Methane seeps - Hovland, M., Jensen, S., Fichler, C., 2012. Methane and minor oil macro-seep systems – Their complexity and environmental significance. Marine Geology,
- Hovland, M., 2012. The geomorphology and nature of seabed seepage processes. In Blondel, P., Bathymetry and its application. InTech Open library e-book, Ch. 4, 79-104.
- Leifer, I., Hovland, M., Zemskaya, T., 2011. Two decades of community research on gas in shallow marine sediments, EOS (AGU) 92 (15), 128.
- Wegener, G., Shovitri, M., Knittel, K., Niemann, H., Hovland, M., Boetius, A., 2008. Biogeochemical processes and microbial diversity of the Gullfaks and Tommeliten methane seeps (Northern North Sea). Biogeosciences 5, 1127-1144.
- Hovland, M., 2007. Discovery of prolific natural methane seeps at Gullfaks, northern North Sea. Geo-Marine Letters, DOI 10.1007/s00367-007-0070-6.
- Hovland, M., 2003. Geomorphological, geophysical, and geochemical evidence of fluid flow through the seabed. J. Geochem. Exploration, 78-79, 287-291.
- Judd, A.G., Hovland, M., Dimitrov, L.I., Carcía Gil, S., Jukes, V., 2002. The geological methane budget at continental margins and its influence on climate change. Geofluids, 2, 109-126.
- BOOK: Judd, A.G., Hovland, M., 2007. Submarine Fluid Flow, the Impact on Geology, Biology, and the Marine Environment. Cambridge University Press. 475pp.
- Niemann, H., Elvert, M., Hovland, M., Orcutt, B., Judd, A.G., Suck, I., Gutt, J., Joye, S., Damm, E., Finster, K., Boetius, A., 2005. Methane emission and consumption at a North Sea gas seep (Tommeliten area). Biogeosciences 2, 335-351.
- Hovland, M., 2002. On the self-sealing nature of marine seeps. Continental Shelf Research, 22, 2387-2394.
- Hovland, M., Judd, A., Maisey, G. 1985. North Sea gas feeds the North Sea fisheries. New Scientist, 107 (1468), 26.
- Hovland, M., Sommerville, J. H. 1985. Characteristics of two natural gas seepages in the North Sea. Mar. Petrol. Geol., 2, 319-326.
- Hovland, M. 1984. Gas-induced erosion features in the North Sea. Earth Surf Proc. and Landforms, 9, 209-228.
Pockmarks - Hovland, M., Jensen, S., Indreiten, T., 2012. Unit pockmarks associated with Lophelia coral reefs off mid-Norway: more evidence of control by ‘fertilized’ bottom currents. Geo-Marine Letters, DOI 10.1007/s00367-012-0284-0
- Hovland, M., Jensen, S., Fichler, C., 2012. Methane and minor oil macro-seep systems – Their complexity and environmental significance. Marine Geology,
- Sun, Q., Wu, S., Hovland, M., Luo, P., Lu, Y., Qu, T., 2011. The morphologies and genesis of mega-pockmarks near Xisha Uplift, South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology 28, 1146-1156.
- Hovland, M., Heggland, R., de Vries, M.H., Tjelta, T.I., 2010. Unit-pockmarks and their potential significance for prediction of fluid flow. J. Marine and Petroleum Geol. 27, 1190-1199.
- Chen, Y., Ussler III, W., Haflidason, H., Lepland, A., Rise, L., Hovland, M., Hjelsuten, B.O., 2010. Sources of methane inferred from pore-water δ13C of dissolved inorganic carbon in Pockmark G11, offshore Mid-Norway. Chemical Geology 275, 127-138.
- BOOK: Judd, A.G., Hovland, M., 2007. Submarine Fluid Flow, the Impact on Geology, Biology, and the Marine Environment. Cambridge University Press. 475pp.
- Hovland, M., Svensen, H., Forsberg, C.F., Johansen, H., Fichler, C., Fosså, J.H., Jonsson, R., Rueslåtten, H., 2005. Complex pockmarks with carbonate-ridges off mid-Norway: Products of sediment degassing. Marine Geology, 218, 191-206.
- Hovland, M., Gardner, J.V., Judd, A.G., 2002. The significance of pockmarks to understanding fluid flow processes and geohazards. Geofluids, 2, 127-136.
- Hovland, M., Judd, A. G., King, L. H. 1984. Characteristic features of pockmarks on the North Sea Floor and Scotian Shelf. Sedimentology, 31,471-480.
- Hovland, M. 1984. Gas-induced erosion features in the North Sea. Earth Surf Proc. and Landforms, 9, 209-228.
Gas Hydrates - Hovland, M., Svensen, H., 2006. Submarine pingoes: Indicators of shallow gas hydrates in a pockmark at Nyegga, Norwegian Sea. Marine Geology, 228, 15-23.
- Hovland, M., 2005. Gas hydrates. In: Encyclopedia of Geology. Selley, R.C., Cocks, L.R.M., Plimer, I.R. (eds.) Elsevier, Oxford, V. 4, 261-268.
- Fichler, C., Rueslåtten, H., Hovland, M., Henriksen, S., 2003. Ice age gas hydrates – a leakage indicator by shallow morphology and magnetic anomalies. EAEG Conference, Stavanger, June 2003.
- Hovland, M., Gudmestad, O.T., 2001. Potential influence of gas hydrates on seabed installations. In: Paull, C.K. and Dillon, W.P. (Eds.): Natural gas hydrates, Am. Geophys. Union, Geophys. Monograph Ser., 124, 300-309.
- Clennell, MB, Hovland, M, Booth, JS, Henry, P, Winters, WJ., 1999. Formation of natural gas hydrates in marine sediments. Part 1: Conceptual model of gas hydrate growth conditioned by host sediment properties, J. Geophys. Res. 104, B 10, 22985-23003.
- Hovland, M., Lysne, D., Whiticar, M.J., 1995. Gas hydrate and sediment gas composition, ODP Hole 892A, offshore Oregon, USA. In: Carson, B., Westbrook, G.K., Musgrave, R.J., Suess, E., (eds.) Proceedings ODP, Scientific Results, 146, College Station Texas, ODP, 151-161.
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Hydrothermal salt - Hovland, M., Rueslaatten, H., Johnsen, H.K., 2008. Hydrothermal salt – but how much? Reply to Christopher Talbot. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 25 (2), 203-204.
- Hovland, M., Rueslåtten, H., Kutznetsova, T., Kvamme, B., Fladmark, G.E., Johnsen, H.K., 2007. Numerical modeling of supercritical ‘out-salting’ in the “Atlantis II Deep” (Red Sea) hydrothermal system. The Open Geology Journal, 1, 1-6.
- Hovland, M., Kutznetsova, T., Rueslåtten, H., Kvamme, B., Johnsen, H.K., Fladmark, G.E., Hebach, A., 2006. Sub-surface precipitation of salts in supercritical seawater. Basin Research, 18 (2), 221-230.
- Hovland, M., Rueslåtten, H., Johnsen, H.K., Kvamme, B., Kutznetsova, T., 2006. Salt formation associated with sub-surface boiling and supercritical water. Marine and Petroleum Geology 23, 855-869.
Mud volcanoes - Hovland, M., Fichler, C., Rueslåtten, H., Johnsen, H.K., 2006. Deep-rooted piercement structures in deep sedimentary basins – Manifestations of supercritical water generation at depth? Journal of Geochemical Exploration 89, 157-160.
- Hovland, M., MacDonald, I., Rueslåtten, H., Johnsen, H.K., Naehr, T., Bohrmann, G., 2005. Chapopote asphalt volcano may have been generated by supercritical water. EOS, 86 (42), 397, 402.
- Hovland, M., 2005. Is there a close link between salt diapirs and mud volcanoes? (Abstract). International workshop on Methane in sediments and water column of the Black Sea. Conference Proceedings, RCOM University of Bremen, Germany. Sevastopol, Ukraine, May 17-22. p. 17.
- Planke, S., Svensen, H. Svensen, Hovland, M., Banks, D.A., Jamtveit, B., 2003. Mud and fluid migration in active mud volcanoes in Azerbaijan. Geo-Marine Letters, 23, 258-268.
- Løseth, H., Wensaas, L., Arntsen, B., Hovland, M., 2003. Gas and fluid injection triggering shallow mud moblization in the Hordaland Group, North Sea. In: Van Rensbergen, P., Hillis, R.R., Maltman, A.J. and Morley, C.K. (eds.) Subsurface sediment mobilization. Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ. 216, 139-157.
Carbonates - Naehr, T.H., Eichhubl, P., Orphan, V.J., Hovland, M., Paull, C.K., Ussler III, W., Lorenson, T.D., Greene, H.G., 2007. Authigenic carbonate formation at hydrocarbon seeps in continental margin sediments – Examples from active and passive margins. Deep Sea Reseach II, 54, 1268-1291.
- Mazzini, A., Svensen, H., Hovland, M., Planke, S., 2006. Comparison of strikingly different authigenic carbonates in a Nyegga complex pockmark, Norwegian Sea. Marine Geology, 231, 89-102.
- Hovland, M., 2002. On the self-sealing nature of marine seeps. Continental Shelf Research, 22, 2387-2394.
- Hovland, M., Talbot, M., Qvale, H., Olaussen, S., Aasberg, L. 1987. Methane-related carbonate cements in pockmarks of the North Sea. J. Sed. Petrol., 57, 88 1—892.
- Hovland, M., 1985. Carbonate cemented pillars at Nesøya, North Norway: Proposal for an alternative model of formation. Norsk Geol. Tidsskrift, 65, 221-223.
- Hovland, M., Talbot, M., Olaussen, S., Aasberg, L., 1985. Recently formed methane-derived carbonates from the North Sea floor. In: Thomas, B.M. (Ed.) Petroleum Geochemistry in Exploration of the Norwegian Shelf. Norwegian Petroleum Soc., Graham & Trotman, 263-266.
Other - Hovland, M., Rueslåtten, H., Johnsen, H.K., 2006. Are sulphate rocks evidence of endogenic brines on Mars? (abstract) William Smith Meeting, Geological Society Nov 8-9.
- Fyfe, A., Gregersen, U., Jordt, H., Rundberg, Y., Eidvin, T., Evans, D., Stewart, D., Hovland, M., Andersen, P., 2003. Oligocene to Holocene. In: Evans, D., Graham, C., Armour, A., Bathurst, P. (eds.) The Millennium Atlas: Petroleum Geology of the Central and Northern North Sea. Ch. 16, 278-285.
- Hovland, M., 2003. The beauty of fluid expulsion features on the Norwegian Margin. (abstr.). Ocean Margin Research Conf., Paris, France, Sept. 2003. Book of abstracts, 30.
- Hovland, M., et al., 2001. The high-Arctic drilling challenge: Excerpts from the Final Report of the Arctic’s role in Global change Program Planning Group (PPG)., JOIDES Journal, 27 (1), 7-20.