- ️Mon Apr 30 2018
Gamora Zen Whoberi Ben Titan was a former Zehoberei assassin and a former member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. She became the adopted daughter of Thanos and adopted sister of Nebula after Thanos killed half of her race. Gamora served him for years before betraying him in an attempt to free herself from his ways. She was hired to steal the Orb, and after becoming involved in the Quest for the Orb, she befriended the other members of the Guardians of the Galaxy. After the Battle of Xandar, she left to work with them all. Having made a deal with the Sovereign to kill the Abilisk, Gamora was able to regain custody of Nebula with the intention of finally bringing her to justice in Xandar.
However, her mission to punish Nebula was delayed when Gamora and the Guardians came into contact with Ego, the long-lost father of Star-Lord. While Ego claimed he simply wanted to bond with his son, Gamora was suspicious and, alongside Nebula who had freed herself, discovered Ego's evil intentions to destroy and rebuild the universe. Upon this discovery, the Guardians teamed up to destroy the living planet, succeeding with the help of Mantis, who joined the group, but at the cost of Yondu Udonta sacrificing his life. After Udonta's death, Gamora finally confessed that she had romantic feelings for Star-Lord and started a relationship with him.
Four years later, Gamora and the Guardians intercepted a distress call sent by Asgardians; Thor warned them that Thanos had begun searching for the Infinity Stones himself. Realizing what Thanos intended to do with them, Gamora led her friends to Knowhere to procure the Aether, only for both it and Gamora to be captured by Thanos himself. Thanos took Gamora to Vormir, where he sacrificed her against her will in order to obtain the Soul Stone, a process that trapped Gamora's soul inside the Soulworld.
Raised by Thanos[]
Growing Up on Zen-Whoberi[]

Gamora and her mother hide from Chitauri
When Gamora was very young, the interplanetary warlord Thanos killed half of her species, the Zehoberei. Although she and her mother attempted to hide, they were quickly found by Thanos' soldiers, the Chitauri, and taken out to the spotlight. Gamora fought off the soldier restraining her, an act that Thanos himself saw, which earned her the Titan's interest in her and his respect at her fierce nature. He took her aside and taught her his beliefs on balance by symbolizing it by balancing a knife on his finger.

Gamora is adopted by Thanos
While asking her to do the same, Ebony Maw ordered the Chitauri to balance the population. When his soldiers began the massacre, Gamora turned and almost saw her people being massacred. However, Thanos turned her attention back onto the knife and complimented her when she finally balanced the dagger. While her parents were among those killed, Thanos spared and raised her as his own child.[1]
Deadliest Woman in the Galaxy[]

Gamora trains with Nebula
- "I go by many names, Earthian, but I'm sure the one that most know me by is Gamora, the deadliest woman in the whole galaxy."
- ―Gamora[src]
As Gamora was taken in by Thanos and grew older, Thanos trained her in the arts of combat and assassination and would cybernetically alter her body, trying to transform her into the ultimate weapon.[5] Days after she and Nebula were taken in by Thanos, they trained together at the Sanctuary. Gamora attempted to teach Nebula how to roll, but Nebula expressed concern about what would happen if she got it wrong. Gamora assured Nebula that she would not. Nebula asked why Gamora was helping, given that Thanos wanted them to be enemies. However, Gamora assured Nebula that they would always be sisters first and worked on their roll.[6] Nebula and Gamora were also trained by Ronan the Accuser alongside Korath. Unlike the rest of Thanos' adopted children in the Black Order, Gamora and Nebula actually did consider each other sisters and both shared great enmity towards Thanos for destroying their childhoods.
Despite their closeness, Thanos had Nebula and Gamora regularly spar against each other with Gamora winning every match. In response, Thanos would 'upgrade' Nebula every time she lost against Gamora in order for her to "be her equal." The consistent and brutal "upgrades" caused Nebula to grow to resent her sister.[5]In one such fight, Thanos had Gamora and Nebula fight over a period of three days, only accessing a small ration of water and half an hour of sleep, without food. Three days became six, and Thanos offered a piece of Yaro Root to whoever won the day's fight. Nebula attacked Gamora and managed to defeat her. Nebula hesitated to deliver the killing blow, but Thanos ordered her to. Thanos stopped Nebula before she killed Gamora and congratulated Nebula for winning. However, he gave the whole Yaro Root to Gamora, who ate it happily while Thanos explained that Nebula was weak for hesitating to kill Gamora. While Nebula laid on the floor, cursing herself for her weakness, Gamora ate the Yaro Root without offering to share.[6]

Gamora in her early years of serving Thanos
Over the years, Gamora became Thanos' favorite child, and he considered her the future heir to his throne, which only strengthened the growing wedge in her relationship with Nebula and in time, Gamora built up the reputation as the "deadliest woman in the galaxy" and became well known throughout the cosmos.[5]
Upon reaching adulthood, Gamora and her siblings were tasked with finding the Infinity Stones, with Thanos entrusting her to find the Soul Stone. She succeeded when she found a map leading to its location on Vormir but she burned it and lied to Thanos that she failed,[1] although Thanos was aware of the lie, but he remained silent and played a disappointed farce. Later, Gamora and Nebula sought the powerful item known as the Orb for Thanos under the command of Korath.

Gamora dismembering Gorfrad
Gamora traveled to the Conjunction. After having arrived on the planet, Gamora went to the casino and engaged in a brawl with several other individuals who attempted to rob her. After having incapacitated them, Gamora was contacted by Taneleer Tivan who hired her to acquire the Orb which he sought to add to his collection and offered to pay her four billion units. Gamora ultimately accepted the job, and began to search for the Orb.[7]
On the planet Praxius IX, while following a false lead on the Orb, Nebula found herself ensnared by an impenetrable Laser Thorn Energy Net.[5] Under Thanos' orders, Gamora left Nebula behind, leaving her only a large knife with which to cut herself out of the netting. The experience drove a great wedge between the two sisters, and also strengthened Gamora's bitterness towards Thanos.[8]
Quest for the Orb[]
Family Conquests[]

Gamora saves Nebula's life
In 2014, Gamora participated in the cleansing of the population of Korbin along with Thanos and Nebula. However, Nebula was almost executed by a Korbinite soldier who held her at gunpoint, causing Gamora to rescue her at the last minute. As she offered a helping hand, Nebula sighed at Gamora's effort and claimed not to have needed help, only for Gamora to remind her that she always needed backup.

After the massacre ended, Gamora and Nebula returned to one of Thanos' Q-Ships to await further instructions. Gamora soon discovered from her adopted father that he had located the Power Stone on the desolate planet, Morag. When Nebula pointed out that Thanos had finally put his plan of gathering the Infinity Stones in effect, Gamora assured her that Thanos only knew the location of the Power Stone, and not the others.

Gamora receiving instructions from Thanos
However, Nebula then lamented the possibility of Thanos obtaining all six Infinity Stones to Gamora. At that moment, Thanos appeared on the Q-Ship as he was cleaning his double-edged sword, before informing Gamora and Nebula that he was dispatching them to the Dark Aster, which belonged to his Kree ally, Ronan the Accuser, who promised to retrieve the Orb containing the Power Stone in exchange for the annihilation of Xandar, the capital of the Nova Empire, which Ronan desired revenge against for their actions against the Kree Empire.

Gamora and Nebula listen to Thanos
Gamora pointed out that Ronan would not like that. Thanos, however, warned the two that Ronan's alternative was death if they refused to join him in his quest to obtain the Power Stone, noting that his obsession with the Kree-Nova War had clouded his judgments. Nebula then promised Thanos that she would not fail him in her mission while Gamora looked away at her sister's attempt to appease her father's demand.[9]
Betraying Ronan[]

Gamora and Nebula on board the Dark Aster
Thanos and Ronan's alliance was the final straw for Gamora, who was unwilling to assist the two in killing billions of innocent lives. Remembering her negotiation with Taneleer Tivan, Gamora formulated a plan to steal the Orb for herself so she could disappear from Thanos and Ronan forever. Following the Massacre of the Korbinites, Gamora and Nebula boarded the Dark Aster as Korath returned to the ship.

Gamora listens to Korath's failure
Gamora was later present with Ronan and Nebula when Korath updated his failure to retrieve the Orb from Morag to Ronan and revealed the identity of the thief who stole the Power Stone: Star-Lord, whom Korath surmised, planned to exchange the Orb on Xandar to the Broker. Ronan, remembering that Thanos promised to assist him in the annihilation of Xandar for retrieving the Orb for him, appointed Nebula to retrieve the Orb from Quill.

Knowing that the Orb falling into the hands of Ronan or Thanos would spell doom for the galaxy, Gamora offered Ronan to send her instead, reminding him that if Nebula failed, he would have subjected to the burden of reporting his failure to Thanos. Nebula, however, insisted that she was worthy of being Thanos' daughter as well. Ronan agreed that Gamora should execute the task, knowing that she never failed any mission she had been given by Thanos, although he threatened her with severe punishment if she failed.[2]

Gamora argues with Nebula
As she left, Gamora was attacked by Nebula, who accused her of intending to continue to stand above her despite Nebula having killed so many that their screams echoed through the entire Galaxy, which Gamora coldly retorted by saying the reason why was because Nebula took too long to kill them compared to Gamora's swift approach, and they fought until Gamora pinned Nebula to a wall and left.

Gamora kills Sakaarans on the ship
After having departed from the Dark Aster, Gamora boarded a Necrocraft with a team of Sakaarans. While they set traveled to Xandar, the leader of the Sakaarans expressed his profound gratitude for being allowed to work with one of Thanos and Ronan's pupils. Gamora agreed but instead hinted that there would be casualties on the ship. She then proceeded to murder every single Sakaaran guard with her on the ship.[10][6]
Meeting Star-Lord[]

Having arrived on Xandar, Gamora traced the Orb to Peter Quill who was an associate of the Ravagers. Pursuing him to Xandar, Gamora waited for his meeting with the Broker to finish outside his shop so she could steal the Orb by surprise. As he walked out furious, Gamora asked him what happened as she put on lipstick. He then proceeded to explain that the Broker reneged on their deal before introducing himself as Star-Lord to the Zehoberei. Remembering that Star-Lord was the thief who stole the Orb on Morag, Gamora decided to finally steal the Orb and she immediately attacked Quill.

Gamora viciously duels Star-Lord
As Gamora fled the scene, however, Star-Lord threw Energy Bolas to subdue her. As he caught up to her, Gamora already freed herself, and the two engaged in a brief hand-to-hand combat on the ground. As she gained the upper hand in the fight and prepared to kill Quill, bounty hunters Rocket and Groot intervened, who also sought Quill who had a high bounty on his head from Yondu Udonta.

Gamora is temporarily restrained by Groot
While Rocket Raccoon restrained Gamora, Groot, mistaking her for the target, extended his branches and put her in the bag, despite Rocket ordering Groot to abduct Quill. While the two argued, Star-Lord attempted to escape while Gamora threw Rocket into an open glass store and freed herself. Unwilling to let the Orb fall into the hands of a third party, Gamora threw one of her knives in Quill's direction, which caused the Orb to fall to the ground floor.

Gamora stabs Groot to finish him off
She then immediately attacked Groot with her sword before jumping to the first floor to escape with the Orb. To her surprise, however, Star-Lord caught up to her and the two engaged in another fight. During this fight, she called him a fool, telling him that he should have learned not to mess with her. Star-Lord agreed and managed to place one of his Jet Boot Attachments on her clothes which sent her flying backward.

Gamora being arrested by the Nova Corps
Meanwhile, Rocket and Groot abducted Quill. To the raccoon's horror, Gamora appeared in front of him with her sword and aggressively pushed him aside before cutting off both Groot's arms. With the two bounty hunters defeated, she finally attempted to regain the Orb and opened the bag which contained a captured Quill. However, Star-Lord used his gun to knock Gamora out before the Nova Corps intervened and arrested the four for civil disruption.[2]
Imprisoned in the Kyln[]

Gamora is arrested by the Nova Corps
- "Whatever nightmares the future holds, are dreams compared to what's behind me."
- ―Gamora[src]
The four were then shipped off-world and sent to the Kyln for incarceration. As they made their way through the prison under armed guards, Peter Quill demanded to know what was so special about the Orb, but Gamora refused to answer. Rocket then antagonized her by reminding her of her crimes across the galaxy. Gamora then witnessed Quill getting assaulted when he attempted to get his Walkman back from a guard.

Gamora arrives in the Kyln to be imprisoned
Having stepped into the prison, every inmate immediately turned their attention to Gamora, taunting her with threats and throwing rubbish at her. Rocket explained it was due to many of the inmates have lost their families to Thanos and Ronan the Accuser. Despite the endless threats, Gamora remained calm, telling Quill that nothing she could experience here would compare to what she had experienced while working for Thanos.

Gamora is threatened while inside the Kyln
The same night, a guard allowed Moloka Dar and a team of angry prisoners who wished to murder her into her cell, and they ambushed her while she slept and put a knife to her throat. She was then dragged out of her cell by the prisoners and was about to be killed when she found herself being saved by Drax the Destroyer, whose family had been murdered by Ronan. Instead, Drax explained that he wished to kill Gamora himself to briefly satisfy his hatred.

Gamora threatens Drax the Destroyer
At the instance of hearing Drax claim that Gamora was a family to Ronan, Gamora proved to him that she was no longer affiliated to Ronan or Thanos as she immediately attacked Drax, Moloka Dar, and two other prisoners who were holding her at knifepoint. Holding the knives up to Moloka Dar and Drax, she angrily told him that she was not family with Ronan and suggested that she was his only hope at stopping Ronan's plans from coming to fruition.

Drax the Destroyer nearly executes Gamora
However, Drax disarmed her and held the knife up to her neck, claiming that her words meant nothing to him. Seeing this, Star-Lord intervened and reminded Drax that Gamora wanted Ronan dead as much as she did and persuaded him to exact his revenge on Ronan instead of killing Gamora. While initially distrustful of each other, Gamora offered to split Tivan's payment with Quill, Rocket, and Groot if they assisted her in escaping from the prison.[2]
Escape from the Kyln[]

Gamora fights against a prison guard
The next day, Rocket came up with a plan to get them out of the prison, which involved stealing an inmate's false leg, a guard's security band, and a Quarnyx Battery. Groot accidentally started their escape early and Gamora focused her efforts on getting the guard's armband. She quickly found the guard who almost allowed Moloka Dar to murder her and ripped it from his arm as the two exchanged words with each other.

Gamora makes her escape from the Kyln
With the armband ready, Gamora rejoined the rest of the group in the prison's control terminal, she found that they had been joined by Drax the Destroyer, who wished to stay with her until they found Ronan the Accuser. At first, Gamora furiously inquired the others as to why Drax was with them, only to be dismissed. However, several Nova guards defending the prison attempted to shoot at the control terminal in hopes of eliminating the five.

However, the criminals completed their escape when Rocket turned off the anti-gravity in the prison and flew the prison terminal outside. As Gamora looked in surprise and shock at the success of Rocket's plan, they then fled the Kyln to the Milano. However, Quill insisted upon staying behind to collect his Walkman, which was stolen from him the day he arrived at the intergalactic prison. As a sign of trust, he left the Orb with Gamora and the other former criminals as they waited in his ship for him to retrieve his taken belongings.

The group waited for Quill while flying outside of the prison, however, Rocket insisted that they leave without him. Gamora refused when she realized that Quill had not in fact given her the Orb but kept it with him. Rocket continued to demand they leave before their ship was shot out of space by the Nova Corps, whom he surmised were alerted to the Kyln. However, Gamora insisted that they not leave without the Orb.

Quill emerged a few minutes later, flying across space and onto the ship. He gave Gamora the real Orb before informing Drax that he had left to collect his Walkman, which resulted in Drax calling Quill an imbecile. As they headed to Knowhere to meet Gamora's buyer, On the Milano, Star-Lord interrogated Gamora about what was inside the Orb and why it was coveted by so many parties including Ronan the Accuser before he offered her his theory that it contained a powerful weapon. Although Gamora knew that it contained the Power Stone, she claimed not to know what it truly was as she was untrustworthy of him and the others.

Gamora discusses the Orb
As the group discussed what was to be done with the Orb, Drax the Destroyer suggested that if it was a weapon they should use it to kill Ronan. Gamora looked at him in shock and instructed him to put it down as the Orb's power had the capability to destroy all of them and even the Milano. A furious Drax then insisted that it would only destroy her, calling her a "murderess," which thus led to a fierce argument between her and Drax.

Quill calmed the situation down insisting that no one must kill anyone on board his ship. Gamora refused to give Quill any more information about where they were going or who her buyer was, leading to Quill telling her that she should begin trusting him more, Gamora told Quill she would never work with someone like him and then mocked him by telling him that his ship was filthy.[2]
Trouble on Knowhere[]

Gamora arrives on Knowhere
- "I know who you are, Peter Quill! And I am not some starry-eyed waif here to succumb to your... your pelvic sorcery!"
- ―Gamora to Peter Quill[src]
After they arrive on Knowhere, a remote criminal outpost in space built in the giant severed head of a Celestial, Gamora explains to the Guardians that Knowhere was a mining colony owned by the Tivan Group, which sent workers to mine the organic matter in the Celestial's skull. The colony also became a hub for outlaws.

Gamora is seduced by Peter Quill's music
The group decided to relax while waiting to meet the Collector. Gamora and Peter Quill shared a brief moment while she cleaned her sword where Quill explained his need to get his Walkman back due to it being a gift from his mother. Gamora then explained to Quill that she was no longer loyal to Ronan or Thanos because he killed her parents and turned her into an assassin. Quill then let Gamora listen to the music and tried to seduce her, which ended with Gamora harshly rejecting Quill, as she was aware of his reputation.

Gamora holding back Drax the Destroyer
Their conversation was interrupted when a fight broke out between the drunk Rocket, Groot, and Drax the Destroyer after the latter called Rocket vermin and Rocket mocked Drax's past. Quill and Gamora were able to break up the fight and convinced Rocket to put down his weapon and wait until they had collected their money from the Collector. Drax, however, refused and stormed off, due to being furious that he had still been unable to kill Ronan the Accuser, while Gamora let him go as she felt that they did not need his help.[2]
Meeting the Collector[]

Gamora is finally summoned by Carina
Some time later, Carina finally chooses to summon the Guardians of the Galaxy to the Collector to negotiate the payment. While Drax stayed back, the Guardians followed the Collector's servant as she toured them through his museum, which contained various types of species, fauna, and mysterious objects from all over the galaxy. She then, at last, introduced the four to the Collector, who greeted Gamora with a kiss to the hand, noting how wonderful it was to finally meet her in person. Insistent upon the negotiation, Gamora suggested that they skip the formalities.

However, Tivan became distracted by Groot as he had never seen a member of Groot's species before and intended to add him to his collection. This irked Rocket Raccoon who pulled out his weapon at the instance of hearing Tivan calling him Groot's pet. Gamora then reminded Tivan that they had been halfway across the universe searching for the Orb and suggested that they continue what they had come to discuss. Star-Lord then pulled the Orb from his jacket pocket and attempted to hand it to the Collector, only to briefly drop it on the floor.

Gamora learns about the Infinity Stones
Tivan showed great enthusiasm as he began to open the Orb, explaining that the Orb was a containment device that held the Power Stone. Tivan showed the incredible power of the Infinity Stones which had been used by Eson the Searcher thousands of years before to destroy entire planets, as well as the Power Stone Group, who attempted to harness its power, only for the Infinity Stone to destroy them. As Tivan ended the story, the Power Stone was extracted from the Orb to reveal its true appearance.

Gamora and Star-Lord dodge the explosion
Rocket, who expressed boredom at Tivan's lecture of the Power Stone's history, demanded the four be paid so they could leave Knowhere. Before the group could accept their payment, the Collector observed Carina attempted to take the Stone and use its power to free herself from bondage. As she claimed that she was no longer Tivan's slave, however, she touched the stone, which massive explosion that killed herself and destroyed much of Tivan's collection.

Gamora leaves the Collector's Museum
Barely escaping with their lives, Gamora hastily resealed the stone into the Orb and promptly left the destroyed museum along with Star-Lord, Rocket Raccoon, and Groot. As she shamed herself for believing that Tivan could contain the Power Stone in his vault, an appalled Rocket asked what she was doing with it, after having realized the true destructive natures of the Power Stone, and berated Quill for hiding it in his belongings.

Surmising that Ronan would obliterate the Nova Corps if he discovered what was inside the Orb, Gamora decided to deliver the Orb to the Nova Corps where it would be safest. Rocket was horrified when he saw that they were keeping it and suggested that they give it to Ronan the Accuser as a peace offering, Star-Lord then suggested that they give it to a friend of his who would offer a great payment for it. Gamora was furious at the suggestion and attempted to leave with the Orb.[2]
Skirmish on Knowhere[]

Before Gamora could escape, Ronan the Accuser, Nebula, and a platoon of Sakaaran soldiers suddenly arrived, having been summoned to Knowhere by Drax the Destroyer who intended to kill him in an act of revenge for murdering his family. However, at the same time, the Ravagers led by Yondu Udonta also arrived at the space colony, having been given the location of the Collector from the Broker. Udonta located Star-Lord and attempted to capture him for his betrayal. As she watched in horror as Ronan confronted Drax, Gamora decided to escape with the Orb and bestow it to the Nova Corps for safekeeping.

Gamora attempts to flee from Nebula
Gamora then piloted a mining pod and attempted to flee from Knowhere and return the Orb to Xandar. While Drax fought Ronan on Knowhere, Nebula was instructed to retrieve the Orb. As Gamora flew away, Nebula and a platoon of Sakaarans began pursuing her, prompting Star-Lord and Rocket to follow her from close behind, while Groot stayed on Knowhere. In the ensuing chaos, Nebula continued to engage Gamora in an aerial battle, at one point overwhelming her.

Gamora nearly suffocates in deep space
Despite that Gamora managed to shoot down several Necrocraft ships with the help of Rocket Raccoon and Star-Lord, she was ultimately forced to fly her mining pod into deep space where it malfunctioned, and she became trapped. As she approached deep space, Nebula claimed that Gamora was a disappointment, stating that out of all of their siblings in the Black Order, she hated her least. Gamora tried to reason with her sister, insisting that if Ronan got his hands on the Orb, he would kill everyone in the universe.

Gamora is rescued by Star-Lord
Nebula refused to listen to her sister's pleas, asserting that she would not have to witness Ronan's malevolent use of the Power Stone against the universe. Nebula sentenced Gamora to death and proceeded to destroy Gamora's ship, resulting in her being blown into deep space. As Gamora started to suffocate, Nebula left her for dead and stole the Orb, which was stagnating in space, and traveled back to Knowhere to pick up Ronan.

Quill put his mask on Gamora's face to save her life. Ultimately, the two were picked up by Udonta's ravager clan. Gamora regained consciousness and found herself with Peter on the Eclector. While he was bragging about his heroic deeds, Gamora asked where the Orb was only to discover that Nebula stole it. Before she could react, the two were confronted by Kraglin Obfonteri and several Ravagers who held them at gunpoint and took them into custody.[2]
Joining Forces[]

Gamora sees Yondu Udonta's interrogation
- "Yondu! Listen to me! Ronan has something called an Infinity Stone."
"I know what he's got, girl."
"Then you know we must get it back! He's gonna use it to wipe out Xandar. We have to warn them. Billions of people will perish." - ―Gamora and Yondu Udonta[src]
As they were saved by the Yondu Ravager Clan, Yondu Udonta immediately began beating up Peter Quill in revenge for him betraying the Ravagers. Eventually, Gamora managed to convince Udonta of the danger the Orb posed in Ronan's hands. In the end, he agreed to help them in retaking the Orb from Ronan, who was now making his way to Xandar to destroy it.

Gamora and Peter Quill explain their plan
Their conversation was interrupted when Rocket and Drax the Destroyer threatened to blow up the ship if Udonta did not give Quill and Gamora back to them. With the situation quickly resolved, Gamora and Quill spoke with Rocket, Groot, and Drax, Gamora came on board the Milano and tried to convince them to join them and the Ravagers in a final battle against Ronan the Accuser to save the Xandarians from the hands of the Kree sadist.

Gamora and the Guardians prepare to fight
Quill pitched his idea of a plan, but the group was not convinced, as it would likely result in their deaths. In the end, however, Gamora told Quill she would be happy to die with her friends and the rest of the group also agreed, having been around her enemies most of her life. Quill and Gamora explained the details of the plan to Udonta and his clan, with Gamora explaining how they would engage his army of Sakaarans and use the distraction to board the ship where her knowledge of the layout would help them find and kill Ronan. They also made it clear how deadly the Power Stone was and how Ronan must not be allowed to touch the planet's surface as it would result in its destruction. The Ravagers were handing containment Orbs to use to steal the stone back.[2]
Battle of Xandar[]
Flying into the Battle[]

Gamora co-piloting the Milano into battle
Gamora joined in the Battle of Xandar, taking a seat in the Milano with Star-Lord, Groot and Drax the Destroyer, as they prepared to engage Ronan the Accuser, Gamora noted that it was a terrible plan. While Yondu Udonta and the Ravagers provided a distraction for Nebula, the Guardians of the Galaxy started to dive underneath the Dark Aster. During the battle, they became overrun with the Sakaarans' ships and seemed overpowered until the Nova Corps arrived, led by Garthan Saal and assisted them in the battle.

The Guardians infiltrating the Dark Aster
Gamora and her allies infiltrated the Dark Aster. However, Yondu Udonta's ship was shot down in the chaos. As the Milano crashed through the ship, Quill was able to shoot down a large unit of Sakaarans guarding the ship before they prepared to carry on. As they made their way through the ship, it was almost too dark for them to see, so Groot demonstrated how he could create light spores to light their way. As they walked, Drax expressed his gratitude to be welcomed back into their group.

He even claimed Gamora to be a friend although he mistakenly called Gamora a green whore causing her to demand that he stop talking. Suddenly, Nebula attacked the four with the intent of protecting Ronan the Accuser and getting revenge for the destruction Gamora had caused. Appearing in front of them armed with her electroshock batons, Nebula claimed that Gamora was weak and traitorous before being shot by Drax the Destroyer.[2]
Sister vs. Sister[]

Gamora attempts to plead with Nebula
Gamora parted ways with the three and went to disable the ship's generators. As she reached the room containing the generators, she was confronted by Nebula, who had survived her injuries after having been shot by Drax the Destroyer. As Gamora attempted to reason with Nebula, however, she instead attacked her with her electroshock batons.

Gamora fights Nebula
After pushing Nebula away, Gamora rushed to the ship generator, only for Nebula to briefly electrocute her. With no other choice, Gamora was forced to engage Nebula. The two sisters fought each other, with Gamora defending herself with her Godslayer and Nebula with her electroshock batons, while the Battle of Xandar raged on. Ultimately, Ronan the Accuser used the Power Stone to destroy the Nova Corps' blockade around the Dark Aster.

Gamora is overwhelmed by Nebula
An explosion created a hole in the ship, which interrupted their fight. Ultimately, as they continued to fight, Nebula gained the upper hand, after having weakened her defenses. After Gamora lost her weapon, Nebula seized the opportunity to finally kill her sister, and she started to electrocute and almost kill her. However, Gamora regained all of her strength and was able to kick Nebula off the side of the ship through a hole that had been shot in it.

Gamora attempting to rescue Nebula
Nebula managed to hold on as her cybernetic arm became impaled on the piece of debris and hung thousands of feet above Xandar, Gamora attempted to reason with her sister by telling her that Ronan the Accuser was crazy and they could still stop him. Nebula refused to listen, citing that they were both crazy, and instead cut off her own arm and fell from the ship, landing on M-Ship, throwing the pilot out, and flying it to safety.[2]
Crashing on Xandar[]

Gamora finally disables the security door
With Nebula having been defeated, Gamora then disabled the shield generator of the Dark Aster as planned, allowing the rest of the group to enter the control room, with the three having killed Korath. She then joined her friends in confronting Ronan. As she faced her former ally, Ronan glanced at them as Star-Lord prepared to use the Hadron Enforcer to kill him. As he shot Ronan through the chest, the four of them waited for a second to make sure that Ronan was dead.

To Gamora's horror, however, Ronan's power was too great, having harnessed the Power Stone from earlier, and he survived. Ronan then used his Universal Weapon to knock the group back and easily subdued them. Gamora watched as Drax attempted to kill Ronan once again, only for him to effortlessly strangle the perpetrator, as the Kree reversed his statement earlier from the Skirmish on Knowhere to Drax, and affirmed that he indeed remembered killing his family, describing their screams as pitiful.

Gamora is saved from the crash by Groot
They were saved when Rocket dive-bombed his ship into the Dark Aster, plowing straight into Ronan and causing the ship to plummet from the Xandarian skyline. All seemed lost as the group had no means of protecting themselves from the impact when the ship to crash land. However, Groot sacrificed himself to keep the others safe from the crash, wrapping them in a protective ball made from his own body.[2]
Killing Ronan[]

Gamora crashes on Xandar
The group survived the impact, although Groot's body was destroyed, and he was seemingly killed. Ronan the Accuser survived the crash as well and began mocking the group's efforts to stop him, calling them the Guardians of the Galaxy. Ronan prepared to finally unleash his revenge and destroy Xandar while Gamora and the rest of the group seemed powerless to stop him. Much to everyone's surprise, Peter Quill decided to start dancing and singing, distracting Ronan who was confused by the strange display.

Gamora and Guardians use Power Stone
Using this momentary distraction, Rocket was able to repair the Hadron Enforcer and Drax the Destroyer used it to destroy Ronan's Universal Weapon, exposing the Power Stone within. Quill grabbed the stone but was almost killed by its power while a sinister Ronan watched with a grin. Watching as Quill's body started to rip apart due to the effects of possessing the Infinity Stone, Gamora asked him to hold her hand, so she could also harness it. As he hallucinated his dying mother, Quill took her hand, and she screamed in agony and pain as the Power Stone consumed her.

Ultimately, Drax the Destroyer and Rocket Raccoon became exposed to the Power Stone after having exchanged physical contact with Star-Lord. However, the four of them survived as all of them combined were strong enough to absorb and contain its power. As Ronan demanded how they were able to sustain its power given that they were mortal, Quill responded that they were the Guardians of the Galaxy before directing the Power Stone at Ronan, decimating him, before Gamora contained the stone in the Orb.

Gamora after the death of Ronan
With Xandar now saved and the Orb protected once again, Yondu Udonta arrived with his clan and demanded that Quill give him the Orb as he had promised. Despite Gamora's pleads against it, Quill gave in and handed over the Orb. However, once the Ravagers had left the planet, Quill revealed to Gamora that he had switched them and still had the Infinity Stone. Gamora spoke to Quill and he explained how Udonta was the only family he had ever had, but she told him that that was no longer true.[2]
Guardians of the Galaxy[]

Gamora and Quill speak to Nova Prime
The Power Stone was then given to the Nova Corps, with the Nova Prime Irani Rael personally ensuring that the group was pardoned from their criminal records. The Nova Prime expressed her gratitude for saving Xandar from Ronan the Accuser before she discussed that Star-Lord's father was of a mysterious species while confirming that his mother was from Earth.

As they left the Nova Corps Headquarters, Gamora spoke to Drax the Destroyer about him having avenged his family by finally killing Ronan the Accuser. Drax, however, made it clear that Thanos was his next target, claiming that Ronan was a scapegoat, and that Thanos was the mastermind behind the massacre. Before they departed Xandar, they were reminded that they could not commit any crimes, despite that their past criminal records were expunged.

Gamora and Peter Quill leave Xandar
Now free from Thanos and her deadly past, Gamora permanently joined Quill, Rocket, and Drax as the Guardians of the Galaxy. As they prepared to leave on the Milano, which had been rebuilt by Rhomann Dey, Gamora found Quill having finally opened a gift from his late mother, a new music mix. When Quill played one of the songs, Gamora danced to it. They then left the planet under Quill's leadership, intending to do good, some bad, and a bit of both.[2]
Battle on Sovereign[]

Gamora prepares to fight the Abilisk
After the Battle of Xandar, the Guardians of the Galaxy became well known across the galaxy. The Sovereign hired the Guardians to take down the Abilisk that was eating the Anulax Batteries and terrorizing the citizens of the Sovereign. The Guardians arrived on the Sovereign before the Abilisk's arrival, discussing their plan.

Gamora questioned Drax as to why he was not wearing one of Rocket's Aero-Rigs, which he told her it made his nipples hurt, causing Rocket to laugh at his statement. As the Abilisk approached them, Gamora got out a rifle, which Star-Lord questioned as her thing was swords. She responded that how unlikely it would be for her to fight and kill the creature with only her Godslayer. As they fought the Abilisk, Gamora told Groot, who was dancing, to move from danger and responded by waving.

Gamora prepares to kill the Abilisk
Drax then informed Gamora that the Abilisk must be cut on the inside so it could be fully destroyed. Gamora tried to warn him not to do so, but he ignored her warnings and jumped in its mouth as the Abilisk swallowed him. Star-Lord looked in horror as Drax was seemingly devoured by the creature, and then asked her what he was thinking. Gamora insisted Quill that she warned Drax, and he refused to listen to her warning.

Gamora and Guardians finish their mission
Star-Lord then told Gamora to aim for the cut on its neck as he and Rocket Raccoon distracted it from above. As Gamora was about to fire, she ran out of ammo and took out her sword to finally kill it. While Star-Lord and Rocket continued shooting at it from above, Gamora cut through the Abilisk, finally killing it and ending its reign of terror against the citizens of Sovereign. After the battle, the Guardians got changed as Quill warned them about the Sovereign people.[8]
Family Reunion[]

Gamora meets Ayesha
The three were brought before the Sovereign themselves in the capital city where they awaited their payment. The Guardians appeared before the priestess Ayesha, who expressed her gratitude in the Guardians stopping the Abilisk. As Ayesha explained how the Sovereign people were created, Star-Lord attempted to flirt with the High Priestess by attempting to inform her how humans reproduced. Ayesha expressed interest in Quill's proposal and claimed that he could give her a history lesson one day.

Gamora is reunited with Nebula
While Quill expressed that he would be honored to educate her, Gamora, annoyed with his suggestive and seductive remarks, interrupted their conversation and demanded their payment. Moments later, a masked prisoner was brought before them and unmasked by several guards. The prisoner turned out to be Nebula, whom Ayesha explained attempted to steal some Anulax Batteries as a reason for her apprehension.

Gamora takes custody of Nebula
Gamora calmly exchanged glances at Nebula who looked at her in rage. As Ayesha claimed to understand that Nebula was her adopted sister, Gamora insisted that she was not worth any value to her more than the bounty that was due for her on Xandar for her past war crimes she committed under the commands of Thanos and Ronan the Accuser during the Quest for the Orb. As the Guardians left the palace, Ayesha then asked Quill about his lineage, suggesting that his father was of an unordinary species, before Gamora took Nebula and headed to the Milano as Rocket insulted the Sovereign people.

Gamora argues with Nebula
As the Guardians flew away from Sovereign, Gamora tied Nebula upright, as Star-Lord and Drax gossiped about her. While Gamora continued to fix her restraints, Nebula demanded to be given some Yaro Root, only for Gamora to deny her wishes and claim that it was unripe, before claiming that she hated Nebula. Questioning if she truly hated her, Nebula reminded Gamora that she was the one who betrayed Ronan and stole the Orb for herself, before threatening to kill her.

Gamora pilots the Milano
However, Gamora rebutted her threat and arrogantly insisted that she would spend the rest of her life in a Xandarian prison wishing she had the opportunity. As they continued to quarrel, the Milano was pursued and attacked by a fleet of Omnicrafts attacked them as Rocket stole some of their batteries. As they attempted to escape, Quill and Rocket began to argue which Gamora had to break up. Drax then fired at the fleet using a spacesuit, but as the Milano crashed, the cable Drax was attached to broke causing Gamora to hold onto it as the ship crashed into Berhert.[8]
Encounter with Ego[]
Meeting Star-Lord's Father[]

Gamora argues with the Guardians
After the six reunited despite the destruction of the Milano, an argument erupted on Berhert over who was to blame for the crash. As the fight continued, Nebula noticed an unidentified craft descending from the atmosphere, claiming that someone followed them through the jump point.

Gamora witnesses Peter Quill's father arrive
Nebula attempted to trick Gamora by demanding her to liberate her from her restraints so she could help the Guardians of the Galaxy fight the unknown threat. Gamora ignored her claims, stating that she was not stupid to believe her knowing that Nebula would seize the opportunity to kill her if she was freed. As Star-Lord sarcastically claimed that Nebula was an expert at lying, the ship landed in front of them, and the craft opened and the Ego and Mantis stepped out of the pod, with Ego revealing himself as Quill's biological father.

Gamora listens to Ego
That night, the Guardians of the Galaxy set up a campfire, and Ego proceeded to explain to them that he had been searching for Quill ever since Yondu Udonta and the Ravagers failed to uphold their end of the bargain having refused to turn him over to Ego. As Drax and Star-Lord disagreed on the notion of Udonta being his father, Gamora asked how Ego found them, to which he responded that he had heard rumors and stories designating Star-Lord as a hero for his involvement in saving Xandar from Ronan the Accuser. Ego then offered the Guardians of the Galaxy a chance to explore his planet, and from there he would explain Quill's true heritage.

Gamora departs to Ego's Planet
While Ego used the bathroom, Gamora persuaded Quill to go with Ego to 'Ego's Planet when Quill expressed his skepticism of his father's claims. Instead, Gamora assured him that they could just kill Ego if he turned out to be evil. The next day, Gamora, Drax, and Star-Lord departed Berhert, leaving Rocket, Groot, and Nebula. Before they left, Nebula asked Gamora if she was leaving her with Rocket Raccoon, mistaking his species for a fox. Gamora corrected her statement about Rocket's species and instructed him to shoot her if she tried to escape.[8]
Exploring Ego's Planet[]

Gamora refuses to let Mantis touch her
Gamora and Drax accompanied Peter Quill aboard Ego's Ship leaving Nebula with Rocket and Groot who had remained to repair the Milano. Once onboard, Drax conversed with Mantis, asking about her antennas, to which she responded that she had the ability to experience a person's emotions. She displayed her abilities as an empath by touching Quill and revealing his crush on Gamora, as she looked at him in surprise. She was startled by this revelation and refused to let Mantis touch her threatening her with a broken jaw if she tried to do so.

Gamora explores Ego's planet
The Guardians ultimately arrived on Ego's homeworld. Gamora observed the sublime landscapes and diverse fauna on the planet in fascination. Perplexed, Gamora asked what species Ego was, and was startled by the revelation that Ego was, in fact, a Celestial, which affirmed Star-Lord's lineage as a Celestial as well. Ego continued to elaborate on how he came into existence, explaining how he created his planet.

Gamora learns about Ego's origins
When asked how he encountered Meredith Quill, Ego revealed that he met her after having decided to explore Earth, and asserted that he knew Quill was his son after having heard rumors of a hero under the name "Star-Lord" absorbing the Power Stone during the Battle of Xandar against Ronan the Accuser. Later, she interrupted Mantis and Drax with the former having been about to say something possibly about Ego. She grew suspicious when Mantis displayed uncertainty and fear.

Gamora dances with Peter Quill on Ego
She danced with Quill with the latter trying to get her to admit that there was something between them -- something she denied. Gamora expressed her suspicions, but Quill accused her of being jealous of his 'half-god' status and demanded to know why she could not be happy for him having found his family. Gamora responded that she already thought he had found his family before storming off.[8]
Showdown with Nebula[]

Gamora meditated outside in one of the fields, considering whether or not Ego was an ally or enemy. However, her meditation was interrupted by a commotion coming from an M-Ship piloted by Nebula. Gamora then sprinted away from the ship, hoping to evade her sister and reach safety. However, Gamora was shot at multiple times and was chased into a series of caverns. During the pursuit, the M-Ship was destroyed.

Gamora viciously fires upon Nebula's ship
Using her strength, Gamora pulled Nebula out of the destroyed ship, which was in flames. Before Nebula could seize her opportunity to finally kill Gamora, the ship exploded sending the two sisters flying onto the ground. Although the two struggled, the two sisters fought with each other. A shocked Gamora then yelled to Nebula that she saved her life, only for Nebula to continue her kill mission. Nebula attacked Gamora, and ultimately choked her, but did not kill her and let her go.

Gamora is finally defeated by Nebula
Gamora coughed and regained her strength as Nebula expressed excitement at the fact that she finally bested Gamora in combat. Gamora, however, insisted that she saved Nebula's life, and the match was unfair and therefore she did not truly beat her in combat. Nebula was angry at Gamora for always winning the fights Thanos made them partake in that resulted in Nebula being continuously 'upgraded' every time she lost.

Gamora and Nebula discover the skeletons
Gamora then listened as Nebula claimed to have only wanted a sister, stating that Gamora was the only true family she possessed while serving under Thanos. Following their fight, the two formed an uneasy alliance. Exploring the caverns, they came across a large pile of bones, which confirmed Gamora's suspicions about Ego from earlier. As they observed the bones that belonged to Ego's children, Nebula warned her that they should leave the planet.

Gamora attacks Mantis
The two ran back to the main palace to warn Peter Quill. Instead, Gamora and Nebula found Mantis conversing with Drax. Gamora furiously attacked Mantis, demanding to know who they were and what Ego's intentions were until the latter touched her causing her fear to become more prevalent with Drax assuring that Mantis had told him everything. The four of them concocted a plan to save Quill.[8]
Battle on Ego's Planet[]

Gamora attempting to rescue Peter Quill
- "Finally, Rocket."
"Keep that transmitted so I can come find you. We're in an old piece of construction equipment Yondu once used to slice open the bank of A'askavariia."
"Ego's unhinged." - ―Gamora and Rocket[src]
The four went to save Quill who was being attacked by Ego before a ship piloted by Yondu Udonta and Rocket landed on top of him. Gamora brought Peter Quill on board the ship revealing her findings and the Guardians of the Galaxy prepared to leave. Quill refused to say they had to kill Ego and began piloting the ship to the planet's core. Gamora, Drax and Mantis were thrown from the ship when the Omnicrafts sent by Sovereign attacked and Mantis was forced to subdue Ego by putting him to sleep when he found them.

Gamora during the Battle on Ego's Planet
Gamora was visibly distressed when she thought Quill had been killed in the craft's explosion and was relieved when he, as well as Nebula and Yondu Udonta, was revealed to be alive. After Mantis was knocked unconscious and Ego began to attack, she and Nebula fell from the crumbling ledge. Gamora was saved by her sister and the two began to climb back to the top to return to the fight before being suffocated by the organic matter Ego created to subdue them.

When Quill took control, both sisters survived and made their way to the ship piloted by Kraglin Obfonteri on the surface. She refused to leave Quill behind but was tasered by Rocket to stop her from being killed in the explosion of the planet. Eventually, Ego was killed when Groot and Rocket Raccoon set off a bomb in the center of the planet, and thanks to Yondu Udonta's sacrifice, Peter escaped and reunite with Gamora and the others. [8]
Yondu's Funeral[]

Gamora attends Yondu Udonta's funeral
Following the Battle on Ego's Planet, Yondu Udonta was hosted a funeral for his heroic self-sacrifice, which enabled the Guardians of the Galaxy to flee before the planet's destruction. Gamora, along with the Guardians of the Galaxy, Stakar Ogord's Team, Aleta Ravager Clan, Charlie-27 Ravager Clan, Mainframe Ravager Clan, and the Krugarr Ravager Clan all together attended Udonta's funeral, where Star-Lord expressed delight at the fact that Udonta was his true father.

Gamora reconciles with Nebula
When Nebula went to leave, she tried to persuade her to join them, saying that there were other daughters who are in danger because of Thanos and gave her sister a hug when the offer was declined, Nebula responded that she is more useful as killing Thanos to prevent other daughters from the same fate that hers. The two sisters hugged before Nebula departed. As the Ravagers arrived to pay their respects, she hinted to Peter Quill that she did perhaps reciprocate his feelings and the pair embraced.[8]
Traveling in the Galaxy[]
In addition to the Quadrant, the Guardians of the Galaxy acquired a new ship with an auxiliary pod ship attached, which they dubbed the Benatar. During several missions, Gamora and the others flew to Grundar,[11] Gangalor[12] and Falligar.[13]
Infinity War[]
Meeting Thor[]

Gamora responds to the distress signal
In 2018, the Guardians of the Galaxy responded to the distress call sent out by the Statesman after the ship was attacked by Thanos and the Black Order. Gamora was concerned with helping people in distress, while Rocket and Star-Lord were interested in how much they could get as a reward. Upon arrival at the origin of the distress call, they found the Statesman destroyed with dead Asgardian bodies floating in space and recovered Thor from the wreckage.

Gamora meets Thor
Gamora was taken with Thor's physique, much to the discomfort of Star-Lord who began imitating him. Thor recounted his encounter with Thanos to the Guardians, telling them that the Mad Titan was after the Infinity Stones. As Drax revealed to the Asgardian that Gamora was the adopted daughter of Thanos, Thor walked in front of her under the pretense of threatening her. Instead, he comforted her, stating that families were tough, relating to when he had to kill his sister during Ragnarök; Star-Lord shared this sentiment, explaining that he had to kill Ego.

Gamora talks about Thanos' life-long plan
As Thor attempted to steal some of their food, Star-Lord intervened and attempted to imitate his voice, which created a brief argument between the two. Fed up with their quarrel, Gamora asked about Thanos' plan, to which Thor responded that Thanos already obtained the Power Stone after effortlessly destroying the Nova Corps and decimating half of Xandar's population and the Space Stone during the Attack on the Statesman.

Gamora is told the Infinity Stones' locations
Thor assured that the Time and Mind Stones were safe on Earth, as they were being protected by the Avengers and the Masters of the Mystic Arts. He surmised that Thanos was heading to Knowhere to collect the Reality Stone, which was in the possession of the Collector, who was given the stone following the Second Dark Elf Conflict. Afterward, Star-Lord claimed that Knowhere sucked, relating to their previous encounter with the Collector in 2014 during the Quest for the Orb when they attempted to deliver the Orb to him.

Gamora thinking about the Soul Stone
Thor also mentioned that no one knew where the Soul Stone was, to which Gamora reacted uncomfortably, as she possessed knowledge on the location of the Infinity Stone. Thor, along with Rocket and Groot, decided to head to Nidavellir, the homeworld of the Dwarves, to forge a weapon to kill Thanos, while Gamora accompanied Star-Lord, Drax the Destroyer, and Mantis to Knowhere to procure the Reality Stone.[1]
Return to Knowhere[]

Gamora asks Star-Lord to kill her if needed
On the way to Knowhere, Gamora took Star-Lord to one side and made him promise to kill her if Thanos captured her. Gamora told him that she knew something that Thanos could never know. Star-Lord asked her what it was, but Gamora refused to tell him, stating that he would be in danger if he knew as well. As they embraced each other and kissed, their moment was interrupted by Drax the Destroyer, who was "mastering" the art of being invisible by standing totally still. As the two rebutted his argument, Mantis appeared and greeted him much to his disappointment.

Arriving at Knowhere, the Guardians of the Galaxy then headed to the Collector's Museum to find Thanos threatening the Collector and demanding to know where the Reality Stone was. As Tivan claimed that he sold it to someone else, Drax finally decided to exact his revenge on Thanos who ordered Ronan the Accuser to kill his family. As Drax started to charge Thanos, however, Mantis put him to sleep with her empathic powers, causing him to fall on the floor. The loud commotion alerted Thanos to the Guardians' presence.

Gamora attempts to finally kill Thanos
Thanos glanced in their direction and proceeded to throw Tivan in a specimen cage, deciding to engage them personally. Sensing an opportunity, Gamora attacked Thanos, stabbing him in the neck with Godslayer and then plunging the dagger that he gave her into his chest. As Thanos seemingly died, Gamora broke down crying. Tivan then congratulated her from the cage he was trapped in. The Guardians shockingly witnessed Thanos' "demise." However, as Gamora continued to mourn, Thanos' voice rang out, telling her that he was sure she still cared about him, dropping the illusion.

Gamora discovers Thanos' deceptions
Thanos had already obtained the Reality Stone and had staged the entire event. The Reality Stone revealed the true nature of Knowhere; burning and destroyed with Thanos alive and well. Taking Gamora hostage, the Guardians attempted to save her, but Thanos used the Reality Stone to temporarily take out Drax and Mantis. Star-Lord aimed his Quad Blasters at Thanos, threatening to kill him if he did not let Gamora go.

Gamora demanding Peter Quill to kill her
Gamora reminded Star-Lord of his promise and he reluctantly pointed the weapon at her with Thanos tempting him to shoot her. His hesitation caused Thanos to mock Star-Lord, telling Gamora that she expected too much from him. After confessing their love for each other, Star-Lord finally worked up the courage and resolve to shoot Gamora, but Thanos used the Reality Stone to turn the weapon's discharge into bubbles, as well as the weapon itself. Telling Star-Lord he liked him, Thanos used the Space Stone to transport himself and Gamora away from Knowhere.[1]
Sisters Reunited[]

Gamora being offered some food by Thanos
Thanos brought Gamora to his ship, where he tried to reconnect with his lost daughter but she rebuffed his offer of food, throwing the food he offered at his throne, which she bitterly said she always hated, as well as the ship and her life, but Thanos responded by saying that irregardless, he had always hoped that one day, Gamora would sit on his throne after him. As Gamora spoke of how much she hated her life with Thanos, Thanos calmly remarked that she had told him that as well for over twenty years.

Gamora argues with Thanos about his plans
Gamora reminisced on how she was young when Thanos took her and rebuffed his belief that he saved her, saying that she was happy in Zen-Whoberi, which Thanos countered by saying on how her planet was so overpopulated that children had no homes and to survive, her people had to hound the planet for scraps and he was the one who saved her planet. Gamora bitterly said that he did it by wiping out half of the Zehobereis and Thanos simply said that it is a small price to pay for salvation.

Gamora is questioned about the Soul Stone
As the talk became tenser, with Gamora rejecting all that Thanos believed and expressing her hatred for him and everything he taught her, Thanos told Gamora that it was because of his teachings that she became the fiercest woman in the galaxy and he trusted her to find the Soul Stone; Gamora sarcastically apologized for failing him, despite the fact that she had indeed discovered its location and burned the map to prevent him from finding it.

Gamora learns Nebula has been captured
Thanos then revealed that he had always known that she had found the Soul Stone, calmly telling her that he was disappointed in her, not because she failed him, but because she had found the Soul Stone and lied to him about not doing so. Thanos then took Gamora to see Nebula suspended in a field with her cybernetic body parts pulled apart. As Gamora looked in horror, Thanos revealed that he had captured her after she snuck aboard the ship sometime after the Battle on Ego's Planet to kill him and she had nearly succeeded, which resulted in him incarcerating her in the cell.

Using the Power Stone, Thanos tortured her in front of Gamora to make her reveal the location of the Soul Stone. After swearing on her life to Thanos that she did not know its location, Thanos proved his knowledge of Gamora's lie by accessing Nebula's memory and showed her a hologram projection from her eye showing Gamora telling her sister that she had found the map to the Soul Stone and burned it to ash to prevent him from ever locating it.

Gamora seeing Nebula for the last time
After the transmission ended, Thanos lectured Gamora on how he is responsible for her being strong and generous, but noted that he never taught her how to lie, that being the reason why she had poor lying skills. Thanos then proceeded to ask Gamora once more where the Soul Stone was, causing her to contemplate in silence and anguish. After having tortured Nebula some more with the Infinity Stones, Gamora finally relented and told Thanos the Stone was on the planet Vormir.[1]
Unwilling Sacrifice[]

Gamora, giving in after watching Nebula being tortured, reluctantly led Thanos to a planet called Vormir. As they walked on the barren planet, Thanos reminded Gamora that the Soul Stone better be in Vormir for her sister's sake. While climbing to the top of the mountain, they were greeted by the Red Skull, who knew their identities, and he referred to Thanos as the son of A'Lars and Gamora as the daughter of Thanos.

Insistent upon retrieving the six Infinity Stones as soon as possible, Thanos immediately asked the Red Skull where the Soul Stone was located, to which he responded that the stone extracted a terrible price. Thanos confidently claimed to be prepared to do whatever it took to retrieve the Soul Stone. However, Red Skull warned Gamora and Thanos that everyone who tried to obtain the Soul Stone thought that it would be easy, but they were, in fact, wrong about that assertion.

While being led to the top of the mountain, Thanos inquired as to how the Red Skull knew so much about the nature of the Infinity Stones, to which he noted that he himself tried to possess the Space Stone during World War II, but had been cast out to Vormir after he abused the Tesseract's power, alluding to his confrontation with Captain America. As a result of his misdeeds, he had been cursed to be the guardian of the Soul Stone, guiding others who sought it.

Gamora is told that she will be the sacrifice
As they reached the cliff, Red Skull led them to the edge of the mountain, claiming that what Thanos sought laid in front of him. As Gamora looked down, she asked what he was talking about. The Red Skull claimed that Thanos needed the sacrifice of a loved one to be given the Soul Stone as it carried a special place amongst the Infinity Stones. Thanos then learned that he needed to throw that person he loved off the cliff to their death.

Gamora is forced off the cliff by Thanos
Gamora, upon hearing this, unleashed her bitter resentment for Thanos' seeming lack of love for anyone by smiling, laughing and saying how she had dreamed that Thanos would be punished for all he had done, and that the moment was finally here as the universe found Thanos unworthy because he loved no one but himself. Thanos turned around and revealed tears, which she believed was due to his failure, and continued to confidently taunt him.

Gamora is sacrificed for the Soul Stone
However, the truth was revealed that Thanos was crying because he would have to sacrifice Gamora as he truly loved her as his daughter. Gamora's taunting ceased and she bitterly remarked that their relationship was not love, but Thanos told her he could not ignore his destiny again, even for her. Gamora still quickly attempted suicide to prevent Thanos from obtaining the stone, but Thanos easily turned her dagger to bubbles and tearfully apologized and, while still in tears, dragged her over to the cliff and threw her to her death. Thanos then awakened with the Soul Stone in his hand.[1]
Star-Lord's Rage[]
Thanos arrived on Titan to retrieve the Timeand Mind Stones from the Black Order. Instead, he was confronted by the combined forces of Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, Star-Lord, Drax the Destroyer, Mantis, and Nebula - who escaped from the Sanctuary II. During his fight with the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy, Strange restricted the gauntlet while Iron Man, Spider-Man and Drax the Destroyer, restrained Thanos' arms and legs, allowing Mantis to inflict sleep upon him using her powers.
Star-Lord then mocked Thanos and demanded the location of Gamora, visibly causing him to become crestfallen. Mantis then revealed that Thanos was mourning, which led Nebula to understand in horror and sadness that he had sacrificed her for the Soul Stone. Star-Lord then angrily questioned Thanos to tell her that Nebula was lying and Thanos emotionally said he had to. In the end, Thanos overcame and defeated them, forcing Strange to hand the Time Stone to him.[1]

After Thanos snapped his fingers with the Infinity Gauntlet during the Battle of Wakanda, he was transported to the Soulworld inside the Soul Stone. There, Gamora's soul met Thanos in her child form and calmly asked if he had done it and the resigned Thanos told her he had achieved his goal. Gamora asked what it had cost and Thanos sadly smiled and said it cost him everything, referring to how she was the only thing he loved.
Apparently accepting defeat, Gamora sadly smiled before Thanos returned to reality as the Snap started, causing half of the life in the universe to fade away into nothingness.[1] However, three weeks after the ending of the Infinity War and before his death at the blade of Thor's Stormbreaker, Thanos used the Infinity Stones to destroy themselves, obliterating the Soulworld within the Soul Stone.[9]
Younger Variant[]
In 2023, the Avengers initiated the Time Heist to collect the Infinity Stones out of alternate past timelines to resurrect the victims of Thanos' Snap. After Nebula was sent to an from alternate 2014 to steal the Orb from Morag, this attracted the attention of the Gamora, Thanos and Nebula that lived in this timeline. With the 2014 Nebula impersonating the 2023 Nebula, Gamora joined her father and his armies as they boarded the Sanctuary II and were brought into the prime timeline through the Quantum Realm. Gamora chose to turn on her father and joined the armies opposing Thanos during the Battle of Earth.[9] Now stranded in the prime timeline and having never joined the Guardians of the Galaxy, this Gamora Variant went on a different path from the prime Gamora and joined the Ravagers.
The loss of Gamora left Star-Lord to continuously grieve their past relationship and lapse into alcoholism. This continued until 2026 when the Gamora Variant was hired by Nebula, to assist the Guardians in their mission to save the life of Rocket, and she temporarily joined their team in the battle against High Evolutionary, during which Quill would make repeated attempts to reconnect with her.
Ultimately, even as she once again became friends with the Guardians, the events surrounding Rocket's near-death experience led Quill to finally accept that the Gamora he loved was permanently gone and that the Variant could not replace her. The two of them briefly reconciled before going their separate ways once again, and Gamora returned to the Ravagers.[14]
- "I have spent most of my life surrounded by my enemies. I will be grateful to die among my friends."
- ―Gamora[src]
Gamora, throughout most of her life, has been molded into a living weapon, and the only family that she knew and raised her are the people she considered enemies. Because of her assassin background, Gamora can be stoic, distant, and merciless to her foes or targets. Her reputation as the most deadly woman in the galaxy precedes her, as Rocket states "anyone who is anyone knows who [Gamora] is". Whilst she was an equal level of criminal to the rest of her teammates when they first met, Gamora valued honor greatly and held Star-Lord with disdain for being a dishonorable thief alone. However, she was willing to work with the Guardians of the Galaxy to escape the Kyln and sell the Orb though she was monumentally irritated by them, Drax in particular.
During combat, she can be aggressive and ruthless due to her tendency for war cries and her willingness to kill without restraint. However, she will often use strategy to avoid murder when possible such as flirting with Quill so to steal the Orb from him without fatal means, only resorting to killing when it became clear that Quill wasn't going to surrender without a fight or the fact that he might sell it to someone dangerous like the Broker or Ronan if he managed to escape. Within the Kyln, Gamora was almost killed by Drax and Moloka Dar, but she only restrained them instead of killing them and non-lethally incapacitates the guards when they were trying to escape. When arguing with Nebula regarding who was the better assassin, Gamora told her that the difference between them was that she took too long murdering her victims, showing that she lacks the sadistic desire for a painful death Nebula had.
Her brutal training by Thanos could have turned her into someone like her sister, Nebula but by comparison, Gamora is extremely caring. When she discovered the Orb's destructive power, she didn't hesitate to surrender it to the Nova Corps despite the threat of arrest and angrily chastising Quill for attempting to sell it. Despite her hatred for everyone connected towards Thanos as well as her rivalry towards her sister and her attempts to kill her earlier, Gamora consoles her and genuinely cares for her. Throughout all their altercations, Gamora would always try to reason with Nebula and held back so as not to kill her. However, during childhood, she was too self-focused on her own survival that she didn't seem to care about what happened to Nebula when Thanos would torture her for losing against Gamora in combat, something which Gamora didn't even realize until adulthood and shows remorse for this, but defends this by saying that she was a child like Nebula and scared for her own life. Her love for Nebula was shown when she quickly gave in and told Thanos the Soul Stone is on Vormir when she saw Nebula tortured.
Gamora possesses a mixture of love and hatred for Thanos for ruining her childhood and massacring half of her people but for also loving her as a daughter and training her to become a warrior. For years, Gamora was loyal to Thanos but she never completely committed to his cause, which caused her to burn the map to the Soul Stone upon finding it even before she fully defected from him when she met her fellow Guardians. She even went as far as to lie that Thanos killed her parents in front of her while it was not the case and Thanos actually gently kept her from seeing the massacre of her people. When they reunited, despite Thanos' kind attempts to reconcile with her, Gamora bitterly rejected everything and did not hesitate to express her profound hatred for him. However, despite all of this, Gamora does still love Thanos as a father to some degree but could not bring herself to admit it and created the lie to justify her hatred for Thanos, as she still cried when she seemingly killed him and Thanos himself said that he knew she still cared for him deep down. While she was quick to attempt suicide to prevent Thanos from obtaining the Soul Stone, Gamora was genuinely shocked and seemed almost happy after learning that Thanos genuinely loved her as his daughter and the fact she had to die for him to complete his mission deeply shocked and devastated him for a brief moment before she tried to kill herself. Thanos also said that she once had the same will as he has as she fought alongside him, implying that she at first did have some dedication to Thanos' cause until she saw him for what he was and turned against him. It could also be possible that she initially believed in his goal to balance the universe by killing half its population to be the right thing until she began to disagree with it.
Unlike the other Guardians, Gamora lacks the comical quirks and deep-seated personality issues giving her a more serious and deadly personality. However, like Drax, Gamora is ignorant of Quill's Earth lingo and pop references. She also doesn't understand figures of speech because she believed that "having a stick up your butt" which was another way of saying one was uptight was literal and considered it cruel. During a few months with the Guardians, Gamora's hardened personality has begun to vanish. She took the time during a fight with the Abilisk to wave at Groot, becoming an almost mother-figure to him and dancing with Quill on Ego's planet despite previously claiming not to dance. Gamora later consoled him about Yondu Udonta's death and hinted at having romantic feelings for him. However, she still has an aggressive edge, threatening to break the jaw of Mantis if she touched her (presumably because she didn't want Drax or anyone to know about her attraction to Quill). She eventually confessed that she loved him more than anything when she asked him to kill her after Thanos had grabbed her.
Gamora's selflessness was shown by the fact that she was willing to let Star-Lord kill her to prevent Thanos from learning the location of the Soul Stone and later quickly and desperately attempted suicide to prevent Thanos from acquiring the Stone.
After being sacrificed by Thanos, Gamora's soul trapped in the Soulworld showed a more defeated side, seemingly being the only hero who humbly accepted Thanos' victory, as when Thanos came to her, she bore no ill will towards him and calmly asked if he did it. She even showed a softer side when he solemnly replied that achieving his goal needed him to sacrifice her, sadly smiling as if to comfort Thanos.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Zehoberei Physiology/Bionic Enhancement: As a Zehoberei, Gamora naturally possesses physical capabilities beyond any human being, which were further augmented by Thanos' use of bionic and cybernetic enhancements to improve her skills as an assassin.
- Superhuman Strength:
Gamora carries the massive M-Ship cannon
- Enhanced Durability: Gamora's bionic upgrades and the advanced physiology of her species allow her to be more resistant to physical harm. Gamora was able to survive, or at least briefly endure, various afflictions that would prove fatal to a normal human being, such as severe electrocution, deep space exposure, or blunt force trauma. While fighting her sister, Gamora withstood falling off a cliff and survived an exploding spaceship, sending her flying. During the Battle on Ego's Planet, Gamora effortlessly landed on her feet, completely unharmed after falling from several stories and later was slammed into a wall by a rising rock pillar at a great speed. However, she did not survive being thrown off a large cliff on Vormir by Thanos, with Gamora losing a lot of blood upon impact with the ground.
- Superhuman Agility:
Gamora leaping towards Abilisk
- Enhanced Stamina: Gamora's two livers allowed her to metabolize and filter toxins faster than any human and her respiratory implants allow her to intake oxygen at greater efficiency than any human. Because of her respiratory and musculoskeletal upgrades, Gamora managed to outrun Nebula's M-Ships.[15]
- Enhanced Reflexes: Gamora's natural reflexes had been augmented by the use of nanomachines throughout her bloodstream, increasing her reaction time in combat situations.[16]
- Regenerative Healing Factor: Bio-augmentations such as nanomachines within her bloodstream granted Gamora the power to regenerate quickly from most injuries or infections,[16] allowing her to easily get back into fighting shape after being exposed to deep-space without any protection.
- Superhuman Strength:
- "As a child, my father would have Gamora and me battle one another in training. Every time my sister prevailed... my father would replace a piece of me with machinery... claiming he wanted me to be her equal. But she won... again and again, and again, never once refraining."
- ―Nebula to Kraglin Obfonteri[src]
- Master Combatant:
Gamora fighting against Nebula
- Sword Mastery:
Gamora amputates and stabs Groot
- Expert Marksman: Although Gamora was known to prefer using melee combat, especially swords, much more often, her training under Thanos nevertheless allowed her to acquire a level of proficiency in using firearms. She displayed this skill when she effectively wielded a rifle while battling the Abilisk, and later turned a ship's turret into a hand-held weapon and accurately shot and swiftly destroyed the M-Ship Nebula attacked her on. She is also an excellent knife-thrower, able to throw a knife with such accuracy from a great distance that she was able to avoid amputating Quill's arm while still forcing him to drop the Orb.
- Master Assassin: Gamora was an extremely skilled assassin, being so great that she was known for never having failed her missions while under Thanos' tutelage and even earning such fearful reputation that she was considered the "deadliest woman in the galaxy" due to her work as an assassin. Nebula, herself an extensively trained assassin who was skilled enough to have come close to assassinating Thanos, stated that Gamora is the better assassin.
- Pilot: Gamora was a capable pilot, as shown when in an attempt to escape from Nebula and a group of Sakaarans on Knowhere, Gamora was able to single-handedly command and fly a mining pod with relative ease. She managed to avoid being decisively shot down until she was eventually forced to escape to space, which shut down her pod and allowed Nebula to shoot her down.
- Multilingualism: Gamora was fluent in her native language, as well as English, and she can also understand Groot after spending four years with Groot.
- Godslayer:
Gamora deploys Godslayer
- Gamora's Switchblade: Thanos gave her a switchblade during their first encounter on Zen-Whoberi. Gamora later used it in her attempted assassination of Thanos on Knowhere.
- Power Stone: During their final battle with Ronan the Accuser, Gamora and the other Guardians of the Galaxy used the Power Stone in tandem to direct the Stone's energy at Ronan, destroying his body and killing him.
- Energy Rifle: During an encounter with the Abilisk, Gamora used an energy rifle to fight off an attempt to kill it, only to have it run out of ammo.
Other Equipment[]
- Cybernetic Skeleton: While in the service of Thanos, Gamora had cybernetic appendages installed in her providing enhanced strength and durability.
- Ocular and Respiratory Implants: Gamora had implants installed in her visual system and respiratory system, providing enhanced stamina and vision.[15]
- Specialized Shoes: Although Gamora can naturally jump great distances, she wears specially designed shoes with springy heels which allow her to jump higher than she normally could.[16]
- Aero-Rigs: Another invention of Rocket, a jet-pack device that allowed Gamora to fly smoothly through the air while fighting the Abilisk.
- Translator Implant: Gamora had a translator implant that helped her understand many of the languages spoken in the universe.[17]
- Q-Ship: Gamora and Nebula reported to the Q-Ship after attacking Korbin. Thanos joined them and sent them to work with Ronan the Accuser on the Dark Aster.
- Sanctuary II: Gamora used the Sanctuary II as a base while working for Thanos. Gamora and Nebula had it nearby when they attacked Korbin. Thanos later brought Gamora onto the Sanctuary and tortured Nebula in front of her, causing Gamora to reveal the location of the Soul Stone to Thanos.
- Dark Aster: Gamora and Nebula were sent to work for Ronan the Accuser's ship, the Dark Aster. She used her position to get sent by Ronan to retrieve the Orb so that she could sell it to the Collector. She later returned with the Guardians of the Galaxy and fought Nebula before joining the Guardians in confronting Ronan the Accuser. As the ship crashed, Groot covered the Guardians and protected them from dying.
- Milano: Gamora and the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy escaped the Kyln in Peter Quill's ship, which they took to Knowhere in order to sell the Orb to the Collector. She and the Guardians then crashed the ship into the Dark Aster to fight Ronan the Accuser. The Nova Corps repaired it, and the team began operating out of the Milano. They were chased by the Sovereign in the Milano, leading to it crashing onto Berhert.
- Mining Pods: Gamora boarded a mining pod on Knowhere to flee Ronan the Accuser's forces. She attempted to get into open space, but her pod broken down and was destroyed by Nebula.
- Eclector: Gamora was taken onto ship by the Ravagers, preventing her from suffocating in space. The Ravagers wanted to attack Gamora and Peter Quill, but they came to an agreement against Ronan the Accuser. Gamora met with the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy and made a plan to stop Ronan.
- Quadrant: While Ego's planet was about to explode, Gamora and Nebula fled onto a quadrant of the Eclector. Gamora tried to insist that they wait for Peter Quill and Yondu Udonta, but Rocket rendered her unconscious. Gamora and the Guardians held a funeral for Udonta in the quadrant and watched as the other Ravagers gave Udonta a Ravagers' funeral. Gamora then said goodbye to Nebula as she went to find Thanos.
- Ego's Ship: Gamora was brought on Ego's ship to his planet. She sat and listened as Mantis explained that she had the ability to read people's emotions, revealing Peter Quill's sexual feelings for Gamora, shocking her. Mantis went to perform the same action to Gamora, who stopped and threatened Mantis.
- Laser Drill: Gamora and the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy boarded the laser drill and went to the core of Ego's planet, hoping to destroy him. However, the ship had a hole torn out of it, causing Gamora to fall out.
- Benatar: The Guardians of the Galaxy used the Benatar following the destruction of the Milano. Gamora and the Guardians rode the Benatar to respond to a distress signal sent out, and came across dead Asgardians, discovering Thor. They spoke to Thor and realized that Thanos was enacting his plans, and decided to take the Benatar to Knowhere to stop Thanos.
- Nova Corps Headquarters: Gamora and the Guardians of the Galaxy were brought to the Nova Corps' headquarters and thanked for helping to save Xandar from Ronan the Accuser. They left the headquarters as a new team on a repaired Milano.
- Boot of Jemiah: Gamora and the Guardians of the Galaxy waited to meet with the Collector in the Boot of Jemiah, where Peter Quill flirted with Gamora.
- Collector's Museum: Gamora was invited into the Collector's Museum upon the Guardians' arrival on Knowhere where she attempted to sell the Orb to the Collector. However, the Collector's servant Carina harnessed the Power Stone in an unsuccessful attempt to free herself from servitude, only for it to kill her and destroy much of the Collector's collection.
- Kyln: After having been arrested on Xandar, Gamora was transported to the Kyln along with Star-Lord, Rocket, and Groot as a punishment for their crimes. Nevertheless, the four vigilantes as well as Drax the Destroyer formed an unlikely alliance and managed to escape from the Kyln.
- In the comics, Gamora possesses different physical characteristics such as green hair and yellow patch-like tattoos over her eyes, and she was eventually entrusted to protect the Time Gem.
- Of all his adopted children, Thanos genuinely loved Gamora, to the extent that not only did he hope that she would inherit his throne one day, but he also genuinely mourned her death after he was forced to sacrifice her to the Soul Stone on Vormir.
- Gamora was 275 microbules tall and weighed 852 grets.[18]
Behind the Scenes[]
- Zoe Saldana described Gamora as "...a warrior, she's an assassin and she's very lethal but what saves her is the same thing that can doom her. She has a sense of righteousness. She's a very righteous individual."[19]
- Before Zoe Saldana was cast as Gamora, Olivia Wilde and Amanda Seyfried[20] turned down the role of Gamora, while Rosario Dawson, Gina Carano, Rachel Nichols, Kristanna Loken, Moon Bloodgood and Adrianne Palicki auditioned before the role.
- Chloé Bruce, Lee-Anne Telford, Bethany Levy and Ana Shepherd were stunt doubles for Zoe Saldana in the role of Gamora.
- Abidemi Sobande, Eli Logue and Anna Elizabeth were stand-ins for Zoe Saldana in the role of Gamora.
- ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 Avengers: Infinity War
- ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 Guardians of the Galaxy
- ↑ 4/30/2018 on Scott's laptop in Ant-Man and the Wasp
- ↑ Marvel Studios' The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Guardians of the Galaxy Prelude, Issue 1
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Avengers: Infinity War: The Heroes' Journey
- ↑ Guardians of the Galaxy Prequel Infinite Comic
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 Avengers: Endgame
- ↑ Guardians of the Galaxy Deleted Scene
- ↑ I Am Groot: 1.02: The Little Guy
- ↑ I Am Groot: 1.04: Groot Takes a Bath
- ↑ I Am Groot: 2.03: Groot's Snow Day
- ↑ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 Marvel Studios Visual Dictionary
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 Marvel Studios: Character Encyclopedia
- ↑ James Gunn on Twitter - March 25, 2023
- ↑ Gamora's biometrics
- ↑ Guardians of the Galaxy: From the Set of the Marvel Studios Adaptation
- ↑ Amanda Seyfried Apparently Turned Down MCU’s Gamora Because of That Green Makeup
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