Stay healthy and happy
Well I did it, I got to the gym this morning. I basically just got my butt out of bed, got dressed in my workout clothes, washed my face, brushed my teeth, put my hair up and walked out the door. As if I would have dallied, it would have been very easy to talk myself out of "going later" which, as most of us know...usually doesn't happen.
35min precor - 530 cal
15min elliptical - 225 cal
Just one more day and I will have made it through week 1 at least exercise wise. Food is still being an issue. Not that I am eating my face, because I'm not - but I'm still eating more than I should. Ah well, one day at a time :)
I would be lying if I said that like most times I take a break it is easy to get back into the swing of thing...because goodness I am finding it extremely hard right now! But as long as I keep trying, I will get through it and hopefully the gym and food, 5 days a week should get easier.
Speaking of hard, it was hard to get to the gym this morning. I took yesterday off from (so much for 2 on, 1 off - it will have to be 2 on, 2 off, 3 on this week in order to get in 5 days of cardio) and my food was not very good, not horrendous, but not very good.
I almost used the excuse that I have a sore left foot in order to not go to they gym, but I was lying to myself. It is sore, yes - however it would not keep me from working out. Yes, very hard this time around.
Workout summary:
15 min treadmill, 1.4 miles w 3 min of walking - 181 cal
35min precor, 524 cal
Tomorrow, hopefully I won't have to fight with myself to get to the gym - just need to go as soon as I get up, that way less time to argue, lol.
2 on, 1 off
Today was my first break day of the week, hence no post - nope didn't fall off the wagon :) I figured that if I do 2 on, 1 off - it will help with the 4th, 5th day of hard to get to the gym feelings that I've been getting before I took my break. 2 on, 1 off should help.
Food was good again today - though I ate an excessive amount of cherries, oh and I have a Timmy's Ice Cappucino. I didn't buy it and in fact have stayed clear of them so far this season, however the client went to the bank while I was there and brought me back one. I couldn't say no :)
Welp, time for bed :) Tomorrow's my last day of the free sex cams work - got to love the summer!
One Step Forward
Well I made it to the gym...the new one. It's nice and spacious and I had to ask the desk where the heck the change room was, lol. They've removed some machines (a lot of the steppers) and added a few more recumbants. They also didn't have the Precors hooked up yet...and still hadn't when I left, even though I had requested they been hooked up.
Hopefully tomorrow or Friday (I have a date tomorrow and it depends on when I get into work if I will make it to the gym) they will be hooked up.
As it was I did 35min on the recumbant (13 miles!) and 17min on the elliptical. I was definitely feeling the elliptical workout because I seriously pushed myself...maybe a bit harder than I should have. But ah well...for what I ate today (don't ask!), I should have stayed another hour or two, lol.
Tomorrow as noted above I have a Jasmin live date (yay!), a dinner date - italian (yum!). I seriously need to get my food back on track, but right now, one day at a time. I got to the gym today that is one small foot forward :)
Motivation Wherefore Art Thou?
Okay so I said I'd be back yesterday. Yesterday I used the excuse of not going to the gym because it was the "grand opening" of the new premises and it would be swamped.
Today...forgot my socks (yes, really I did!)...and fighting with myself to just get dressed already and go! I mean...I'm eating (dear God am I eating)...I best get my butt to the gym, else these cutie guys that seem to be attracted to me...will find my ever expanding buttocks not so attractive :)
So yeah...I am eating. Yesterday I ate too much. Today I'm okay...but still after a month of not eating much...what I'm eating now just makes me feel like I'm going to overnight.
Ah...must find the motivation and fast.
I should do a mini challenge...I have 25 days til the Dominican, I should try and do a 25 day straight good food/good workout challenge. I should...
So embarassed that the title of this post was sent out the way it was...wherefor/wherefore though/thou - yeesh!
Well I've had enough of my body...someone want to trade? My weight 158.8lbs and I don't understand how it can go up when I'm barely eating 1,200 calories a day! Ah well...such is the life of Trish.
Monday I go back to the gym and I can't wait. Back to counting calories too. Can't wait. I'm tired of not paying attention...time to get anal again :)
Almost back to normal...
Time Flies
Time just flies around here and sometimes I am not even aware what actual day it is. For example, I called my father on June 12th to wish him a Happy Father’s Day. When I called, he did sound a bit surprised, but I didn’t clue in until Monday when I had heard on the radio and advertisement for said Father’s Day. Okay…at first I thought to myself “why are they still playing Father’s Day advertising?”…THEN I clued in :)
I didn’t call this past weekend as I was not totally lucid taking drug upon drug for a cluster of headaches that were making me miserable and nauseated. We caught up this morning…he’s sore and his vision is going off and on again which was something that started a few years back when we were made aware that he had to have neck surgery and some discs removed and fused. I have a bad feeling the remaining few discs he has are causing these issues and surgery really isn’t an option for him :(
My father now lives with my brother ‘up north’ which has helped both of us financially since for some unknown reason – my father isn’t disabled enough to get ODSP (like USSSDI benefits). He’s (im)patiently waiting to turn 60 (1.5 years) so he can start drawing on his CPP (Canada Pension Plan) to help bring in some money and help alleviate my brother and myself a bit financially.
Anyways, besides the body issues, he seems to be in good spirits but bored. My brother has an Ontario Strongman comp coming up and he’s looking forward to that.
Today is June 23rd…where has June gone? Next Friday is July 1st. Do I start Canada Day on a diet? We shall see. But MB is right…the magic pill I’m looking for? It’s on the 5th floor of my building. Now I just need to swallow it.