Ms. Marvel

"These bangles traveled through space and time. To find me. I was born for this."
―Ms. Marvel[src]

Kamala Khan (Urdu: کمالہ خان) is a mutant hybrid, a student at Coles Academic High School, and a big fan of the Avengers, particularly Captain Marvel. Being a descendant of Aisha, Khan discovered her abilities to manipulate Noor, harnessing it through Aisha's bangle. Khan's newfound powers attracted the attention of Damage Control and the Clandestines, who sought a way back to the Noor Dimension. Realizing the danger of the Clandestines, Khan joined forces with Red Dagger in Karachi and managed to convince Najma to seal a rift between Earth and the Noor Dimension. Back in Jersey City, Khan and her friends made it their mission to help Kamran from being apprehended by Damage Control, as he discovered that he had the ability to manipulate Noor as well. Following a confrontation with Damage Control, with support from her family, friends and community, Khan was able to save Kamran and get him out of the United States. Khan would later adopt Ms. Marvel as her new moniker; however, her bangle suddenly caused her to abruptly teleport and switch places with Carol Danvers and Monica Rambeau.

Discovering that her light-based powers had become entangled with Danvers' and Rambeau's and that they subsequently swapped places whenever they used them, the trio formed the Marvels in order to defeat Dar-Benn, a Kree Accuser who had obtained the second bangle; Danvers would later identify the two as Quantum Bands. Learning that Dar-Benn was siphoning resources from other planets in order to restore Hala by utilizing jump points, the trio had a final confrontation with Dar-Benn that ended in her death and Rambeau stranded in another universe. In the aftermath, Khan began using S.A.B.E.R. intelligence in order to assemble a team of young superheroes, beginning with Kate Bishop.


Early Life[]

Khan Family Photo

Khan along with her family

"Your mother and I tried for years to have a second child. We'd almost lost all hope. And then you came. Beta, you were just so perfect."
Yusuf Khan to Kamala Khan[src]

Kamala Khan was born in 2009[3] to Muneeba and Yusuf Khan in Jersey City, New Jersey. She was raised in her family's house alongside her older brother Aamir Khan.[1]

School Years[]


Kamala Khan Science Class

Khan messes up at science class

During her early school years, Khan met and became best friends with Nakia Bahadir. Sometimes they would both carpool to school with Zoe Zimmer, whose mother would drive them there.[3]

Falling into the Hudson[]

"Is that code for 'I fell into the Hudson for the third time?'"
"That's 'Black Sloth Down.' And I fell in once, okay?"
Bruno Carrelli and Kamala Khan[src]

Khan became friends with Bruno Carrelli in second grade[7] and fell into the Hudson River twice during their friendship. Due to this recurring event, they created a secret code in case it happened again: "Black Sloth Down."[3] In 2018, Khan survived the Snap.[6] In 2020, she was awarded the Junior Aide Award for her work as a Girl Scout.[3]

Fan of the Avengers[]


Khan's own papercrafts

During her high school career, Khan became a super fan of the Avengers and especially of Captain Marvel. She decorated her room with pictures and artwork of Danvers and even made a Captain Marvel cosplay costume. In addition to that, she also drew a picture of Danvers' pet, Goose. With her vivid imagination and plenty of inspiration, she started a YouTube channel where she talked about the Avengers. She also listened to Scott Lang's podcast interviews where she learned about the Battle of Earth and created drawings of the heroes of the battle.

Kamala Khan's room

Khan working on her YouTube channel

These drawings included Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye, Wanda Maximoff, Ant-Man, Captain Marvel, Valkyrie, Black Panther, Okoye and Pepper Potts. She then used those drawings in a video she created about the event, highlighting Captain Marvel's role in it, noting how she had destroyed the Sanctuary II. Previously, she had made a video about Ant-Man and Wasp having a romantic getaway in Paris. As she began closing the video, she promised to make a two-part video series about Thor being a secret gamer. She then signed off by asking viewers to like the video, leave a comment, and subscribe to her channel.[3]

Driver's License Test[]

Ms. Marvel Sizzle Reel 10

Khan feeling confident about herself

"I don't think anyone saw."
"That's my car."
―Kamala Khan and Driving Examiner[src]

Khan went downstairs and was given advice by her father and brother in preparation for her driver's license test. Having practiced for the test previously with her mother, she felt confident in her ability to succeed.

Kamala Khan fails her driver's test

Khan fails her driver's license test

Khan then left her house and met with her driving examiner in her parents' car. During the test, she checked her mirrors, turned the car on, and proceeded to hit the gas. However, she had forgotten to take the car out of reverse and drove right into the car behind her. She shrugged it off at first, thinking that nobody saw it, until her driving examiner informed her that the car she had run into was his. Afterwards, her parents arrived and argued with the driving examiner about what had happened. They then took Khan to her school. On the way, Khan imagined Captain Marvel flying in the skyline above New York City.[3]

Guidance Counselor Meeting[]

Kamala looks at Bruno

Khan speaks with Bruno Carrelli

"I know fantasy's fun, fantasy's really fun. But right now, I need you to pull yourself together and join reality."
Gabe Wilson, Jr. to Kamala Khan[src]

When she arrived at school, she went straight to her best friend, Bruno Carrelli. Carrelli told her that he had lost ten dollars because she failed, he then gave the money to Nakia Bahadir, who bet against her.

Kamala looks at Zoe

Khan bumps into Zoe Zimmer

While walking with Carrelli and Bahadir in the stairway, Khan bumped into Zoe Zimmer, who was passing by them. Khan told Zimmer that she liked her jacket and Zimmer replied by complimenting Khan's necklace. Khan told Zimmer that the necklace was her name in Arabic. However, Zimmer looked disinterested and walked away soon after.

Kamala Khan (Hang In There!)

Khan meets with Gabe Wilson, Jr.

Suddenly, Gabe Wilson, Jr., her guidance counselor, called Khan to his office through the intercom. Wilson originally told her she was in trouble, but quickly said it was a joke. Upon arrival, he told Khan that she had been caught doodling all day and staring off into space. He told her that she needed to start thinking about her future like the SATs and college admissions.[3]

After School Activities[]

Kamala smile

Khan hangs out with Bruno Carrelli

"Bruno, I still need to figure out my final flourish for my costume. Any ideas?"
―Kamala Khan to Bruno Carrelli[src]

After the school day ended, Khan rode her bicycle to Circle Q and met up with Bruno Carrelli. She got a slushy from the slushy machine and told him about her day. She stated that her mother thought she was a weirdo for fantasizing so much about superheroes and he playfully agreed.

Ms. Marvel Sizzle Reel 02

Khan looks at her Captain Marvel cosplay costume

She was then shown her Captain Marvel cosplay costume that he had airbrushed. They then discussed attending the New Jersey AvengerCon and that she still needed to get approval from her parents in order to attend. They left the store and biked through the streets. As they did, Khan voiced her imaginations out loud about variants of Captain Marvel that could act as a "final flourish" for her costume, such as a steampunk Captain Marvel, a Captain Panther, an Iron Marvel, a Doctor Strange Captain Marvel coming out of an Inter-Dimensional Portal, a Valkyrie Captain Marvel on a Valkyrie Steed, a Captain Princess Marvel, and a zombie Captain Marvel.[3]

Shopping with Her Mother[]

Ms. Marvel Spot (11)

Khan looks at her grandmother's bangle

"She's going to help me with my errands. You know the ones for your wedding?"
"I am?"
Muneeba Khan and Kamala Khan[src]

When Khan returned home, she was met by her mother who put out a box full of junk from her grandmother. Khan looked through it and found a bangle; however, her mother quickly grabbed it from her and told her brother to put the box in the attic.

Kamala mentions Halal Guys

Khan shopping with her mother

Her mother then told Khan that she was going to help with errands for her brother's wedding. They left and went to various stores for the next few hours, greeting Najaf at his food truck. At Saeed Fashions, Khan was being tailored in a dress by Shakat and overheard her mother speaking with Ruby about Fatima who broke off her engagement and decided to travel through Europe. She observed how critical they were of that. She then voiced her opinion in approval of Fatima, after which Shakat stated that she was "trouble." Her mother and Ruby then agreed with Shakat that Khan was too short for the dress that she was wearing.

Muneeba brings Bruno food

Khan speaks with Bruno Carrelli

When they returned home, Khan found Bruno Carrelli inside teaching her father how to use the Zuzu that he had created. When asked how the shopping went, she told him not to mention Belgium or any guy named Rob. As he left, her mother quickly gave him a bag of food to take home.[3]

New Jersey AvengerCon[]

Making a Plan[]

Kamala asks her parents to go out

Khan asks to go to New Jersey AvengerCon

Khan then asked her mother and father if she could go to the New Jersey AvengerCon with Bruno Carrelli, but her mother had questions. She asked what she would dress up as and Khan told her: Captain Marvel. Her parents refused to let her go as they did not trust that she would be completely safe there and disapproved of Khan wearing a tight suit.

Kamala looks at Aamir

Khan speaks with her brother

Khan got mad at them, saying that the circumstances would be different if it was her brother asking and ran up to her room. Shortly after, her brother came by her room to check on her. Kamala questioned why her parents were so strict on her noting that they were not with him. Aamir told her that he would talk to them for her and left the room. Kamala then went to bed, but not before turning on a circular glowing night light.

Kamala Khan (Captain Marvel Costume)

Khan puts on her Captain Marvel costume

The next morning, Khan put on her Captain Marvel cosplay costume and looked at herself in the mirror. Above the mirror, she had a picture of Captain Marvel and she mimicked the pose of Captain Marvel in that picture. However, she became dismayed upon noticing that the top did not completely cover her pelvic area. Khan attempted to remedy this by tying a sash around her hips but was interrupted by her mother knocking on her door. Knowing that her mother would disapprove of her wearing her costume, she quickly put a robe on over it.

Kamala calls her parents humiliating

Khan talks with her mother

Her mother entered her room and told Khan that she and her father had talked with her brother and had decided to let her go to AvengerCon on some special conditions: her father would drive her, she would only be allowed to stay for two hours, and some would have to wear a specific costume. Her mother then revealed a homemade Hulk-inspired outfit. Suddenly, her father burst into the room in his own Hulk costume, wearing an all-green suit and green face paint. When Khan got mad and told them it was humiliating, her mother walked out in disappointment. Her father then sadly told her she was not going and left.

Ms. Marvel Sizzle Reel 04

Khan and Bruno Carrelli talking on a roof

That night, Khan met with Bruno Carrelli on a rooftop and talked to him about the argument. She remarked on how she never saw her father so disappointed before. Carrelli cheered her up by giving her the last part to her Captain Marvel cosplay: light up gloves that mimicked photon blasts. She then put them on and pretended to fight him with them.

Kamala nursing a nosebleed

Khan gets hit in the face during gym class

The next day at school, Khan got a basketball to the face during gym class from Zoe Zimmer, who insisted that it was an accident. This resulted in her having to sit out for the rest of the class with a nosebleed. That evening, she thought of a new plan on how to get to AvengerCon.

Kamala Khan's AvengerCon Plan

Khan explains her plan

The next day, Khan met with Carrelli and explained to him her new plan: she would create the best Captain Marvel costume ever and then sneak out of her house after dinner by jumping out the window, flipping off a tree branch, and landing on the ground in a superhero pose. Carrelli, in a Tony Stark cosplay costume, would then get her a bike and they would go to where the bus to Camp Lehigh makes one of its stops. They would jump off of the bridge and land on top of the bus as it drove by. They would then get on and everyone would stare at them in awe. At AvengerCon, Khan would win the Captain Marvel cosplay competition, become a star, and then sneak back into her bed just before her father opened her door to check on her.

Ms. Marvel Trailer (24)

Khan retrieves her grandmother's bangle

Carrelli told her that it did not matter how they got there if she still had not finished her Captain Marvel costume. He reminded Khan that she needed to include something in her costume that represented her. Khan thought of the bangle that her grandmother had sent her family and sunk into the attic to get it. As she looked in the box, she found a Captain America drawing of hers. When she got the bangle, she smiled and quickly left the attic.[3]

Awakening Her Powers[]

Kamala in her bedroom

Khan ready to leave for AvengerCon

―Kamala Khan[src]

Khan's plan got off to a bad start when her father would not stop talking during dinner. She saw Bruno Carrelli waving at her from the window and excused herself from the table. She went up to her room ten minutes later than planned. She then quickly got ready by putting on a shirt with the Avengers logo and jumped out the window, but the tree branch she grabbed onto broke, and she fell to the ground. Carrelli helped her get up and told her that they missed the bus, but they could still make the next one. They biked to the bus stop and carried their bikes onto the bus. However, Khan's got stuck in the door and fell out. She pleaded for the bus driver to stop, but he refused, and the bike was left behind.

When they arrived at Camp Lehigh, Khan rode on Carrelli's bike in the back, and the two arrived at the New Jersey AvengerCon. Upon entering, they saw a statue of Captain America was on display. Inside, they saw a mural of Black Widow and Iron Man honoring their sacrifice in bringing about the Blip and returning the world to normal. Khan then visited many exhibits and got popcorn from someone dressed as an ant.

Kamala and Bruno

Khan looks at the Captain Marvel statue

While Khan and Carrelli were walking around the convention, she got caught up looking at a Captain Marvel statue and Carrelli reminded her that the Captain Marvel cosplay competition was starting soon. They then noticed Zoe Zimmer entering the competition, greatly annoying Khan and Carrelli as Zimmer's costume was not accurate and she was not a fan of the Avengers. Khan went to the restroom to change into her costume. She was about to put on her helmet and the photon gloves that Carrelli made for her when she picked up her grandmother's bangle and prepared to put it on, but it did not fit. Khan heard over the announcement system that the Captain Marvel cosplay competition was starting, so she rushed out of the restroom, but accidentally left behind her gloves.

Kamala Khan Purple Realm

Khan is transported into another dimension

Khan returned to Carrelli and then realized that the gloves were gone. She wanted to go back to get them, but Carrelli told her that she did not have time. Khan then figured out how to open up her grandmother's bangle and put it on. Suddenly, she felt a surge of energy rush through her and was briefly transported into a purple tinted realm with mysterious people present.

Kamala Khan (Captain Marvel Cosplayers)

Khan accidentally uses her powers

Confused, she then went on stage to show off her costume. However, as people in the crowds started taking pictures of her with the flash, she became blinded by the lights. As she tried to shield her eyes, she suddenly shot energy constructs out of her hand and into the crowd, with one of them hitting an Ant-Man statue. The crowd cheered for her, but the head of the Ant-Man statue fell off and rolled through the crowd, causing people to run away chaotically. The head eventually hit a wire and caused it to snap, which sent a gigantic Mjølnir prop swinging across the stage. Zimmer walked up to Khan and complimented her costume, but Khan saw the prop and told her to move. Suddenly, the Mjølnir prop hit Zimmer and carried her with it. Zimmer fell off of the prop, but Khan reached out her hand and an energy construct in the shape of a giant hand caught Zimmer before she hit the ground. Khan and Carrelli then fled the scene.

Ms. Marvel Spot (10)

Khan is confronted by her mother

Khan and Carrelli returned to her house. Carrelli helped her sneak back in through her bedroom window even though they were both curious about her new powers. When Khan got into her room, her mother was waiting for her. She told Khan that she was disappointed in her and to stop fantasizing, focus on herself, and be the daughter she was raised to be.

Kamala Khan's fingers

Khan admires her new powers

Khan watched as her mother walked out of her room and then slumped onto her bed. She stared at her glowing hand and all she could say was that it was cosmic.[3]

Night Light of Jersey City[]

Training with Bruno[]

"Okay. Well, let's focus on what we know. Light comes out of you and it hardens."
"Let's call it "Hard Light"."
Bruno Carrelli and Kamala Khan[src]
Kamala Khan glowing hands

Khan tests her powers

The next day at school, Khan bumped into Kamran and immediately developed a crush on him. Bruno Carrelli then approached her and asked her if she could show him her powers. Khan told him that she would in the theater after lunch. While eating lunch, she overheard Zoe Zimmer's story about being rescued by "Night Light" and her announcement that she was having a party. Khan initially did not want to attend Zimmer's party, but after she learned that Kamran would be there, she changed her mind. After school, Khan began seeing what she could do with her powers with Carrelli who discovered that her bangle activated powers that she already had. They also noticed that there was some kind of writing on the bangle.

Kamala Khan and Nakia Bahadir

Khan talks to Nakia Bahadir during Abdullah's lecture

Khan later attended Sheikh Abdullah's lecture at the Islamic Masjid of Jersey City with Nakia Bahadir. When she learned that nominations were still open for the Mosque Board election, Khan told Bahadir that she should run. Bahadir eventually agreed but told Khan that she would be her campaign manager.[2]

Zoe Zimmer's Party[]

Kamala Khan gets Kamran's number

Khan is given Kamran's phone number

"Zoe's having some people over tonight. Bruno and Nakia will both be there. And I'll be home by 9:00. Please can I go?"
"Okay. But this time, you see that you come back through the door."
―Kamala Khan and Muneeba Khan[src]

Khan returned home and apologized to her mother for sneaking out to the New Jersey AvengerCon. She then asked her if she could attend Zoe Zimmer's party. With approval, Khan arrived at the Zimmer Residence with her friends and introduced herself to Kamran after he dived into a pool off of a roof. Unexpectedly, the cops arrived, and Kamran told Khan and her friends that he had a car and that they could come with him. In Kamran's car, Khan and he bonded over their shared interests. After being dropped off at Circle Q, Kamran gave Khan his number and told her to text or call him if she wanted a driving lesson.

Kamala's hand becomes hard light

Khan is visited by Nakia Bahadir in the restroom

That night, Khan fantasized about being with Kamran. The next day at school, some "hard light" unexpectedly formed over her nose causing her to run to the restroom with Nakia Bahadir worryingly following her. The two then had a conversation about how things change fast, and Bahadir gave Khan some stuff for her driving lesson with Kamran.[2]

Time with Kamran[]

Kamala and Bruno after school

Khan is spoken to by Bruno Carrelli

Khan began approaching Kamran who was waiting by his car until Bruno Carrelli arrived, wanting to proceed with her training and to tell her that he got into the early immersion program at Caltech. However, she told him that she could not train because of her driving lesson with Kamran. Khan then told Carrelli that her mother wanted to know if he would be coming to Eid with her family. After he told her that he would, she proceeded to her driving lesson.

Hiding behind a menu

Khan and Kamran hide from Aamir Khan

Khan and Kamran stopped at Bombay Spice after their driving lesson and talked movies and their families until Khan spotted her brother with his fiancée outside of the restaurant. When they entered the restaurant, Khan told Aamir that Kamran was their cousin. Aamir and Hillman then left and Kamran suggested to Khan that they should eat after the exhausting situation.[2]

Eid al-Adha[]

Ms. Marvel sees a vision of Najma

Khan sees a vision of a mysterious woman

"Hey, you're not gonna fall. Okay? Just calm down and think happy thoughts."
―Kamala Khan to Hameed[src]

During dinner with her family and Tyesha Hillman, Khan saw a strange vision that caused her to pass out. Afterwards, she called her grandmother to talk to her about her bangle. Khan's grandmother revealed to her that the bangle belonged to Khan's great-grandmother Aisha before hanging up. The next day, after failing to get answers from her grandmother, Khan asked her mother about Aisha. However, her mother told her to forget about Aisha. At an Eid festival, Khan agreed to help Nakia Bahadir with her campaign to become a member of the Mosque Board and decided to talk to the "Illumin-Aunties" about Bahadir's campaign, wanting to talk to them about Aisha anyway. While talking with the "Illumin-Aunties," she heard a child scream and saw him hanging off the ledge of the Islamic Masjid of Jersey City's minaret. Khan decided to try to save the child and after putting on her Captain Marvel cosplay costume, she used her powers to make her way towards him. Just as the child fell from the the minaret, she managed to save him by creating a "hard light" energy construct platform that he landed on. However, just as Khan was about to help the child down from the platform, she saw a vision of a mysterious woman which caused her to nearly drop the child to his death by accident. She then fled the scene.[2]

Ambushed by Damage Control[]

Kamala's reaction

Khan meets Kamran's mother Najma

"Kamala. I've been waiting a very long time to meet you."
Najma to Kamala Khan[src]

After fleeing from the Islamic Masjid of Jersey City, Khan was discovered in an alley by a Stark Industries Combat Drone. Running away from the drone, she used a "hard light" energy construct fist to destroy another drone coming towards her before realizing that the alley was blocked by Damage Control agents. Khan attempted to use her "hard light" energy construct platforms to escape from the agents, but one of the agents destroyed them with a Stark Sonic Cannon which caused her to land on top of one of the Damage Control vehicles. She used her powers to destroy another drone before falling off of the vehicle and injuring herself. Kamran then drove up and Khan got into his car to escape. In Kamran's car, he introduced her to his mother Najma.[2]

Familial History[]

Meeting the Clandestines[]

Najma speaking to Kamala

Khan is spoken to by Najma

"It was Aisha's wish to bring us all home. And now you must finish what she started."
Najma to Kamala Khan[src]

Kamran drove Khan to Aadam's house where she met a group of individuals. When Khan asked Najma how the group knew Aisha, she revealed that all of them were originally from another dimension, but they were exiled to Earth. Khan and Najma then went to another room of the house in order to continue their conversation. Khan thanked Najma for saving her and Najma told her that the least the group could do was protect Aisha's family, but that they did not know she had any until Khan put on her bangle and they sensed the presence of Noor. Najma explained that there was Noor within everyone in the group as well and that it slowed down their aging, but they could not access its full potential while on Earth. Najma then suggested to Khan that maybe she could because she was born on Earth and that she must fulfill Aisha's wish to bring everyone in the group home. Khan asked Najma where exactly their home was and what they were. Najma told her that their home dimension was the Noor dimension, and in that dimension, they were known as the Clandestines, but on Earth they are most commonly known as Djinn.

The next day, Khan visited Bruno Carrelli at his apartment. She filled him in on what had happened the night before and that she was a Djinn. Carrelli asked Khan where she got this information from, and she told him about the Clandestines. Shen then asked him if he could help her figure out interdimensional travel in order to send the Clandestines back to their home dimension.[8]

Mehndi Party[]

Kamala hugs Nakia

Khan hugs Nakia Bahadir for winning the Mosque Board election

"Good is not a thing you are, Kamala. It is a thing you do."
Abdullah to Kamala Khan[src]

Nakia Bahadir later visited Khan at her house while Kamala watched a video of herself as "Night Light" on TikTok. Bahadir told Khan that Damage Control came into the Islamic Masjid of Jersey City earlier that day looking for "Night Light" and that she became a member of the Mosque Board which prompted Khan to hug her congratulation.

Kamala holding eye mask

Khan happily holds her mask

Khan attended Tyesha Hillman's Mehndi party at her house and during the party, her mother informed her that Bruno Carrelli could not attend the party, but that he had left a box for her. Outside of the party, Khan had a conversation with Sheikh Abdullah about "Night Light" and asked him how "Night Light" could convince everyone that she was good. She then opened the box that Carrelli had left for her and saw that he had made a mask for her.

Bruno tells Kamala that he got into Caltech

Khan talks to Bruno Carrelli who tells her that he got into Caltech

That night, Khan met up with Carrelli at his apartment and he told her that it was theoretically possible to achieve interdimensional travel, but that there was a big margin of error. He also revealed to her that he got into Caltech and that he planned on going, but wanted to make sure that everything was okay before he left. Carrelli then told Khan that he would help her help the Clandestines but insisted that they find a safe way to help them.[8]

Aamir and Tyesha's Wedding[]

Kamala and Muneeba in bathroom

Khan is healed by Muneeba Khan

"Why are you doing this? You said you would protect me."
"Why should I protect those who betray me?"
―Kamala Khan and Najma[src]

The next day, Khan's mother noticed her injury. She insisted that she patch it up and while she was doing so, they had a conversation about conquering "mountains" in their lives. After she was done patching up her injury, Khan's mother told her that she did not have to face whatever "mountain" she was facing alone. Khan then attended Aamir and Tyesha's wedding where she eavesdropped on a conversation between her father and her brother before the ceremony.

At the wedding reception, Kamala participated in a dance for Aamir and Tyesha. After the performance, she asked Bruno Carrelli to dance with her, but Kamran unexpectedly arrived. He warned Kamala that the Clandestines were coming and that they were willing to kill to get what they wanted. In order to keep everyone safe, Kamala pulled the fire alarm and began telling people that they needed to leave. She was then chased into the kitchen where she used "hard light" energy construct shields to block the Clandestines' attacks. Outside of the wedding, Zara claimed that she saw Kamala pull the fire alarm which worried Khan's mother and father.

Inside the kitchen, Khan continued to hide from the Clandestines, but Najma shut off the lights and started pleading with her. Najma hit a pan which caused Khan to accidently create a "hard light" energy construct shield, revealing her hiding spot. She was then hit through a wall into the dining room by Aadam's mace where she continued to fight the Clandestines. Before Saleem was able to hit Khan, Carrelli attempted to help her by throwing a present at Saleem. However, he was injured by Saleem who then got punched by one of Khan's "hard light" energy construct fists. She used another "hard light" energy construct fist to punch the rest of the Clandestines and attempted to help Carrelli while Kamran distracted Saleem.

Najma & Kamala

Khan and Najma experience a vision

As Khan and Carrelli walked out of the dining room, Kamran was thrown off of a balcony and got knocked out. Khan and Carrelli then found themselves surrounded by the Clandestines. Najma attempted to grab Khan's bangle which caused both of them to experience a vision. After they experienced the vision, Damage Control arrived and arrested the Clandestines.

Bruno & Kamala look at Nakia

Khan's secret identity is found out by Nakia Bahadir

Khan and Carrelli managed to escape and get outside, but they ran into Nakia Bahadir who saw Khan use her powers. Khan promised Bahadir that she would explain everything later before running off.

Kamala told to come to Karachi

Khan is told to come to Karachi by Sana Ali

Khan returned home to her worried mother and father. They asked her to be honest and explain everything, but she told them that she could not. In her room, Khan received a call from her grandmother who told her that she needed to come to Karachi. Khan asked if she could call her back tomorrow, but her grandmother asked her if she saw the train and revealed that she saw it too. Her grandmother then insisted that she come to Karachi before hanging up.[8]

Visit to Pakistan[]

Reunion with Relatives[]

Kamala reunites with Sana

Khan reunites with Sana Ali

"The bangle is trying to tell you something, beta. I don't know what, but I do know that you needed to be here with me to figure it out."
"I don't know how to figure it out. I feel like I'm trying to piece together things, and I'm just breaking more than I can fix."
"That's quite a puzzle. But then, if you have lived like I have, lost what I have, you learn to find beauty in the pieces."
Sana Ali and Kamala Khan[src]

While on a plane to Pakistan, the man sitting next to Khan asked her if it was her first time going to Pakistan. When she answered him, her mother said she thought Khan had lost her voice and Khan told her that she thought she was not allowed to speak because she was grounded. Her mother then told her that she was still grounded, but that they needed to call a temporary truce since her grandmother was very old and insisted that they come to Pakistan. Khan texted Nakia Bahadir to see if everything was okay between them but did not receive a response. When Khan and her mother arrived in Karachi, they were greeted by her cousins Zainab and Owais. She then saw her grandmother and hugged her.

Sana and Kamala

Khan asks Sana Ali why she sent her the bangle

At her grandmother's house, Khan walked into a room full of drawings. She looked around in awe at how skilled of an artist her grandmother was. Khan's grandmother walked into the room and explained the drawings to her. Khan then took the bangle that her grandmother had sent her out of her bag and asked her grandmother why she sent it to her. She also asked her grandmother if she was a Djinn. Her grandmother told Khan that they were Djinn, but that she was focusing on the wrong things and that the important thing was the last time the bangle was used it saved her life. She explained to Khan that during the Partition she got separated from her father, but a trail of stars appeared and lead her back to him. Khan asked her if the train that they saw in the vision was the same one from the Partition. Her grandmother told her that the bangle was trying to tell her something and she had to figure it out. When Khan went to bed, she had nightmares about what happened during Aamir and Tyesha's wedding.

Patio Lunch (Clifton Boat Club)

Khan meets Rukhsana

The next day, Khan woke up to see her cousins above her and they told her that she had to get up because they were going out to eat. They met up with Rukhsana for lunch at the boat club, but had to eat outside because Khan wore jeans. Afterwards, Khan went to the market with her cousins and bought a new outfit. She asked if they could check out the train station next, but her cousins told her that they had friends waiting for coffee and that she could go if she wanted to. Khan got lost and ran into a someone who took her picture and tried to sell it to her. She told him that he could have her money if he gave her directions to the train station.[9]

Meeting Red Dagger[]

Ms. Marvel vs. Red Dagger

Khan fights Red Dagger

"Come with me if you want to live."
"Just kidding! I've always wanted to say that. But really, we should go. There's someone you need to meet."
Red Dagger and Kamala Khan[src]

When Khan arrived at the train station, she was suddenly attacked by a man who threw a dagger at her. She tried to fight him, but he dodged all of her attacks. The man then noticed that Khan was not a Clandestine like he thought and asked her how she got the bangle from Aisha. Security guards heard the commotion of their fight and started approaching them, so the man told Khan to follow him.

Map presentation

Khan learns about the Noor Dimension

The man led her into the kitchen of a restaurant where he showed her a secret entrance to a hideout and revealed that he was a member of the Red Daggers. Inside of the hideout, the leader of the Red Daggers Waleed greeted Khan and told her that they had much to discuss. Waleed explained to her that the red scarf that the other man wore had protected the identity of warriors willing to take on the mantle of the Red Dagger and that their function was to protect people from unseen threats. When Khan asked him if one of those threats was the Djinn, he told her that the Clandestines were not like the Djinn she had heard or read about. Waleed further explained to her that the Clandestines were from another realm that co-existed with Earth and that if they succeeded in their plan to use the bangle to tear down the Veil of Noor that separated Earth from their realm, Earth would be destroyed.

Beach Bonfire

Khan hangs out with Kareem and his friends

Khan then returned to her grandmother's house and had a talk with her. After their talk, she met up with Red Dagger and his friends. Khan learned that his name was Kareem and asked him if the food that they were eating was spicy as she had trouble eating spicy food.[9]

Skirmish with the Clandestines[]

Attack on Red Daggers Hideout

Khan fights the Clandestines with Red Dagger and Waleed

"Oh, my God. I knew you were gonna murder me!"
"We're not dead yet."
―Kamala Khan and Red Dagger[src]

The next day at the Red Daggers' hideout, Waleed was teaching Khan how to use her powers effectively when the Clandestines suddenly dropped into the hideout from the ceiling. Kareem led Khan and Waleed out of the hideout and they got into a cart. The Clandestines got into their own vehicles to chase them and eventually caught up. Khan used her powers to prevent the truck that Aadam and Fariha were in from hitting a family and to get away from them. Since they were running out of room on the street, Waleed unhinged the bike that Khan and Kareem were on from the cart. They crashed into a car and flew off of the bike while Waleed tried to get some of the Clandestines to follow him. Khan stole a truck and drove into Saleem before he caught Kareem. She then got out of the truck and tried to escape from Aadam and Fariha who were following her and Kareem. While they were running, Waleed noticed that Saleem was behind them and threw two daggers at him, killing him. In retaliation, Najma stabbed him in the back and pushed him off of a balcony. Khan and Kareem saw his body fall and Khan wanted to help him, but Kareem told her that he was gone, and they had to go.

Kamala Khan vs. Najma

Khan's bangle is damaged by Najma

Khan and Kareem attempted to escape from the Clandestines, but they reached a dead end. Upon reaching the dead end, they got ready to fight the Clandestines. Khan and Kareem fought Fariha and Aadam for a short while until Najma joined the fight. During the fight, Kareem killed Aadam. Najma became enraged and tried to stab Khan, but she accidently stabbed Khan's bangle instead. Everyone was thrown onto their backs and when Khan got up, she noticed that she was suddenly in 1947 during the Partition. She climbed onto the top of one of the trains and saw the commotion of everyone trying to leave India.[9]

Time Traveling to 1947[]

Fulfilling Her Destiny[]

Kamala & Sana (Partition)

Khan rescues a young Sana Ali

"No, you have to save her. You're supposed to save Nani, like the story."
"It's okay. She's okay. 'Cause you're here."
―Kamala Khan and Aisha[src]

Khan walked through the train yard and saw Aisha lying on her back in a cart. Aisha told Khan to get Sana Ali on the train and to protect the bangle. Khan told Aisha that she could not because Aisha had to save Ali like in the story. Aisha replied that everything worked out okay because Khan was there. She then gave Khan a picture before dying. Khan briefly mourned Aisha before walking through the crowd to try to find Ali. After finding Ali, Khan picked her up and attempted to take her to Hasan. Since it was so busy and they could not get through the crowd, Khan created "hard light" energy construct platforms for Ali to walk on. However, Khan was pushed which caused the "hard light" energy construct platforms to dissipate, but Ali managed to control the remnants of them, and they lead her back to her father. Khan then realized that she was the one who saved Ali in 1947 before her bangle started to glow and she returned to the present.[10]

Return to the Present[]

Kamala speaks with Najma

Khan tries to reason with Najma

"All Aisha ever wanted was to be with her family and you took that from her! Please don't take that from Kamran, too!"
―Kamala Khan to Najma[src]

Upon Kamala's return to the present, everybody got up and they noticed that the Veil of Noor was open. At Sana Ali's house, Muneeba Khan was worried about Kamala because Kamala was not answering her phone and Owais told her that there was a way to find out where Kamala's phone was. At the Veil of Noor, Fariha told Najma that they go home, but she when she attempted to walk through the Veil, she died. Kamala tried to use her powers to close the Veil of Noor, but nothing worked, and she told Kareem to get everyone else to safety. Kamala pleaded with Najma, telling her not to go through the Veil and to help her close it because she had Kamran. Najma replied that she did not because she left him behind, but Kamala told her that she could still be with Kamran. Najma then sacrificed herself in order to close the Veil of Noor.

Kareem Kamala Karachi

Khan says goodbye to Kareem

Muneeba and Ali arrived and saw Kamala using her powers. Muneeba asked Kamala if she was the "Light Girl" that had recently appeared in Jersey City and she said that she was. Kamala then gave Ali the picture that Aisha gave her. Before they went back to Ali's house, Kamala went to find Kareem to say goodbye to him. He told her that Waleed would be really proud of her. Kamala thanked Kareem for everything, and he told her that if she ever needed anything, he was just a call away. He then gave her his red scarf before leaving and Muneeba found Kamala's broken necklace on the ground.

Sana, Kamala & Muneeba

Khan is told a story about Muneeba Khan running away when she was 17

Later, at Ali's house, Ali showed Kamala a picture of Muneeba at her age and told Kamala that Muneeba ran away when she was 17 to follow Bon Jovi. Muneeba told Kamala that she and Kamala's father had a lot of adventures, but none of them were as thrilling as being her mother. Kamala, Muneeba, and Ali then hugged and made up.[10] Afterwards, Kamala and Muneeba returned to Jersey City.[1]

Embracing Her Powers[]

Return to Jersey City[]


Khan reveals her secret identity to her family

While Khan's family was looking through her mother's suitcase to see what she had got for them in Pakistan, she told them that she had an announcement to make and revealed her secret identity to them. When she noticed that they only pretended to act surprised, she asked her mother if she told them already. Her mother told Khan that she only told her father and her brother revealed that he overheard their mother and father's conversation because their father had his phone on speaker. Her father told her how proud he was of her and reminded her to be careful. Her brother then got a call from Nakia Bahadir and Khan answered it. Bahadir asked her if she had heard from Bruno Carrelli. Khan said she had not and asked Bahadir why she was asking. Bahadir revealed that she had been trying to get a hold of him because Circle Q exploded.

Muneeba & Kamala

Khan is given a new costume

Khan tried to call Carrelli, but he did not answer. Just as she was about to leave to search for Carrelli, her mother told her she was not going anywhere dressed the way that she was. Her mother then presented Khan with a new costume as a gift.[1]

Battle at Coles Academic High School[]

Ms. Marvel, Kamran and Bruno

Khan finds Bruno Carrelli and Kamran

"There is no normal. There's just us and what we do with what we've been given."
―Kamala Khan to Kamran[src]

Wearing her new costume, Khan used her "hard light" energy construct platforms to quickly move throughout Jersey City. She eventually found Bruno Carrelli and Kamran hiding in an alley. As Khan and Carrelli hugged, Kamran accidentally let out bursts of energy in pain. The three of them made their way toward Coles Academic High School in order to hide from Damage Control. Khan then called Kareem and told him that she needed to get Kamran out of the country. Kareem told her that he knew someone who could help and she needed to get Kamran to the harbor by midnight.

Ms. Marvel and Nakia Bahadir (Coles High School)

Khan apologizes to Nakia Bahadir

Inside of the school, Khan, Carrelli, and Kamran ran into Nakia Bahadir. Khan asked Bahadir if she was mad at her, and Bahadir said that she was. Khan apologized for not telling Bahadir everything and the two of them made up. Carrelli looked out of the window and informed everyone that Damage Control had arrived. Kamran and Khan told Carrelli and Bahadir to leave, but they decided not to because they both had grudges against Damage Control. Zoe Zimmer then arrived and offered to help them because Damage Control had tried to tick her. Khan asked Zimmer what she was doing at the school and Zimmer told Khan that she filmed her TikToks in the school's theater and that she owned Khan for saving her life.

Ms. Marvel draws her plan

Khan creates a plan

Kamala told everyone that her plan was to distract and stall Damage Control for as long as possible until Kamran was safe. Suddenly, Aamir Khan showed up and when she asked him what he was doing at the school, he told her that their mother sent him to watch over her. Kamala then explained to everyone her plan in more detail: Aamir and Zimmer would grab supplies, she and Carrelli would set up a trap in the science lab, everyone would help grab every single fire extinguisher in the school, and Zimmer and Bahadir would grab as many softballs as they could. Bahadir asked Kamala if they were going to stop Damage Control with softballs and Kamala told her that they were going to stall Damage Control with softballs. While Zimmer and Bahadir were dividing softballs into baskets, Kamala told Carrelli that the Clandestines followed her to Karachi and she stopped them, but Najma didn't make it. Carrelli asked Kamala to promise him that she would not tell Kamran until they escaped.

Kamran and Ms. Marvel

Khan and Kamran hide from Damage Control agents

A group of Damage Control agents entered the school and stumbled upon a Zuzu device, which they initially thought was a bomb. As they began to retreat, the device emitted music, revealing the trick. The agents blasted it before progressing further into the school. Khan and Kamran eventually hid behind a desk. A group of Damage Control agents began approaching them, but another agent told them that the suspect was headed toward the gym and the agents left. Khan and Kamran then leaned into kiss, but Carrelli interrupted them and told them that more Damage Control agents were coming. After Khan and Kamran left, Carrelli distracted the agents by dancing, but he got arrested.

Kamran EP6

Khan tells Kamran his mother died in Pakistan

Khan told Kamran that her friend had a contact who could meet him at the docks. Kamran asked Khan if her friend was a member of the Red Daggers and when she didn't answer him, he told her that the Red Daggers were as much of a threat to him as Damage Control. Kamran told Khan that he needed the Clandestines and his mother, but Khan did not say anything. As they prepared to exit through a bathroom window, Kamran asked Khan what happened to his mother. Suddenly, a Damage Control agent broke through the window and Kamran tried to attack him, so Khan protected the agent. Kamran asked Khan to tell him what happened in Pakistan and after she briefly explained what happened, he figured out that his mother had died. A group of Damage Control agents approached them, and Kamran attacked them, so Khan tried to restrain him before he tried to kill one of them. He broke her restraint and ran off.

Ms. Marvel's Hard Light Shield

Khan protects Kamran

Kamran left the school and confronted a group of armed Damage Control agents. He refused to obey Sadie Deever's command to surrender, so the agents opened fire on him. However, Khan then exited the school and protected him with a "hard light" energy construct shield. Deever ordered the agents to cease fire and attack Khan and Kamran with a Sonic Cannon which destroyed Khan's "hard light" energy construct shield. Khan was able to get up and used her powers to cover most of her body in a "hard light" armor that increased the size of her arms and legs. She then destroyed the Sonic Cannon and knocked down some of the Damage Control agents.

Hole in the ground

Khan helps Kamran escape

Kamran got up took down five other agents before he confronted Deever. He used his powers to fling a Humvee toward her. Deever avoided it, but the Humvee almost flew into the nearby crowd who were saved by Khan who caught it. When he was once again confronted by Deever, Kamran began losing control over his powers and caused massive crystalline protrusions to form around him. As everyone else was unable withstand his blast, only Khan managed to approach Kamran and she formed a "hard light" energy construct dome around them. Kamran told Khan that nobody would accept them, and Earth wasn't his home. Khan told him that Najma saved Earth for him and right before she died, she protected him. Kamran told Khan that he did not what know what to do since he could not be normal after everything that had happened and Khan replied that there was no normal, just them and what they did with what they were given. She then told him to get to the harbor while she bought him time and punched a hole in the ground which allowed him to escape.

Ms. Marvel makes her escape

Khan flees from Damage Control

Khan dissipated her "hard light" energy construct dome and Deever told the Damage Control agents to get up. As they began to surround Khan, the crowd broke through the barricades and shielded Khan from the agents. Barrie moved forward anyway to arrest Khan, but she used her powers to leave the scene and was applauded by the crowd.[1]

The Hero of Jersey City[]

Kamala & Yusuf

Khan talks to her father

"Yeah, we're all still figuring it out. But you saved people, Kamala. You saved lives. And if you saved one life... Well, you saved the world."
Yusuf Khan to Kamala Khan[src]

In the following days, TikTok reacted to what had happened at Coles Academic High School. Khan watched some of the videos before looking at herself in her new costume in her mirror. She went onto her roof where her father found her. He asked Khan what her superhero name was, and she told him that she was still figuring that out. Her father gave her a speech where he told her that because she saved one life, she saved the world. Khan's father then told her that he and her mother named her Kamala because they tried to have a second child for years and they almost lost all hope before she came along, and she was perfect. He explained that "Kamal" meant "Perfect" in Arabic, but in Urdu it meant "Wonder" or "Marvel" and Khan was astonished to learn that she shared the same name as her hero Captain Marvel. Her father told her that he did not know who that was, but that she was and always had been his and her mother's own little "Ms. Marvel" which she decided to adopt as her superhero name. Khan then sat on a light post and stared out into the city.

Bruno tells Kamala she's a mutant

Khan is told she has a mutation in her genes

One week later, Bruno Carrelli and Nakia Bahadir rode in Kamran's car that he had left behind when he fled the country. They met up with Khan and Carrelli told her that he looked at her genetic make-up again because her brother kept asking if he had powers too and that they might have had it wrong the first time around. He explained that when he compared her to the rest her family something still seemed off and that she had a mutation in her genes. Khan told Carrelli that it did not matter because it would just be another label. They then drove off with Bahadir.[1]


Mysteriously Teleported[]

Kamala Khan in her room

Khan drawing in her room

"I’m Kamala Khan. No, sorry, I’m Ms. Marvel, actually. But I’m from Jersey City and I... Oh, no, I don’t have my mask on. Is this an Avengers test?"
―Ms. Marvel to Nick Fury[src]

In 2026, in her room, Khan was drawing while listening to music. She turned the music louder only for Muneeba Khan to yell up to her asking if she was doing her homework. Khan lied, saying she was doing science. She then used her "hard light" to close the door to her room. She then comtinued drawing, imagining a fan fiction of her and Captain Marvel.

Ms. Marvel Captain Marvel Drawing

Ms. Marvel imagines helping Captain Marvel

While Danvers fought a robot, Khan imagined herself helping her hero and proving herself to Danvers. She also imagined that Danvers would think it was cool that their names were similar. Danvers then asked for them to go have a party with the Avengers, which Khan accepted. Danvers went to fly away, only to turn around and ask if Khan could fly. Khan said she could not but could make her arms bigger with her powers. Danvers then picked Kahn up and flew her. However, Khan was interrupted by Muneeba yelling for her.[4]

Ms. Marvel teleported away

Khan switches places with Carol Danvers

Kamala jumped onto her bed as Muneeba told her it did not sound like she was doing science homework. An annoyed Kamala told her okay before noticing her bangle was glowing. She got up and looked at it, even shaking the bangle to get it to stop. Suddenly, Kamala was teleported to outer space.[1] Kamala found herself in a space suit, flying uncontrollably towards the S.A.B.E.R. Space Station. Once she settled down, she looked to find Nick Fury staring at her, puzzled. Kamala got very excited at this sight, asking if this was an Avengers test. Suddenly, she was teleported back to her home.[4]

Unexplainable Switching[]

Kamala OG Suit

Khan tries to explain where she was

Kamala instantly found herself in trouble with Muneeba and Yusuf Khan, who were mad at her for breaking her closet door. Kamala tried to explain that it was not her and she was in space, which Muneeba did not believe. Yusuf claimed that maybe Captain Marvel broke it. This made Kamala stop in her tracks. Muneeba explained that Captain Marvel had been in their house. Yusuf got worried that Danvers was pressuring Kamala. However, Aamir Khan thought that they were working together. All of the outside voices meant nothing to Kamala as she took in that Danvers was in her room. She then excitedly exclaimed that her dreams were happening.[4]

Kamala's Dream

Khan on the Hoopty

Ms. Marvel was then teleported and found herself on a space ship. She looked around in confusion and saw a helmet resembling Captain Marvel's. Khan walked over to it and examined before excitedly coming to the realization that she was on Danvers' ship. She then got a call which was automatically answered. Valkyrie was on the other side, much to Khan's excitement. Valkyrie thought that Khan was Danvers' wife, but Khan teleported away before she could add anything else to the conversation.[11]

Kamala meets Goose

Ms. Marvel screams in fear at Goose

Suddenly, Ms. Marvel was teleported again, this time to an Accuser Warship. Ms. Marvel gained her bearings and looked over to find Goose. As Kree soliders arrived, Goose lashed out her tentacles, eating the soldiers. This made Khan scream in fear at what seemed to be a Cats with tentacles. As another soldier arrived, Khan shielded herself and Goose, only to be teleported back to her house. Kamala got up, very scared and tried to explain what was happening, but started overwhelming her parents. Goose then used her tentacles again, coughing up the Kree soldiers. Kamala quickly dropped Goose in fear.

The Marvels Trailer (24)

Ms. Marvel smiles at Nick Fury

As the soldiers started attacking, Kamala told her family to run. However, she was teleported again, this time to Nick Fury in a S.A.B.E.R. Space Elevator. Before anything happened, she was teleported to her home where she fought a Kree soldier before being teleported to the Accuser warship. She arrived there and enclosed herself and two soldiers in a "hard light" shield before she was teleported back to the space elevator. She looked up and saw Fury, saying hello to him.

Kamala OK

Ms. Marvel says she is okay

She shielded Fury then punched a soldier with an extension of "hard light," giving Fury a proud look before charging at the soldiers and spinning over one. She took a pistol and threw it to Fury for him to use. Khan then slid on her "hard light" to power up a kick on a soldier. She then smiled at Fury, who chuckled at the sight. She was then teleported to the warship then back to her house, where she fell from a few feet in the air. Muneeba asked if she was okay to which Kamala confirmed.[4]

Finding Answers[]

Aamir Broken Glasses

Khan faces the destruction

"Your daughter is the hero that saved Jersey City. So, of course we would have intel on someone like her. And you’re also... electromagnetically altered."
Monica Rambeau to Muneeba and Kamala Khan[src]

Still unsure of what was happening, Kamala took a broom and quietly sweeped up the house while the rest of the family cleaned up. Muneeba Khan gave Kamala a look of disappointment. Kamala then looked up at the hole in the ceiling before seeing the family standing in front of her. Suddenly, there was a ring at the doorbell, annoying Yusuf Khan. Yusuf opened it to find Nick Fury and Monica Rambeau. Kamala rushed to the couch to get a better look.

The Marvels Teaser Trailer (11)

Khan talks to Monica Rambeau

As S.A.B.E.R. agents took the Kree out of the house, Kamala excitedly asked questions to Rambeau about the tablet she was using. Seeing that Rambeau was looking at information on Ms. Marvel, Kamala took the tablet for herself and showed it to Aamir Khan. Kamala then looked through her information, noting the correct facts. Rambeau explained how they both had light-based powers. Kamala then interrupted, asking what Rambeau's codename was. However, Rambeau said she did not have one.

The Marvels Trailer (27)

Khan falls from the sky

Rambeau started talking about Captain Marvel as Kamala started fangirling over her. Kamala then got sidetracked, realizing that Rambeau called her "Aunt Carol". Rambeau ignored this saying how Danvers could absorb light, she could see light and Kamala could turn it into physical matter and this could be why they were switching places. Still excited, Kamala said she could show her and charged up her powers only to be teleported to the warship again. Kamala was then teleported back only to find herself falling in the air. She was saved by Rambeau, who had trouble flying while holding on. Therefore, Kamala charged up a "hard light" sphere to engulf them. They then teleported again to the warship where they were arrested by Kree.[4]

Destruction of Tarnax IV[]

Kamala meets Carol

Khan meets Captain Marvel

"No! How can you just leave them here?"
―Ms. Marvel[src]

While being detained, Khan and Monica Rambeau were approached by Dar-Benn, who was told that Captain Marvel was there. Dar-Benn then grabbed a Quantum Band and put it on. Seeing this, Khan covered up her own Quantum Band. Dar-Benn then charged up her Universal Weapon and shot it at Khan and Rambeau, only to be saved by Captain Marvel, who absorbed the blast. Khan gasped before charging into battle. She fought a Kree soldier only to switch places with Danvers, finding herself knocked down by Dar-Benn.

Monica, Kamala & Carol

Khan, Monica Rambeau and Captain Marvel face Dar-Benn

Khan tried to get up as Danvers remarked that they had to get the band from Dar-Benn. Khan said that it looked like hers. They then ran to the edge of the ship as Rambeau and Danvers flew off. Khan was left there as she could not fly. Khan turned around to the hiding Kree scientists and asked if they had a space ship she could borrow. Danvers then returned, told Khan not to talk to them, and carried her to the surface. Khan was just excited that Danvers knew her name.

Khan Makes Noor

Khan creates a "hard light" shield

On the surface, Dar-Benn used the band and universal weapon to steal Tarnax IV's atmosphere and siphon it to Hala. This forced a mass evacuation as Khan tried to help the Skrull population onto escape pods. Seeing that the pods were getting sucked into Hala, Khan relayed this to Danvers. Captain Marvel told her to get back to the Hoopty and to not use her powers. Khan wanted to help, but Danvers refused to let her.

Khan Switches with Danvers

Ms. Marvel is forced to switch places with Captain Marvel

Khan did not listen as she noticed a rock pillar collapsing, so she rushed over and shielded many Skrulls from the debris. Using her powers caused Khan to switch places with Danvers, once again sending her falling from a great height. Khan used her powers again, switching back with Danvers. Not worrying about her own safety, Khan ran over to a group of Skrulls and created a slide for them to get down from a collapsing balcony. She then switched with Danvers and was forced onto the ship.

The Marvels Trailer (35)

Khan is yelled at by Captain Marvel

Khan helped some more Skrulls onto the ship but noticed many others in harms way. Khan got very upset that they would leave them, unsure it was the right way to do it. Danvers then yelled at Khan, telling her they had to save who they could. Khan looked at her hero in sadness as she walked back into the ship to fly away from the destroyed planet.[4]

The Marvels[]

Kamala in Hoopty

Khan in the Hoopty

"Anytime you need company, I will be there. I will drop everything. I will... I will drop high school."
―Kamala Khan to Carol Danvers[src]

On the Hoopty in space, Khan sat down as she watched King Valkyrie arrive through the Bifrost Bridge and take the Skrulls with her to find a new home. Khan helped a young Skrull and told them that Captain Marvel would fix the mistake. The three heroes then looked as the Bifrost swept everyone away. Khan glanced at Danvers before looking away.

The Marvels Teaser Trailer (36)

Khan wears Carol Danvers' clothes

Still upset, Khan took a shower then changed clothes but had to use Danvers' as she did not have any of her own. She shyly told this to Danvers, who assured her it was okay and even looked good on her. Khan's voice broke as she was about to say something only for Danvers to interrupt her, apologizing for yelling at her. Khan thanked her for her apology. Danvers then said she knew the situation was not ideal, but it was good to have company. This changed Khan's mood as she said she would drop anything to help Danvers.

Kamala and Carol

Khan officially meets Captain Marvel

Danvers then asked to start over and held out her hand, introducing herself as Carol Danvers. Khan accepted the handshake, stating her name and going on a tangeant about her name being Ms. Marvel and being unsure if it was okay to use. Khan then awkward did a finger point at Danvers saying "twinsies," as she imagined it would go down in her fan fiction drawings. Khan then watched as Danvers and Rambeau argued about authority and mentioning a team. This made Khan excited at the thought of a team, which was shot down by both Danvers and Rambeau.

What You Seek is Seeking You

Khan notes her Quantum Bands' inscription

Khan got ahead of herself, trying to create codenames for Rambeau like Professor Marvel. However, Rambeau shot this down, so Khan moved onto to a team name: The Marvels. Khan then explained how she believed Dar-Benn was creating Jump Points through the bangles. Danvers remarked how they were called Quantum Bands. Khan noted that she knew there were two bands but did not expect the other one to be in space. Rambeau got confused on how Dar-Benn and Khan just randomly bumped into each other, but Khan stated what was inscribed on her band: "what you seek is seeking you."

Khan and Maps

Khan is unsure of the map

Danvers then realized that this must mean that the Kree created the Universal Neural Teleportation Network and that is why they were entangled when using their powers. Rambeau concluded that since Dar-Benn only had one band, she was overloading the band with energy from the hammer. Danvers interurpted, saying it was called a Universal Weapon, which got Khan to remark how she would have called it a Cosmi-Rod. Khan then said how Dar-Benn had maps on her ship. Danvers asked to where only for Khan to say "to the stars" as she did not remember specific locations.[4]


Kamala using Fracking Pod

Khan uses the Fracking Pods

"If all she wanted was to destroy Tarnax... why not bring in an army or use a bomb or something? Why a jump point?"
―Kamala Khan[src]

Carol Danvers told her not to worry as they could use the Fracking Pods to recover memories and find the map. They used these and found memories of Danvers and Monica Rambeau, but also found Khan's memory of the map which was of the Magellanic Galaxy. They then saw a memory of young Rambeau and Danvers, which Khan found cute. This brought up many other memories of people like Maria Rambeau, which caused Monica to shut off the pods as Danvers apologized greatly.

Kamala hugs Monica

Khan hugs Monica Rambeau

Realizing that Rambeau had lost her mother, Khan hugged Rambeau and invited Danvers to do the same. They then looked at a map of the Universal Neural Teleportation Network as Khan ate popcorn and listened. Rambeau concluded that each use by Dar-Benn was opening up holes in reality. They only needed to know what Dar-Benn wanted. Danvers believed it to be about reclaiming former territories. However, Khan found it weird she would use a jump point to do so.

Khan Popcorn

Khan looks at the Universal Neural Teleportation Network map

Danvers then realized that Hala was struggling with natural resources, so Dar-Benn must have siphoned the atmosphere from Tarnax IV to give it to Hala. Therefore, the next step was likely to get water, which would be from Aladna, a planet with 99.63% of the planet covered in oceans. Rambeau remarked how Danvers knew that specific stat, which Khan agreed with. Davers brushed this off and tried to move the topic along.

Marvels call Fury

Khan on a call with Nick Fury

Khan soon called her mother, who did not want Khan to go to Aladna even though she had to. Nick Fury took the phone, saying how the family was going up to the S.A.B.E.R. Space Station and was not handling it well. He then asked for help. Once they got to the station, Khan explained what was happening and the family agreed to let her go as long as Danvers kept her safe. However, before hanging up, Muneeba talked in Hindi, saying that she would kill Danvers if anything happened to her.

The Marvels jumping rope

Khan practices her entanglement with Carol Danvers and Monica Rambeau

Danvers put on music while Khan tried to relay codenames to Rambeau again, to no avail. The Marvels then began practicing their entanglement, figuring out the specifics, when to switch and also practicing how they could use it tactically. This involved jumping, throwing balls, balancing books, and even jump roping.[4]

Attack on Aladna[]

Excited Kamala

An excited Khan sees the Aladneans

The Marvels arrived on Aladna and dropped down to see the Aladneans welcoming them in song. Captain Marvel explained that their language was song. The Aladneans then sang that the princess was home revealing that Danvers was married to Prince Yan. This excited Khan, who started dancing along with the civilians until they got to a banquet hall where Danvers explained that the marriage was one of diplomatic convenience.

Captain Marvel Fan Fiction

Khan watches Captain Marvel dance

Inside the banquet hall, a man announced their presence, stating them as the Marvels, which made Khan very excited while confusing Monica Rambeau on how the name was already a thing. Khan and Rambeau then watched as Danvers danced and sang with Prince Yan, trying to tell him what was going to happen. Rambeau remarked on how many fan fiction dreams this fulfilled for Khan. Danvers then spoke to him and Yan spoke back, confusing the other two Marvels as Danvers explained Yan was bilingual.[4]


Khan asks for a scarf whip

Yan soon agreed to supply the Marvels with new suits. Khan got fitted for hers by some Aladneans and overheard Danvers talking to Yan about her powers and the entanglement situation. Khan spoke up, saying that it was true that their powers and entangled. She then talked to the Aladneans and thought of the idea to have her scarf be a whip of sorts so that when she could not use her powers, she could use that instead. Realizing they did not understand her, Khan sang what she wanted.[11]

Marvels in costume

The Marvels

Khan and the others were given new suits in preparation for Dar-Benn's invasion. Yan ordered the Marvels to stay back at first, which they did. Khan watched as Dar-Benn fought Rambeau and Danvers, launching them into oblivion. Therefore, Khan went to charge at the enemy, only to be attacked by a Kree soldier. She briefly fought the soldier until Yan came to her rescue, telling Khan to use her scarf. She did so, realizing that her wish was granted. She then used this whip on many enemies.

Kamala Glowing Bangle

Ms. Marvel notices her glowing bangle

She continued to do this while also using her powers to jump to great heights and punch through walls at the enemies. Suddenly, she accidentally switched with Captain Marvel and found herself with Rambeau on the wing of a ship, fighting Dar-Benn. Since the two Quantum Bands were so close, Khan's started glowing, which Dar-Benn noticed, seeing that Khan had the other band. She demanded to know where Khan got it, to which Khan replied she received it in the mail from Sana Ali.

Khan Running Platform

Ms. Marvel runs to the Hoopty

Khan then ran away back to the Hoopty, only to switch with Danvers again. Khan got back to the ship as Dar-Benn successfully started siphoning water to Hala. Rambeau struggled to fly the Hoopty out of harms way until Danvers returned to take control, prompting Khan to make a reference to Dead Poets Society. Danvers' emotions then got the best of her as she flew the Marvels into danger. However, Khan made a call and teleported them away.[4]

Taking Initiative[]

Marvels crash land

The Marvels argue

Crash landing on a deserted planet, Carol Danvers stepped out, angry that they let Aladna fend for itself. Khan spoke up for herself, saying that she made a tough call because Dar-Benn was going to get her bangle. This was just like Danvers did on Tarnax IV. Danvers argued and told Khan not to try to be like her as she messed everything up. Khan then apologized, saying that if they were not entangled, she could have beaten Dar-Benn.

The Marvels In A Field

The Marvels see a jump point

Danvers then confessed that she caused Hala to go to ruin decades ago, believing she was stopping the Supreme Intelligence. Khan then watched a tender moment between Danvers and Rambeau about their past until Danvers said she was glad Rambeau was there. She said the same to Khan as well. Khan said she was glad to be there, but that went without saying. She also apologized for coming on too strong at the beginning. Suddenly, another broke jump point showed up as the Marvels realized that Dar-Benn was targeting places related to Danvers, meaning Earth's Sun was next.[4]

Attack on the Sun[]

Khan Blue Light

Khan forces a S.A.B.E.R. agent to be eaten

"Listen to me. You are chosen for a greater purpose, okay? So, of course you must go now. But I will never let you go. You understand that, right?"
Muneeba Khan to Ms. Marvel[src]

The Marvels arrived at the S.A.B.E.R. Space Station only to see many Flerken kitties running around the station. Kamala then said hello to her family and hugged them. Kamala then found out that the station was going down and they needed to evacuate. However, with not enough ships, they were letting people be eaten by Flerkens so that they could be transported then spit out. Kamala helped and trapped a scared agent, letting him get eaten. She then grabbed a kitten and pointed it at many other agents for them to be eaten. Kamala then got the Flerkens onto their own pod.

Khan Goodbye Family

Ms. Marvel says goodbye to the Khans

Before her family left, Kamala told them she needed to stop Dar-Benn so they could be safe. Muneeba Khan told Kamala that she was chosen for a greater purpose, so she had to go save them. However, she would never let her go. Aamir Khan told Kamala to come back as he did not want to be an only child. Nick Fury then asked if it was wise that Kamala is taking the bangle with her. Kamala responded that it was the only way to close the rifts by created Dar-Benn.

The Marvels Trailer (44)

Ms. Marvel fights Dar-Benn

Khan then waited as Captain Marvel talked to Dar-Benn. Monica Rambeau then revealed herself as being invisible before using her powers again, allowing Khan to switch with her and attack Dar-Benn from behind. As the Marvels stood in front of Dar-Benn, the enemy remarked how it could have been so much easier. Khan responded that she liked their odds. Khan then charged at Dar-Benn, throwing many "hard light" discs at her. They engaged in a fight where they strategically switched with each other until Dar-Benn used a "hard light" disc and punched Khan, pinning her to a wall. Rambeau then launched Dar-Benn back with the Universal Weapon, sending her into a wall and impaling her.

Khan Tortured

Ms. Marvel is tortured

As Dar-Benn laid there dying, Khan demanded the bangle, saying Dar-Benn did not need to die. Dar-Benn claimed that Danvers should repay Hala for what she had done. Rambeau agreed, telling Danvers that she could power their sun with her own powers. Danvers then helped Dar-Benn, but Dar-Benn turned on them and shot at Ms. Marvel. Once Khan used her powers, this switched her with Danvers, allowing Dar-Benn to knock Khan down and force the Universal Weapon to her head.

Captain Marvel vs Dar-Benn

Khan protects herself from Dar-Benn

Dar-Benn told Danvers that she could kill Khan faster than Danvers could move, which Danvers knew was true. Dar-Benn then started torturing Khan, which made her scream in pain. With Khan defenseless, Dar-Benn took her bangle, now wielding both Quantum Bands. As Dar-Benn became overloaded with power, Danvers told her she would not survive. Dar-Benn did not listen and went to hit them together. Khan was shielded by Rambeau as this happened. Soon, Dar-Benn used the bangles and killed herself as the power was too strong. This also opened a rift into another universe.

Giant Hard Light Hand

Ms. Marvel saves Captain Marvel and Monica Rambeau

Danvers, who went to stop Dar-Benn, was found floating in space. Rambeau flew out to her and Khan used her powers to create a giant hand to grab the two and bring them to safety. Danvers gave Khan the two Quantum Bands as they looked out into the new universe. They then realized that their entanglement had stopped, so they could use their powers freely. Rambeau concluded that she needed to use her powers to seal the rift and stop it from becoming dangerous.

Kamala Powers Monica

Ms. Marvel uses both Quantum Bands

Therefore, Khan put on both bands and was able to withstand the power. Her and Danvers then powered up Rambeau, making her glow binary. They then watched as Rambeau sealed the rift but knew that in order to do so, she had to be stuck on the other side. Despite arguments, she did so. Khan and Danvers hugged as they realized Rambeau was gone. Danvers then went to go save Hala as she promised while Khan returned to Earth.

Khan on Earth

Ms. Marvel tells Nick Fury about Monica Rambeau

Kamala arrived on Earth where everyone was. Kamala hugged her family as they did not know why she was so sad. Fury then motioned Kamala to come over to him. Fury asked what happened and Kamala told him that they lost Rambeau. This made Fury upset as Kamala explained what happened. Fury then asked where Danvers was and Kamala told him she went to fulfill a promise.[4]

A New Idea[]

Helping Danvers[]

Carol Danvers & Kamala Khan

Khan talks to Carol Danvers

"I really miss her. We were good together."
―Kamala Khan[src]

When everything quieted down, Carol Danvers decided to take care of the Rambeau Residence and had the Khans help move her in. Kamala helped move boxes then looked out upon the front yard, remarking how the place was amazing. Kamala then looked over at the parked plane and asked Danvers if she still flew it. The two ran over to it and got in. Danvers told Kamala she was just looking after the house until Monica Rambeau came back as she still had hope. Kamala then remarked how they were good together, which had her thinking of something else.[4]

A New Team[]

Ms. Marvel meets Kate Bishop

Khan recruits Kate Bishop

Khan gained access to some more S.A.B.E.R. files to fulfill her idea. She got information on Kate Bishop and even figured out that Ant-Man had a daughter, Cassie Lang. Khan then went to New York City and snuck into Kate Bishop's Apartment. When Bishop came home, Khan mimicked Nick Fury's speech to Tony Stark back in 2008 about the Avengers, telling Bishop about wanting to form a team, which Bishop agreed to.[4]


"Maybe I spend too much time with fan art, and costumes and with my head stuck in fantasy land."
―Kamala Khan[src]

Kamala Khan is a massive fan of superheroes, particularly Captain Marvel. She devotes most of her time to studying and thinking about superheroes often to the detriment of her academics and social life. Due to her overactive imagination, Khan is rather absent-minded and prone to daydreaming which in turn causes her to lose focus quite easily and mess up whatever she's doing at the moment such as her driver's license test and a science experiment at school. Khan's tendency to get distracted and her obsession with superheroes gained her a reputation of being a weirdo by others at her school. However, this only increased her obsession with superheroes and dreams of becoming one as she imagined the supposedly idyllic life of having powers and fame to be simpler and more desirable than navigating high school, relationships, family drama, culture, and religion.

Khan has a complicated relationship with her family. She loves her mother and father and follows the traditions established by her culture and religion, but she also feels intimidated by them, particularly her mother, over their disapproval of her interests as well as their overly traditionalist ways which Khan feels like keep her from being allowed to be a "normal" teenager. Khan developed an interest in her great-grandmother upon learning about her disappearance and ownership of a bangle.

During a moment of disobedience, Khan stole a bangle belonging to her grandmother to use as a part of her Captain Marvel cosplay costume and snuck out of her house in order to attend AvengerCon. When the bangle granted her superpowers, Khan was initially confused and struggled to comprehend her new powers. However, she soon became thrilled at the idea that she now had powers and could become a superhero. Khan was very eager to practice using her powers and discover more about them.

Khan initially wanted to tell others about her powers believing it would make her popular after learning how popular Zoe Zimmer became after Khan saved her. However, she was quickly persuaded by Bruno Carrelli to keep her identity a secret. During her first public appearance as "Night Light," Khan was able to save a child from falling off of a building by keeping the situation under control and using her powers in clever ways.

It did not take long before Khan learned of the hardships of superhero activity when a vision caused her to nearly drop the child to his death by accident and she was ambushed by Damage Control immediately afterwards. Khan soon realized that her activities as a superhero and her frequent mistakes were causing trouble for others, making her doubt if the superhero life really was as ideal as she had imagined. As Khan got further involved in a conflict with the Clandestines and her life was threatened, her daydreaming became less frequent.

Khan's time in Pakistan, bonding with Red Dagger and later meeting Aisha face-to-face, allowed her to reflect on the importance of her lineage and reconcile with her mother once her mother discovered her identity as "Night Light." Upon returning home to Jersey City, Kamala revealed her secret identity to the rest of the Khan family and received nothing but support from both her family and friends. Khan also received support from the rest of Jersey City after she battled Damage Control and saved Kamran from being apprehended by them. Khan's confidence and resolve to be a superhero were restored after earning the support and trust of her community, no longer as "Night Light" but as "Ms. Marvel."

Upon becoming entangled with Captain Marvel and Monica Rambeau, Khan was initially thrilled and over-excited at finally meeting her idol face-to-face. She would frequently geek out and fangirl all over Captain Marvel, though she would often catch herself doing so and apologized whenever she appeared too upfront to Captain Marvel. Khan also was quick to get along with Rambeau and glad to be part of a super team, she often tried to come up with a superhero nickname for Rambeau despite the latter's insistence, something that even Danvers participated in occasionally. Due to their entanglement, Khan, Danvers, and Rambeau had to learn to work together and get along, Khan's optimism often helped Danvers and Rambeau get along better despite the tension between the two.

Khan's first-hand experience in a major conflict with Dar-Benn once again made her understand that superhero work is a serious matter where making mistakes and failing can have serious consequences that affect others. Khan also came to learn that Captain Marvel was not the idolized perfect flawless hero she always imagined, and saw that Danvers was also a person with her own flaws who struggled with her past mistakes and regretted many life choices she had made, mainly abandoning Rambeau and not returning for 30 years despite having promised to do so.

Khan became more understanding and responsible after her time with The Marvels. She sincerely lamented Rambeau's loss and came to see Danvers as a genuine friend rather than just an idol figure to fantasize about, and was inspired by the experience to start the foundation for a new team of young superheroes who also learned from the veteran heroes of the world just like she herself did.

Powers and Abilities[]


"So it looks like your power isn't coming from the bangle. It's coming from within you. Like the bangle unlocked the superhuman part of you."
Bruno Carrelli to Kamala Khan[src]
  • Hybrid Physiology: Khan is a mutant hybrid and the great-granddaughter of the Clandestine Aisha. She unlocked her "hard light" powers after putting on her grandmother's bangle which activated her dormant powers. Khan became able to access the full potential of the Noor Dimension, creating solid energy constructs of light such as platforms, elongated limbs, and shields.
    • Light Manipulation: Khan was born with the ability to manipulate extra-dimensional energy from the Noor Dimension. She manipulates this energy primarily in the form of creating solid energy constructs. Just by holding her great-grandmother's Quantum Band, Khan was able to start subconsciously manipulating energy around her which caused some lights in her attic to flicker.
      • Energy Constructs:
        Kamala first uses hard light

        Khan creating constructs with "hard light"

        Khan is able to draw energy from the Noor Dimension which she solidifies into purple-colored crystalline looking constructs. Also known as "hard light,"[12] these energy constructs that she creates have mass and weight, but they can be shattered through means such as sheer force or by a Stark Sonic Cannon and Khan seems to require a great level of concentration in order to successfully maintain the constructs without them dissipating. Although the first energy constructs that she involuntarily created were shapeless blobs that were throw around, Khan quickly figured how to create constructs with more tangible shapes. Her most frequent energy constructs include floating platforms which she uses to walk in the air and extensions of her arms and legs which she first used to save Zoe Zimmer from a fall. Khan can also construct shields to protect herself. She first used these shields when the Clandestines attacked her. During a battle with Damage Control, Khan was able to create a create "hard light" energy construct dome around herself and Kamran to prevent him from hurting anyone.
        • Superhuman Strength:
          Ms. Marvel - Holding Vehicle

          Khan holding a Humvee with "hard light"

          While Khan does not normally possess superhuman strength, she can grant herself strength far greater than any normal human by creating a "hard light" energy construct in a shape of a giant fist. However, she initially struggled with the weight of her fist when she first showed her powers to Bruno Carrelli due to her inexperience. Khan was later able use an energy construct fist to destroy a Stark Industries Combat Drone with a single punch. She is also capable of sending fully grown people flying through the air with a punch from one of her fists and is capable of creating "hard light" extensions of her legs which she uses to increase the strength of her kicks. After fully embracing her powers, Khan was able to destroy a Humvee with her giant energy construct fists during a battle with Damage Control, generating a shock wave that was strong enough to send two nearby cars flying away. In that same battle, she was able to catch another Humvee that was flung into air before it flew into the nearby crowd.
        • Superhuman Durability: While Khan does not normally possess superhuman durability, she can grant herself durability far greater than any normal human by creating slim "hard light" energy construct shields around parts of body. She used these shields to avoid being seriously injured when she was hit through a wall and to fully absorb the impact of and catch a dagger thrown at her. During a battle with Damage Control, Khan learned how to completely cover most of her body in a "hard light" armor, making herself bulletproof.
        • Regenerative Healing Factor: According to S.A.B.E.R.'s file on Khan, she possesses accelerated healing.
        • Platform Creation:
          Kamala Khan Hard Light Platform

          Khan creating platforms with "hard light"

          Khan can create "hard light" energy construct platforms under her feet that hover in place allowing her to walk in the air. She first used these platforms unconsciously to help herself up to the window of her room from her porch. Khan gained more control over her energy construct platforms after her training with Bruno Carrelli, managing to conjure platforms much more accurately and ones that lasted longer than before. She later used these platforms to save a child who was falling from a great height and to escape from the Damage Control agents who were attempting to apprehend her.
          • Enhanced Agility: While Khan does not normally possess enhanced agility, she can grant herself agility far greater than any normal human by creating "hard light" energy construct platforms. She uses these platforms to dodge her opponents' attacks by performing jumps and flips.
        • Size Manipulation: In a process Khan dubbed as "embiggening", she can completely cover most of her body in a "hard light" armor that can also increase the size of certain parts of her body beyond her regular use of "hard light" extensions.
"Kamala, there's something different in your genes. Like... like a mutation."
Bruno Carrelli to Kamala Khan[src]
  • Mutant Physiology: In addition to her genetics that are connected to the Noor Dimension, Khan also has a mutation in her genes.
  • Quantum Bands Capabilities: In addition to her powers that are connected to the Noor Dimension, Khan also gained some powers when she wore the unit of the Quantum Bands that belonged to her great-grandmother.
    • Clairvoyance:
      Ms. Marvel Spot (14)

      Khan experiencing a vision

      Upon wearing the Quantum Bands for the first time, Khan was momentary transported into the Noor Dimension with mysterious people present. From that point onwards, the bangle would sometimes show Khan strange visions when it activated on its own, often involving Najma and on one occasion a train from the Partition of India.
    • Energy Blast: By using both Quantum Bands at the same time and colliding them, Khan is able to generate powerful blasts of light energy that can augment Monica Rambeau's powers.


  • Expert Combatant:
    Najma vs Kamala (2)

    Khan fighting against Najma

    Khan initially did not possess any notable combatant skills. However, she makes up for her lack of combat training through clever use of her "hard light" energy constructs and her ingenuity. Khan often tries to avoid confrontation, opting to run away from aggressors using her "hard light" energy constructs to flee and defend herself. When forced into combat, she primarily relies on using "hard light" extensions of her arms to quickly punch enemies at various distances.
  • Whip Mastery: Khan is extremely skilled at using a whip in combat. When she could not use her powers after they had become entangled with Carol Danvers' and Monica Rambeau's, Khan used her uniform's scarf as a whip to disarm and defeat several Kree soldiers.
  • Expert Marksman: Khan was able to shoot "hard light" energy construct platforms accurately to save a child who was falling from a great height.
  • Expert Acrobat:
    Kamala vs. Aadam

    Khan flipping over Aadam

    Khan's use of "hard light" energy construct platforms allow her to dodge attacks and weapons with ease as well as grant her additional mobility in the air. Khan can also create "hard light" extensions of her legs to jump large distances. Later, Khan learned to use her energy construct platforms to quickly move throughout Jersey City.
  • Expert Tactician: After Khan's parents told her she could not go to AvengerCon, she came up with a detailed plan to attend the convention without them realizing. Later, she developed a similarly detailed plan to prevent Damage Control from apprehending Kamran with the help of her friends and her brother.



  • Captain Marvel Cosplay: Khan created a Captain Marvel cosplay costume for the Captain Marvel cosplay competition at the New Jersey AvengerCon. After she saved Zoe Zimmer while in her cosplay costume, Khan continued to use it as her unofficial superhero uniform when she was dubbed "Night Light" by the public.
  • Ms. Marvel's Uniform: After Khan's identity as Night Light was discovered by Muneeba Khan and they returned home from Pakistan, Muneeba gifted her a homemade superhero costume. The costume was themed after and comprised of the multiple things that had been gifted to Khan since she had discovered her powers; those things being the mask that Bruno Carrelli had made for her, the blue vest that she received from Waleed, the red scarf that Red Dagger gave her, and a broken piece of her necklace that inspired the prominent yellow lightning bolt symbol featured on the costume.

Other Equipment[]

  • Quantum Band: A mysterious bangle of unknown origin that once belonged to Khan's great-grandmother. After receiving the bangle as part of a gift from her grandmother, Khan stole it to use as a part of her Captain Marvel cosplay costume. When she first wore the bangle, Khan believed that it gave her powers. However, Bruno Carrelli discovered that the bangle did not actually give Khan any powers, but instead activated dormant powers that she already had. Najma later explained that the bangle allowed Khan to access power from the Noor Dimension, which is only possible because she is a hybrid. In 1947, Aisha was able to use the bangle to summon Khan through time so that she could help her younger grandmother leave India and then return Khan to the present afterwards. Later, the bangle caused Khan to abruptly teleport and switch places with Carol Danvers.







Appearances for Ms. Marvel


Behind the Scenes[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Ms. Marvel: 1.06: No Normal
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Ms. Marvel: 1.02: Crushed
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 Ms. Marvel: 1.01: Generation Why
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 The Marvels
  5. Iman Vellani Declares Kamala Khan A BIGGER Avengers Fan Than Peter Parker
  6. 6.0 6.1 Ms. Marvel and her friends survived the Snap
  7. Ms. Marvel Press Kit
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Ms. Marvel: 1.03: Destined
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Ms. Marvel: 1.04: Seeing Red
  10. 10.0 10.1 Ms. Marvel: 1.05: Time and Again
  11. 11.0 11.1 The Marvels Deleted Scene
  12. 12.0 12.1 S.A.B.E.R.'s file on Kamala Khan
  13. Ms. Marvel’s Creators Originally Wanted Her To Be A (REDACTED) In The Comics Too – Exclusive
  14. Iman Vellani's reply to a comment on her Reddit AMA post

External Links[]

Captain MarvelMs. MarvelMonica Rambeau