Litvania, the land of litvins (not Lithuania) -- Litva, ziamla licvinaw -- citizens of Litvania -- the new Belarus

  • ️Uladzimir Katkouski, Alesia Piasieckaja

Welcome to the Litvania page, the virtual refuge for all citizens of the Grand Duchy of Litvania (GDL)! Belarusians, Poles, Ukrainians, Lithuanians and other nationals are all very welcome to join our virtual community! We have lost all our files due too computer crash a couple weeks ago, hence we were not able to update for several weeks for which we apologize. Please, write your suggestions to

Pahonia, Litvanian Belarusian Coat of Arms News in one line: 29th of September we celebrated the 470th anniversary of the introduction of the First Litvanian Statute. The main law of GDL, the most progressive constitution in Europe at that time.

Here are our latest news and updates:

December 7th, 1999 -- we added Weather (Nadvorje) in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania -- see current weather conditions in Vilnia, Miensk, Kyiw, Horadnia, Brest-Litowsk and more.

December 5th, 1999 -- dadali kolki novych licvinskich anekdtotaw u sekcuju -- Zarty.

December 3rd, 1999 -- Pan Tadevusz (Pan Tadeusz) -- a sensational record-breaking movie by Andrzej Wajda, the remake based on Adam Mickievicz's (Mickiewicz's) masterpiece came out in Poland. Read our report here.

November 22th, 1999 -- we added two images. First, a map of Grunwald (Hrunvald) battle (84 KB). The battle took place on July, 15, 1410. Vitawt's Litvanian army together with Polish and Tatar help defeated mighty German crusaders of Teutonic Order. The second image is the geneological tree Kniaskaje Dreva" (Dukes' Tree) (45 KB, 1900x1410 pixels). The tree shows interrelation between Litvanian Grand Dukes and Polacak (Polotsk) Dukes.

November 20th, 1999 -- you can suggest your web-site to our links collection "Quo Vadis?" by filling out an on-line form.

October 31st, 1999 -- new question for survey in Voting or Apytannie section. Our second question is: "What is the role of Rzecz Pospolita (Polish-Litvanian Commonwealth) at the end of 20th century?"

October 30th, 1999 -- lots of new messages were added to our Vodhuki or What You Wrote section, which is essentially our feedback or guestbook service. One of the Litvania's main objectives was to ignite, to renew the discussions of our historical heritage, and thus your feedback is invaluable for all of us, Litvins.

October 27th, 1999 -- we offer to make a link to us. Here you can find detailed instructions on how to make a link -- Licvinskija Banery.

October 25th, 1999 -- we added the image of the Alphabet (Abeceda) and a historical review of Lacinka usage (in English) to the Language section.

October 23th, 1999 -- no more anonymity. Meet our web team -- Licvinski Ekip.

October 22th, 1999 -- we added a Linguistic Survey or Lingvistycznaje Apytannie of using Latin script in Litvanian language. The questions are in Litvanian only. Please tell us how You write.

October 21th, 1999 -- network is being restructured, so Internet connection is not regular. We apologize if you couldn't reach us. According to Sysadmin, the problems should be completely solved by Tuesday, 27th of October.

October 15th, 1999 -- we added a Dictionary of Latin heritage in Litvanian language.

October 14th, 1999 -- we extended our Links or Spasylki section. Quo vadis?

October 11th, 1999 -- we created Voting or Apytannie page. Our first question: "Who was the most influential Great Duke?"

October 10th, 1999 -- we added the feedback section What You Wrote.

October 9th, 1999 -- we added two new sections: Litvanian Library and Litvanian Music.

October 7th, 1999 -- we added The Quiz to test your knowledge of GDL.

October 4th, 1999 -- we scanned and added portraits of all dukes to our gallery of Great Dukes.

October 1st, 1999 -- this web-site went into operation.

September 25th, 1999 -- the First Litvanian congress takes place in Miensk.

September 2nd, 1999 -- we registered a mail list You can see the postings and info here: You can join the list by writing an email to

August, 2nd, 1999 -- we registered on the free server

June-July, 1999 -- Andrus Juzkievicz and Viktus Nahnibiada carried out an advertising campaign through Nasza Niva newspaper. The objective of the campaign was to draw attention of litvins and unite them under the umbrella of some organization.

Mir Castle
Castle in Mir, Western Belarus

Can not find what you are looking for? Try our poszuk system:

NB: Jan H., jaki pryjszow z IP i zaraz znachodzicca w Maskvie, kali laska napiszycie svoj e-mail dla zvarotnaj suviazi! Pieraczytala Vasz list try razy -- vielmi zachaplalna, z impetam! Nam duza da spadoby vasz scenar "Kapitana Granta". Vychodzcie na suviaz! Alesia