Collecting Outlaws of Thunder Junction

Outlaws of Thunder Junction Key Details

There's plenty for you to discover in Outlaws of Thunder Junction, including more card sets and expansion symbols than usual.

Outlaws of Thunder Junction set logo

Outlaws of Thunder Junction expansion symbol

OTJ Expansion Symbol

Outlaws of Thunder Junction Commander expansion symbol
OTC Expansion Symbol

Outlaws of Thunder Junction Breaking News expansion symbol
OTP Expansion Symbol

Outlaws of Thunder Junction The Big Score expansion symbol
BIG Expansion Symbol

Special Guests expansion symbol
SPG Expansion Symbol

Outlaws of Thunder Junction Set Code: OTJ

Outlaws of Thunder Junction Commander Set Code: OTC

Breaking News Set Code: OTP

The Big Score Set Code: BIG

Special Guests Set Code: SPG


  • Outlaws of Thunder Junction (OTJ) and The Big Score (BIG) are Standard-legal sets.
  • Outlaws of Thunder Junction Commander (OTC), Breaking News (OTP), and Special Guests (SPG) are Commander-, Legacy-, and Vintage-legal sets, and individual cards are also legal where already available in other formats.
  • Outlaws of Thunder Junction Play Boosters contain cards with the following set codes: OTJ, OTP, BIG, and SPG. These cards are playable in Outlaws of Thunder Junction Draft and Sealed when opened from Play Boosters.

Website: Outlaws of Thunder Junction

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Card Set Info

Outlaws of Thunder Junction (OTJ) contains 81 commons, 100 uncommons, 60 rares, and 20 mythic rares. In addition, OTJ contains 5 basic lands, each with 3 unique variations. OTJ also has 54 art cards.

Each Outlaws of Thunder Junction booster also contains a Breaking News card (OTP). The Breaking News cards are all reprints. You can play Breaking News cards in the formats where they're already legal as well as OTJ Sealed and Draft. (Every Breaking News card satisfies the committing a crime mechanic, which is handy when playing with many Outlaws of Thunder Junction cards.) There are 65 Breaking News cards: 20 uncommons, 30 rares, and 15 mythic rares. Each Play Booster contains a Breaking News card.

Outlaws of Thunder Junction boosters can also contain cards from The Big Score (BIG). Oko came to Thunder Junction to rob the vault, a magical vault floating in the sky, and you'll share in the spoils. The Big Score consists of cards from the vault. There are 30 mythic rares in The Big Score, and you'll be able to find them on The List for Outlaws of Thunder Junction.

You'll find cards from The List more frequently in Outlaws of Thunder Junction Play Boosters than in Murders at Karlov Manor Play Boosters. You can find a card from The List in 1 out of 5 Play Boosters. The List for OTJ has 40 cards: 30 cards from The Big Score and 10 Special Guests cards (SPG). Special Guests cards are reprints with new art reimagined in the style of Thunder Junction, often featuring extremely snazzy hats. You'll find a non-foil Special Guests card in 1 out of 64 Play Boosters. Traditional foil Special Guests cards can be found in Collector Boosters.

Outlaws of Thunder Junction Booster Fun

Western Landscape Basic Lands

There are 5 Western landscape basic lands showing off the plane of Thunder Junction:

0272_MTGOTJ_BsLdWest: Plains 0273_MTGOTJ_BsLdWest: Island

0274_MTGOTJ_BsLdWest: Swamp 0275_MTGOTJ_BsLdWest: Mountain 0276_MTGOTJ_BsLdWest: Forest

Each Collector Booster contains a traditional foil Western landscape land. You can also open the Western landscape basic lands in Play Boosters. You can find a Western landscape basic land in 1 out of 6 Play Boosters; 1 in 5 of the Western landscape basic lands you open in Play Boosters will be traditional foil.

Wanted Posters

Oko's crew is wanted on Thunder Junction, as you can see from the wanted poster treatment:

0291_MTGOTJ_Wanted: Annie Flash, the Veteran 0294_MTGOTJ_Wanted: Kellan, the Kid

There are a total of 13 cards wanted in association with Oko: 5 rares and 8 mythic rares. Each can be found in Play Boosters and Collector Boosters in both traditional foil and non-foil. As you might expect, Oko's one of the folks who is wanted, but Oko's poster is twice as scarce as the other wanted poster mythic rares. This is because there's another Booster Fun version of Oko—a borderless version—and in general, our heuristic is to maintain the relative ratios of "Booster Fun versions of Oko" with "Booster Fun versions of other mythic rares." This means that if a card has multiple Booster Fun treatments, you're less likely to open any particular version, but you're just as likely to open a Booster Fun version of Oko as any other card overall.

Borderless Cards

0305_MTGOTJ_BrdlsPW: Oko, the Ringleader 0306_MTGOTJ_BdlsJace: Jace Reawakened

Speaking of borderless cards, Outlaws of Thunder Junction has 7 borderless cards: 5 rares and 2 mythic rares. Borderless cards can be opened in Play Boosters and Collector Boosters in both traditional foil and non-foil. As mentioned above, the borderless Oko is twice as scarce as the other borderless mythic rares. Four additional borderless cards can be found in the Outlaws of Thunder Junction Commander set (OTC). The 10 Special Guests cards from Outlaws of Thunder Junction make up the additional borderless cards. These Special Guests cards can be found in non-foil in Play Boosters and traditional foil in Collector Boosters.

Breaking News

0011_MTGOTJ_CrimeBns: Mana Drain 0050_MTGOTJ_CrimeBns: Oko, Thief of Crowns

As mentioned above, each Outlaws of Thunder Junction Play Booster contains a Breaking News card. There are 65 Breaking News cards: 20 uncommons, 30 rares, and 15 mythic rares. You can open them in Play Boosters in both traditional foil and non-foil. Each Outlaws of Thunder Junction Collector Booster also contains at least three Breaking News cards—see below for details.

Textured Foils

0070_MTGOTJ_EclCrime: Thoughtseize 0075_MTGOTJ_EclCrime: Crime // Punishment

There are also textured foil versions of each of the 15 mythic rare Breaking News cards. You may recall the textured foil treatment from Double Masters 2022 and Commander Masters—it adds a unique flair to foils to make them extra-blingy. Outlaws of Thunder Junction's textured foils are exclusive to Collector Boosters.

Extended-Art Cards

0328_MTGOTJ_ExtRM: Tinybones Joins Up 0352_MTGOTJ_ExtRM: The Gitrog, Ravenous Ride

Extended art is also a treatment unique to Collector Boosters. There are 61 extended-art cards in OTJ: 50 rares and 11 mythic rares. The 30 mythic rares in The Big Score have extended-art versions as well. There are 36 additional extended-art cards from Outlaws of Thunder Junction Commander (OTC): 32 rares and 4 mythic rares. These cards can be found in Collector Boosters.

Vault Frame and Raised Foil

The 30 mythic rares from The Big Score also have a special Booster Fun treatment: the vault frame treatment.

0064_MTGOTJ_EpilEclp: Sword of Wealth and Power

This treatment is exclusive to Collector Boosters, where it can be found in both traditional foil and non-foil. Of the vault frame cards, 5 also appear in raised foil with a special elevated golden stamp embedded in the frame to commemorate the shiniest loot from Oko's heist. Raised foils are also exclusive to Collector Boosters.

Outlaws of Thunder Junction Booster Fun Breakdown

Play Boosters

Outlaws of Thunder Junction Play Booster display

Outlaws of Thunder Junction Play Booster Display

Outlaws of Thunder Junction Play Booster Breakdown

Each Outlaws of Thunder Junction Play Booster contains 14 cards and a token/ad card or an art card. You can open the following:

  • 5–6 Commons
    • 20% of Play Boosters contain a card from The List instead of a common.
    • As detailed above, The List for OTJ consists of cards from SPG and BIG.
  • 3 Uncommons
  • 1 Wildcard of any rarity, including OTJ Booster Fun cards
    • In 1 out of 12 Play Boosters, the wildcard is a rare or mythic rare.
  • 1 Rare or mythic rare
    • All 60 rares and 20 mythic rares can be found in this slot. In 2.5% of Play Boosters, you'll open a Booster Fun rare or mythic rare.
  • 1 OTP card that can be uncommon, rare, or mythic rare
    • In 1 out of 3 Play Boosters, this is a rare or mythic rare.
  • 1 Traditional foil card of any rarity
    • This can include Booster Fun cards and OTP cards but doesn't include cards from The List.
  • 1 Land
    • There are 15 total basic lands that can be opened in Play Boosters: 10 regular basic lands and 5 Western landscape basic lands. In addition, there are 10 common dual lands that can be opened in this slot.
    • Half of all Play Boosters contain a common dual land.
      • 1 in 5 of those common dual lands are traditional foil.
    • 1 in 6 Play Boosters contains a Western landscape basic land.
      • 1 in 5 of those Western landscapes is traditional foil.
    • 1 in 3 Play Boosters contains a regular basic land.
      • 1 in 5 of those basic lands is traditional foil.
  • 1 Token/ad card or art card
    • 65% of Play Boosters contain a token/ad card.
    • 30% of Play Boosters contain an art card.
    • 5% of Play Boosters contain an art card stamped with the artist signature or Planeswalker symbol.

Collector Boosters

Outlaws of Thunder Junction Collector Booster display

Outlaws of Thunder Junction Collector Booster Display

Outlaws of Thunder Junction Collector Booster Breakdown

Each Outlaws of Thunder Junction Collector Booster contains 15 cards and a traditional foil double-sided token. Each Collector Booster contains the following:

  • 4 Traditional foil commons
  • 3 Traditional foil uncommons
  • 1 Traditional foil full-art Western landscape basic land
  • 1 Non-foil OTP uncommon
  • 1 Traditional foil OTP uncommon
  • 1 Traditional foil rare or mythic rare from either OTJ or BIG
  • 1 Non-foil borderless, Booster Fun, or extended-art rare or mythic rare
    • This can include cards with the wanted poster, borderless, vault frame, and extended-art treatments from both OTJ and BIG.
  • 1 Non-foil or traditional foil rare or mythic rare from OTC
    • The 4 mythic rare face commanders from OTC can appear in this slot in non-foil. (Only borderless versions of those Commander cards exist.)
    • 36 Other extended-art cards can appear in this slot in non-foil: 32 rares and 4 mythic rares.
    • The 4 mythic rare extended-art Commander cards can also appear in this slot in traditional foil.
  • 1 Non-foil OTP rare or mythic rare
  • 1 Traditional foil Booster Fun rare or mythic rare, OTP rare or mythic rare, SPG mythic rare, textured foil mythic rare, or raised foil mythic rare
    • 42% of Collector Boosters contain an OTJ extended-art rare or mythic rare.*
    • 29% of Collector Boosters contain an OTP rare or mythic rare.
    • 6% of Collector Boosters contain a wanted poster rare or mythic rare.
    • 5% of Collector Boosters contain a BIG extended-art mythic rare.
    • 5% of Collector Boosters contain a BIG vault frame mythic rare.
    • 4% of Collector Boosters contain a borderless rare or mythic rare.
    • 3% of Collector Boosters contain an SPG mythic rare.
    • 1% of Collector Boosters contain a textured foil OTP mythic rare.
      • Note that packaging text says less than 1%, but the 1% stated here is correct.
    • Less than 1% of Collector Boosters contain a raised foil vault frame mythic rare.

*Note: Probabilities don't sum to 100% due to rounding.

Commander Decks

Each Commander deck comes with a ready-to-play 100-card deck, including 2 traditional foil legendary creature cards that can serve as the deck's commander. Each deck contains a total of 10 new-to-Magic cards.

With Outlaws of Thunder Junction, we're moving away from the foil-etched display commanders that we've included in Commander decks in the past. We want to include special versions of each deck's commanders, but player feedback shows that folks would rather have regular-sized cards that match the rest of their decks.

So, each of the "face" legends of these Commander decks is a traditional foil borderless card. These traditional foil versions of the "face" cards can only be found in Outlaws of Thunder Junction Commander decks and the Collector Booster Sample Packs. Non-foil versions can also be found in Collector Boosters.

Each Commander deck also contains the following:

  • 1 Outlaws of Thunder Junction Collector Booster Sample Pack with the following:
    • 1 Traditional foil uncommon Breaking News card
    • 1 Traditional foil or non-foil rare or mythic rare wanted poster variant, Breaking News card, extended-art variant, or borderless variant
  • 10 Double-sided tokens
  • 1 Deck box
  • 1 Life wheel
  • 1 Strategy insert


Outlaws of Thunder Junction Bundle

Outlaws of Thunder Junction Bundle

Each Bundle contains the following:

  • 9 Outlaws of Thunder Junction Play Boosters
  • 1 Traditional foil promo with Bundle-exclusive alternate art
  • 15 Traditional foil basic lands (including five Western landscape basic lands)
  • 15 Non-foil basic lands (including five Western landscape basic lands)
  • 1 Oversized spindown life counter
  • 1 Card-storage box

Prerelease Packs

Outlaws of Thunder Junction Prerelease Pack

Outlaws of Thunder Junction Prerelease Pack

Each Prerelease Pack contains the following:

  • 6 Outlaws of Thunder Junction Play Boosters
  • 1 Traditional foil year-stamped rare or mythic rare Outlaws of Thunder Junction promo card
  • 1 Magic: The Gathering Arena code card (available only in select regions)
  • 1 Deck box
  • 1 Spindown life counter

If you haven't yet, be sure to catch up on the Outlaws of Thunder Junction story for all the latest tales from across this new frontier plane, and you can preorder Outlaws of Thunder Junction at your local game store, online retailers like Amazon, and elsewhere Magic products are sold before the set's worldwide release April 19, 2024.