Elizabeth Allan (Earth-616)

Elizabeth "Liz" Allan was the daughter of restaurant and hotel owner Wilson Allan and an unnamed mother.[7] Her father later remarried, getting together with Doris Raxton, becoming Liz's stepmother and as a result her son Mark Raxton became Liz's stepbrother.[8]

Midtown High[]

Liz Allan was a high school classmate of Peter Parker when they attended Midtown High School together, and a minor love interest of both Parker and Flash Thompson.

Initially, Peter liked Liz. However, she was Flash Thompson's girlfriend and initially considered Peter Parker something of a loser, even taking part in the general ridicule that Pete endured on a daily basis.[9] She was flighty and rather thoughtless -- not outright cruel, but lacking the empathy necessary to detect Peter's good points. At one point, paradoxically, she developed a crush on Spider-Man, blowing off both Flash Thompson and Peter Parker because she believed the costumed hero would call her.[10]

Over time, however, she began to admire Peter's intelligence and developed some degree of affection for the former "bookworm".[11] By this time, ironically, Peter's interest had waned considerably: noting that Liz never showed any real interest in him until he began dating Betty Brant,[12] Pete assumed that Liz's feelings were little more than a schoolgirl crush. Amusingly, Betty and Liz clashed several times over Peter; Betty thought of Liz as a blonde tramp.


Peter and Liz graduated from high school. At the graduation ceremony, Liz admitted her feelings to Peter, but told him that they couldn't be together and left shortly afterwards. Meanwhile, Peter in his guise as Spider-Man battled Liz's stepbrother who by this time had become the Molten Man.[8]

Harry Osborn[]

Liz dated and later married Harry Osborn, whom she met at Betty Brant's wedding to Ned Leeds,[13] becoming Liz Allan-Osborn. Liz became pregnant with their child but was attacked by Hobgoblin. This caused Liz to go through a difficult labor, but thankfully she managed to give birth to a son, Normie Osborn.[14] Their family history turned tragic; however, after Harry Osborn followed in his father's footsteps becoming the Green Goblin and later died.

Liz became the new head of Oscorp, since she was an Osborn. Harry attempted to pass the legacy of the Green Goblin down to Normie Osborn but failed due to the efforts of Spider-Man, Mark Raxton, and Ben Urich. When her father-in-law, Norman Osborn, returned he retook his position as head of Oscorp from Liz.[15]

Foggy Nelson[]

Later, Liz dated lawyer Foggy Nelson, the legal partner of Matt Murdock,[16] but the couple broke up after Mysterio manipulated Foggy into having an affair in a plot to drive Daredevil insane. Like so many of the men in her life, Liz felt like Foggy had let her down and ended their relationship.[17]

Civil War[]

Liz was extremely upset when Spider-Man unmasked, blaming Peter for bringing so much death into her family's lives, to the point that she agreed to work with Molten Man and the Exterminators to tell Peter that Normie had been kidnapped by Molten Man so as to lure him to her home and allow the villains to try and kill him. When Peter defeated the villains, Liz tried to rationalize her actions to him, claiming that she only went along with what they demanded out of fear for her son's safety, but Peter was unconvinced and simply told Liz she should leave before the authorities arrived so she wasn't mistaken for a villain.[18]

Brand New Day[]

When Mephisto erased all knowledge of Peter's marriage to Mary Jane, it left multiple repercussions in the timeline, including the knowledge of Spider-Man's secret identity, and Harry now being alive - and divorced from Liz.[19]

Necessary Evil[]

Over the next year or so, Liz Allan would become a huge success in the science and development industry, inheriting her father's company known as Allan Chemical, and help it grow with the help of her son and several other people.[20] Eventually, she merged the company with Horizon Labs and Oscorp, creating Alchemax.[21]

Goblin Nation[]

During the war in New York City between Spider-Man and the Goblin King, Liz was revealed to be allied with the latter, who was using the alias "Mason Banks" as one of the chief investors of Alchemax in order to produce an empire for his grandson to inherit. Upon the defeat of the Goblin Nation, Liz aided her ex-father-in-law in evading capture by Spider-Man once again.[22]

Spider-Man 2099[]

Following a confrontation between Spider-Man 2099 and an agent of a time travel organization from 2211 in the Alchemax Building, Liz had deduced that the 'new' Spider-Man must work in the company and was determined to enlist him to her cause, foreshadowing the time traveler's claims that Liz Allan and Spider-Man 2099 will have some significant impact on future history.[23]


Eddie Brock entered Liz's office and brought her an experimental dinosaur he captured. She revealed that Stegron the Dinosaur Man was responsible and made a deal with Eddie: Liz would help him find a cure for the Venom symbiote while he dealt with Stegron.[24]

Secret Empire[]

Not long after that, while Manhattan was encased in a Darkforce dome during Hydra's short-lived empire, Liz rekindled her relationship with Harry Osborn.[25] They began living together, with Liz now taking care of Harry's second son Stanley, and hiring a nanny by the name of Emma to look after their sons while the couple were at work.[26]

Symbiote Shenanigans[]

Norman soon returned, and fearing for the safety of both Normie and Stanley, Emma knocked out both Liz and Harry to take the boys away. With the help of her agents, Liz managed to track Emma down, only for Norman to intercept them, revealing to everyone he was now bonded to the Carnage Symbiote and that Emma was actually the long thought deceased Emily Osborn. He got hold of Normie and also infected him with the symbiote, turning him into a miniature version of himself as he planned to finally takeover Alchemax. After going on their rampage, grandfather and grandson confronted Liz in her office where she refused to turn the company over to him and had Harry ambush his father with the Humanitrons. This only made Norman furious, and retaliated by throwing Liz through the window and off from Alchemax Tower, which caused Normie to come to his senses and turn on his grandfather. A Venomized Spider-Man managed to rescue Liz, and following Norman's defeat she had Doctor Steven extract as much symbiote leftovers as possible from Normie's body.[27]

After the Venom symbiote gave birth to Sleeper under Alchemax supervision, Liz attempted to make a deal with Eddie to harmlessly harvest the newborn symbiote's chemicals, but Eddie outright refused it, as he demanded that no one would to lay a hand on the child. This strained their already problematic relationship, only for Venom to return to Alchemax to help patch up a Kree soldier named Tel-Kar after he saved them from a Skrull attack. Following his recovery, Tel-Kar revealed he was the Venom symbiote's first ever host and wished to reunite with it, but after Venom refused the Kree threw Liz off the building to distract Eddie long enough for Tel-Kar to get his hand on Sleeper. Both Liz and Sleeper were saved at the cost of the Venom symbiote surrendering itself to its first host. The Skrull who had previously attacked Eddie, M'lanz, impersonated Liz to break inside Alchemax, and went to help Eddie and Sleeper to save the Venom symbiote. Once that was over, Eddie cut all contact with Alchemax.[28]

Despite severing ties, following Carnage's destructive attack, Eddie, his newfound son Dylan, and Sleeper in cat form, were left without a home to stay in, forcing them to stay over at Liz's house. Peter had convinced Liz and her family to let the Brocks live in their home for the time being, with Liz taking care of the young Dylan who she came to see as another son.[29]


Being blackmailed into collaborating with the Life Foundation and the Friends of Humanity by Meridius, Liz had Dr. Steven and Dr. Zhi among others of her employees experiment on Symbiotes in hopes of using them to improve lives. With the assistance of Archer Lyle, Alchemax kidnapped Dylan to perform experiments on him since he was a human and symbiote hybrid, only for him to escape.[30] Despite this setback, the experiments continued and eventually resulted in the creation of a new symbiote created from a fusion between the Carnage and Anti-Venom symbiotes.

After getting rid of the Goblin Armor, Glider and Pumpkin Bombs following Harry's death for her children's safety and recruiting the help of Dr. Zafar Hakam, Alchemax was attacked by former Guardsman Corwin Jones who was paid to steal contained strains of the Toxin, Agony, Lasher, Riot, Scream, and Phage symbiotes. During the attack, Liz quickly hid Stanley in a safe room before attempting to secure the symbiotes, only to be face to face with Jones. He managed to steal the symbiotes before setting off a bomb. Thankfully, both Liz and Steven managed to survive, but her flask containing the symbiote fusion was broken, allowing it to envelop Liz and bond to her.[2]

Growing accustomed to her new symbiote, Liz began researching Jones' background, learning that he suffered from a terminal illness. She managed to track down Jones, but upon confronting him, he revealed that he had amalgamated the symbiote strains into a powerful gestalt symbiote.[31] This new symbiote allowed Jones to easily take Liz down and bring her to a secret Life Foundation base in a secluded island. There her unconscious body was placed inside a vat in order for Life Foundation scientists to study her.[32]

In her subconsciousness, the Misery symbiote began going through Liz's memories, finding a particular issue on how Liz didn't hold any grudge against Harry's mistreatment of their family. Liz tried to justify that Harry wasn't in his right state of mind and couldn't be blamed for what he did. Her symbiote rebuffed her, telling that she should had done something and acknowledge that what Harry did was inexcusable and had negatively affected her and her family. From this, Liz accepted at last that Harry had abused her, and blamed herself for failing to actually help with his situation. Misery comforted her, telling that she shouldn't blame herself, but needed to move on now and make herself a better person because of this. Coming to terms with her past, Liz regained her consciousness and broke out of the vat, only to find Lily Hollister, who had been going under the alias of Queen Cat.[33]

Despite Queen Cat having come to rescue her, Liz became antagonistic towards Hollister, having figured out that she had been stalking her and Stanley. Liz demanded Hollister to leave them be, but the latter told her that she was still Stanley's mother and had the right to meet him as she supposedly had improved herself. As the two women prepared to leave the facility, Jones, now going by the name of Madness, attacked them, making quick work of Queen Cat before confronting Liz. However, Liz was able to defeat by using her own gestalt symbiote to compromise him, forcing Jones to retreat, allowing Liz to make her way to Carlton Drake's office. Having figured out that Drake had employed Jones to help him in his plan to takeover Alchemax, Liz threatened him to stop with his plan, or else he would be sorry. Left with no other choice he relented, and in that moment Spider-Man arrived, having just killed the Life Foundation's Symbiotechs after accompanying the now dead rescue team sent by Alchemax.

Immediately retracting her symbiote to hide her new capabilities, Liz told Spider-Man that everything was fine and there was nothing to worry about. With the matter pertaining to the Life Foundation now settled, Liz returned to her normal life, but this time she became determined to improve her company for the better in order to help people. Leaving an injured Hollister in the care of Hakam, Liz decided to put her past behind and pursue a new relationship with him.[34]

Venom War[]

Eddie Brock returned alive after being thought deceased, and brought along three of his temporal counterparts. As they crashed a U.C.W.F. fight in the Grand Garden Arena, Alchemax sent a couple of mercenaries in a failed attempt to apprehend them, while Liz held a meeting with the company's board of directors. As they discussed the matter, Drake proceeded to bring in Meridius as the board's newest member.[35] Meridius presented to the board Alchemax's latest invention, Chemical K-44, that served to help with their situations, but Liz pushed back against this, becoming suspicious of Meridius' true goals. Soon they were all informed that the Zombiotes had escaped and were now spreading throughout the city. This prompted Meridius to infect all of the board with K-44 to turn them into Zombiotes as well, except for Liz who was spared thanks to her symbiote. Meridius grabbed hold of Liz as she was about to counterattack, and threw her off the building, leaving him to be in control of Alchemax.[35]

She fell on a car, but managed to regenerate thanks to her symbiote, and saw how the Zombiotes were wreaking havoc in Manhattan. Noticing that she could use her healing power to cure the still living Zombiotes, she went to save them, wanting to make up for the mistakes of Alchemax.[36] During the fight against the Zombiotes, Liz hired Silver Sable and her Wild Pack to break inside a Life Foundation facility and retrieve the resurrected Shriek, and to help them she provided the team the Foundation's symbiotes to take on any emergent threat.[37] Liz then encountered Flash and Black Widow, and seeing that Dylan and his allies needed help in his fight against Eddie she convinced the former to join the boy's side, while she and Widow took care of the Zombiote horde.[36]

The two symbiote-possessed women lured as many Zombiotes as possible back to Alchemax Tower where they formed a plan to stop the outbreak. Misery proceeded to climb up the tower to reach the rooftop in order to gain access to the fire sprinkler system. Upon accessing she replaced the water with her Anti-Venom symbiote matter which would kill the Zombiotes. Widow soon activated the system, allowing Anti-Venom to free the infected people from the Zombiote plague. As the situation stabilized, Liz retook control of Alchemax since Meridius had left. She promised Black Widow that she would try to improve the company and do better from then on, though the latter doubted that.[38]