Phil Coulson/Skrull

The Phil Coulson Skrull was one of the four Skrulls from the Skrull ship that crashed in Los Angeles on Earth in 1995. He attempted to infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D. under the guise of Phil Coulson, while attempting to track down and capture Vers. While trying to intercept her, Nick Fury realized the deception, and during a scuffle, deliberately crashed their cruiser into traffic, killing "Coulson."


Kree-Skrull War[]

Capturing Vers[]

In the aftermath of the Ambush in Torfa, the Skrull was present on Talos' flagship as one of his enforcers. When Vers escaped Skrull custody, she fought her way through many of the Skrull defenses. The Impostor Skrull remained one of the few operable Skrulls remaining under Talos' command. He, Norex and one other Skrull enforcer took space pods, intercepting Vers to Planet C-53.[3]

Crashing in Los Angeles[]

Phil Coulson & Nick Fury (1995)

"Coulson" gets close to Nick Fury

The four pods carrying him, Talos, Norex and one other Skrull crash-landed in the Pacific Ocean, on the coast of California, and later emerged at a beach during a sun-sprawling morning in Los Angeles. While familiarizing themselves with their surroundings, the Skrulls were given orders by Talos to locate Vers. To blend in with the rest of the beach, the Skrull alongside the rest of the group, simmed several human surfers.[3]

Undercover as Phil Coulson[]


"Coulson" realizes he is exposed

"The train's heading for a tunnel up ahead!"
―"Phil Coulson"[src]

The impostor and the Skrull Spy caught up to a S.H.I.E.L.D. task force led by R. Keller. The Skrull took the form of Phil Coulson. When Coulson left his post to do damage control in the area, the impostor assumed his form and followed Nick Fury into his car when the Skrull Spy attacked.

Dead Skrull

The Impostor Skrull killed by Nick Fury

He rode with Fury, speaking minimally so as to not arouse any suspicion, and only instructing Fury to pursue the transit train carrying Vers. However, when Coulson returned to his post, he noticed everyone had left and called up Fury to see what was happening. Realizing his deception was exposed, "Coulson" drew a gun, but Fury fought back. When "Coulson" tried to choke out Fury, he steered the S.H.I.E.L.D. cruiser passenger-side into a bus, killing "Coulson."[3]


Skrull 1995

S.H.I.E.L.D. performs autopsy on "Coulson"

"Safe journey to the beyond, my friend. I will finish what we started."

In the aftermath of the chase, the corpse of "Coulson" was taken into S.H.I.E.L.D. custody. Nick Fury supervised the S.H.I.E.L.D. mortician as he performed an autopsy on the deceased body. By this time, Talos, who had assumed the guise of R. Keller, arrived at the scene of the autopsy to discuss the mysterious woman that was center stage in the morning's events. As he sent Fury away to find her, Talos vowed to continue the Skrulls mission in the deceased's honor.[3] "Coulson" was known to governments as an enemy of Fury's and listed as such on his files.[2]

Powers and Abilities[]


"All life on Earth is carbon-based. Not this guy. Whatever he runs on, it's not on the periodic table."
S.H.I.E.L.D. Medical Examiner[src]
  • Skrull Physiology: "Coulson" was a Skrull who was not a carbon-based life-form and possessed a wide variety of superhuman abilities, most notably shapeshifting.
    • Superhuman Strength: Like the rest of his species, "Coulson" possessed superhuman strength, allowing him to overpower Nick Fury and nearly choke him out.
    • Longevity: To be added
    • Shapeshifting: He was able to copy Phil Coulson's appearance and even his clothes.
      • Vocal Replication: He was able to replicate Phil Coulson's voice.
      • Memory Replication: He replicated Phil Coulson's recent memories, and acted accordingly to try to fool Nick Fury.
    • Radiation Immunity: To be added


  • Combatant: "Coulson" managed to win a scuffle with Nick Fury in his car, forcing Fury to steer their vehicle into incoming traffic in order to kill him.



  • SIG Sauer P226: The SIG Sauer P226 was the standard pistol issued to S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel in the 1990s. While posing as Phil Coulson, he obtained one of these handguns, and tried to use it when Nick Fury realized he was an impostor. However, both of them struggled for the weapon and Fury crashed the car, killing "Coulson."

Other Equipment[]

  • Skrull Suit: "Coulson" wore a suit made of Skrull fabric, which was able to change shape with its wearer and was water-proof and bullet-proof.[5]




Behind the Scenes[]
