Sadie Deever

Agent Sadie Deever is an agent of the United States Department of Damage Control. In 2025, she learned of the existence of Ms. Marvel and sought to apprehend her. In her pursuit to arrest Ms. Marvel and the Clandestines, she disobeyed P. Cleary's orders and launched an attack against Kamran, Ms. Marvel, and their friends causing major collateral damage and public outrage from the crowd that witnessed Damage Control seemingly attack innocent civilians and underage teenagers. Deever's assault on the Clandestine hybrids resulted in failure when Kamran managed to escape. Deever was relieved of duty from Damage Control as punishment for her insubordination, putting civilian lives in danger and causing major backlash against Damage Control.


Damage Control Agent[]

Investigating Spider-Man[]

DODC Interrogation

Deever spectating P. Cleary's interrogation on Ned Leeds

In July 2024, Deever, alongside multiple Damage Control agents, oversaw Agent P. Cleary's interrogations towards both Michelle Jones and Ned Leeds, in light of the Spider-Man-Mysterio controversy. Later that year, Deever, along with the rest of the world, had her memory of Parker erased from her mind.[1][2]

Investigating Ms. Marvel[]

Search for Night Light[]
Sadie Deever learns of Ms. Marvel

Deever learns about Night Light

"Check this out. Teenage girl at AvengerCon."
"AvengerCon? A cosplayer with too much time on their hands."
"Not this one. I've never seen powers like that."
―Sadie Deever and P. Cleary[src]

In 2025, Deever discovered the newly empowered Night Light after watching a video of the young girl displaying her powers at the New Jersey AvengerCon. She reported the discovery to her superior P. Cleary, who authorized her to start an investigation on the matter.[3] As such, Deever took part in the interrogation of Zoe Zimmer, who had interacted with Night Light, trying to identify the superhero's ethnic origin. Noticing that Zimmer had reacted upon Deever mentioning a South Asian origin, Deever was instructed by Cleary to monitor the community centers, temples and mosques in the area.

Sadie Deever (DODC)

Deever confronts Night Light

Deever's drones successfully tracked down Night Light to the surroundings of the Islamic Masjid of Jersey City. She thus mounted an operation to apprehend the superhero just after she rescued Hameed, and tried to block her in an alley. However, Night Light used her powers to get past the Damage Control operatives, and although one of them managed to make her fall after destroying a platform she was stepping on, she was able to escape thanks to Kamran, much to Deever's disappointment.[4]

Sadie Deever meets Nakia Bahadir

Deever comes to the Islamic Masjid of Jersey City

Having identified the New Jersey mosque as a place of interest, Deever later led a group of Damage Control agents with the intent of searching the place. However, she was stopped in this endeavour by Abdullah and Nakia Bahadir, who pointed out that she could not proceed without an official warrant. Forced to concede, Deever reluctantly agreed to leave, but not before Abdullah asked her to remove her shoes the next time she would lay foot inside the mosque.

Kamran arrested by Damage Control

Deever captures the Clandestines

Continuing her investigation, Deever later had a group of agents follow her to the place where the wedding between Aamir Khan and Tyesha Hillman had been celebrated, and where Kamala Khan and Bruno Carrelli were fighting against the Clandestines. Deever and her operatives were able to capture all the Clandestines, including Kamran who had helped Kamala and Carrelli, but failed to notice the teenagers fleeing the building, thus missing her chance to actually capture the superhero she had been after.[5]

Chase of Kamran[]
Sadie Deever outside Circle Q

Deever and Barrie investigate the rubble of Circle Q

"Don't you see this kid could put you all at risk? If you're abetting a potential suspect, no one will be on your side, Sheikh."
―Sadie Deever to Abdullah[src]

Deever went to investigate the rubble of Circle Q after the store was destroyed by a Damage Control drone chasing Kamran. Inspecting the building, Deever lamented that the destruction of the store was due to children getting dangerous powers, and ordered agent Barrie to gather round in order to apprehend Kamran alive. Deever led her men back to the Islamic Masjid of Jersey City, confronting Abdullah and her followers, understanding that they were playing for time.

Sheikh Abdullah speaking to Agent Deever

Deever once again confronts Abdullah

Ignoring Abdullah's protest, mistakenly believing that he was quoting the Quran when in fact he referred to Abraham Lincoln which left Deever slightly annoyed, Deever ordered her men to search the mosque, eventually finding a room which Nakia Bahadir barred the access to. Deever ordered the door to be opened, and after Bahadir reluctantly agreed, she discovered that she was only hiding Miguel, her new boyfriend.[6]

Battle at Coles High[]
Deever speaks with Cleary

Deever seeks authorization from Cleary

"Hey, we are closing in on the enhanced individuals as we speak."
"Yes. And they're doing it in front of a high school. Apparently, there's such a thing as bad press, and I don't like it. What is this?"
"It is not just one enhanced individual, it is two, and they are leaving a trail of destruction all through Jersey City."
―Sadie Deever and P. Cleary[src]

Deever successfully tracked down both Ms. Marvel and Kamran to Coles Academic High School, and called in a whole squad of Damage Control agents for an assault on the school to capture them, ignoring officer Richardon's question whether she had clearance. She asked her superior P. Cleary for authorization but Cleary, out of fear of the bad press that an assault against a school could bring, ordered her to stand down. Deever pretended to obey, but once she hung up, she asked for additional units to be gathered around.

Sadie Deever Damage Control

Deever instructs her men to fire at Kamran

Deever ordered the assault to be initiated, following the progression of her troops while remaining outside the school. She was alerted that there were several decoys for Kamran, rendering his search more difficult. As a crowd alerted on social media by Zoe Zimmer began gathering around the school, Deever decided to set up a closer perimeter of Damage Control agents. Upon witnessing Kamran bursting out of the school, Deever ordered him to kneel, but since he did not cooperate, she instructed her men to fire at Kamran, who was protected by Ms. Marvel conjuring a large hard light shield.

Sadie Deever gun

Deever threatens Kamran

Deever then ordered her men to cease fire before having them set up a sound cannon, which promptly blew out Ms. Marvel's and Kamran's protection. She then prepared to have the cannon strike again, but Ms. Marvel, having achieved a new level of control over her powers, jumped towards Deever, forcing her to flee while Ms. Marvel destroyed the cannon. Deever then saw Kamran taking down several Damage Control agents and aimed her gun at him, only for Kamran to throw a car at her which Deever was able to avoid. Nevertheless, Deever picked up her gun and threatened Kamran again, but he unleashed a powerful outburst of energy that threw her on the ground.

Deever and Barrie

Deever is relieved of duty by Cleary

Deever watched helplessly as Kamran lost control over his powers, forcing Ms. Marvel to step in and form a massive dome of her own light around Kamran and herself. Once both the dome and Kamran's constructs vanished, revealing that Kamran had escaped, Deever ordered her men to apprehend Ms. Marvel, but she was shielded by both the crowd and the Jersey City Police Department. Deever then saw Ms. Marvel evade capture as well. She was then contacted by Cleary, who blamed her for having disobeyed his direct orders and declared that she was relieved of duty. Deever then ordered her men to pull out.[6]


"Pursuant to U.S. criminal code, law enforcement officers are not permitted to enter a private space without a signed warrant."
"Yeah? You studied the criminal code in homeroom?"
Nakia Bahadir and Sadie Deever[src]

Deever is a cold person with little regard for other people. She has no respect for other people's thoughts and beliefs, wearing shoes in a mosque and disrespecting her coworker's orders, choosing to send troops after children. She takes her warnings lightly, as she was reminded to take off her shoes the next time she entered the mosque by Abdullah, though she wore hers anyways while looking for Kamran. She also had no regard for the orders P. Cleary gave her in regards to capturing Kamran and Kamala, choosing to do so anyways, which led to her losing her job.

Deever shows signs of being a xenophobe, as she was quick to rely on racial profiling during Zoe Zimmer's interrogation, and did not bother to respect any of the cultural traditions when raiding the Islamic Masjid of Jersey City. Similarly, she made disrespectful and threatening remarks whenever dealing with the people within the Mosque. She does not even respect religious ministers, being for her simple civilians, as is the case with Nakia Bahadir and Abdullah. Deever is also a hypocrite as she repeatedly blamed much of the destruction and chaos on New Jersey on teenagers having access to superpowers without any regulation, when it was Deever's own abuse of authority and disregard for the laws or her superiors that caused said destruction in the first place by sending armed drones against minors and later raiding an entire school in pursuit of the Clandestine hybrids.







In chronological order:


Behind the Scenes[]
