Gates of Masjid an-Nabawi - Madain Project (en)

The "gates of Masjid an-Nabawi" are the 42 gates of the Prophet's Mosque in Medina, that provide access to the inner roofed complex of the mosque. This page enlists all the inner gates [see N2] of Masjid an-Nabawi (بوابات المسجد النبوي). Today the Prophet's Mosque has total 42 gates, which provide access in to the main building complex. The gates of the older, first Saudi expansion were incorporated in to the modern building structure. This list does not include the gates in the perimeter wall, built around the plazas around the central mosque complex.


During different periods, the outer walls of the mosque followed different outlines and had a varying number of gates (doors, portals and entrance ways). For instance, during the time of prophet Muhammad, the original mosque constructed had only three entrances, Bab ul-Rehmah to the south, Bab Jibreel to the west and Bab un-Nisa to the east, although back then these gates were not identified with these names. The dates next to each gate, reference the original known date of installation of that particular gate.

Each of these doors has a stone plaque above it inscribed with the following verse from the Quran: ادْخُلُوهَا بِسَلَامٍ آمِنِينَ udkhuluhā bisalāmin āminīna Enter with peace and security, [Surah al-Hijr, 15:46].

The door panels of the gates are adorned with beautiful geometric, wooden and metal, patterns. Each panel was constructed out of approximately 1600 pieces of teak wood, joined with frames of brass. At the time, more quantity of wood was used in this project than in any other in the world.

The brass work in the door panels is plated with 23 carats gold, and then polished. Each door weighs about 2500 kilograms, but the panels have been installed so precisely that the doors can be opened effortlessly.

Brief History of the Gates of Masjid Nabawi

circa 622-2000 CE

During the first construction of Masjid Nabawi, prophet Muhammad had three gates built in to the mosque. One was named as Bab al-Rehmah, second was called Bab aal-Uthman, and the third was Bab Aatikah. The Bab aal-Uthman was used by the prophet Muhammad to enter the mosque.

During the expansion by the second caliph Umar, the number of the doors was increased to six. Four of these were in the Qibla wall, two on either side of the Qibla. However no change was made to Bab Aatikah and Bab Uthman. An additional gate was installed near the house of Marwan bin Hakam on the south-western corner of the mosque, and was named as Bab as-Salam. Another gate was installed on the eastern side of the mosque, opposite the tomb of the prophet Muhammad, and was named as Bab an-Nisa.

Ibn Najjar mentions that after the expansion of cliph Mehdi the number of gates of the Prophet's Mosque reached to nineteen in addition to the Khukha abi Bakr.

Gates of Second Saudi Expansion

circa 638 CE

Bab as-Salam, Masjid an-Nabawi

Bab as-Salam (Gate no. 1)
The Bab as-Salam (باب السلام), literally meaning the gate of tranquility or peace, is the largest and most decorated gate of Masjid an-Nabawi. It is situated in the north-western corner of Masjid Nabawi's Ottoman prayer hall, which is the oldest part of the mosque. It was originally built during the time of Caliph Omar, circa 640 CE (18 Hijri), in the western wall of the mosque. During the various extensions of the mosque, this door was also moved westwards in the same line where it originally stood. Behind the modern day facade which was built during the first Saudi expansion, older Ottoman facade of the gate along with door panels can still be seen. Although now not in it's original location, it is one of the very first gates of the mosque.

Bab-i abu Bakr Siddique, Masjid an-Nabawi

Bab Abu Bakr (Gate no. 2)
The Bab Abu Bakr (باب ابو بكر), meaning the Gate of Abu Bakr, lies next to the Bab as-Salam, towards the north. This door is also known as the "Khukha Abu Bakr" possibly named after the narby house of prophet Muhammad's companion Abu Bakr. Initially it may have been a smaller entrance in to the mosque because; according to ibn Hajr "Small door is called Khukhah" it was near the fifth column west of the pulpit. This door was also moved westwards along the same line during the subsequent expansions of the mosque. During the first expansion by the Saudi Government, its name was changed from Khukha Abi Bakr to Bab Abu Bakr.

circa 622 CE

Bab ur Rehmah, Masjid an-Nabawi

Bab al-Rahmah (Gate no. 3)
The Bab al-Rahmah (باب الرحمة), is one of the three oldest gates of Masjid an-Nabawi. It was originally installed by Prophet Muhammad in the western wall. During the lifetime of prophet Muhammad, this gate was located in front of the house of 'Atika bint 'Abdullah bin Yazeed (عاتكة بنت عبد الله بن يزيد), it was sometimes called Bab Atika as well. It is about the same size of Bab as-Salam, but less decorated. During the various expansions of the mosque, it was moved westward in line with its original position.

Bab Hijrah, Masjid an-Nabawi

Bab al-Hijrah (Gate no. 4)
The Bab al-Hijrah (باب الهجرة), meaning the gate of migration (to Medina) is a double (twin) arched gate, situated in the southern wall of the Second Saudi Expansion, to the left of the bab al-Rahmah. It is named in memory of the tradition of Hijrah of prophet Muhammad from Mecca in 622 CE. Originally this gate had only two portals (inspect), but recently two more portals were west of these two, bringing the total number of portals to four.

circa 1985 CE

Bab Quba, Masjid an-Nabawi

Bab Quba (Gate no. 5)
The Bab Quba (باب قباء), literally the Gate of Quba, is located in the southern wall of the second expansion. It is named after Quba, a small village on the outskirts of Medina, which was located some 5 kilometers south of Masjid Nabawi. It is a triple arched gateway. It is located on the south-western flank of the Masjid an-Nabawi's King Fahad bin Abdulaziz block. It was first constructed during the second expansion.

circa 1985 CE

Bab Malik Saud, Masjid an-Nabawi

Bab Malik al-Saud (Gate no. 7, 8, 9)
The Bab Malik al-Saud (باب ملك آل سعود), literally meaning the gate of King al-Saud, is named after Saud bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, who commissioned the first saudi expansion of prophet's mosque. The gate has seven portals in total, two large on the flanks and five smaller. It is located on the south-western corner of the King Fahad expansion. It has a single minaret on it's southern flank, which is one of the six tallest minarets of the Masjid an-Nabawi.

Bab-i Imam Bukhari, Masjid an-Nabawi

Bab Imam Bukhari (Gate no. 10)
The Bab Imam Bukhari (باب الإمام البخاري), named after Imam al-Bukhari is located on the western flank of Masjid. It provides access to the Maktab Masjid Nabawi (the library of the Prophet's Mosque) as well. It is located between the Bab Malik al-Saud and Bab Malik abdul Majeed.

Bab ul-Aqeeq, Masjid Nabawi

Bab al-Aqeeq (Gate no. 11)
The Bab al-Aqiq (باب العقيق), is located on the western side of Masjid Nabawi. It was named after the Wadi al-Aqeeq, which runs along the western boundary of Medina. The Wadi al-Aqeeq is one of the notable valleys of Medina, where dwellings of several prominent companions were situated. The Qasr Urwah, which may have originally belonged to Sahabi Urwah ibn Zubair also stood here. It is one of the smaller portals of Masjid Nabawi.

circa 1861 CE

Bab Sultan Abdul Majeed, Masjid an-Nabawi

Bab al-Majeedi (Gate no. 12, 13, 14)
The Bab al-Majeedi (باب المجيدي) is located on the north-western flank of the second Saudi expansion by Malik Fahad. The Bab Sultan 'Abdul Majeed also known as Bab Majeedi was moved in the north-western corner of the Fahad bin Abdul Aziz expansion. Today the gate has five smaller portals and 2 large portals and only one minaret on the southern side which merges in to Bab Omar ibn al-Khattab of Masjid an-Nabawi.

Bab-i Umar ibn al-Khattab, Masjid an-Nabawi

Bab Umar ibn al-Khattab (Gate no. 16, 17, 18)
The Bab Umar ibn ul-Khattab (باب عمر بن الخطاب), meaning the gate of Umar son of Khattab, is situated in the northern wall, close to the north-western corner of the main complex. It provides access to the mosque's library as well. The first Bab Umar (installed during the first Saudi Expansion) is located on the north-western corner of the Malik Abdulaziz expansion, but after the Malik Fahad expansion the gate on the new north-western corner was named again Bab Umar.

Bab e Badr, Masjid e Nabawi

Bab Badr (Gate no. 19)
The Bab Badr (باب بدر), meaning the gate of Badr, is located in the northern wall of the mosque, between the Bab Malik Fahad to the east (left) and Bab Umar ibn al-Khattab to the west (right). It is a single portal entrance, above the gate; a verse from the Surah al-Hijar is engraved in marble, "Enter within in peace (be safe and secure)"... (Quran 15:46).

Bab-i al-Malik Fahad, Masjid al-Haram

Bab Malik al-Fahad (Gate no. 20, 21, 22)
The Bab Malik al-Fahad (باب ملك الفهد), meaning the gate of King Fahad, is the main entrance to the Prophet's Mosque from the north. It is named after Fahd of Saudi Arabia, malik Fahd bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, who was the King of Saudi Arabia from 1982 to 2005. It is the largest gate of Masjid Nabawi, and the only gate to have two minarets and seven doors. The King Fahad Gate is topped by five domes. The minarets flanking the gate are two of the six tallest minarets installed during the second expansion.

Bab-i Ohad, Masjid al-Haram

Bab Ohad (Gate no. 23)
The Bab Ohad (بابِ احد), situated in the northern wall of the Masjid Nabawi is named after the Valley of Uhud where the Battle of Uhud was fought between the early Muslims and their Qurayshi Meccan rivals in 625 CE. It is also one of the smaller gates of the mosque. The barriers seen here are foot traffic moderators and are used only in high concentration areas of the mosque, otherwise the gates and doors are kept clear of such traffic regulators.

Bab-i Uthman ibn Affan, Masjid an-Nabawi

Bab Uthman ibn Affan (Gate no. 24, 25, 26)
The Bab Uthman ibn Affan (باب عثمان ابنِ عفان), is named after the companion of prophet Muhammad who is also known as Uthman Ghani. The gate is located in the northern wall of the second Saudi Expansion near the north-eastern corner. With two large and five central portals it is one of the seven largest gates of the prophet's mosque. It is one of the two gates that allow direct access to the north-eastern women's section of prophet's mosque.

Bab Ali ibn abi Talib, Masjid an-Nabawi

Bab 'Ali ibn Abi Talib (Gate no. 28, 29, 30)
The Bab 'Ali ibn Abi Talib (باب على ابن ابى طالب), is located in the eastern wall of the Masjid an-Nabawi. It is one of the largest seven largest gates. The Bab 'Ali is named after the companion and first cousin of prophet Muhammad, Ali ibn abu Talib. It is one of the larger gates of the mosque.

Bab-i abu Zar Ghaffari, Masjid an-Nabawi

Bab Abu Zar Ghaffari (Gate no. 31)
The Bab Abu Zar Ghaffari (باب ابو زر غفارى), is named after a companion of prophet Muhammad who is believed to be the fourth (or fifth) person to embrace Islam. Abu Dhar is remembered for his strict piety and also his opposition to Muawiyah I during the caliph Uthman ibn Affan's era. The gate is located in the eastern wall of King Fahad expansion between the Bab 'Abdulaziz (left) and Bab 'Ali (right). It is also one of the smaller gates of the Prophet's Mosque, having just one portal.

Imam Muslim Gate of Masjid Nabawi.

Bab Imam Muslim (Gate no. 32)
The Bab Imam Muslim (باب الإمام مسلم), is named after an Islamic scholar from the city of Nishapur (early Khorasan and present day Iran). One of the smaller single portal gate of the mosque it is located along the eastern wall. It is sitated adjacent to the Abu Dhar Ghiffari Gate, which also provides escalator facility to access the upper level of the mosque. It is one of the only two gates named after scholars of Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh), other being the Gate of Imam al-Bukhari.

King Abdul Aziz Gate, Masjid an-Nabawi

Bab Malik 'Abdulaziz (Gate no. 33, 34, 35)
The Bab Malik 'Abdulaziz (باب الملك عبد العزيز), is one of the largest gates of the Masjid an-Nabawi. In total it has five small and two large portals for entry and exit. It is named after Abdulaziz ibn Saud. It is located on the south-east corner of the King Fahad expansion. The gate has one minaret on the southern side.

Bab-i Makkah, Masjid an-Nabawi

Bab Makkah (Gate no. 37)
The Bab Makkah (باب مكة), literally meaning the Gate of Mecca or the Meccan Gate, is located on the southern side of the main Malik Fahad expansion building. The Mecca Gate is named after the city of Mecca, and is located in the same direction. It is one of the two identical gates of the mosque, both located in the southern wall of the second Saudi Expansion, other being the Bab Quba, located on the southern flank of the Shah Fahad expansion. It is a triple arched gate, conforming to the architectural patterns of first expansion.

Bab-i Bilal, Masjid an-Nabawi

Bab Bilal (Gate no. 38)
The Bab Bilal (باب بلال), meaning the gate of Bilal, is named after Bilal ibn Rabah al-Habashi; the first Muazzin of Islam. It is located on the southern flank of the mosque's most recent expansion by king Fahad. Today the gate has four doors or portal for access but originally when it was constructed during the Second Saudi Expansion it was a smaller gate (inspect) with only two doors with single arch over each one.

circa 639 CE
circa 17 Hijri

Bab-un Nisa, Masjid an-Nabawi

Bab an-Nisa (Gate no. 39)
The Bab an-Nisa (باب النساء), meaning the gate of women, was originally installed during the caliphate of Umar ibn Khattab. The al-Nisa Gate, was designated for the use of ladies to enter and leave the mosque premises, hence the name. Although, built to provide ease of access to the women at the time it was used by both, men and women. But during the time of Umar bin Abdul Aziz it was exclusively assigned for and used by the ladies. The current architecture of the gate is greatly reminiscent of the Ottoman design of the eastern gates. It is one of the three gates located, along the eastern wall of Masjid Nabawi, closest to the tomb of prophet Muhammad.

Bab-i Jibraeel, Masjid an-Nabawi

Bab Jibrīl (Gate no. 40)
The Bab Jibrīl (باب جبرائـﻴل), meaning the Gate of Gabriel, also known as Bab un-Nabi, is situated along the eastern wall of the Ottoman prayer hall of Masjid Nabawi. It is located between the Bab al-Baqi (to the south) and Bab al-Nisa to the north. It is known as the Bab Jibrīl (also spelled Jibreel) because according to tradition, angel Gabriel used to enter Prophet's Mosque through this gate. According to Samhoudi it has been moved east-wards during many expansions of the mosque.

c. 1988 CE
c. 1408 Hj.

Bab-i Baqi, Masjid an-Nabawi

Bab al-Baqi' (Gate no. 41)
The Bab al-Baqi' (باب البقيع), meaning the Gate of Baqi', is located closest to the Prophet Muhammad's burial chamber, along the eastern wall of the older Ottoman prayer hall. The gate of Baqi' faces the Baqi' ul-Gharqad, the historic Islamic cemetery situated east of the mosque. It is located directy inline with the Bab as-Salam and a passage running alond the Qibla Wall to connect the two. The gate is topped with one minaret. There are two Arabic inscriptions, one on the lintel and the other on the upper architrave. The facade of the gate is flanked by two columns.

Bab-ul Aiymah or Bab ul-Janayez, Masjid an-Nabawi

Bab ul-Aimah (Gate no. 42)
The Bab ul-Aimah (باب الأئمة), meaning the Gate of the Imams (also spelled as Bab al-Aiymah), is a small gate located on the southern side of the Masjid an-Nabawi and allows entrance to the Rawdah Rasool section. It is also known as Bab ul-Janayez, meaning gate of the funerals. It is mainly used by Imams and opens up closely to the Mihrab Uthmani, which became the principal mihrab after the expansion of the mosque by the third caliph Uthman.

Gates of First Saudi Expansion

Bab 'Abdulmajid
The Bab 'Abdulmajid (باب عبد المجيد) of first Saudi Expansion of Masjid an-Nabawi, named after Ottoman Sultan Abdulmajid I. It was the central gate on the northen flank of Masjid Nabawi, now it has been incorporated with in the mosque during the second Saudi expansion.

Bab Uthman
The Bab Uthman of first Saudi Expansion of Masjid an-Nabawi was named after the third caliph of Islam Uthman ibn Affan. During the second Saudi expansion (circa 1980s) it was incorporated within the larger complex of the current mosque.

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  • N1: Change of Title
    The title of this article was changed to "Gates of Masjid an-Nabawi" from "Gates of Masjid al-Nabawi" to reflect more correct and commonly used name spelling for the Prophet's Mosque in Medina. Please see the edit history of previous article title here on the web archive.
  • N2
    The inner gates of the Prophet's Mosque are the gates that provide access to the roofed complex of the mosque. The entire perimeter, that includes the surrounding courtyards as wel, is also enclosed in a low wall, punctuated with gates.

See Also


  • Ariffin, Syed Ahmad Iskandar Syed. Architectural Conservation in Islam: Case Study of the Prophet's Mosque. Penerbit UTM. ISBN 978-983-52-0373-2.
  • Pathway to greet Prophet Mohammad at Al-Masjid an-Nabawi ready for visitors. (2018, May 16). Al-Arabiya English. Retrieved April 4, 2019.
  • Ameen, F. (2014). TASBIH BAITULLAH: Catatan sebuah perjalanan suci bersama Anak Syurga. Retrieved April 4, 2019, from Google books.
  • Damluji, Salma Samar, ed. The Architecture of the Prophet's Holy Mosque, Al Madinah. London: Hazar Publishing Limited, 1998.
  • Hillenbrand, Robert. Islamic Architecture, Form Function and Meaning, 72-73. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1994.
  • Michell, George, ed. Architecture of the Islamic World, 210. London: Thames and Hudson, 1978.