MAKE Literary Productions, NFP | Issue 4: Sister Cities: The International Issue
Photo of Mona Sasaki courtesy of Fred Sasaki
- Letter to Waffiya by Mahmoud Saeed
- The Crimson Field by Rosie Malek-Yonan
- Saddam and Khamini by Mahmoud Saeed
- In the Time of Dreaming by Ingrid Rojas
- Mike Zapata talks with Aleksandar Hemon
- Gabriel Levinson talks with Eduardo Galeano
- Monologue
- Migrant Song by Shailja Patel
- How Ambi Became Paisley by Shailja Patel
- Arts and Politics, Poland by Michał Zygmunt
- Issei, Nisei, Sansei by Fred Sasaki
- Lonesome Heart and the Failed Community by Aleš Debeljak
- Chicago’s Sister Cities Write Back (Including Web Only Content) Eds. Jaime Calder and Sarah Dodson
- It Happens All the Time (Dogaja se neprenehoma) by PrimožČučnik
- Still (remix of poems and voices) (_e vedno (remiks pesmi in glasov)) by Gregor Podlogar
- Silence Remains (Queda el silencio) by Leda Shiavo
- Poem of Intervention _ Tongue (Wiersz interwencyjny _ Jezyk) by Adam Wiedmann)
Exegi Monumentum by Ilya Kutik and Reginald Gibbons