Kannast ekki við drauma-pakkann sem Björgólfur sagði frá -

Nokkru eftir bankahrunið fullyrti Björgólfur Thor Björgólfsson í Kompási að ef stjórnvöld hefðu tryggt þáverandi Landsbanka 200 milljón pund hefðu Bresk stjórnvöld keyrt í gegn flýtimeðferð og komið ábyrgðum af Icesave inn í Breska lögsögu. Stjórnvöld hefðu klikkað á þessu. Þessi fullyrðing er þeim mun afdrifaríkari að menn áætla nú að Íslandi þurfi að taka á sig í námunda við 600 til 700 milljarða króna skuldbindingar vegna Icesave - en 200 milljón pund er aðeins brot af þessu eða um 33 milljarðar á núverandi gengi en um 44 milljarðar ágenginu 8. október sl.

Ég vildi kanna sannleiksgildi þessara fullyrðinga Björgólfs Thors og sendi fyrirspurnir í þeim tilgangi. Og fékk svör. Kastljós hagnýtti sér svörin í kvöld. Hér fyrir neðan eru fyrirspurnirnar og svörin.

FYRIRSPURN FÞG til Breska fjármálaráðuneytisins  7. Janúar:

From: Friðrik Þór Guðmundsson []
Sent: 7. janúar 2009 17:40
To: ''
Subject: Query regarding Landsbanki freezing Order

HM Treasury

1 Horse Guards Road,

London SW1A 2HQ

Dear Hannah Gurga.

Reference is made to you as regards "any queries regarding" the use of "powers available under Part 2 of the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001" against Icelandic bank Landsbanki (plus Authorites and the Government of Iceland) in October last. (I refer to:

My query, with reference to the Freedom of Information Act, is as follows:

Can you confirm or deny that ín the days and weeks prior to the Freezing Order an understanding had been reached between UK (FSA and/or HM Treasury) and Landsbanki (now former) owners that if Landsbanki and/or Iceland would put 200 million GBP into the relevant Deposit Insurance Fund (or as a guarantee in some other form) then the FSA/HM Treasury would hasten changes made to the status of Landsbanki branch and UK take over the rest of the guarantees? In other words; If Landsbanki got a 200 million GBP loan from the Icelandic Government (Federal reserve bank or otherwise) to this effect then Iceland would not have to worry anymore about Icesave deposit guarantees?

In an answer to this query it would be essential to receive copies of relevant documentation that confirm this, unless this can be categorically denied.

As regards sources for this "story" I point out, that one of the two main owners (now former) of Landsbanki at the time, mr. Bjorgolfur Thor Bjorgolfsson (aka Thor Bjorgolfsson) has openly state this as a fact, in TV news-show Kompas (Icelandic) and statements in late October last.

Please respond to this query as soon as possible. If for any reasons you are NOT the right person to answer, then please forward this to such a person or agency with CC to me.

Please confirm that you have recieved this Query.

Best regards and happy new year,

Fridrik Thor Gudmundsson

journalist (free-lance)

SVAR Breska fjármálaráðuneytisins 5. Febrúar er í VIÐHENGDRI PDF SKRÁ


FYRIRSPURN FÞG til FSA 10. febrúar:

From: Friðrik Þór Guðmundsson []

Sent: 10. febrúar 2009 13:43

To: ''

Subject: FW: FOI Iceland bank

 Good people of FSA.

I am fridrik Thor Gudmundsson, free-lance journalist in Iceland and I hereby send you a query with reference to the Freedom of Information Act of 2000.

I refer to the attached response from HM Treasury to my query. HMT has told me that its response does not apply to the FSA, despite the wording of my query. My query to the FSA is the same as to HMT:

"Can you confirm or deny that ín the days and weeks prior to the Freezing Order an understanding had been reached between UK (FSA and/or HM Treasury) and Landsbanki (now former) owners that if Landsbanki and/or Iceland would put 200 million GBP into the relevant Deposit Insurance Fund (or as a guarantee in some other form) then the FSA/HM Treasury would hasten changes made to the status of Landsbanki branch and UK take over the rest of the guarantees? In other words; If Landsbanki got a 200 million GBP loan from the Icelandic Government (Federal reserve bank or otherwise) to this effect then Iceland would not have to worry anymore about Icesave deposit guarantees?

In an answer to this query it would be essential to receive copies of relevant documentation that confirm this, unless this can be categorically denied".

Because of media coverage in Iceland it is essential and would be gratefully appreciated if you could send me a response ASAP. In the Media here in Iceland the former main owner of Landsbanki, B. Thor Bjorgolfsson, has clearly stated that Hector Sans was personally involved in this matter.

Please confirm forthwith that you have recieved this query and what I may expect as regards a response.

Best regards,

Fridrik Thor Gudmundsson

Free-lance journalist


SVAR Breska Fjármálaeftirlitisins 27. febrúar:

Our ref:  FOI1152

Dear Mr Gudmundsson

Freedom of Information: Right to know request

Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act), for the following information.

"Can you confirm or deny that ín the days and weeks prior to the Freezing Order an understanding had been reached between UK (FSA and/or HM Treasury) and Landsbanki (now former) owners that if Landsbanki and/or Iceland would put 200 million GBP into the relevant Deposit Insurance Fund (or as a guarantee in some other form) then the FSA/HM Treasury would hasten changes made to the status of Landsbanki branch and UK take over the rest of the guarantees? In other words; If Landsbanki got a 200 million GBP loan from the Icelandic Government (Federal reserve bank or otherwise) to this effect then Iceland would not have to worry anymore about Icesave deposit guarantees?

 In an answer to this query it would be essential to receive copies of relevant documentation that confirm this, unless this can be categorically denied".

Following a search of our paper and electronic records I can inform you that we do not hold the information you are seeking.   This is because no such agreement was entered into.

If you have any queries please contact me.

Yours sincerely

Sandra Collins (Mrs)
Information Access Team
Financial Services Authority

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