original typescript manuscripts and carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "Down The Cotton Row" - original typescript manuscript and carbon copy manuscripts
  • "Git Along There Mule" - holograph and original typescript manuscript and carbon copy manuscript
  • "Give Me A Bite" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Go Get Your Hoe" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Island Girl" - holograph and carbon copy manuscripts
  • "Jackrabbit" - original typescript manuscript
  • "Let's Go Fishing" - original typescript manuscript
  • "Lullaby" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Mean Old Wind" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "My Daddy Digs Coal" - original typescript manuscript with corrections
  • "My Feedsack Dress" - original typescript manuscript and carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "My Uncle Joe" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "No Strange Land To Me" - original typescript manuscript with corrections
  • "On The Go Again" - original typescript manuscript
  • "Out In Texas" - original typescript manuscript
  • "Over The Locks" - 2 original typescript manuscript and 2 carbon copies with holograph notations
  • "Over The Prairie" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Pancakes" - 2 carbon copies manuscripts
  • "Poor Sick Baby" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Strawberry Queen" - original typescript manuscript
  • "That Pretty Little Tree" - original typescript manuscript with corrections
  • "The Geese Are In The Cotton" - original typescript manuscript and carbon copy manuscript
  • "The Gift" - original typescript manuscript
  • "(On) The Road" - original typescript manuscript
  • "Up And Down The Mountain" - carbon copy manuscript
Box 2 "River Songs" - typescripts
  • "Down By The River" - original typescript and carbon copy manuscripts
  • "The River So Wide" - carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "The Winding River" - carbon copy manuscript with corrections and original typescript manuscript
  • "Who'll Take Me Over" - original typescript manuscript and carbon copy manuscript
Box 2 "School Songs" - typescripts
  • "Lunch At School" - original typescript and carbon copy manuscripts
  • "The School Bus" - 3 carbon copies manuscripts with corrections and original typescript manuscript
Box 2 "Very Young Songs" - holographs, typescripts, carbon copies
  • "A Change Of Heart" - original typescript manuscript
  • "A Dog At School" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "A Face" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "A Letter" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "A Man" - carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "A New Dress" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "A Tree" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "All Around Town" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Animals" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Bedtime" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Champion Pie Baker" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Christmas On The Farm" - original typescript manuscript and carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "Drug Store" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Going For A Ride" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "I Can Draw A Horse" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "If I Had A Red Dress" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Let's Play House" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Mocking Bird" - original typescript manuscript; carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "My Puppy" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "My Shadow" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Neighbors" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "On A Summer Day" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Our Dog" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Our House" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "People" - original typescript manuscript
  • "Our Yard" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Pumpkins" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Rain Song or In The Rain" - original typescript manuscript and carbon copy with corrections
  • "Santa's Come" - original typescript manuscript
  • "Saturday Night" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Sick" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Sleepin In The Church Yard" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Supermarket" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Ten little Birds" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "The Green, Green Grass" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "The Red, Red Ribbon" - carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "Traffic Cop" - carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "Turning Around" - carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "Up And Down" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Up And Down The Street" - carbon copy manuscript
  • "Where People Live" - carbon copy manuscript with corrections
  • "Water" - carbon copy manuscript
Box 2 Miscellaneous poems and songs - holographs (43 items)
Box 2 Miscellaneous poems and songs - typescripts (24 items)
Miscellaneous subject file
Box 2 Bibliographies of Lenski's works - holograph and published pamphlet (2 typescript) (4 items)
Box 2 Lois Lenski biographical data-Lois Lenski, Friend of Children (J. B. Lippincott Co.) 1958
Box 2 Book reviews (2 items)
Box 2 Illustration by Lenski (6 items)
Box 2 Lois Lenski, An Appreciation 1962 - includes published edition (University of North Carolina Press) and original typescripts
Box 2 Music manuscript "Songs For The City" - words by Lois Lenski, music by Clyde Robert Bulla; photostat (29 items)
Box 2 Printed copies of work (14 items)
Box 2 Articles by and/or about Lenski 1947-1958 (6 items)
Book dummies
Box 3A At Our House - first, second, third holographic original dummies
Box 3A Coal Camp Girl - original page dummy of galley proofs and blueprint page dummy with illustrations
Box 3A Flood Friday - page proofs, page dummy with blueprints of illustration
Box 3A Ice Cream Is Good - holographic original dummy hand drawn and painted by Lenski
Box 3A In Our Town (original title) / I Went For A Walk (second title) - original holographic dummy; second holographic dummy; third dummy for blueprints of illustrations
Box 3A Noah's Ark - original holographic dummy with hand drawn and painted illustrations
Box 3B Songs Of Mr. Small - first and second original holographic and typescript dummies with original page layouts and pencil sketches of illustrations
Box 3B We Are Thy Children - original holographic and typescript dummy with original page layout and pencil sketches of illustrations
Box 3B Miscellaneous
Galley sheets, illustrations, jacket proofs, photographs and miscellaneous
Box 4 Coal Camp Girl - illustrations and music page
Box 4 Coal Camp Girl - galley proofs with author's corrections for
Box 4 Coal Camp Girl - galley proofs showing text cut up into pages
Oversize 1 Coal Camp Girl - original pencil sketches (2 items)
Box 4 Flood Friday - original illustrations and music paper (3 items)
Box 4 Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jemison - illustrations and jacket proofs (13 items)
Box 4 I Went For A Walk At Our House - original illustrations
Box 4 Mr. and Mrs. Noah-Exhibit - illustrations (original and printed), photographs (13 items)
Box 4 Regional books, "Family Life Charts" - analysis of Lenski's regional books (2 items)
Oversize 2 We Are Thy Children - illustrations and acetate overlays (35 items)
Oversize 3 Miscellaneous drawings from Read-To-Me-Storybook, possibly others (91 items)
Published copies of works
Box 5 Out and Away Anthology 1965
Box 5 A Guidebook for Teaching Library Skills by M. V. Beck and V. M. Pare 1965
Box 5 The Study of Anthropology by P. J. Pelto 1965
Children's magazines containing articles by Lenski 1936-1952
Box 6 The How Book 1946-1952 (3 items)
Box 6 Story Parade 1936-1945 (16 items)
Box 6 Miscellaneous magazines containing articles by or about Lenski 1949-1963 (21 items)
Children's letters
Children's letters 1927-1950
Box 9 Arkansas
Box 9 California
Box 9 Canada
Box 9 Connecticut
Box 9 Colorado
Box 9 Delaware
Box 9 Florida
Box 9 Georgia
Box 9 Hawaii
Box 9 Illinois
Box 9 Indiana
Box 9 Iowa
Box 9 Kansas
Box 9 Louisiana
Box 9 Maryland
Box 9 Massachusetts
Box 9 Michigan
Box 9 Minnesota
Box 9 Missouri
Box 9 Montana
Box 10 Nebraska
Box 10 New Hampshire
Box 10 New Jersey
Box 10 North Carolina
Box 10 North Dakota
Box 10 New York
Box 10 Ohio
Box 10 Oregon
Box 10 Pennsylvania
Box 10 Rhode Island
Box 10 South Carolina
Box 10 South Dakota
Box 10 Tennessee
Box 10 Texas
Box 10 Utah
Box 10 Virginia
Box 10 Washington
Box 10 Washington D. C.
Box 10 West Virginia
Box 10 Wisconsin
Box 10 Wyoming
Box 10 Miscellaneous (no state)
Children's letters April 1951-Oct 1955
Box 11 Alabama
Box 11 Arkansas
Box 11 California
Box 11 Canada
Box 11 Colorado
Box 11 Connecticut
Box 11 Florida
Box 11 Georgia
Box 11 Hawaii
Box 11 Illinois
Box 11 Indiana
Box 11 Iowa
Box 11 Iowa
Box 11 Japan
Box 11 Kansas
Box 11 Kentucky
Box 11 Louisiana
Box 11 Maryland
Box 11 Massachusetts
Box 11 Michigan
Box 11 Minnesota
Box 11 Mississippi
Box 11 Missouri
Box 11 Montana
Box 12 New Hampshire
Box 12 New Jersey
Box 12 New York
Box 12 North Carolina
Box 12 North Dakota
Box 12 Ohio
Box 12 Oklahoma
Box 12 Oregon
Box 12 Pennsylvania
Box 12 South Carolina
Box 12 South Dakota
Box 12 Tennessee
Box 12 Texas
Box 12 Utah
Box 12 Virginia
Box 12 Washington
Box 12 Washington, D. C.
Box 12 West Virginia
Box 12 Wisconsin
Box 12 Miscellaneous (no state)
Children's letters Nov 1955-Sep 1959
Box 13 Alabama
Box 13 Arizona
Box 13 Arkansas
Box 13 California
Box 13 Connecticut
Box 13 Delaware
Box 13 England
Box 13 Florida
Box 13 Georgia
Box 13 Hawaii
Box 13 Illinois
Box 13 Indiana
Box 13 Iowa
Box 13 Kansas
Box 13 Kentucky
Box 13 Louisiana
Box 13 Massachusetts
Box 13 Michigan
Box 13 Minnesota
Box 13 Mississippi
Box 13 Missouri
Box 13 Maryland
Box 13 Nebraska
Box 13 New Hampshire
Box 13 New Jersey
Box 13 New Mexico
Box 14 New York
Box 14 New York
Box 14 North Africa
Box 14 North Carolina
Box 14 North Dakota
Box 14 Ohio (2 folders)
Box 14 Oklahoma
Box 14 Oregon
Box 14 Pennsylvania
Box 14 Rhode Island
Box 14 South Carolina
Box 14 Tennessee
Box 14 Texas
Box 14 Virginia
Box 14 Washington
Box 14 West Virginia
Box 14 Wisconsin
Box 14 Miscellaneous (no state)
Children's letters Oct 1959-Jul 1963
Box 15 Alabama
Box 15 Arkansas
Box 15 Australia
Box 15 California
Box 15 Colorado
Box 15 Canada
Box 15 Connecticut
Box 15 Delaware
Box 15 Florida
Box 15 Georgia
Box 15 Hawaii
Box 15 Idaho
Box 15 Illinois
Box 15 Indiana
Box 15 Iowa
Box 15 Iowa
Box 15 Kansas
Box 15 Kentucky
Box 15 Louisiana
Box 15 Maryland
Box 15 Massachusetts
Box 15 Michigan
Box 16 Minnesota
Box 16 Mississippi
Box 16 Missouri
Box 16 Montana
Box 16 Nebraska
Box 16 New Jersey
Box 16 New Mexico
Box 16 New York
Box 16 New York
Box 16 North Carolina
Box 16 North Dakota
Box 16 Ohio
Box 16 Oklahoma
Box 16 Oregon
Box 16 Pennsylvania
Box 16 Philippines
Box 16 Rhode Island
Box 16 South Carolina
Box 16 Tennessee
Box 16 Texas
Box 16 Vermont
Box 16 Virginia
Box 16 Washington
Box 16 Washington, D. C.
Box 16 Wisconsin
Box 16 Miscellaneous (no state)
Oversize 4 Scrapbooks - made for Lois Lenski by children from schools in Florida, Ohio and Minnesota (3 items)
Subject file
Box 17 Biographical material
Box 17 Lois Lenski, An Appreciation, University of North Carolina Press 1962
Box 17 Articles about Lenski
Box 17 Photo album, family
Box 17 Lithographs, original 1932 (4 items)
Box 17 Linoleum block prints (19 items)
Box 17 Woodcuts, original (3 items)
Box 17 Illustrations by Lenski
Box 17 Exhibitions
Box 17 Publisher's brochures
Box 17 Notes for art lectures - holograph

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