- "Be prepared to go in hot. Safeties off."
"They were never on, sir." - ―Phil Coulson and Piper[src]
Agent Piper is a S.H.I.E.L.D. operative from the Operations division. She joined a task force assembled by Phil Coulson in a failed attempt to assassinate Hive. Later, under Jeffrey Mace's command, Piper joined new STRIKE team led by Melinda May. Within the STRIKE unit, Piper assisted S.H.I.E.L.D. in their fight against Aida and Life-Model Decoys.
With Director Mace dead, Piper temporarily collaborated with Hale before rejoining S.H.I.E.L.D. once they returned from the future. She assisted in their battles with Hale and helped rescue civilians during the Battle of Chicago. Upon the end of the battle, Piper joined Daisy Johnson, Jemma Simmons, and James Davis in their mission to find Leo Fitz in space. However, following the confrontation with Chronicom Hunters, Piper and other agents returned to Earth where they were involved in their fight with Izel and Sarge.
Davis was killed by Izel, so Piper joined the mission to defeat her at the Temple of the Forgotten. During the mission, Piper was tasked with taking a recreated Flint to the Lighthouse, but on the flight back, they were stopped by Fitz, Simmons, and Enoch, who placed them in charge of protecting a Containment Module that had their daughter. In return for help, Piper was given her best friend back, as Fitz and Simmons brought Davis back as an LMD. With the Chronicom Colonization of Earth over, Piper went on missions with her team consisting of Davis and Yo-Yo Rodriguez.
Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.[]
Working for Phil Coulson[]
When Piper joined S.H.I.E.L.D. under Phil Coulson's leadership, he promised her she would own a Milkor M32. Piper worked in the Operations division.[2]
Battle of Union City[]

Piper and O'Brien both getting debriefed
As S.H.I.E.L.D. found the location of Hive, Piper, O'Brien and two other agents volunteered to join Melinda May and Alphonso Mackenzie on a mission to kill Hive and rescue Daisy Johnson. Mackenzie briefed the agents about the mission and they used Zephyr One to go to Union City. On Zephyr One, Phil Coulson also briefed the team about their mission and asked them to be careful and smart as Hive was an incredibly dangerous opponent with an incredibly loyal army behind him.

Piper witnesses the Kree Reapers' arrival
Upon arriving within Union City, May got the information about Hive's location. As the team went there, Coulson on Zephyr One told them to enter the facility with the safeties off, but Piper said that they had never been on. They entered the facility where they saw the Kree Beacon in action. Coulson ordered their team to get out quickly. Once they were outside, a satellite crashed directly into the facility and two Kree Reapers walked out and began attacking. O'Brien informed the team that there were large footprints. Piper was shocked to learn that aliens had landed and asked why nobody was shocked.

Piper attempting to and failing to destroy Hive
The team followed the Kree Reapers, who killed everyone they encountered, and Piper saw that one of them sensed something in the church. Piper, May, and O'Brien entered the church where they saw the Kree and Hive dueling. As the Kree Reaper seemed to gain the upper hand, Piper said to May that he might do their work, but May told to not be so sure. Once Hive killed the Kree, Coulson ordered them to attack. After May and O'Brien's shots did not work, May ordered Piper to shot him with her grenade launcher, but Hive was unmoved by the blast and healed from his wounds.

Piper discusses how to destroy Hive
Seeing that they could not defeat Hive on their own, May ordered Piper and the rest of the team to run. They took the injured Mackenzie away from Daisy Johnson, who had almost killed him with her Inhuman power due to him destroying one of the Kree Reapers she needed with a Splinter Bomb. Having shot Johnson with an I.C.E.R., Piper and the others entered the Containment Module and returned to the Playground to get Mackenzie medical attention from Jemma Simmons. As the team were around Mackenzie, Piper noted that Hive was seemingly completely unstoppable.[2]
May's STRIKE Team[]

Piper being trained with Melinda May's Team
- "Okay, people! What, you never seen the biggest plane ever built before?! Next pairing, on the mat!"
- ―Piper[src]
Jeffrey Mace assigned Melinda May the task of creating, training and leading a newly formed STRIKE unit, so May recruited four agents, including Piper. One day, May trained her team in martial arts in the Playground hangar. After she defeated her opponent, May asked her team why he failed. Piper answered that he tagged out. Zephyr One then landed and May asked Piper to train them for her. Piper said to the team to ignore the largest plane ever built and continue with training, calling the next pair to begin their fight training.

Piper awaiting her orders from Melinda May
However, when it was discovered that May had been assisting Phil Coulson and Alphonso Mackenzie in their search for Quake, Piper and the other members of May's team watched as May was confronted by Jemma Simmons about her actions. When Simmons locked eyes with Piper, she turned away so her words could be more private. Piper and the rest of the team were then sent to Los Angeles to fight Chinatown Crew bring back Coulson and Mackenzie under the orders of Simmons who worked directly under Mace's command, much to May's own personal annoyance.

Piper overlooks the captured Chinatown Crew
Having discovered Coulson and Mackenzie spying on a deal being done by Chen to purchase a box containing Lucy Bauer, Piper joined the rest of her team using the new Mapping-Action Eyewear developed by Leo Fitz to sneak up on the Chinatown Crew and shoot them with I.C.E.R.s with such efficiency that Mackenzie could not help but be impressed. With the crew now captured, Piper joined her team on Zephyr One, checking the status of the injured Chinatown Crew members and noting their Watchdogs tattoos on their wrists with Mackenzie still by her side.[3]
Melinda May's Breakdown[]

Piper awkwardly talks with Melinda May
- "Is there a different title you'd prefer? Commander? Sir?"
"Let's just stick to 'May'.
"I can do May. I can do that, May." - ―Piper and Melinda May[src]
While Piper was walking through the Playground, she was called over by Melinda May who asked her to get her team ready for combat training in ten minutes. When Piper referred to May as Ma'am, they had an awkward discussion trying to work out what name May would prefer before settling on simply calling her May, with Piper then quickly leaving to collect her teammates for the upcoming training session.

Piper witnesses Melinda May's breakdown
While training began, Piper witnessed a now panicked May walking through the rooms before being escorted out by Phil Coulson. As Piper watched, May had a sudden breakdown and attacked Coulson, believing him to be working against her and infected with something terrible. As the other members of May's team tried to calm her down, Piper engaged in a fight with her own commander, which she eventually lost. In the end, Jeffrey Mace personally defeated May, having revealed himself to be an Inhuman and knocked her unconscious before taking her into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s custody.[4]
Hunting LMDs[]
Siege of the Playground[]

Piper listens to Jeffrey Mace's speech
Piper assisted in training Jeffrey Mace, who had stopped using his Patriot Serum to gain super-strength, resulting in Piper pinning him to the ground in seconds.[5] Piper was later gathered with the other key members of S.H.I.E.L.D. and informed by Phil Coulson and Jeffrey Mace that both Daisy Johnson and Jemma Simmons had been kidnapped and replaced by Life-Model Decoys who planned to sabotage the base. Piper and the other agents were then ordered by their superiors to hunt down and destroy all the robots.

Piper is confronted by Jemma Simmons
While Piper joined Alphonso Mackenzie and others in getting their weapons, she overheard an explosion elsewhere in the Playground and questioned if they were trying to destroy the base. However, the room then filled with gas, knocking out Piper and all of the others. Eventually, she awoke, confused as to why they were awake with the room still filled with gas, only to be greeted by Simmons who insisted that she and Johnson were not the LMDs. Piper questioned this, but Simmons raised her gun and told her that she did not care if they believed her or not and then ordered Piper to move out.

Piper learns who the LMDs really are
As they moved through the base with all the Framework equipment, Piper prepared herself to attack Simmons with a knife as soon as her back was turned. Just as she made her move, however, Piper then witnessed Mackenzie's LMD body being thrown across the hallway in pieces, confirming that Simmons was telling the truth. Johnson then appeared and order James Davis to fly Zephyr One out of the base to safety while Piper and Prince collected any other unconscious agents they could find and get them away from the still spreading fire before the entire Playground base burned to the ground.

Piper escapes onboard Zephyr One
Following their newest orders, Piper and Prince both evacuated the remaining S.H.I.E.L.D. agents while Johnson and Simmons managed to convince Melinda May LMD to allow them to leave. Once onboard Zephyr One, Piper assisted Johnson who was struggling to walk while Davis managed to get the Zephyr out of the hanger moments before May's LMD detonated a bomb which destroyed her, Coulson's LMD and much of the Playground base. Piper and the other agents then watched in amazement as Davis successfully flew the plane and all of them outside of the danger zone and towards sunlight.[6]
Trapped on Zephyr One[]

Piper listens to the plan for the Framework
Having collected Yo-Yo Rodriguez on the way, Piper and the other agents discussed the plan to get inside the Framework, which had been built by Holden Radcliffe with the help of the Darkhold, with Piper expressing great concern about the likelihood of completing the mission to free all their allies from the digital world. When Piper questioned if the mission would be as easy as Jemma Simmons was making it sound, Rodriguez noted that they did not know.

Piper questions what they could to do next
With no other choice, Piper helped to log Daisy Johnson and Simmons into the Framework to begin the mission to find their friends and hopefully be able to convince them to leave the virtual world and return to reality without being found and killed by Aida or anything else there. With the mission underway and with no way to track their process, Piper turned to Rodriguez and questioned what they did now, to which she was told that they simply had to wait until they had some answers or Simmons and Quake awoke from the Framework with their friends, although this still seemed unlikely.[6]

Piper is forced to wait onboard Zephyr One
While Johnson and Simmons searched through the Framework to save all of their friends, Piper and the other remaining S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were forced to remain on Zephyr One for the next few days simply waiting for them to log themselves out of the Framework. During this time, the crew was forced to drain all their power into the Framework, losing lights and heating as a result. With only twenty-four hours until they ran out of fuel, James Davis suggested that they land and refuel, but Piper insisted that they could not trust anybody who was on the ground who was attempting to talk to them.

Piper suggests turning off the plane's cloaking
Later, Prince informed Piper that Glenn Talbot was trying to reach them. Unable to take Johnson and Simmons out of the Framework themselves, Piper then suggested that they turn off the cloaking to maintain the power for a little longer, although Davis insisted that being invisible was the only thing keeping them all safe. However, this was eventually decided to be the best course of action and so Zephyr One's cloaking was shut off, while Piper begged Johnson and Simmons to hurry up and return to them as they were running out of time as the plane would lose power soon.[7]
Targeted by Watchdogs[]

Piper learns the Superior is attacking them
- "Where is he?! Can you see anything?"
"No, Piper, I can only see what's right in front of me. He's right in front of us! Oh, he's heading straight for us!"
"Hey, hurry! This guy's going kamikaze!" - ―Piper and James Davis[src]
While standing by Daisy Johnson and Jemma Simmons, Piper was joined by Yo-Yo Rodriguez who expressed her dismay at not being able to help Alphonso Mackenzie, although Piper insisted that she already was doing enough to help. Hearing of a situation as they joined James Davis in the cockpit. They were informed that a Watchdogs' jet was following them, sent by the Superior. Piper then noted that they should have stayed cloaked while Prince informed them that without any power they now could not use the plane's weapons.

Piper greets Jemma Simmons as she awakes
As the Superior's plane fired at them, Piper was the first to realize that Simmons had managed to free herself of the Framework, telling Piper that they had become trapped there. When the plane took another hit, Johnson fell off her bed, but she had just been able to free herself from the Framework, telling them that while Phil Coulson, Melinda May and Leo Fitz had all been saved, Jeffrey Mace had been killed and Mackenzie had decided to stay behind for reasons that she did not explain. They then focused their attention on destroying the enemy plane before he could shoot them out of the sky.[7]

Piper explains that Zephyr One is on fire
With Johnson and Simmons recovered from their awakening, the group focused on destroying the incoming jet, noting that Zephyr One had already taken three hits, explaining how they still could not fire back. Davis was ordered to continue trying to evade the jet's missiles as best he could, to which he told them to get off his back. While Simmons, Johnson, and Rodriguez went to restore power to the plane, Piper was ordered to take control of the Zephyr's guns, to which she joked that she was offended Simmons even needed to ask if she was able to before running to the controls.

Piper shoots down the Superior's plane
While they were forced to wait for power to be restored, Davis then informed the agents that the Zephyr was losing oxygen quickly due to a fire breaking out inside the plane. Rodriguez was able to use her own Inhuman power to assist the others in regaining control of the plane, at which point Piper was finally able to take control of all the guns available to her, just as the Watchdogs' jet was now flying straight towards them in order to crash into the Zephyr One. Piper, however, successfully shot the jet out of the sky in time, celebrating her perfectly aimed shot with a loud cheer to herself.

Piper discusses Glenn Talbot's recent speech
The group discussed the Zephyr's situation, with Piper noting that they drained all of their power keeping the Framework running while they were logged in. Questioned about why they did not refuel at the Playground, Piper and Davis showed Johnson and Simmons the footage of Glenn Talbot's interview of WHiH World News in which he explained that S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were fugitives once again in the wake of the Siege of the Playground as well as the subsequent bombing of the Playground, of which Quake had now become a key suspect due to her unique powers.

Piper watches as all the agents are rescued
Having located their allies at the Ivanov Oil Platform, the agents went to collect Coulson and May who were attempting to escape while the Superior had bombed the Platform from the Watchdogs Submarine. Piper watched on as Mackenzie was almost left behind due to the lack of time; however, he was suddenly teleported onto the Zephyr by Aida and Fitz, saving his life just in time. Piper then watched as Simmons shot Aida with an I.C.E.R. before turning the gun on Fitz and ordering the team to return to the plane as Mackenzie was safe, much to the great relief of both Coulson and Rodriguez.[8]
Aida's Rage[]

Having returned to the bombed Playground, Piper and the rest of May's Team were forced into action when Aida became enraged upon being romantically rejected by Leo Fitz. With Aida still trapped inside the Containment Module, Piper helped pull Fitz to safety, noting that the machinery inside would keep her trapped, only for Fitz to reveal that teleportation was not her only Inhuman power, forcing them all to continue running for their lives before Aida could catch up with them.

Piper in a standoff with Glenn Talbot's men
As they moved through the base, Fitz insisted that with all her new powers gained from Inhumans inside the Framework, including Lincoln Campbell and Gordon, Aida could not be stopped. They were soon cornered by United States Air Force soldiers who demanded that they drop their weapons and surrender, while Piper joked that they could maybe just have a conversation. To their shock, however, Aida teleported behind the soldiers, drawing one of their guns and then shooting him through the throat, as then Piper insisted to the surviving soldiers that Aida was not on their side.

Piper believing James Davis has been killed
Piper rejoined Fitz just as Aida snapped Prince's neck, so Piper shot Aida in the chest. James Davis charged forward and continued shooting Aida while Piper escaped with Fitz. Finding all the other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in a standoff with Glenn Talbot, Fitz insisted that Melinda May fly Zephyr One away before Aida could find them. Piper noted that they had left Davis behind, but Fitz informed her that Aida would have almost certainly had already killed him. Talbot retreated as they flew away.[8] Piper left the Zephyr by parachute with all of the instructions necessary if things go wrong between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Aida.[9]
Reunited with S.H.I.E.L.D.[]
General Hale's Deception[]

Piper is reunited with all of the other agents
- "I looked for you everywhere – safe houses, any S.H.I.E.L.D. contacts I could find. I even had eyes on your families."
"Oh, great. One more thing for my mother to be paranoid about."
"I was stealth. Hey, let's not forget I'm most wanted, too, you know." - ―Piper and Melinda May[src]
As her allies vanished off the radar, Piper then did as instructed and insisted that they were innocent of criminal actions. However, she was eventually captured by Hale who forced Piper to make a deal to betray her friends and have them arrested, with General Hale promising their safety. Using the Kree Beacon, Piper tricked the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents into investigating as she claimed to be there to investigate the Kree Beacon herself. While the agents all expressed their delight in seeing Piper against, she remained quiet about her true intentions to hand them over to Hale.

Piper explains what the agents have missed
Upon being asked what happened since escaping Zephyr One, Piper explained that she had followed Phil Coulson's orders and told their story to ensure that Aida and the Superior did not get away with their crimes. Having no idea if any of her allies were alive or dead, Piper explained that she had searched for them, even visiting their families like Lian May, but could not find them, as Alphonso Mackenzie noted that they were technically hiding on Earth. Asked if she recognized the beacon, Piper noted that her first mission was to investigate the beacon when Hive had activated it, so she knew it immediately, while also claiming she had evacuated the staff when it happened.

Piper is forced into betraying her own friends
With the Orb being studied at by Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons, it then eventually reactivated only for Fitz to figure out how to turn it off. As they had figured out some parts were man-made, Piper then drew her gun and ordered them all to surrender before the team of robotic agents led by Ruby Hale arrived and held everyone at gunpoint, with Piper promising nobody needed to get harmed. When questioned over why Piper had insisted that she had explained everything about Holden Radcliffe, Life-Model Decoys and Anton Ivanov, convinced Hale had believed her she had cut a deal for all their safety.

Piper realises General Hale has lied to her
However, despite the promised made to Piper by Hale, Ruby ordered her soldiers to kill them all, which then forced Yo-Yo Rodriguez to use her Inhuman powers to disarm all the robotic soldiers. With Piper still holding Coulson, Fitz and Simmons at gunpoint, all the other agents furiously fought against the soldiers, while Coulson confronted Piper over her claims that their safety had been guaranteed as Piper just looked on in horror. Piper insisted that Hale was an ally as Glenn Talbot was still currently in his coma following Daisy Johnson's LMD having previously shot him in the head.

Piper is forced to consider her own actions
While the fight continued, Piper insisted that she had only wanted to help, with Coulson then noting that she clearly had been lied to and convinced her to help them escape with the Kree Beacon. Finally, Piper chose to help her team; however, Ruby used her blade to slice off Rodriguez's arms, causing the team to escape and desperately to get Rodriguez to safety. Onboard Zephyr One, Piper sat alone and considered her own role in Rodriguez's horrific injuries.[10] Piper was then put into a holding cell while she begged her team to allow her to do anything to make up for all her recent terrible mistakes.[11]
Capture of Hale[]

Piper assisting with capturing General Hale
- "We tried to pull the sleeping driver out of the car."
"We couldn't lift him, ma'am. He's too heavy."
"An android?"
"More like a statue." - ―Piper and Melinda May[src]
In an attempt to make up for her previous mistake, Piper helped her allies at S.H.I.E.L.D. to hack into Hale's personal phone in an attempt to track her location. This led to S.H.I.E.L.D. organizing an ambush during which Hale's car inadvertently drove into the disguised Zephyr One where she was knocked out with gas and arrested. As this happened, Piper stood with Phil Coulson while he complimented Piper on all her good work in helping them capture Hale.

Piper offering Melinda May another update
Coulson personally took charge of interrogating General Hale over what her plans were while the Zephyr took flight. Meanwhile, Piper was ordered to check the car and remove the unconscious driver in order to question him as well. However, when Piper and her team had gone to move the Sleeper Mech who had been driving, they found he was far too heavy to move, which greatly concerned Piper as he was seemingly far too heavy to merely be a robot. Seeking assistance, Piper went to Melinda May and informed her of this development, comparing the sheer weight of the driver to that of a statue.

Piper and Melinda May threaten Carl Creel
May was clearly alarmed by this news as she and Piper took a team of agents and surrounded the car, with them all drawing all of their weapons at the driver. As Piper noted that the driver had not moved at all, May ordered Carl Creel to step outside of the car. Piper then watched as the driver stepped out of the car, removing his helmet and revealing Creel whose body had been turned to steel, causing the great weight. Creel then revealed that he had C4 explosives strapped to his chest and ordered S.H.I.E.L.D. to release General Hale, warning that she could be persuasive.

Piper and her allies threatening the Superior
With no other choice, Piper and the other agents were forced to obey Hale's instructions as they allowed a Quinjet to land on the Zephyr for Hale's escape. As the Quinjet landed, Coulson tried to reassure Piper that the situation was not her fault as he blamed himself to acting too quickly, although Piper was still dismayed. As the doors opened, Anton Ivanov then stepped onto the Zephyr and revealed he had been working with Hale and was there to bring her back, noting if they did not then Creel would blow up the plane with everybody still on board, noting that only he and Creel would survive.

Piper watches Phil Coulson surrender to Hale
Much to everyone's dismay, Coulson agreed to allow Hale to leave with Creel and Ivanov while Piper stood by with May. Piper watched as Coulson tried to note that Ivanov had been responsible for[12] the shooting of Glenn Talbot,[9] which Creel denied as he believed Daisy Johnson was the one responsible. As Piper stood by, General Hale then invited Coulson to come with her and understand what they were working on, which to everybody's surprise Coulson accepted. Despite May trying to change his mind, Coulson then went with Hale to ensure that his agents were safe as the Zephyr would not be shot down by Hale's soldiers.[12]
Saving Deke Shaw[]

Piper finds Alphonso Mackenzie inside the cell
- "We need to stop the bleeding and drain it. You're gonna need to cut into the wound so we can see what we're doing."
"What about anesthesia?"
"Well, he's already unconscious, and I haven't read that chapter yet, so we'll just figure it out as we go." - ―Piper and Alphonso Mackenzie[src]
While being stationed at the Lighthouse, Piper was sent to deliver food to Leo Fitz in his cell following his[13] betrayal of the team's trust.[12] However, when Piper arrived to drop off the food, she discovered to her horror that Alphonso Mackenzie had been locked inside the cell instead. Mackenzie gave Piper the code to the door, explaining that Jemma Simmons and Yo-Yo Rodriguez had broken him out. However, when Piper questioned why they had done this and what their goal was, Mackenzie did not answer and walked away in a fury to figure out their next move.

Piper takes charge of Deke Shaw's treatment
Before they could figure out what had happened, however, the rest of the S.H.I.E.L.D. team returned had into the Lighthouse with the badly wounded Deke Shaw. As they briefly discussed where Simmons had gone, the team focused on tending to Shaw's wounds, with Melinda May noting that Piper was training to be a field medic and putting her in charge. Although Piper was initially unsure of her own abilities to save Shaw's life, she stepped up the task, identifying all of Shaw's current symptoms while Mackenzie volunteered to assist her during the surgery while she instructed him on what he needed to do.

Piper and Mackenzie work to save Deke Shaw
Piper and Mackenzie then took Shaw into surgery where Mackenzie cleaned out the wound while Piper identified that due to being shot by Hale, Shaw had a Hemothorax blood in his chest cavity which needed to be drained. When Piper noted that they needed to cut into the wound to see what they were doing, Mackenzie then questioned if they needed anesthesia to which Piper simply noted that Shaw was already unconscious and she had not yet studied how to do that safely so she instead suggested that they keep going and figure out what Shaw's injuries needed as they went along.

Piper asks Mackenzie about Yo-Yo Rodriguez
As the surgery continued, Piper noted Mackenzie's current serious expression and asked if it was for Shaw or Yo-Yo Rodriguez, with Mackenzie noting that he was both terrified for, and also furious at Rodriguez for her actions. As they were speaking, Piper expressed her regret at trusting Hale resulting in the maiming of Rodriguez, although Mackenzie assured her that it was merely a mistake that she could still make up for. When Piper questioned how she could make up for such a mistake, Mackenzie compared the situation to fixing engines, where he would fix one piece at a time.

Piper witnesses Deke Shaw almost bleed out
Their conversation was interrupted, however, when Shaw then went into cardiac arrest as blood started pouring from his gunshot wound. Piper told Mackenzie that they had to find the source of the bleeding, as he removed the bullet in time but had to clamp the artery before Shaw's blood pressure dropped any further. Mackenzie responded by plunging his fingers inside the wound to stop all of the bleedings, resulting in Shaw going into a fit. Piper, however, injected Shaw to knock him out before she and Mackenzie then worked together to stabilize him and stitch up his wound to save Shaw's life.

Piper watches as Deke Shaw wakes back up
Having saved his life following the surgery, Piper and Mackenzie had stayed by Shaw's bedside until he awoke while on a lot of pain killer drugs. Having greeted him, Piper and Mackenzie were amused as the drugged up Shaw inadvertently revealed just how attracted he was to Daisy Johnson with his desire to kiss her, with Piper noting that Johnson was not her type. As Shaw suggested shaving his hair off like Mackenzie, Piper approved before suggesting Mackenzie pump him full of more drugs. Johnson then entered the room and noted that they had a possible location of Fitz and Simmons.[13]
Siege of the Lighthouse[]

Piper taking up arms against those Remorath
Piper was in the lab with Jemma Simmons and James Davis, helping to arrange the transportation of Gravitonium to the Zephyr One, when the Remorath invaded the Lighthouse. Piper reunited with Davis and he told her the story of how he survived against AIDA, which she was amazed by. Piper, Davis and Simmons gathered weapons to hold siege in the lab, and they were joined by Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Glenn Talbot, who had been forced to retreat there because of the Remorath. Piper, Davis and Rodriguez decided to defend the lab from outside, leaving Simmons and Talbot in the room.

Piper and her allies shooting at the Remorath
Together, they were able to hold off the Remorath for a time. However, they were soon outnumbered and Davis noticed that some Remorath had managed to go past them and were entering the lab. They all tried to shoot some of them, but the Remorath broke into the lab nonetheless. Rodriguez tried to contact Simmons but failed, which Piper reassured that it didn't mean she was dead. The Remorath were all crushed by Talbot, who had used the Particle Infusion Chamber brought from the HYDRA Herefordshire Facility to gain gravity manipulation abilities. Thanks to this unexpected turn, they were all able to survive the battle against the Remorath.

Piper discovering Glenn Talbot infused himself
They then went to check on Simmons who was just waking up from being knocked out by Talbot with an I.C.E.R.[14] When Talbot left the Lighthouse with Coulson, the team met up and discussed the situation. When Mackenzie presence was questioned, Piper informed them that he was hunting down any last Remorath still around in the Lighthouse. Later when a team went to infiltrate Qovas' Ship, Piper stayed at the Lighthouse and cleared the Zephyr One for take of. She stood with Mackenzie and watched as the Zephyr made its first flight into space, congratulating them for being the first S.H.I.E.L.D. team to do so.[15]
Battle of Chicago[]

Piper assisting in the evacuation of Chicago
When the team returned, Phil Coulson had fainted and was rushed into the med bay, where James Davis and Piper checked on him as the rest of the team argued about what they should do with the Centipede Serum. Davis informed Piper that there was no change in Coulson's condition, and she went to tell Deke Shaw, who was standing outside where the others were. She asked if he didn't want to be in there, but he told her it wasn't for him to decide. When Glenn Talbot attacked Chicago to retrieve more Gravitonium, S.H.I.E.L.D. boarded the Zephyr One and made their way to his location. Piper joined the team and was a part of a team assisting in the evacuation of the civilians.

Piper joins with the next S.H.I.E.L.D. mission
As the Zephyr began to fill up, they prepared to take off as Davis returned with Coulson, who had briefly flatlined. After the battle, S.H.I.E.L.D. returned to the Lighthouse, where Piper watched as Melinda May destroyed the remaining shard of the Time Di'Alla. They then flew to Tahiti to drop off Coulson and May, who were retiring to be together. When they left, they all gathered in the cockpit as they flew past the two on the beach, with a new mission: find the version of Leo Fitz who was frozen in space.[16]
Search for Leo Fitz[]
Travelling Across Galaxies[]
- "You guys never wavered. You stayed on when the rest of the crew got off."
- ―Quake to Piper and James Davis[src]
Once they had prepared everything they needed for the journey, a small team comprised of Jemma Simmons, Daisy Johnson, Piper and James Davis boarded the Zephyr One and departed to Lighthouse in search for Leo Fitz. The team found themselves travelling to many different planets in search for Fitz, but would continue to be unsuccessful.
Following a full year of searching for Fitz, the team would come across the vessel, only to find it destroyed, having been cut in half. Still holding out hope, they continued their search, tracking down as many leads as they could come across to find the other half of the vessel. Using a manifest found on the vessel, they tracked down every supplier on it, going to Trinawa and Pyree, where they came to the conclusion that someone must have given out information of the whereabouts of the supposedly undetectable vessel.[17]
Another Dead End[]

Piper checks on whether they're being chased
- "Well, at least it's not a dead body."
"Yeah, but it's a dead end." - ―Piper and James Davis[src]
Having traced the search to Trok, the team traveled to D'Rill, where they were chased for violating galactic orders. After Piper found that they weren't being chased anymore, they landed. Piper and James Davis then received a message from Trok and were soon boarded by him. Trok was defeated by Quake, and she and Jemma Simmons were able to get information out of him about the other half of the Chronicom Vessel. With this lead, they flew to the vessel's location.

Piper finds an empty Cryo-Freeze Chamber
The team then boarded the vessel and explored it to find Leo Fitz. However, when they came across the Cryo-Freeze Chamber, they discovered Fitz was not in there. Defeated by this, Piper tried to comfort them in it at least not being a dead body, but Davis added that it was another dead end. The team then returned to the Zephyr, bringing the chamber with them, and took a moment, due to their recent failure to find Fitz once again affecting them.[17]
Losing Hope[]

Piper being relived by returning to Earth
- "I mean, one more week with Davis and we will find a dead body: his."
"Yes, because one more week with you and I will definitely kill myself." - ―Piper and James Davis[src]
The team, absent of Jemma Simmons, discussed the mission, where Quake informed them that it was time for them to return to Earth. Despite wanting to find Leo Fitz, Piper and James Davis were relieved by this, finding it hard to continue to be away from their home and loved ones. Piper and Davis then joked about not being able to spend another week with each other, and Quake thanked them for sticking with them on the mission when everyone else didn't.[17]
To Deep-Deep Space[]

Piper listens to Jemma Simmons' theory
Suddenly, Jemma Simmons joined them and informed the team about a transcript she found, and that they need to go to Naro-Atzia to find Leo Fitz, which surprised Piper that Simmons learned alien languages. However, the team failed to hold hope on this potential lead. They tried to convince Simmons to head back to Earth, but she was determined to follow the lead. When Simmons ordered James Davis to set the coordinates, he refused, not knowing if they could make the trip.

Piper argues against Jemma Simmons' idea
Piper then supported Davis' point, reminding Simmons that he had a child who he hadn't seen in months. When Simmons tried to speak with Quake, Davis interrupted, stating that he and Piper had a say in the matter too. However, the argument was interrupted when they were alerted of the Confederacy's presence, which they were confused on how they could have located them. They then shut down the Zephyr One so they would hopefully go undetected by the massive ship above them.

Piper watches the Confederate Ship
They then watched as the ship flew over them, which Davis believed they were about to be attacked, but Piper disagreed, so they placed a bet on it, which Davis identified was rigged against him. Davis was proven right when the ship fired at them, so they turned the power back on and Piper activated the Phase Harmonic Teleportation Device. Knowing that they needed to make a jump through space, Simmons took the opportunity to set the course for Naro-Atzia, rather than Earth, forcing the mission to continue.[17]

Piper angry at Jemma Simmons' risky actions
After arriving at Naro-Atzia, Piper and Davis became angry at Simmons for her actions due to it rising their chances of survival. Johnson then broke up the fight, and informed the team that they were going to go home. However, they received a call from Pretorious Pryce, demanding them to be boarded for inspection. Piper, Johnson and Simmons met with Pryce, who temporarily confiscated their weapons, which Piper was not happy with. During the inspection, they were attacked by Malachi. When Piper went to retrieve her gun, Malachi shot her, rendering her unconscious.[18]
Encounter on Kitson[]

Piper attempting to check on James Davis
While Malachi was being interrogated, Piper discovered that Leo Fitz was on Kitson. They team then traveled to the planet, and when they arrived Piper stayed to watch Malachi as the others searched for Fitz. When James Davis returned to the ship, Piper discovered him to be acting weird. When Piper questioned him, Davis revealed that he, Daisy Johnson and Jemma Simmons ate something, causing his odd behavior. Piper then went to try and contact the others to check on them.

Piper and James Davis see Malachi escape
After not being able to contact Johnson or Simmons, Piper then got Davis some animal crackers, only to find him unconscious. When he awoke, he informed her of Malachi's escape, although she was hesitant to believe everything he was saying. Piper then rushed to find Malachi, who was in the control room, aiming her gun at him. However, Malachi was able to teleport away, leaving her to question who he was trying to contact.[18]
Captured by Chronicoms[]

The team see an incoming Confederacy ship
- "Don't lock us in here. We hardly even know that Enoch."
"Yeah, and my buddy here is nursing a wicked hangover." - ―James Davis and Piper[src]
Piper and James Davis were soon rejoined by Daisy Johnson and Jemma Simmons along with Enoch in the Zephyr One. As they departed from Kitson, Piper attempted to repair the fuse box that Davis had destroyed. Suddenly, the power in the ship went out and the team went to check on what was happening. They then noticed a Confederacy ship above them, causing them to try to retreat.

Piper and James Davis witness Atarah's arrival
However, they were stopped when a fleet of ships emerged, forcing the team to be boarded by the other ship. They quickly made their way to where the enemies were about to enter, believing it to be the Confederacy and the Remoraths. They all then took cover and prepared for a fight. However, when Enoch opened the door, it was revealed that the ships surrounding them were the Chronicoms.

Piper and James Davis attempting to escape
Atarah then brought the team onboard their ship, throwing Piper and Davis in a cell, much to their objection. The two attempted to convince the Chronicoms to let them out, but they did not acknowledge. While in the cell, Piper and Davis tried to escape from the cell, bickering with each other about how hard they were trying. Soon, Johnson and Simmons rescued them, although they claimed they could have freed themselves.

The team become surrounded by Chronicoms
When the team began to escape the ship, they were surrounded by the Chronicoms. Johnson suggested that they fight their way out, but Simmons stopped it, telling them she was going to stay behind. Simmons then said her goodbyes to the team, thanking them for their help, and was taken away. The three then returned to the Zephyr and heading back to Earth.[19]
Back on Earth[]
Long-Awaited Return[]

Piper and James Davis back in the Lighthouse
- "I never thought I'd be so happy to see this dirty, old place."
"Amen, brother." - ―James Davis and Piper[src]
The team was able to return to Earth, having found Leo Fitz, who was still in space with Jemma Simmons. Johnson radioed the Lighthouse informing them of their long-awaited arrival, and they landed. They then entered the Lighthouse, where they were greeted by Alphonso Mackenzie and Yo-Yo Rodriguez. As they hugged, Davis expressed his happiness to be back at the base, which Piper agreed with. When Mackenzie asked about FitzSimmons' whereabouts, they were interrupted by Trevor Khan who informed them that Melinda May had captured Sarge, unbeknownst to the three that he looked exactly like Phil Coulson.[19]
Celebrating a Victory[]

Piper talks to James Davis during the party
Having spent a year in space, Piper decided to take a few days off to relax as she was still young, as opposed to Davis who got right back into the field. After S.H.I.E.L.D.'s victory against Sarge and Izel, the team held a celebration, which Piper attended. During the party, Piper sat with Davis and talked about returning to Earth and Davis' involvement in the recent mission.

Piper playing with the sleeping James Davis
Piper then noticed Davis had fallen asleep while she was talking to him, so she made him more comfortable and continued to watch over him. When Mackenzie made a speech acknowledging all of the agents, Piper tried to wake up Davis, but to no avail. As the party started to die down, Piper started to mess with Davis by putting several items on him and took a picture for her amusement.[20]
Izel's Infiltration[]

Piper discusses Melinda May shooting Sarge
After being informed that Melinda May had murdered Sarge, Piper rushed down and discussed the incident with Yo-Yo Rodriguez, neither one of them being able to believe it. They then questioned the incident with Daisy Johnson, knowing that something wasn't right. They then decided to investigate further, with Johnson telling Piper to check out May's room for anything odd.

Piper no longer being possessed by Izel
As Piper was making her way, she detected someone's presence, causing her to become cautious. Piper pulled out her gun and opened fire when she was ambushed by Diaz, who was possessed by Izel. Izel then exited Diaz's body, and possessed Piper to continue with her mission. Izel left Piper's body after Deke Shaw came across here with a Shrike crystal, then possessing him. Feeling disoriented, Piper was convinced to go rest by "Shaw."

Piper witnesses Izel revealing herself
However, Piper was able to put the pieces together and realized that Izel had possessed Shaw. Piper rushed to join the group, who were figuring out if Izel had possessed any of them, telling them that she was in Shaw. However, Shaw claimed that he was him and accused Piper. The two then argued, but it was stopped when it was revealed that Izel was in Leo Fitz. Revealing herself to the group, she demanded they give her what she wants, going in and out of each of their bodies.

Izel forces Piper to shoot her own hand
When Piper pulled her gun out on Izel, she retaliated by possessing her, forcing Piper to shoot her hand. When Izel left Piper's body, she made her way to possessing James Davis, forcing him to fall off the ledge to his death, much to Piper's horror. Piper then rushed to Davis' body, but was saddened that he was no longer alive, as Izel then possessed Alphonso Mackenzie and left. Piper then stayed with Davis, mourning him due to being affected by it the most, as Shaw bandaged her hand. Soon after, Piper watched as Davis' body was taken away, while May comforted her.[21]

Piper assists in the search for the Zephyr One
When Izel escaped the from Lighthouse with Mackenzie and Rodriguez, Piper was present as they attempted to locate the ship, although not to any success. Johnson checked on Piper, asking whether she should still be up and about, but she refused to go to the infirmary. Piper then updated Johnson on their search for the Zephyr One, hoping that the ship hasn't been cloaked so they can locate Izel. They then discussed what the would do if they found Izel, noting how she recently overwhelmed them and killed Davis.

Piper and Melinda May discuss trusting Sarge
Still searching for the Zephyr, Piper discovered that Johnson had killed Sarge and informed it to May. The two then discussed what Johnson's plan was, which Piper was against, fearing that Sarge could get loose and cause more chaos, reminding May of what Izel did. Eventually, they found Marcus Benson in the Containment Module from the Zephyr in Yucatán. Piper updated May, informing her of what Benson had told them of Izel's plans and that Mackenzie and Rodriguez were still alive.[22]
Stopping Izel[]

Piper is informed of the mission to stop Izel
Having located where Izel was and forming and alliance with Sarge, S.H.I.E.L.D. then made a plan to defeat her and rescue Alphonso Mackenzie and Yo-Yo Rodriguez. Daisy Johnson ran them all through the plan, as they were also informed of the Sonic Barrier Cuffs and Shrike Bullets being created to help them fight Izel and the Shrike. Piper joined the team of Melinda May, Johnson and Sarge as they flew to the Temple of the Forgotten in a Quinjet.

Once they landed at the Zephyr One's location, they all searched the ship for Izel, but it was completely empty. Piper then discovered that Izel had crippled the Zephyr so it couldn't fly, which they would need to repair. After speaking with the agents at the Lighthouse, May ordered Piper to stay in the Zephyr to repair it for extraction. As the others headed for the temple, Piper asked Sarge to make sure he kills Izel, wanting revenge for Davis' death.

Piper tends to Flint's injury after meeting him
While repairing the Zephyr, Piper was joined by Mackenzie and Rodriguez, who brought Flint on board, to Piper's confusion of where he came from. Piper then tended to Flint's injury as she was informed that they were fighting Shrike Zombies. Mackenzie then spoke with Piper, informing her of Flint's status and asking her to fly him to the Lighthouse. Piper then informed Mackenzie that Sarge was at the temple to kill Izel with May and Johnson. Mackenzie then introduced Flint to Piper and the two took the Quinjet and headed to the Lighthouse.[23]
Helping FitzSimmons[]

Piper is told to return to the Zephyr One
- "While he's in there, you need to guard it with your life. Like there's nothing more important in the world."
"Yeah, we get it."
"No. You don't. If you keep this safe, I will give you anything you ask for in return." - ―Jemma Simmons and Piper[src]
Before reaching the Lighthouse, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, and Enoch suddenly appeared inside the Quinjet. Enoch told Piper to turn the Quinjet around, but she was distracted by seeing him in his true form. Simmons clarified that they needed to return to Zephyr One, which Piper thought was to help fight Izel, but Simmons revealed there were bigger problems.

Piper is handed a Chronicom Rifle by Enoch
After landing back in the jungle, Piper watched as Flint recreated a piece of the Time Di'Alla and gave it to Fitz. Enoch then told Piper and Flint to wait at that exact spot, as he handed her a Chronicom Rifle, stating that they'd be right back. Moments after the Zephyr took off, Piper discovered Fitz and Simmons, who looked different, standing before a Containment Module as it landed, making Piper question if they were messing with time again, which Simmons responded as it being complicated.

Piper is given a task from Jemma Simmons
Although Piper was unsure of what was going on, Simmons explained to her that Fitz would be waiting in the module to be transported through the Quantum Realm into an alternate timeline. Simmons then instructed Piper that while Fitz was in the module, she would need to protect it with her life, which Piper agreed to. However, because they didn't know what they were actually agreeing to, Simmons stressed the importance of the task by offering to give Piper anything she wanted.

Piper and Flint guard the Containment Module
Piper was given one final instruction to open the module by sunrise if they did not return, claiming she'd know what to do. Once Fitz closed himself inside the module, Piper and Flint stood guard in front of it. Shortly after, Piper and Flint were once again confused by seeing the arrival of Fitz and Simmons. Piper opened the door to find it empty, accusing the two of having them guard nothing, but Fitz corrected her, saying she was protecting their everything. Piper then witnessed Simmons open the module, revealing their daughter, Alya.[24]
Getting her Friend Back[]

- "You should be able to drive better, you're a damn computer."
"I know, but either they changed the signs or you programmed me a little stupider so you could feel superior for once."
"I swear on all things holy, you were always this stupid." - ―Piper and James Davis[src]
Having been promised anything she wanted, Piper asked Jemma Simmons and Leo Fitz to bring back James Davis as LMD, which they fulfilled. Over the next year, Piper continued working for S.H.I.E.L.D., operating in a team consisting of Yo-Yo Rodriguez and James Davis.

Piper and James Davis argue with each other
As the team went on numerous missions together, Piper would continue her same dynamic with the LMD Davis, constantly arguing with each other despite their close friendship, with Piper questioning her choice to bring him back. The team were sent on a mission to intercept an 0-8-4 drop-off in Los Angeles. Because they hadn't arrived yet, Piper complained about Davis' driving, which he defended by accusing Piper of programming him to be dumber to feel superior, but she insisted that he was always dumb.[24]
- "You were trained better than this."
"No, Hale is an ally. Talbot's in a coma. She's general in command. I thought... Well, she's U.S. military. Look. I just wanted to help."
"And you got played." - ―Phil Coulson and Piper[src]
To be added
- "Piper, are you up for manning the weapons?"
"I'm offended you had to ask." - ―Jemma Simmons and Piper[src]

Piper fights an infected Melinda May
- Expert Combatant: Piper received hand-to-hand-combat training from Melinda May, even being able to combat the woman for a short time during her breakdown caused by Lucy Bauer. Piper was also selected to train Director Jeffrey Mace in combat, easily pinning him to the ground.
- Expert Marksman: In combat involving firearms, Piper often wielded an I.C.E.R. She also shot the Inhuman Hive with a grenade launcher from a distance with relative ease. She was later selected by Jemma Simmons to take control of Zephyr One's guns and shoot the Watchdogs' jet out of the sky.
- "You were in training to be a field medic for the STRIKE team. What are we looking at?"
"Uh, he's in shock. If he doesn't get a blood transfusion soon..." - ―Melinda May and Piper[src]
- Physician: Piper received training to become a field medic for May's Team. Although she never had the opportunity to put this skill into practice, she was tasked with performing surgery on Deke Shaw when he got shot in the shoulder, which she successfully carried out with Alphonso Mackenzie's assistance.

Piper holding her weapon at the Superior
- Smith & Wesson M&P: The Smith & Wesson M&P pistol is the standard sidearm carried by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and, as such, Piper was issued with one of these. She drew it when they returned to the destroyed Playground and Aida was a threat for them, and shot a bullet to her heart hoping to kill her. Piper carried the gun when she infiltrated the St. Louis Aerospace Facility, and threatened her formed S.H.I.E.L.D. colleagues with it, but she ultimately sided with them and shot at the Sleeper Mechs attacking them. As part of the arsenal on Zephyr One during S.H.I.E.L.D.'s mission to locate a stranded Leo Fitz, Piper resorted to use it against the enemies they came across, having to surrender it during an inspection at Naro-Atzia, and together with Davis trying to re-capture Malachi as he escaped from his restraints, only for Davis to shoot at the fuse box. Together with Simmons, the three agents grabbed guns from the arsenal to prepare for a final stand before being captured by the Chronicoms led by Atarah. Once Izel infiltrated into the Lighthouse, Piper managed to grab her sidearm and shoot at her, who was possessing Diaz. Piper also grabbed her handgun to try to shoot at her when gathered at the command center to determine who had been possessed, so Izel made Piper shoot at her own hand and witness how she killed James Davis. Piper later carried her gun to reclaim Zephyr One after it was hijacked by Izel, though she and the rest of the S.H.I.E.L.D. team dispatched to do so found the plane empty.
- M4A1 Carbine: Piper was given this rifle to fend off the Remorath as they sieged the Lighthouse, defending her position in front of the laboratory.
- Milkor M32: During a mission to eliminate Hive, Piper carried a modified version of this grenade launcher as a heavy support weapon. She used it to blast a hole in Hive's shoulder, but to little effect as the dark Inhuman managed to heal the wound.
- I.C.E.R.: To be added
- Chronicom Rifle: To be added
Other Equipment[]
- Mapping-Action Eyewear: To be added
- Bulletproof Vest: To be added
- Zephyr One: To be added
- Quinjet: To be added
- Playground: Piper was stationed at the Playground, the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters under Phil Coulson's directorship. She became a member of STRIKE unit and often trained with her teammates while waiting to go on missions. When the Playground was invaded by Life-Model Decoys, Piper helped Daisy Johnson and Jemma Simmons to escape from the base shortly before it was destroyed.
- St. Louis Aerospace Facility: Due to the sudden disappearance of her S.H.I.E.L.D. colleagues, Piper struck a deal with Hale, which consisted in periodically activating the Kree Beacon in the St. Louis Aerospace Facility in order to catch S.H.I.E.L.D.'s attention. Piper would wait for her former colleagues to come and check on the Kree Beacon, which they eventually did, although this caused Piper to realize that she had been fooled by Hale who intended to exterminate the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.
- Lighthouse: Piper was taken to the new S.H.I.E.L.D.'s base, the Lighthouse, where she was briefly imprisoned due to her former deal with Hale. She was later released in order to help her teammates to track down and capture Hale, although the operation proved to be a trap staged by Hale herself. Piper returned to the Lighthouse, and bravely fought against the Remorath when they attempted to invade the base.
Behind the Scenes[]
- Nikki Stanley was a stunt double for Briana Venskus in the role of Piper.
- Megan Harmon was a photo double for Briana Venskus in the role of Piper.
- ↑ The penultimate episode of the fifth season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. reveals that the Black Order are attacking New York City at the same time, which means the season five finale occurs shortly before the Snap. The sixth season premiere has on-screen text which indicates that it is one year later; therefore, despite the series not discussing or dealing with the Snap, all organic characters who are alive at the beginning of the sixth season or are indicated to still be alive are treated as Snap survivors.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.19: Failed Experiments
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.01: The Ghost
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.02: Meet the New Boss
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.13: BOOM
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.15: Self Control
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.20: Farewell, Cruel World!
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.21: The Return
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.22: World's End
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.11: All the Comforts of Home
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.12: The Real Deal
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.14: The Devil Complex
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.17: The Honeymoon
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.19: Option Two
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.20: The One Who Will Save Us All
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.22: The End
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.01: Missing Pieces
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.03: Fear and Loathing on the Planet of Kitson
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.05: The Other Thing
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.09: Collision Course Part Two
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.10: Leap
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.11: From the Ashes
- ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.12: The Sign
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.13: What We're Fighting For