Clark Gregg (Double Agent)

"I live in the real world too, and I've seen it."

The subject of this article is not set within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but within a fictionalized version of the real world.

Robert Clark Gregg Jr. is an actor on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.



Clark Gregg became an actor and was cast in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.[3] as Phil Coulson. He took promotional photos for the series' second season.[2]

Arrest of Lan Stee[]

"Look, can't you just wait to see the finale like everyone else? Trust me, it's not that we don't want to reveal how the secret ends. Quite the opposite, actually. But without secrets, these stories lose their magic. That's why we take these things so seriously."
―Clark Gregg to Lan Stee[src]

Alex Mind infiltrated the set of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and stole the finale of the second season. Mind almost got away, but was caught by Dirk. Gregg video called in and congratulated Dirk, promising to award him with a ride in L.O.L.A. He suddenly recognized the mastermind behind the heist as Stan Lee, but the mastermind got upset, explaining that he was actually Lan Stee, a clone of Lee. Gregg got confused but relented, asking if Stee could wait to see the finale like everyone else. Gregg explained that they took the secrets seriously because otherwise the story would lose its magic. Stee refused, so Coulson gave up. He directed his attention toward Mind, who explained that Stee promised him a car in exchange.

Gregg had Mind and Stee sent to the Fridge, upsetting Mind. He was surprised to learn it was real, so Gregg last and insisted that one should never mess with Marvel. Gregg was hesitant to have the files erased due to the fans' reactions to Stee's plans, as well as how elaborate the plan was. Gregg suggested only giving them a taste without properly spoiling the finale and uploaded a clip of Jiaying claiming that Robert Gonzales had attacked her.[3]




