
Pachakutiq was a non-corporeal entity from the Fear Dimension who planned on taking over the universe with his lover, Izel, by his side by having the others of his kind possess individuals across the galaxy. This plan went awry, however, when his memories were disarranged after he possessed a duplicate body of Phil Coulson created by the three Di'Allas. The confusion of dealing with multiple memories led him to incorrectly believe that Izel had killed his "family" and erased his memory of them. Adopting the alias Sarge, he led a squad on a mission to wipe out Izel and her parasitic race, the Shrike.

Sarge and his team soon arrived on Earth, but came into conflict with S.H.I.E.L.D., who recognized him as Coulson. After Sarge was captured, S.H.I.E.L.D. was forced to work with him and his crew to stop the Shrike before he betrayed them and Snowflake. Sarge was eventually recaptured and brought to the Lighthouse, where Izel, in Melinda May's body, severely injured him to alert him to his true identity. Sarge temporarily adopted some of Coulson's personality traits and helped S.H.I.E.L.D. fight Izel before turning on them again and delivering a fatal blow to May. During the final battle against S.H.I.E.L.D., Sarge was killed by Alphonso Mackenzie using his own sword.


Early Life[]

Sending Izel after the Di'Allas[]

"You left me to rot in our world."
"You could not exist outside it."
"Which is why I sent you to retrieve the Di'Allas. To make me whole."
―Sarge and Izel[src]

Pachakutiq was once a non-corporeal entity who was the lover of Izel.[6] Millennia ago, the Di'Allas were removed from their realm and taken to the Earthly Plane. Since these Monoliths were needed to open a portal between the two dimensions so that the inhabitants of the Fear Dimension could take physical form by possessing bodies, Pachakutiq tasked Izel with finding the Di'Allas and open the portal in the Temple of the Forgotten.[4] To accomplish Pachakutiq's goal, Izel took a corporeal form and went after them.[6]


"This human body arrived. It had form. You took it over and lost yourself, lost me."
Izel to Sarge[src]

Pachakutiq's true form

In a completely different time and place, a copy of Phil Coulson was created when the three Di'Allas were destroyed while in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s ownership on December 6, 2017, and was sent to Pachakutiq's homeworld.[7] Though oblivious as to how this body ended up there, Pachakutiq wanted to be with Izel as she hunted down the Di'Allas, so he attempted to take over the body by the same means of spiritual possession that Izel utilized.

When this happened, Coulson's memories conflicted with Pachakutiq's and in his confusion, he believed that he had lost his family and memories to Izel. He grew hostile towards his former lover and chased her and her parasitic Shrike race, adopting the name, Sarge. When he eventually remembered his name, he came to believe the term was instead an event that signaled the end of everything.[6] By unknown ways, Sarge came into possession of a sword that he believed could kill Izel. While Sarge did not know how he acquired the weapon, he opted not to question it.[8]

Shrike Infestation[]

Seeking Revenge[]

"She took my family from me. I won't stop until she pays for that."

Sarge started a campaign to hunt down and eliminate Izel and the Shrike and formed a squad of mercenaries from different worlds to help him with his task in traveling across the universe to different planets, some traveling at the speed of light, and kill Izel, the Shrike, and anybody infected by them.[2] He rescued Jaco after the Shrike destroyed his family and planet, creating a strong bond between the two.[9] He eventually recruited Snowflake, Pax, and Tinker to his squad, all whom, like Jaco, lost their worlds to the Strike.[1]

Because of his memories being "erased" by Izel, Sarge didn't share his past with his team, though Pax just assumed their leader was just being secretive about it.[3] Sarge also had issues with Snowflake's enjoyment of their job in killing, but put up with it due to her immense loyalty to him and his cause.[2] During their campaign, Sarge would sometimes find himself in someone's captivity, but always managed to talk his way out of it.[9]

Destruction of Chronyca-2[]

End of the line

Sarge and his squad leave Chronyca-2

"End of the line! Let's get out while we still can!"
―Sarge to his crew[src]

During their crusade, the Squad tracked Izel to Chronyca-2 and took out her crew.[10] Unfortunately, they arrived too late as the Shrike had already began to destroy the planet. Izel managed to escape and Sarge's Squad were forced to flee the planet before its ultimate destruction.[3]

Arrival on Earth[]

Their next destination was Earth. Sarge's subordinates: Snowflake, Jaco, and Pax, successfully made it through the portal to Earth and mourned the death of their teammate, Tinker, who died due to crossing an unstable portal through a concrete wall. After finding out that Sarge would be arriving at the same place where the Museum of Natural History was built, they decided to blow it up so that Sarge could easily pass through without any issues.


Sarge orders Fox to release Snowflake

However, as they were about to finish the task, S.H.I.E.L.D. interfered. Snowflake was sent to distract them while the other mercenaries finished the job. When the team successfully blew up the museum, the portal opened. Sarge drove his truck and smashed through several S.H.I.E.L.D. SUVs. He exited the back of the truck and confronted Fox, demanding him to release Snowflake.

Sarge noticed Fox hesitate, recognizing him as Phil Coulson. He ignored the agent's confusion and threatened that he wouldn't ask a second time for Snowflake's release. Fox rebutted by reminding "Coulson" that is from S.H.I.E.L.D. Sarge, having run out of patience, drew his Plasma Gun and executed Fox. He then told the corpse that he never heard of the organization and left with his Squad.[1]

Robbery of Bob's Market[]

Sarge looking at shades

Sarge picking out sunglasses for himself

"You can tell a lot about a world by its currency. What have we got?"
"Paper. With faces on it."
"Great. One of those."
―Sarge and Pax[src]

In need of supplies, the four robbed a convenience store in Ohio. While Pax held the cashier, Amit, at gunpoint, Sarge and the others took what they found interesting. Sarge looked at a display case full of shades and took one he liked. He walked through the ails and grabbed motor oil cases for Jaco's air supply and duck tape.

Sarge unimpressed by Earth's currency

Sarge unimpressed by Earth's currency

After tasting a Slurpee at the request of Jaco, Sarge ignored the pleads from Amit and ordered to know what kind of currency Earth had. He was unimpressed when Pax revealed it as "paper with faces on it," deeming it "one of those," but noted it was at least lighter than coin. Noticing the owner eyeing his shot-gun, Sarge talked about how people fantasized of doing something dramatic in times like these, and advised against using his gun, believing he didn't look like a hero.

Sarge and his crew

Sarge and his Squad all leaving Bob's Market

He grabbed the shot-gun and tested it out on a nearby display case. Seeing that the planet's inhabitants still used combustion as their main source of ammunition, Sarge concurred with Pax's assessment of it being "child's play" to complete their mission and ordered his Squad to vanish. Before departing the convenience store, Sarge took Amit's radio. As they headed to their truck, Sarge handed Pax the shot-gun and put on his new shades. After they were all in, Sarge drove off, activating the truck's camouflage mode.[3]

Tensions in the Squad[]

Sarge tells Pax to cope

Sarge tells Pax to cope with Jaco's air supply

"See? You were right, Pax. This rock has it all. Now, are you good to come with me, secure the exit while these two scout the site? Or should we discuss that, too?"
"No. I'm good. I'm just I'm sorting through it. Tinker died. He was a friend."
"That's what friends are for."
―Sarge and Pax[src]

Arriving at a shipping yard, Sarge cloaked the truck and put it in park. He headed to the back of the trailer where Pax complained about Jaco using his air supply, since it was making him cough. Sarge told Pax to cope with him breathing in his home's atmosphere since its been nine years for him. Snowflake then told Sarge it might be hard for them to blend in and showed him a magazine of what the inhabitants wear, though Sarge said they'd make a stop to get clothes.

Sarge questions Tinker's reasoning

Sarge questioning Tinker's final decisions

Sarge then ordered Pax to check the battery to make sure the truck stayed invisible, but Pax told him that only Tinker knew how it worked, but unfortunately he was killed during crossing. Then, to Sarge's dismay, Snowflake informed them they were out of PEGs to power the Shrike Detector. When Sarge learned that Tinker had them in his pocket while crossing over with Jaco, he questioned why he would make such a reckless decision, only for Snowflake to claim he kept them as good luck. Frustrated by that situation, Pax had noted that this was not his fault, before Sarge questioned what he meant.

Sarge smirks at Jaco

Sarge smirking with Jaco regarding Pax

Frustrated, Pax finally spoke up that they all should've made the journey to Earth in the truck, though Sarge argued that if they did they all would've been encased in the Museum of Natural History. Snowflake then reminded him that they always sent someone in first, although Pax noted that this was usually Jaco as he was basically indestructible and Sarge smirked at Snowflake referring to him as an "old soul." Pax complained that they made a scene as Snowflake got Fox killed, noting that Sarge allowed her to get away with this, to which he didn't deny, which resulted in the plan going completely awry and them losing Tinker as a result.

Sarge Jaco and Pax

Sarge and his squad discuss their next plan

Sarge questioned if Pax wanted to do things differently, but he said he didn't, but still didn't want to go digging for PEGs again. After the disagreement sided, Jaco showed them an article about Charmont Jewelers, as Sarge noted Pax's earlier statement of Earth seemingly having everything they needed. Sarge questioned if Pax was up to securing their exit while Jaco and Snowflake scouted Charmont Jewelers, but his teammate assured he was and explained that his friend's death got to him. Sarge simply told Pax that dying is what friends are for and the two headed out.[3]

Checking the Area[]

Sarge and Pax securing the area

Sarge and Pax securing the area

"You know, why not take a breath here? This place has sugar water, blue sky. Maybe kick back before it's reduced to ash."
"Sounds like powering down."
"Or charging up, right? I mean, didn't you ever take a load off back in your home turf, your past life or whatever?"
Pax and Sarge[src]

Arriving at the containment unit site, Sarge and Pax checked the area to ensure that it was a good spot for the escape route. Sarge noted that it was good to have breathable air once again, while Pax noted that it would be a shame to see Earth be destroyed, as they discussed if there would be any resistances from the area, to which Sarge confirmed that this would be the ideal area for their mission to go ahead, claiming it would be fun.

Sarge and Pax

Sarge and Pax talk about a life on Earth

Pax commented that each member of their Squad had their unique definitions of the word fun, as Sarge had then noted that Pax would undoubtedly bore him with his definition. He disagreed with Pax's idea to settle down on Earth before it's destroyed, so he started questioning if Sarge had allowed himself to relax back on his home planet in his past life, noting that one day he would have to tell them about his past. However, Sarge makes it extremely clear that he was not interested in sharing this information with anybody.

Pax tries to talk his way out

Sarge watches Pax try to talk his way out

The two then ran into a security guard, who questioned if either of them had any identification confirming that they were allowed to be here. Sarge turned to Pax to allow him to try and talk their way out of the situation peacefully and without bloodshed. However, when Pax failed to convince the security guard, as the latter attempted to contact the authorities, Sarge knew the ploy wasn't working and pulled out his Plasma Gun to shoot him. The security guard dived for cover, just as he and Pax escaped.

Sssge questions replacing Pax

Sarge questions replacing Pax

Once they returned to the truck, they set up their robbery plan. While the others were getting ready, Sarge observed Pax, while eating a snack. He went over to Jaco and ordered him to keep an eye on Pax, believing he was starting to think like Tinker. When Jaco commented on how eventually everyone cracks, Sarge gave him his snack and noted that it might not be a bad idea that while they were on Earth they start looking for someone who could replace Pax in their team if they had to get rid of him.

Sarge getting ready for the robbery

Sarge getting ready for the robbery

Sarge then sprayed the scrap metal that Jaco placed over the truck's wall with their red Spray Paint Transporter in the shape of a portal for their escape. Sarge and Jaco were then joined by Snowflake and Pax, the former handing Sarge the Shrike Detector. After she gave him assurance that it'll work once they have the PEGs, despite not having Tinker's seal of approval, Sarge gave his Squad their orders before they departed to begin the robbery.[3]

Robbery of Charmont Jewelers[]

Window of Opportunity 8

Sarge talking with Dana

"Right now, you're sizing me up, wondering how much paper money a guy like me has to spend. Could be a big sale. Your heart rate goes up a little. Can you feel it?"
"We always do our best to meet our customers' needs."
"Oh, don't worry about me. I'll be leaving satisfied. Worry about you, your heart rate, because it's about to go nuts when we rob this place."
―Sarge and Dana[src]

While Jaco remained in the truck, Sarge led Pax and Snowflake into robbing Charmont Jewelers. He spoke with the manager, Dana, about their merchandise and learned about their vault. Sarge then revealed he and his crew were going to rob them and advised Dana to not do anything stupid. Sarge then watched as Snowflake killed Malcolm and Torres, noting that was more violent then he wanted. Noticing Dana triggered the silent alarm, he remarked that she did something heroic and the three led her to the vault.


Sarge and Pax bringing Jaco into the robbery

Dana got the three into the vault as Pax placed an explosive device on the safe door to ensure that nobody could open it and stop them. When Snowflake expressed interest in killing Dana, promising that death was simply the beginning of a beautiful journey, Sarge ordered her not to kill Dana, as they might still need her. He and Pax then created a portal on the wall, which had allowed Jaco to step into the vault from their truck, before they then began going through all of the drawers in the vault to find what they were looking for.

Robbery of Charmont Jewelers

Sarge and his squad looking for PEGs

The four started looking for PEGs, but had only found the diamonds that were useless to them. Noticing S.H.I.E.L.D. had just arrived on the scene and were attempting to break into the vault, putting the Squad on a time limit to complete the robbery, Sarge tried to get information out of "Da-Na," who finally revealed that the crystals they were looking for were in the bottom shelf. While the others grabbed the rest, Sarge went back into the truck to see if the crystals were what they were looking for.


Sarge powers up the Shrike Detector

After Pax came back into the truck to examine the crystals, Sarge headed outside to test the Shrike Detector with the crystals they had. However, just as he was about to fire it up to see if it worked, he noticed Dana running away screaming for help. Sarge shut the detector down and expressed annoyance, before heading back. When he arrived, he found Jaco and Snowflake being defeated by Melinda May, becoming annoyed by their incompetence since everything apparently went to hell in the few minutes he was gone.

Coulson Rings a Bell

Sarge troubled by the name "Phil Coulson"

When May referred to him as Phil Coulson, it caused Sarge to freeze for a moment. Snowflake then got back to her feet and slid the portal underneath May, sending her back to the bank vault. He handed Jaco the Shrike Detector and closed the portal, as she tried to get back into the truck, so they can escape. Sarge and Jaco got to the front and Sarge began drive off. As they escaped, Jaco questioned Sarge freezing back there, but he didn't think he did. Jaco then asked about what the word "Coulson" meant, only for him to say that he didn't know, but it rang a bell.[3]

Testing the Shrike Detector[]

Testing the weapon

Sarge and Jaco testing out the Shrike Detector

"How many do you think there are?"
"Stars? I don't know."
"Not stars."
"Guess we're about to find out."
―Sarge and Jaco[src]

Having used all of the crystals that they had stolen from Charmont Jewelers, the Squad were able to power up the Shrike Detector, as Jaco joined Sarge in stepping back outside to test whether or not they had been successful. Looking up, Jaco noted that Earth had some nice stars, although Sarge insisted he had seen better and worse throughout the universe. As Sarge fired a blast of energy into the skies, Jaco questioned how many targets there would be, as he looked on his tracker and found multiple targets all across the world before Sarge had then told him to go make a mess as they departed together.[11]

Assassination of Harold Simcoe[]

Sarge corners Simcoe

Sarge kills Harold Simcoe with a Shrike Blade

Having begun tracking the Shrikes, Sarge and his Squad headed to Reno to kill the Shrike inside Harold Simcoe, who was heading to South Sioux City. Sarge and Snowflake waited as Jaco and Pax forced Simcoe into an alleyway. Sarge stepped out and pinned Simcoe against the wall, noting that they had been looking all over for him. Sarge drew a Shrike Dagger and stabbed Simcoe in the chest, killing the Shrike hidden inside his chest and causing crystals to shoot out of Simcoe's body. Once Simcoe was dead, Sarge then turned to Jaco and questioned who their next target was going to be.[12]

Attack on Deke Shaw[]

Sarge meets Shaw

Sarge meets Deke Shaw

"You're a real talker, but you're not from here and you shouldn't be here, so I got to take you and make you sing."
―Sarge to Deke Shaw[src]

Sarge and his Squad went after their next target, Deke Shaw, at Silicon Valley, passing by Sequoia on their way into Shaw's company building. Sarge talked with Lindsay and insisted he had an appointment with him and waited in the conference room. When Shaw finally arrived, Sarge greeted him like he did Harold Simcoe before pulling out his dagger to kill the Shrike inside him.

Shaw reunites with Coulson

Sarge speaks to Deke Shaw

After Shaw cheerfully greeted him as Phil Coulson, Sarge halted his attack on Shaw to learn more about Coulson. Shaw started to defend himself about using S.H.I.E.L.D. technology in his company, believing that's why he was there, and Sarge went along with it. When Shaw started asking questions about Coulson's survival, Sarge, having no knowledge about it, told him he had no idea, but went along with Shaw's theory of them wiping his memory. Sarge then requested Shaw tell him what he remembers.

Shaw attacked by Sarge

Sarge attacking Deke Shaw

Shaw talked about all his heroism, but Sarge lied that he had no memory of it. When Shaw asked how his grandparents were, Sarge talked about them as if they were on their deathbed. Shaw continued to ask questions about Melinda May not leaving his side and how "Agent Doug" was, but eventually Sarge knew the jig was up and grabbed Shaw's arm as he tried to flee. He pointed the knife and his throat and told him he was coming with him because he was a talker. Shaw acted quickly and stabbed Sarge's left hand and ran off, with Sarge telling him he was already dead.


Sarge with Jaco and Pax

Sarge walked up to Jaco and Pax as the whole building was in a panic after Pax killed Ray, while he bandaged his hand. Jaco informed Sarge that Shaw's signal on the tracker was different from the others. Having never experienced that before, Sarge found that strange. He then listened as Jaco contemplated normality and strangeness, which he found odd. Getting back on topic, Pax reminded them that strange or not, Shaw was still a target. Sarge told the duo that Shaw wasn't just a target, but a talker, which meant they "kill him slow, make him bleed." They then split off to find him.

Sarge Hunting Shaw

Sarge hunting Deke Shaw

Sarge followed Shaw to a workstation and told him that there was no use hiding when he's hunted his kind his whole life. When Sarge urged him to come out of hiding to make things easier for his "old friend Coulson," Shaw angrily told him he wasn't Phil Coulson and how he was disgusted he took his face. Sarge followed the sound of Shaw's voice as he ranted, only to be fooled by a speaker system. Sarge was then temporarily blinded when Trevor Khan arrived to save Shaw and throw flash grenade at him, allowing them to escape.

Sarge captures May

Sarge captures Melinda May

After Sarge recovered from the grenade, he regrouped with Snowflake and had May at gunpoint before she could take Snowflake captive after a fight between the two. Sarge stopped Snowflake from killing May and told the furious S.H.I.E.L.D. agent that she was coming with them and she will soon find out why. The duo got their captive to the truck while Jaco and Pax were captured. Snowflake informed Sarge they were in the clear as he sat in the back with the dizzy May.[12]

Recruiting Fresh Blood[]

Sarge with the captured May

Sarge with the captured Melinda May

"The Shrike are cancer. I'm going to make sure this is the last planet they ever infect."
"How do you plan to do that?"
"To stop the spread, you cut off the limb. When their creator arrives, I'm going to burn it all down."
―Sarge and Melinda May[src]

Feeling as though Melinda May had "violent tendencies," Sarge drugged the water she drank to keep her docile while Snowflake drove the truck. As May woke up from a dream she was having involving her and Phil Coulson's last days together in Tahiti, Sarge worked on a walkie-talkie and greeted her, telling her "nap time" was over.

Sarge asking if Snowflake is up for it

Sarge asking if Snowflake is up for it

After Snowflake parked the truck in an abandoned junkyard, Sarge instructed her to "bag and gag" a target that was close. When Snowflake started flirting with May, Sarge took her to the side and reminded her that with Jaco and Pax captives of S.H.I.E.L.D., she was all she had left and needed to know if she was up to this mission alone. Snowflake vowed not to let Sarge down and left the truck. After Snowflake was gone, Sarge answered May's question of why she was here; that he was going to sway her to join his Squad.

Sarge talks about Snowflake

Sarge talks about Snowflake

Sarge started examining his plasma pistol, as May venomously glared at him. He sarcastically mentioning that his head would bound to catch fire if she kept at it, but May said she was fine with that outcome. Sarge noticed her fury and figured that was why Snowflake liked her so much. As he placed his plasma pistol in the back of his holster, he confided in her that Snowflake might enjoy her job of hunting Shrike a little to much for his liking but put up with it because of how loyal she was to him.

Sarge talks with May

Sarge talking with Melinda May

Bending down underneath the table to grab a case full of Shrike Daggers, Sarge walked over to her. He talked about all the worlds he and his Squad had been on hunting the Shrike, some good and some garbage, but was amazed to find himself on a world where the inhabitants recognized his face and act as if they know him. He pulled out one of his daggers and detected that May's hatred towards him outweighed everyone else's. He sat across from her and wanted to know why that was.

Sarge interrogates May

Sarge interrogating Melinda May

Sarge began questioning May on Coulson's death and asked if she had been the one who killed him. Realizing that May was actually in love with Coulson, Sarge mocked his death. May then promised to make Sarge's death hurt, but the mercenary was unfazed and resumed his questions. Sarge asked if Coulson was a Synth or Shapeshifter, but didn't believe May that Coulson wasn't an impostor. Sarge than listened as May listed everything she knew about Coulson, but was called away as Snowflake reported back with their target. Sarge then bagged May to bring her to Snowflake.

Sarge welcomes May to the team

Sarge welcomes Melinda May to his squad

Arriving at their destination, Sarge took the bag off May and said she was to kill the man restrained in front of her. He pulled a Shrike Dagger from his pocket and instructed May to aim for his rib cage. May tried to calm the hostage down, but Sarge executed him. Insuring May will be fine, Sarge and Snowflake left her in the room with the Shrike Dagger and the keys to her cuffs. After May had successfully killed the Shrike within the man, Sarge and Snowflake came back in and congratulated her for coming out victorious.

Sarge explains his mission

Sarge explains his mission

Bringing May back to his truck, Sarge started to explain what the Shrike were and what their mission was. He told the agent that the Shrike could make their host go nuclear if left unchecked. At this point, May realized that Sarge and his Squad were actually trying to stop the Shrike and the reason they went after Deke Shaw was because he was detected on their tracker as something that was foreign to Earth. Sarge asked what Shaw was if not one of the parasitic race, to which May answered that he was "exhausting."

Sarge talks about the Creator

Sarge talks about the Creator

Sarge then explained Pachakutiq and how it will mean the death of everything on Earth. He went on about the Shrike's creator, Izel, and how he's been hunting her for over 100 years because of being to planets that traveled at lightspeed allowed him to live that long. After May dozed off for a moment, she asked Sarge to repeat the last thing he said. He informed her that he was going to stop the Shrike and their creator once and for all by burning the world down when it finally got here much to May's horror.[2]

Captured by Melinda May[]

Sarge is captured by May

Sarge is captured by Melinda May

Relieving Snowflake of driving duty, Sarge was caught off guard when May tried to strangle him with her cuffs. Sarge tried to loosen May's grip by swerving the truck before hitting the brakes, causing May to let go. Sarge and May got into a fight, of which it looked like May was winning, before Sarge turned the tide and tried to strangle her. As he mocked her lover, May got loose and unleashed all her fury on Sarge, knocking him unconscious. May then cuffed Sarge to the door and took him and Snowflake back to the Lighthouse.[2]

Squad Disbanded[]

Bargaining with S.H.I.E.L.D.[]

Sarge and Snow as prisoners

Sarge and Snowflake as prisoners

"I'm prepared to protect my people from whatever's coming."
"Your people? They keep looking at me. Might want to get used to that."
"And why's that?"
"Because by the end of the day, I'll be the one in charge."
Alphonso Mackenzie and Sarge[src]

Arriving at the Lighthouse, Sarge and Snowflake were taken to its lower levels by Melinda May. Stopping on a floor, May took Sarge with her and ordered the "chatterbox" to be taken to the holding cells with Jaco and Pax. Before leaving with May, Sarge told Snowflake no to let the fire go out. On their way to the control room, Sarge noticed all the looks of confusion the agents were giving him and smiled.


Sarge meets S.H.I.E.L.D.

When the two reached the control room, Sarge was met with awkward tension from the agents present. Breaking the silence, Sarge mocked May's affection for Phil Coulson and questioned if any of the others had a thing for him. Daisy Johnson, feeling overwhelmed by Sarge's appearance, left the control room. Sarge asked May if she had unresolved "daddy issues" with Coulson, which caused Deke Shaw to angrily call him a "tool" to Alphonso Mackenzie and that there was no way he was the real Coulson before going after Johnson.


Sarge talks with Alphonso Mackenzie

After Sarge noted the emotion in the room, Mackenzie ordered him to share what he knows. Sarge instead had May tell them what he told her about the Shrike and Izel. When they started to discuss the Shrike's hosts, he found out they removed his blade from Harold Simcoe's body too soon and put Damon Keller's death on them. Yo-Yo Rodriguez threatened Sarge in retaliation before Mackenzie calmed her down. Realizing Mackenzie was in charge, Sarge urged him to release him to prevent everyone's deaths. The Director refused and ordered Sarge to be locked up.

Sarge interrogated by Mackenzie

Sarge is interrogated by Alphonso Mackenzie

Mackenzie began to interrogate Sarge, but having been on the receiving end of being interrogated before, he refused to give anything up, claiming Mackenzie wasn't ready. Switching gears, Mackenzie demanded Sarge's actual name, but the mercenary, not knowing what his name was, didn't care what he called him. Deeming him a murderer, Mackenzie brought up how he killed Fox in cold blood, but Sarge defended his actions as taking out someone who got in his way.

Sarge talks about the Shrike's creator as a God

Sarge talks about the Shrike's creator as a God

Mackenzie then brought up Sarge's role Chronyca-2's destruction, only for Sarge to again urge him to let him go to stop the Shrike's creator, calling it a God when Mackenzie recounted what Sarge told May about it being a monster. The Director wasn't buying it, however, informing him of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s confrontations with several individuals with God complexes, but were just people with egos, deeming there to be only one God. Sarge then figured Earth was the kind of planet that believed in a benevolent God to make them feel safe when times were tough.

Sarge believes he'll be incharge soon

Sarge believes he'll be in charge soon

He then told him that compared to their "fairytales", he's actually seen Gods up close and personally and assured Mackenzie that he wasn't prepared for his inevitable encounter with one. When Mackenzie became determined to protect his people from Sarge and the Shrike's creator, Sarge took note of all the agents staring at him and told Mackenzie to get used to it as he believed, when they finally realize they need to do things his way, he'll be in charge by the end of the day.

Sarge meets Coulson

Sarge meets Phil Coulson

Later, Trevor Khan took Sarge to Mackenzie's office, where Sarge met the holographic image of Coulson. Sarge studied the hologram before Mackenzie entered the room and called him a knockoff compared to the "Read Deal." Sarge, however, wasn't phased by the Director's attempts to make things personal by introducing him to his double's hologram and told Mackenzie he was going to enjoy taking him down after his continued attempts to get under his skin.

Sarge refuses to give into Mckenzie's demands

Sarge refuses to give into Alphonso Mackenzie's demands

Mackenzie started talking about Coulson's morals and compared them to Sarge's; Coulson put a value on life, especially to those loyal to him, while it looked as if Sarge didn't. When Mackenzie revealed that Jaco was ill to and asked Sarge to cooperate with them so Jaco could receive medical treatment, Sarge, knowing he wasn't ill, but building up strength to use his fire breath to escape, seemed not to care and simply told Mackenzie that maybe Jaco's time had come.

Sarge smiling

Sarge smiling to himself

Sarge was taken back to his cell, where Mackenzie later visited him again. Sarge continued to believe he will be free soon, only for Mackenzie to reveal that Jaco's was taken out when he tried to escape by trying to burn the door down with his fire breath. Though annoyed, Sarge still didn't seem concerned and listened as Mackenzie told him that they had got his tracker working and captured two Shrike. Knowing what capturing two Shrike at once would cause, Sarge sarcastically congratulated Mackenzie and smiled to himself.

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Sarge threatened by Alphonso Mackenzie

When the agents encountered difficulties with the Shrike on Zephyr One, Mackenzie had Sarge brought up to the control room for assistance. He mocked their mission and warned them of the upcoming war. Mackenzie demanded to know what the Shrike were up to, to which Sarge revealed the destruction of the Zephyr. Furious, Mackenzie pushed Sarge up against the wall and demanded to know how to stop them. Sarge deemed he already showed them by stabbing his blade into the host's body but claimed it was far too late because of their desire to save the hosts.

Sarge takes over

Sarge takes over

Hearing from May that they lost an agent and the hosts, Sarge urged them not to jettison the Containment Module containing them or else they will feed off the life of Earth. Mackenzie begged Sarge to tell them what to do, only for Sarge to make demands; his Squad and his truck. Giving in, Mackenzie agreed and Sarge told them that cold stops them. After they succeeded in destroying the two Shrike, everyone reluctantly turned to Sarge for guidance on what to do next, much to the mercenary's glee.[9]

Uneasy Alliance[]

Sarge demands Mackenzie live up to the deal

Sarge demands Alphonso Mackenzie live up to the deal

"Your world is about to be destroyed. The only two questions that matter are how to stop the monster and how to survive if we fail. She's coming."
―Sarge to Daisy Johnson[src]

After the S.H.I.E.L.D. team returned in Zephyr One, Sarge insisted they stop wasting his time if they want to save Earth, much to Daisy Johnson's weariness of Sarge's intentions. Sarge turned Alphonso Mackenzie and demanded he lives up to their deal and gives him his truck and Squad.

Sarge explains the Shrike's purpose

Sarge explains the Shrike's purpose

Mackenzie assured him he'll live up to their deal once Sarge tells them his whole plan. Sarge simply said he's going to stop the end of the world, much to the disbelief of the others. Melinda May and Yo-Yo Rodriguez questioned how the Shrike could destroy a planet as they would have to infect everything, only for Sarge to tell them that they're paying the way for their creator just like on Chronyca-2 and demanded his truck and crew again; Mackenzie still wouldn't budge.

Sarge confronting Mack

Sarge confronting Alphonso Mackenzie

To ease the Director's mind, Sarge revealed his plan to rendezvous with the Shrike at a certain location where'd they all meet up so he can kill their creator when it arrives. Hearing part of Sarge's plan, Mackenzie finally gave him his keys to his truck but told him that May and Johnson would be accompanying him and only one of his crew members to the location. Sarge denied the arrangement, wanting his whole Squad with him, and simply stated he'll watch their world be destroyed instead.

Sarge and Mackenzie at odds

Sarge and Alphonso Mackenzie at odds

Calling Sarge's bluff, Mackenzie was certain that Sarge wouldn't have come all this way to fail again. Seeing Mackenzie had a point, Sarge demanded two members, but the Director wouldn't budge on one. Sarge questioned how long their banter would continue, only for Mackenzie to reveal he want two here as an insurance policy that Sarge will come back. Mackenzie then told Sarge that once their shared mission was complete, they were to have a real conversation on Sarge's origins. Giving in, Sarge picked Snowflake.

Sarge questions their teamwork

Sarge questions their teamwork

Being accompanied to his truck by May, Johnson, and two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, Sarge ordered Johnson and May to stay out of his way and ordered the other two agents to leave. Once they left, Sarge questioned their ability to get along, with May assuring he was in charge. Sarge recounted what May could do and asked Johnson what her abilities were. Johnson said she was merely a hacker for computers, much to Sarge's annoyance. He asked her if she was good in a fight, to which she acknowledged.

Sarge explain the Shrike Repelient

Sarge explains the Shrike Repeller

Mackenzie then arrived and asked if Sarge was ready to depart. Sarge claimed he was only after Mackenzie was off his truck. The Director agreed and told Sarge they'll be ready if they need them. Sarge, however, deemed they wouldn't, as his Shrike Repeller started malfunctioning. Furious, Sarge insisted he needed Pax to fix the Shrike Repeller or else the parasitic raise would be all over them once they arrived at the location. Mackenzie suggested Deke Shaw to join the mission to fix the device and Sarge reluctantly agreed.

Sarge orders Johnson to follow him

Sarge orders Daisy Johnson to follow him

Once Shaw boarded the truck, Sarge had Snowflake get off of him and demanded to know how long it would take to repair the device. When Shaw gave his estimate of a couple of hours, Sarge ordered Johnson to join him in the front, but she assured him she was fine in the back. Sarge claimed he needed an extra pair of eyes and since "Motormouth" was had to fix the Repeller and he didn't trust "Smiles" since she tried to kill him, she was his only option.

Sarge gives Mackenzie the go ahead

Sarge gives Alphonso Mackenzie the go ahead

Johnson tried to get him to take Snowflake with him, but Sarge declined, wanting her to keep an eye on May and Shaw since he didn't trust them as much as they don't trust him. Breaking, Johnson agreed and sat next to Sarge. After giving her instructions to keep quiet while in the front with him, he contacted Mackenzie and informed him that they would be at the rendezvous in 17 hours and 53 minutes and not to contact them before they contacted him.

Sarge and Johnson in the truck

Sarge and Daisy Johnson in the truck

Hours later, Sarge grew tired of Johnson staring at him and joked about his good side. When Johnson asked if Sarge was bothered by him resembling Phil Coulson, he claimed he wasn't as he, still believing he was the original, felt flattered that Coulson "stole from the best." Though he was confused when Johnson revealed that he and Coulson shared the same DNA, as he didn't know what that was, he wasn't phased when she explained that it meant they were the same on the molecular level, claiming that it was just random, as he's seen a lot of random over the years.

Sarge reflects on what he lost

Sarge reflects on what he lost

Johnson continued to question Sarge on his past, but he grew annoyed and told her to focus on stopping "her" from destroying their world and everyone she cared about. When asked if that's what happened to him, he stated it didn't matter, as everything he cared about was gone and he was going to kill "her." Noticing Sarge kept referring to the Shrike's creator as her, she asked for her name. Sarge answered with Izel, but eventually grew tired of Johnson constant questions and told her to go to the back.

Sarge attacking Deke Shaw

Sarge choking Deke Shaw

As they were reaching the rendezvous point, Sarge noticed the Shrike Repeller start to malfunction and slammed on the brakes. He made his way to the back with the Repeller and found that Snowflake and Shaw had sex. Annoyed, Sarge demanded to know why the device wasn't working and threatened Shaw by choking him. At May's demands, Sarge let Shaw go and angrily ordered him to fix the device before they reached the rendezvous point. He turned around to May and Johnson and asked if they were hungry in more friendly tone.

Sarge talks about Izel

Sarge talks about Izel

The three settled down and Sarge talked about his crew's history with Izel. He went on about how they tracked her to Chronyca-2 and killed her crew, but she vanished before they could kill her. When May accused Sarge of destroying the planet, Sarge argued it was Izel and that they arrived too late to stop it. May asked what Izel's motives were and Sarge said it was hatred for all living things. When Johnson wanted to know what his motives where, he revealed them as hatred too; that he will kill Izel for killing his family.

Sarge with a sword

Sarge reveals his sword

Changing the subject, May asked how Sarge planned to kill Izel. He got up and presented them with a sword he planned to plunge into Izel. May and Johnson didn't believe him and demanded to know what Sarge wasn't telling them. Feeling as though they were hiding something from him too, Sarge tried attacking Johnson with the sword, only for her to use her Inhuman powers to quake it into the truck's wall. Intrigued, Sarge questioned her earlier statement of being a hacker, before Sarge's tracker went off. He told them that the end was coming and they continued to the rendezvous point.

Sarge explains the Shrike tower

Sarge explains the Shrike Tower

Finally arriving at their destination, Sarge, May, and Johnson watched as the Shrike's hosts formed a giant Shrike Tower. Sarge explained its purpose of once Izel finally arrived on Earth, it will grow big enough to spread a swarm of Shrike all over the planet and destroy everything in sight. Learning of this development, Johnson and May contacted Mackenzie of their current status with the Shrike tower, who in turn informed them they were tracking a ship that was in Earth's orbit and that Izel may very well be on it.

Sarge sharpens his sword

Sarge sharpens his sword

Sarge began sharpening his sword as Johnson asked how he was to get close enough to kill Izel. Sarge told them he would plow right through the tower to weaken her. Then, once she gets off her ship, he would stab her through the heart. The two agents were not so confident in Sarge's plan but he assured them of an insurance policy he had in place. At that moment, Shaw and Snowflake arrived with the repaired Shrike Repeller and Sarge deemed it was time to end Izel once and for all.

Sarge abandons Snowflake

Sarge abandons Snowflake

Unknown to the others, Sarge intended to ram the truck with an Atom Bomb that would destroy everything within 200 miles. After Sarge got the truck in auto drive, he headed to the back to find May and Johnson pointing weapons at him, and Snowflake tied up. They revealed to him that Pax squealed and demanded to know where the bomb was, but Sarge denied the information and told Johnson not to use her quake powers or else she would set it off. He then apologized to Snowflake and fled to the top as she screamed, distracting the others.

Sarge gets aboard the Zephyr

Sarge gets aboard Zephyr One

Sarge made it to the top of the truck and stared at the tower before walking to the middle of the truck where a red portal paint circle was waiting for him. He knelt down and activated the portal which activated the other portal in Jaco's jacket. He arrived on the Zephyr and shot the agent standing guard. He greeted Jaco, who was in a Containment Module. He teammate informed him that they were on Zephyr One, not their base, but Sarge claimed it was better. He then stared at the chained Pax and joked about why they hadn't done that sooner.[10]

Takeover of Zephyr One[]

Sarge gives his squad Shelter Charges

Sarge gives Pax and Jaco the Shelter Charges

"Jaco and I will take the bridge. Pax, you lock down the engine bays. Then we get this ship out of here before the warhead blows."

Now on Zephyr One without S.H.I.E.L.D. knowing, Sarge started giving orders; he and Jaco would secure the bridge while Pax take the engine bay. He handed them their weapons and was informed that Yo-Yo Rodriguez had enhanced speed. Sarge wasn't concerned and pulled out Shelter Charges that would create a field that would stop Rodriguez from interfering.

Sarge and his squad prepare to take Zephyr One

Sarge's squad prepare to take Zephyr One

Jaco then questioned Sarge on Snowflake's whereabouts, but Sarge lied about abandoning her and instead told him that she didn't make it out in time. To ease Jaco and Pax's disappointment, he went on to say that they owed it to their teammate to complete the mission and capture the Zephyr, motivating the two. The remaining Squad members then separated to their respected assignments to take Zephyr One and escape the blast radius before the Shrike Tower was destroyed by the Atom Bomb.

Sarge takes Mackenzie hostage

Sarge takes Alphonso Mackenzie as hostage

Sarge and Jaco made their way to the bridge where the latter wounded Diaz in the shoulder and Sarge held Alphonso Mackenzie and James Davis at gunpoint with his Plasma Gun. Sarge mocked Mackenzie's inability to see this takeover coming and took his weapon away from him. As Jaco activated the Shelter Charge in front of the bridge, Sarge went on to tell Mackenzie to be grateful that the threat to their world would soon be destroyed and he and his squad would be gone in the Zephyr shortly after.

Sarge handcuffs Mackenzie

Sarge handcuffing up Alphonso Mackenzie

As Jaco placed the Shelter Charges in front of the bridge, Sarge told the Director that they were in case his "fast friend" tried anything stupid. He handcuffed Mackenzie to a railing to prevent him from doing the same thing. Sarge explained the situation; Mackenzie's agents follows his orders, or he'll kill Diaz, saying he'd be putting her out of her misery. He then ordered them to turn the Zephyr around to avoid the blast radius of the Atom Bomb, to which Mackenzie signaled to Davis to do what he says.

Sarge threatens Davis

Sarge threatening to execute James Davis

Sarge's plan took a turn when he realized the Atom Bomb didn't go off when his truck destroyed the Shrike tower. Jaco questioned if he calibrated the bomb correctly, but Sarge assured him he did. Sarge was then enraged when he discovered Izel was fleeing Earth's atmosphere in her ship and ordered Davis to follow her. When he noticed Davis turn to Mackenzie for instructions, he pointed his gun at his neck and reminded him that he was in charge and to quite any doubts he had about that.

Sarge disagrees with Jaco

Sarge disagreeing with Jaco about their plans

Mackenzie then tried to reason with Sarge to regroup with their people on the ground and brought up Snowflake being one of them. Sarge, however, ignored Mackenzie's request and demanded he shut his mouth. Jaco then spoke up and agreed with the Director, thinking Snowflake could be useful. Sarge disagreed and reminded Jaco of their saying of no one slowly them down. Jaco rebutted saying Sarge was the only one who said that and added that Snowflake wasn't nobody to them, but Sarge refused to budge.

Sarge kills Pax

Sarge shoots and kills Pax for failing his plan

Their disagreement was interrupted when they saw a muffled and restrained Pax begging for help as he squirmed on the Shelter Charge's field. Jaco went to help their teammate, but Sarge ordered him not to, believing it was a trap. Pax however begged Jaco to help him. The muscle soon gave when Rodriquez shoved Pax into the field, scaring him. After Jaco lowered the field, Sarge killed Pax by shooting him in the chest before Jaco could save him. Sarge then reactivated the field and ordered the horrified Jaco to take care of Rodriquez, repeating no one slows them down.

Sarge listens to Simmons

Sarge listening to Jemma Simmons's updates

The Zephyr soon picked up a transmission from S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons, the latter being the one who's talking on the comms. Sarge then pointed his gun at Davis's neck again to get him to rap the conversation up. However, after learning that Fitz and Simmons were on board the same ship Izel is on, Sarge turn on the speaker and demanded to talk with Izel herself. He told her that he destroyed her Shrike tower was coming for her next. Unfazed, Izel was pleased Sarge finally remembered her name and insisted he come for her so could him remember his.

Sarge argues with Izel

Sarge threatening to kill Izel over their radios

The two continued their conversation with Sarge telling her he doesn't put infuses on names, and instead prefers actions. They then brought up Chronyca-2's destruction and that Izel had already began its destruction. They then started talking about Sarge's reasoning for wanting to kill Izel and that it was because she took away his loved ones and his memory. Izel, however, stated that he never had any memories and hanged up. After an emotional outburst, Sarge ordered the crew to chase Izel's ship, intending to kill her once and for all.

Sarge fighting Mackenzie

Sarge furiously fighting Alphonso Mackenzie

On the way to the Lazy Comet, Sarge demanded Davis fly faster and suggested dropping the crew to achieve it. Mackenzie started to mock Sarge and how he lost to Izel's words. Having enough of Mackenzie, Sarge suggested throwing him off the ship. Mackenzie then surprised Sarge by throwing his cuffs at him. This distracted him long enough for the Director to attack the mercenary. After a heated battle, with neither one giving up, Mackenzie was able to strike Sarge down. Sarge looked up to see Jaco enter and begged for his help, only for his former teammate to reveal he's joined S.H.I.E.L.D. Mackenzie then knocked Sarge out.[13]

Returning to S.H.I.E.L.D. Custody[]

Sarge trapped in the Containment Module

Sarge trapped inside the Containment Module

Waking up in the Containment Module, Sarge watched as Alphonso Mackenzie prepared a team to infiltrate the Lazy Comet to rescue Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons. Sarge begged Mackenzie to let him go with them to finally kill Izel, saying they needed him if they were to understand what they were up against. They refused and revealed Jaco was coming with them. Sarge then angrily punched the module as the team left.

Sarge passing Snowflake

Sarge passing Snowflake in the Lighthouse

The S.H.I.E.L.D. team succeeded in their mission in the Lazy Comet, but Jaco collected the Atom Bomb with S.H.I.E.L.D.'s assistance and returned to Izel's ship on his own, detonating the bomb and seemingly killing himself, Izel and all of the crew to complete Sarge's mission. After their victory, Sarge was returned to his cell in the Lighthouse. As he was being escorted to his cell by two agents, he passed by Snowflake and Deke Shaw and assured the former that his betrayal wasn't personal and listened as Shaw held her back.

Sarge is shot by May

Sarge being shot and killed by "Melinda May"

Sometime later, while he was walking around in his cell, Sarge was approached by Melinda May. Becoming annoyed that May came to see him again, he noted her not being a talker and insisted she get on with whatever she wanted to say to him. He was then left in dismay as May shot him three times in the chest. As he laid there dying, he looked into May's eyes as she then shot him in the head, temporarily killing him.[13]


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Sarge on the operating table

"She shot me."
"I know - May. But it wasn't May. We think someone was possessing her."
"Izel. Of course. That's how she does it. That's how she always gets away."
―Sarge and Jemma Simmons[src]

Even after being shot by Melinda May in the chest three times and once in the head, Sarge was still alive and healing. Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons brought his body to the medbay to see if they could heal him, at the behest of Alphonso Mackenzie, where the latter found out about Sarge's increasing pulse. With this realization, they opted to move Sarge's body to the morgue to avoid a panic.

Sarge remembering his family

Sarge "remembers" his "family"

While recovering, Sarge started seeing hallucinations of the "family" he lost in a blue limbo surrounding. He saw a shadowy figure of the woman he "loved" and fondly held her hand before she disappeared right before him. He then hallucinated the shadow of the "daughter" he once had and embraced her in a hug before she disappeared as well. He started seeing both the woman he loved and daughter over and over again before screaming out in pain over their supposed deaths.

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Sarge finally wakes up

Sarge finally woke up and saw Simmons sitting next to him. He started breathing heavily before asking Simmons where he was. Before she could answer, Sarge recounted May shooting him, only for Simmons to reveal that Izel had possessed her at the time. Sarge realized that was how she always got away from him and his squad and demanded she release him from his restraints. She refused and the agent watching over her walked up to Sarge ready to take him down if he forced him to.

Sarge overhearing May

Sarge overhearing Melinda May

Sarge then overheard May on Simmons' walky-talky reporting to all agents that Director Mackenzie was currently possessed by Izel and urged them to stay away because of how dangerous she was in the Director's body. Realizing there was no time to lose in convincing Simmons to release him, Sarge dislocated his right hand to get out of his restraints. Once free, he knocked Simmons and the agent unconscious, while taking the agent's clothes and gun and went after Izel to finish her off once and for all.[6]

Learning the Truth[]

Sarge shoots Izel

Sarge shoots Izel

"This host silenced most of who you are. But you still remember my name like it's a song in your head. You remember your name, too."
Izel and Sarge[src]

He was able to sense Izel's presence and tracked her down to the room where the Gravity Containment Device holding the energy of all three Di'Allas' was. He listened as she told him she could feel the Di'Allas' energy, but, in an attempt to kill her, he shot her a few times in the chest as she approached him, to no avail. Despite not being able to kill her at the moment, he swore to her he would. He was, however, taken aback when Izel told him that he was actually here to join her rather than kill her.

Sarge empting his gun on Izel

Sarge emptying his gun on Izel

Not believing her, Sarge aimed the gun at her and told her she was wrong. When she attempted to explain, he shot her again. She started to explain again and urged him to listen what's inside him, until he shot her one last time before running out of ammo. She told him that while he's not physically hurting her, he is emotionally. Izel told Sarge that he didn't want to kill her, but Sarge insisted he did just like she did with him. Izel, however, revealed that if she wanted him dead she would've killed him long before she shot him in May's body and that all she was doing waking him up.

Sarge realizes the truth

Sarge realizes the truth

Sarge assured her he was enough to remember all the people he loved died because of her. Izel denied killing them as he never had a family to begin with; that the memories weren't his. Sarge believed it to make no sense so Izel asked Sarge to recount how she killed them. When Sarge couldn't provide an answer, Izel insisted that was proof and that the memories were Phil Coulson's and they came with the host he inhabited. Sarge started remembering and realized the women he saw were Melinda May and Daisy Johnson.

Sarge remembers his name

Sarge remembers his name

Izel explained that the Di'Allas' created Coulson's body and sent it through time and space back to their world. She reminded him that it was a world where they didn't have form and wished for it. She went on to say that once the body arrived and he took it, his own memories merged with its and he lost who he was. Sarge questioned why he blamed Izel for something she didn't do, and she told him that while he lost most of his memories he still could remember her name as well as his: Pachakutiq.

Sarge vows to stop Izel

Sarge vowing to stop Izel

Sarge still refused to believe it and aimed the empty gun at her. He told her that he was hunting her, but she claimed that he was really longing for her. She told him that he inspired her to take her own form and leave their world. Sarge started to freak out, so Izel held him to calm him down. He pushed her back and figured that she was manipulating him, and declared that he would never follow her. However, she believed he did and stated that now that they found the Di'Allas, their plan was about to come true. She explained that they would open the door to their world to let their people come and take over the Shrike. She then begged Sarge to finally wake up, but he denied her.

Sarge broken after talking to Izel

Sarge broken after talking to Izel

While she took the device, he shouted that he would stop her. On her way out, she told him that the only thing that could stop her was inside him. Having all of this revealed to him, Sarge collapsed to the ground, unable to process it all. When two agents arrived, Sarge didn't put up a fight as they took him away. They threw him back in his cell, where Sarge started to pace. He kept telling himself that Izel was lying about who he really was, and that he is who he believes he is. Unknown to him, while he was pacing, his left hand started to morph into something.[6]

Discovering his Powers[]

Sarge being questioned by May

Sarge being questioned by Melinda May

"This time, I'll actually kill you."
"Go ahead. It'd be easier than doing it myself. Come on! What are you waiting for?! Do it! Kill me, Skye!"
Daisy Johnson and Sarge[src]

Sarge was soon taken out of his cell and brought to a separate room where Melinda May began interrogating him. She questioned if he ever wondered where he came from, to which he figured he didn't need to until he found out he was wearing Phil Coulson's face. May asked about the "echoes" of memories, but Sarge told her he never thought of them as memories but more as a feeling.

Sarge witnesses his new found strength

Sarge witnesses his new found strength

When May questioned them being real, Sarge made it clear how real it was chasing Izel across the galaxy with his squad. After May reminded him that he chased her for nothing, he rebutted with her wanting him to be Coulson. May tried to reason with him, explaining that there might be a part of him that's still Coulson, but Sarge grew annoyed and slammed his hand on the table and insisted that he wasn't the cure for her loneliness. After his outburst, Sarge grew concerned when he saw that his strike dented the table. Seeing Sarge needed time, May left him to himself.

Sarge is questioned by Johnson

Sarge being questioned by Daisy Johnson

Sarge continued to stare at the dent he caused before he was greeted by Daisy Johnson, who asked him how he dented the table. Sarge told her he didn't know how he did it and that it was best to leave it like that. Johnson started to talk about the "other thing" inside of Sarge and questioned if he and Izel were alike. Sarge denied any similarities to her and explained that he's been trying to kill her for decades. When Johnson talked about using his new found powers to kill her, Sarge refused, wanting it gone.

Sarge taunts Johnson

Sarge taunts Daisy Johnson

Johnson then started taunting Sarge, believing he was afraid that his powers were exposing who he really was and insisted that he shows her his true self; a monster. Seeing Johnson was enjoying torturing him, Sarge decided to play her game and brought up that May told him that Coulson was like a father to her and figured this was her way of resolving her own "daddy issues" that she still had over Coulson's death. Johnson, however, insisted that Sarge was nothing to her before leaving him to his thoughts.

Sarge killed by Johnson

Sarge is "killed" by Daisy Johnson

Johnson soon returned and wanted to know if the memories got stronger once Izel killed him. Sarge answered her question, but said the enhanced strength was new. He went on to say that the memories started clearing up when Izel shot him and confirmed that Johnson was one of the recent memories. He then told her that the memories didn't matter and that she was right when she called him nothing. Johnson disagreed and believed he was something before snapping Sarge's neck with her powers.

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Sarge unleashing his powers

While Sarge was "dead" he remembered when Coulson's duplicate body was sent to his world and woke up. He started to inherit Coulson's personality and believed he had to get to his sword and kill himself before he got too powerful. He got up and demanded Johnson to get out of his way. When she denied, he started to remember three hooded figures. Sarge tried leaving, but Johnson was determined to get him to reveal himself to her. Seeing no other option, Sarge morphed his hand into a dust like substance before waking Johnson away. He then used his new strength to break the door down and went to find his sword.

Sarge showing off his power

Sarge showing off his powers

Sarge started destroying the Lighthouse looking for his sword, before Johnson arrived with it. He told her that she had succeeded in waking him up and started morphing his hands. He walked up to her and demanded she hand over the sword to him. She refused, so Sarge questioned if she really thought she could beat him with his new found powers. Johnson declared she could because she intended to kill him for good with his own sword and got ready to strike him down as he stopped in front of her.

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Sarge begging Daisy Johnson to kill him

Seeing Johnson was determined, he told her to do it, believing it would be easier then him killing himself. He saw her confused, but begged her to kill him as his face started to morph. However, when he referred to her as "Skye," she halted. He noticed Johnson was beginning to hesitate, so he begged her to kill him as the memories of pain and Izel's song began to resurface. He reminded her that she was strong by quoting what Coulson had told her a year ago and demanded her to kill him as his face started to morph again.

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Sarge examining his sword

When Johnson saw that Sarge was willing to sacrifice himself, she told him that was what Coulson would've done. Sarge still believed he would kill Johnson, but she assured him he wouldn't, before dropping the sword and embracing him. Sarge began to calm down and his face returned to normal. He was brought back to where he was interrogated where he studied the damage he inflicted and his sword.[14] After becoming allies with S.H.I.E.L.D. again, Sarge gave them his Shrike Daggers so they could melt them down into Shrike Bullets and have a better chance of killing the Shrike.[8]

Last Mission with S.H.I.E.L.D.[]

Sarge talks about his rage

Sarge talks about his rage

"Look, this isn't gonna be easy to hear, but if you're harboring any hope that after all this, I'm gonna turn into this Coulson guy, you gotta let that go. Do I want an alien passenger in my head? No. But if I kick it loose, what's left of me won't be the love of your life."
―Sarge to Melinda May[src]

As S.H.I.E.L.D. prepared for their attack on the Temple of the Forgotten, Sarge discussed the rage he felt with Melinda May as he sharpened his sword. He told her that it was the best way to describe what he felt and that she shouldn't be anywhere near it when its unleashed. May, however, believed she could handle it and told him of their ally Ghost Rider and how he had something similar in him, but was able to control. Sarge insisted that was the point; he didn't know if he could keep his rage in check.

Sarge having doubts

Sarge having doubts about his rage

May reminded him he was able to keep it under check when he confronted Daisy Johnson and that whatever she did got him to think more clearly. Sarge disagreed with her notion that he's thinking clearly and that there is only the rage he felt and if sees Izel, he doesn't know what he will do. May believed he will defeat her by letting the rage out, but then let part that his Phil Coulson reign it in. Sarge worried that it wasn't going to be as simple as she made it out to be, but she assured him she'd be there to help him.

Sarge and the others retake Zephyr One

Sarge and the others retake Zephyr One

Sarge and May were joined by Johnson and Piper and headed to the temple in a Quinjet. During the flight, Sarge remained to himself and pondered if he was up to what was coming. The team landed right next to Zephyr One and found no trace of Alphonso Mackenzie, Yo-Yo Rodriguez, or Izel anywhere. Once they got Zephyr One back online, they contacted the Lighthouse, who recommended they can use their satellites to guide them to the temple, but Sarge suggested not to. He informed that Izel and her Shrike operate on subsonic frequencies, which meant they could hear their communications.

Sarge is asked to kill Izel by Piper

Sarge is asked to kill Izel by Piper

Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons agreed with Sarge's analysis of the Shrike and suggested they cut off any communications to insure that Izel will not know they were coming. After they cut off communications with the Lighthouse, the team left Piper with the Zephyr to get it back to full operating power so they could depart immediately. As Johnson and May left, Piper stopped Sarge and asked him to make sure he ends Izel to avenge James Davis's death. Sarge didn't respond to her request and left with the two agents.

The Sign 22

Sarge tracking the Shrike

As the three headed to the temple, Sarge's tracker was malfunctioning, which he figured was because of all the times his Squad jumped through Wormholes. Deciding to make conversation, Johnson questioned how Sarge got his sword in the first place, but the mercenary had no answer, only that he'd always had it. He said he chose not to questioned it, or anything else, believing they were just memories Izel had stolen from him, but now had come to the realization that he knew even less than he originally thought he did. Johnson apologized for what he was going through, but Sarge assured her not to be, as he was the one who had to carry it.

Sarge in awe of the Shrike Bullets

Sarge in awe of the Shrike Bullets

They stopped as Sarge's scanner detected a Shrike. At that moment, one appeared, but Sarge swiftly killed it with the Shrike bullets. Sarge awed at the idea of "Shrike killing bullets" and that he should've thought of that concept years ago, but hadn't considered it since he had never been to a world that was into using guns as their main weapon. Johnson deduced that Izel must've infected the resort that was near by and figured there was no way to save them. Sarge confirmed it by telling her they were dead the moment the Shrike entered their bodies.

Sarge asks if that was overkill

Sarge asks if that was overkill

The three were soon surrounded by a swarm of Shrike hosts, with Sarge saving May from an incoming host and once the coast was clear, he deduced that with all the fighting Izel now knew they were present. When May questioned him not using his sword, he told her he was saving to use it on Izel. A host soon came back to life until Sarge killed it with a few more bullets. Feeling as if that was overkill, he asked May and Johnson if it was. They didn't respond and the three continued on.

Sarge and May wait for Johnson's distraction

Sarge waits for Daisy Johnson's distraction

When they got closer to the temple, Sarge's scanner picked up an entire army guarding it and he showed them what he saw. Even with the bullets they were outnumbered, so Johnson volunteered to distract them so Sarge and May could get inside. When they arrived just outside the temple, Sarge looked at his scanner and still saw all of the Shrike hosts guarding it. He questioned Johnson's diversion tactic, only for May to tell him to give her some time to accomplish her task. Sarge began to hear Izel's singing and deduced that she was getting ready to open the gateway to the Fear Dimension and bringing their kind to Earth.

Sarge reminds May that he's not Coulson

Sarge tells Melinda May he is not Phil Coulson

He told May there was still time for her to walk away before the final battle, but she was determined to stay and see this through with him, believing he'll do what is right and kill her. Feeling as though May was holding on to the idea that Coulson was alive somewhere in him, Sarge told her that once he unleashes his anger, what is left won't be the love of her life. May insisted she accepted that Coulson was gone, but still believed there was good in him. Johnson soon delivered her diversion which cleared the way. With the path to Izel there's, Sarge deemed it was finally time to finish his campaign.[8]

Joining Izel[]

Sarge's anger comes out

Sarge's anger comes out

"The pain is love."
"And now I know how to end it. To cut it out of me. Slice it away and be done with it."
―Sarge and Melinda May[src]

Arriving inside the temple, the signal from the tracker lost its signal, causing them to be blind, to which Melinda May agreed. As they continued through the temple, Sarge felt severe pain in the head, which was a sign that Izel had already liquidated the Di'Allas and that his powers were growing more and more. May asked him if he was okay, but Sarge demanded her to take her to Izel, in a deep and threatening voice, despite May being concerned about his well-being.

Sarge grabs Izel

Sarge grabs Izel

As soon as they got to the center of the Temple of the Forgotten, where the portal was, Izel was happy to see that Sarge had finally come to his senses just in time. She walked up to the duo and told him that their people were in the Fear Dimension, waiting for a signal to begin their invasion. Sarge stopped May from killing her and throwing her through the portal as a signal, telling her that she was hers, to which Izel agreed, but not as she believed. Once she was inches away from him, he took her by the throat and threw her to the ground.

AoS612 Sarge fails to kill Izel

Sarge fails to kill Izel

Despite Sarge's attack, Izel was gleeful, seeing his true nature. However, once Sarge pulled out his sword, Izel became concerned, demanding how he had that, deeming it to not belong in this reality. Sarge countered that neither did she and recounted how he watched her destroy world after world and that she was the bearer of death, even her song reminded him of death. So, to put an end to his pain, he prepared to slay her, but found he couldn't despite how hard he tried, during which Izel laughed at him for not being able to kill her, making May worry.

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Sarge listens to Melinda May

Sarge got off of Izel and stumbled to the portal as she questioned if he remembered now who he truly was. He then listened as May and Izel both attempted to get through the two different sides of Sarge. When Izel asked Sarge how he felt, he replied that he felt anger and fear, the fear of his pain that had been like a dagger in the chest for so long. May told him that the pain he felt was given by love, because it was Phil Coulson himself who made him understand it, so she tried to make him remember what he meant to her and the team he called family.

AoS612 Sarge stabs May

Sarge fatally stabs Melinda May

Sarge seemed to give in to Coulson's personality, realizing that she was right, the pain was love, which brought May to tears of joy and Izel's dismay. However, Sarge said that he now knew how to end his suffering of love and stabbed May through the stomach, telling her it was to cut it away and get rid of it. After starring into the eyes of the devastated May, he pushed her through the portal to the Fear Dimension, welcoming the awakening of his true self and finally siding with Izel, asking her if she liked the signal he sent through.[8]

Reunited After Centuries[]

Sarge and Izel talk after centuries

Sarge and Izel talk after their centuries apart

"Ready to claim what we've always longed for."
"A new home."
"It's only a matter of time... now that the sign has been sent."
Izel and Sarge[src]

After Sarge stabbed Melinda May through the chest with his sword, he and Izel stared longingly at each other before the latter recited the joy she felt when Sarge killed May. She then asked him how it felt about returning to his true self, to which he responded that it was long overdue. Izel agreed, noting him being a "hostage" to Phil Coulson's body for centuries, but have returned just in time to claim what they had longed for, a new home on Earth. They then stared into the portal, waiting as the signal of May's dead body had already been sent through.

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Pachakutiq's face being observed by Izel

As they waited, Izel observed the look in Pachakutiq's eye and told him she had seen it many times, millennia ago, but never on the face of his host before gently touching his cheeks. He replied that Coulson's body still felt alien to him, but she assured that in time it won't. Izel circled around him and admitted to having a certain fondness for the vessel he occupies, saying he has a strength which she finds fascinating, although Pachakutiq told her that it was a prison, from which Izel released him. He told her that he was grateful that she had brought him back, if it were not for one detail: she was responsible for his imprisonment.

Sarge chocking Izel

Pachakutiq furiously attempting to choke Izel

To Izel's horror, Sarge turned around and punched her into a wall. As Izel struggled to get up, she said he was wrong, but Pachakutiq took her by the neck and spatted that she had left him to rot in their world, despite telling him that he could not exist outside of it. In fact, he told her that there was a reason why he had sent her to take the Di'Allas: to complete it, but Izel told him that finding them had proved more difficult than expected. Sarge did not believe her and held her tighter by the throat, demanding if it had been impossible for her to resist the glory and that he should've crush her when he had the chance.

Sarge orders Izel to call back the Shrike

Pachakutiq orders Izel to call back the Shrike

After Sarge finally lightened his grip on her throat, Izel found his words to be petty, as if they came from Coulson himself, who she had shot in the face back at the Lighthouse. She told him that she had done that action to free him and bring him to her side, ready to transfer their people to Earth. After calming down, Pachakutiq ordered her to call the Shrike and take them to the Temple of the Forgotten so they could give their people new life in this world. Izel told him that they will arrive as soon as the last of S.H.I.E.L.D. have been destroyed on Zephyr One.

Sarge sees the D'Allis' pieces

Pachakutiq seeing the Di'Allas in their place

Izel then told Pachakutiq that as soon as First, Second and Third opened the portal, their people would join them on Earth; that they will finally be free to take shape and enter into contact with sensations that they have now felt for themselves, such as hunger, thirst, pleasure and Pachakutiq added pain. The plan was halted however, as May, barely surviving, as long as she was in their kingdom, killed the three and threw the fragments of the three Di'Allas through the portal to Earth.[4]

Battle at the Temple of the Forgotten[]

Sarge lets Izel leave

Pachakutiq lets Izel leave

"You put up a good fight, Director... but we're no match now."
"I've been through... enough of these to know... we always come out on top."
―Sarge and Alphonso Mackenzie[src]

Seeing the fragments of the Di'Allas', Izel accused Pachakutiq of having underestimated the strength of Melinda May or did not want her to die at all, to which he suggested she moderate the tone. Not wavering from his threat, however she believed that she hadn't broken the chains of Sarge's vessel, at least not completely, so he asked her if she was ready to find out through a fight. But Izel, not wanting to harm him, took her daggers and went into the Fear Dimension to solve that problem, as she had done for many centuries.

Sarge's true form

Pachakutiq reveals his incorporeal form

While waiting for Izel, Pachakutiq found himself confronted by S.H.I.E.L.D., and he confidently asked if they had come to witness the arrival of his people, but they ignored him and Daisy Johnson try to quake him. However, instead of killing him, it revealed his true incorporeal form. This revelation left everyone in shock, even Sarge himself. Pachakutiq said they had underestimated him, thinking that Coulson's body could hold him back and that he was far more powerful than Johnson could ever be.

Sarge fighting Alphonso Mackenzie

Pachakutiq fighting Alphonso Mackenzie

Once he returned to his vessel's form, he grabbed her hand and gave her a powerful headbutt, sending her across the temple, to which Alphonso Mackenzie responded by shooting him, but the Shrike Bullets had no effect. The two engaged in a fierce one-on-one fight, with the former proving much stronger than him, during which Mackenzie mocked him by reciting Sarge's previous line of having the satisfaction of removing him from the picture when he was in their custody.

Sarge's face showing

Pachakutiq's face shows after being punched

As the fight waged on, Mackenzie managed to punch Pachakutiq hard enough to reveal a part of his true face, who, as soon as he recovered, returned a punch to the Director, causing him to get on one knee. He admired his fighting ability, but believed they were no match for him now that he was at his full strength. When Mackenzie refused to give up, believing he and his friends will always win, Pachakutiq knocked Mackenzie away from him, in response to his stubbornness.

Sarge and Johnson pacing

Pachakutiq and Quake pacing

With Mackenzie choosing to stay with Yo-Yo Rodriguez as the Shrike inside her was slowly killing her to turn her into a host, Johnson decided to confront Pachakutiq. As the two circled each other waiting for the other to make the first move, Rodriguez finally died and allowed the Shrike to control her body. As she started to strangle Mackenzie, Pachakutiq welcomed her to his and Izel's team, much to Johnson's horror.

Sarge questioning Johnson's resolve

Pachakutiq questioning Quake's resolve

The latter questioned why Johnson was still fighting, since they had power, while she suffered like Mackenzie was with Rodriquez. When Johnson mocked Pachakutiq's impending offer to avoid suffering if she surrendered, he told her that he would do everything to make her suffer and that he would select the incorporeal being for her, to use her flesh as a guest and devour her entrails and that in every single moment a fierce battle will rage within her, to which Johnson accepted with challenge.

Sarge's death

Pachakutiq is killed by Alphonso Mackenzie

As Sarge was speaking, Izel returned from the Fear Dimension, after reopening the portal, coming up behind Johnson, with the intent to kill her, but May, after closing the portal, also returned from the dimension and stabbed Izel with Sarge's Sword, saving Johnson's life, much to Pachakutiq's horror. She was then reduced to dust, causing the death of the Shrike and saving Rodriguez's life. May then passed the sword to Mackenzie, while Johnson transformed Sarge into his true form, keeping him busy long enough for Mackenzie to kill him with his own sword, cutting him in two, causing the portal to the dimension of fear to close again.[4]


Melinda May's Fatal Injury[]

"We'll repair her tissue in a few hours once she reaches the correct core temperature."
Jemma Simmons[src]

While Sarge's plan with Izel to make Earth a new home for their people failed, he caused significant damage to Melinda May. When she returned to Earth, the fatal stab wound Sarge inflicted on her resurfaced since she was no longer in the Fear Dimension, where life and death were meaningless. She was forced to be placed in a Cryo-Freeze Chamber before she succumbed to her injuries.[4] Using a Healing Pod, the Chronicom anthropologist Enoch was able to heal her wounds, and she woke up prematurely.[15] While healed, the injures inflicted by Sarge and her time in the Fear Dimension left May feeling nothing emotionally.[16]

May's relationship with Phil Coulson's Chronicom LMD self was strained at first, due to her new take on life, but was mainly because she had already went through the idea of hoping Coulson was alive with Sarge. Because of the way it ended, she refused to go through that pain again.[17]

Around a year later, when the team met up for their yearly reunion at The Krazy Kanoe, they reminisced on all the close calls they had, including Sarge killing May.[18]

Chronicom Memories[]

When Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, and Enoch created a Chronicom Life-Model Decoy version of Phil Coulson to aide them in their Chronicom Colonization of Earth, they included the events he missed over the last year, which included Sarge and the trouble he caused them.[4] When the LMD was activated, he started to remember Sarge stabbing Melinda May with his sword and felt brief guilt over it, as if he actually did the deed, before spouting about other events he lived through.[15] When cornered by Wilfred Malick at The Krazy Kanoe in 1973, Coulson used Sarge's real name, dubbed "Patrick Kutik," as his alias, but it proved to be useless, as Malick recognized him anyway.[19]

Studied by the Enemy[]

When Nathaniel Malick, an anarchist working with the Chronicoms, was to do battle against Daisy Johnson, he studied all her battles over the years through the Time Stream, which included her final battle with Sarge at the Temple of the Forgotten.[18]


As Sarge[]

"What's yours?"
"Love. No, it's hate, my thing too. Hate and revenge."
Daisy Johnson and Sarge[src]

Due to Phil Coulson's memories, Sarge's personality was made of anger and pain from losing his family through Izel's fault and it is the first two emotions that allow him to organize a campaign to hunt and kill her, no matter how ruthless he needed be to accomplish his goal. He felt love and peace for his family, before Izel took it away from him and then avenge them, for him it was the right thing to do, even if he knew very well that there were prices to pay and risks to run.

Sarge was also a ruthless killer: he killed anyone in cold blood who intruded on his mission to kill Izel and killed the Shrike inside their hosts without worrying about innocent life, even if he wanted the planets and their people safe from these parasites. Sarge also wanted to exterminate the Shrike with a Atom Bomb, to prevent the Shrike from infecting the Earth as they did with the other planets, but had no qualms knowing that the bomb would kill thousands of innocents.

He was also an expert manipulator to his enemies and his teammates. When Pax protested the loss of his friend Tinker, he encouraged him to continue their mission, despite the loss of his best friend and valid ally, telling him that dying are what friends were for. Another aspect of his manipulative ways was that he was not afraid to remain in prison, believing that he would always find a way to turn it around and command his mission by forming an alliance. When it was obvious that S.H.I.E.L.D. was way out of their league in fighting the Shrike, he patiently waited and acted as if they outsmarted him until he could take advantage of their inexperience and take control.

Sarge was also not above betraying his own Squad and abandoning them if it would achieve his goal of destroying Izel and that nothing would slow him down. When he left Snowflake to die with the other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, he apologized to, before using her outrage as a distraction to flee and later telling her that his betrayal was nothing personal, even though hearing it made her angry. He had also killed Pax, his teammate, because he figured Jaco's sentiment to his friend would interfere with their mission. He always said that no one would slow them down or stop them on the mission to kill Izel, which Jaco didn't agree with.

Despite his ruthlessness nature, he had made a long-lasting friendship with Jaco, because he had thanked him for saving him from the destruction of his planet at the hands of the Shrike. Sarge, in turn, had considered him his best friend. However, despite their bond, Sarge's lack of loyalty eventually turned Jaco against him, leaving Sarge with no one.

Combined Personalities[]

"You were gonna sacrifice yourself. That's what Coulson would've done."
"I could kill you."
"You won't."
Daisy Johnson and Sarge[src]

After being killed by Izel and Daisy Johnson, Sarge's personality and Phil Coulson's merged and he was unable to separate the two sets of minds. This caused Sarge to inherit much of Coulson's heroic traits, such as being willing to sacrifice himself when it looked like he was becoming just like Izel. Sarge also adopted some of Coulson's humor, sarcastically asking Melinda May and Johnson if him shooting a Shrike host three times was overkill.

True Personality[]

"How does it feel to be your true self once more?"
"Long overdue."
Izel and Sarge[src]

Pachakutiq's true personality was much colder and more cruel than his alter ego, as seen when he pierced Melinda May without pity or remorse, but he was very devoted to Izel and his people and was willing to do anything to help them get a new home on Earth, before Phil Coulson's memories took over him. He trusted Izel enough to allow her to search for the Di'Allas everywhere throughout the Galaxy, but at the same time he was very angry and petty with her for leaving him to rot in their world, despite Izel explaining his good reasons that he could not exist outside of it.

Another aspect of his personality was that he mocked his enemies and was ambitious, because they thought Coulson's body held him forever and that he was more powerful than Daisy Johnson could ever be. But in the end his boasting of his newly regained powers proved to be his undoing, because it was he who underestimated the teamwork of S.H.I.E.L.D., and it was this that allowed Quake and Alphonso Mackenzie to finally kill him.

Despite his true and cruel personality, Pachakutiq is still capable of love. For instance, he loved Izel greatly, despite his wrath and anger towards her for abandoning him in their world because of his emotional struggle. He is also forgiving towards her, as shown, he forgave her for leaving him in the Fear Dimension. He also loves his people, and is willing to do whatever it takes for them to have physical bodies of their own. When May killed Izel, Pachakutiq angrily swore vengeance and attempted to avenge her, only to be distracted by Johnson and killed by Mackenzie.

He is also capable of showing respect to his adversaries, as he commented on Mackenzie after defeating him, telling that he fought well, but in the end, S.H.I.E.L.D. will always lose.

Powers and Abilities[]


Non-Corporeal Entity Physiology: Being a non-corporeal entity, Pachakutiq's physiology possessed characteristics that could be considered unnatural. Notably, he had incredible strength and possession; which he used to take the form of Phil Coulson.

  • Superhuman Strength:
    Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - SDCC 2019 Hall H Extended Season 6 Trailer 8

    Sarge unleashing his strength

    Sarge was roughly as strong as Alphonso Mackenzie and was able to briefly pin down and overpower the S.H.I.E.L.D. Director, despite the fact that Mackenzie is much larger and more muscular than him. Once he was killed and brought back twice, his strength was enhanced significantly each time. Once he was revived the first time, he was strong enough to smack Quake across the room, but by his second, he was able to send Izel, someone with equal power to his, hurling towards a stone column with a single punch. He also headbutted Johnson to the ground with ease. During his second battle with Mackenzie, Sarge was able to get the upper hand over him much easier and was only defeated due to Mackenzie killing him with his sword while he was distracted. He also performed many other feats such as punching a dent into a metal desk and pulling a highly reinforced door off of its hinges.
  • Superhuman Durability:
    Sarge withstanding Quake's attacks

    Sarge withstanding Daisy Johnson's attack

    Sarge's body was very resilient to the point where he could survive multiple gunshots from the Izel-possessed Melinda May and instantly get back on his feet, showing little to no discomfort from his wounds. When he got his neck snapped by Quake, he was able to recover after a short period of time. Once his true personality and potential awoke, Sarge as his true self, was able to completely withstand Johnson's vibrational shockwave with no discomfort. While fighting Alphonso Mackenzie, Sarge was able to withstand all of the Director's attacks, raging from using the Shrike Bullets without any blood being shed, to shrugging off all of his melee attacks.
"He was shot four times. He lost practically all of his blood. Why is he taking so long to die?"
"No, you don't understand. It's getting stronger. He's coming back."
Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons[src]
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: Sarge can fully heal from severe injuries, such as gunshot wounds, in a matter of minutes. He quickly recovered after being shot multiple times by Melinda May; only minutes later, he appeared to be completely fine, with no visible wounds or scars at all. Additionally, he was killed by Quake multiple times only to be healed and come back. He was also shot in the head by May, seemingly killing him. However, Sarge woke up only a little bit later to find his head wound healed. Even being shot four times did not phase Sarge as much as even though he lost nearly all of his blood, he came back to life.
    • Power Augmentation: Each time Sarge had come back to life, his powers increased. For example, his first death increased Sarge's strength to the point he was capable of putting a dent in a metal table. On his second, he was able to punch a reinforced door with enough force to tear it, and its mountings right off of the base walls.
"I've been alive for 100 of your years, and I'll be alive 100 years after you're gone."
―Sarge to Melinda May[src]
  • Longevity: Being a Non-Corporeal Entity and coming from a realm where life and death were insignificant, Sarge's lifespan was increased, allowing him to live for hundreds if not thousands of Earth years. His longevity even extended to his corporeal form as when he used the body of Phil Coulson, he did not age for thousands of years.
"He called me "Skye." How would he have known that?"
"Because that's what they do! I went to enough Sunday School to learn that when the Devil shows up, he'll be wearing the face of someone you trust!"
Daisy Johnson and Alphonso Mackenzie[src]
  • Possession: Sarge was able to completely possess the bodies of others. He possessed a duplicate body of Phil Coulson, which he had been inhabiting until his death. Unlike Izel, who cannot access the memories of her hosts, Sarge is able to incorporate his host's memories into his own; however, he does not have control over his host's memories, as Coulson's memories clouded his own into thinking that Izel, his once lover, had killed his family and stole his memories of them. The truth was only revealed by Izel herself.
    • Shapeshifting:
      Sarge's shapeshifting powers

      Sarge's shapeshifting powers

      Sarge was able to willingly morph between his Phil Coulson human form and his original incorporeal Pachakutiq Form. At first he could not control this ability, only being able to morph his hand or his face while in a state of anger, but when his true nature and potential finally revealed itself, Sarge was able to rapidly recover from any damages while shapeshifting and strike crippling blows to his adversaries.


"I think Sarge's powers are very dangerous. But they might be just what we need."
Daisy Johnson[src]
  • Expert Combatant:
    Sarge's fighting abilities

    Sarge fighting against Alphonso Mackenzie

    Sarge was an extraordinary warrior and hand-to-hand combatant, with hundreds of years worth of fighting experience, and the memory recall of all of Phil Coulson's fighting abilities. He was able to go toe-to-toe with Melinda May in the confined space of his truck before being defeated by the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. When trying to take control of Zephyr One, Sarge battled the much larger Alphonso Mackenzie for an extended period of time before the S.H.I.E.L.D. Director eventually defeated him. He was also able to knock out an armed S.H.I.E.L.D. guard with relative ease. During the Battle at the Temple of the Forgotten, Sarge engaged in a second battle against Mackenzie and very nearly succeeded in killing him before they used Sarge's Sword to finally finish him off.
  • Expert Marksman: Sarge is highly skilled with laser guns and combustion firearms despite preferring a sword as he stated he did not understand the interest tht Earth had with firearms. He shot and killed Fox with a single blast from his blaster sidearm, and he readily used Amit's shotgun to precisely shoot a convenience store's glass container. Once transporting onboard Zephyr One, Sarge killed a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent point-blank while spinning around. He also shot and killed Pax.
"Seriously? I leave for three minutes, and the plan goes all to hell."
  • Master Tactician: Sarge is an efficient tactician and commander of his Squad. He coordinated multiple successful robberies, heists, and infiltration missions, and came up with intricate escape plans that allowed him to evade S.H.I.E.L.D.'s grasp several times over. He was also very skilled at outmaneuvering his enemies through secrecy and manipulation, allowing him to continually stay one step ahead of them. Additionally, he was able to put together an elaborate plan to destroy Izel with an Atom Bomb as soon as she arrived on Earth, which would have succeeded if Pax had not informed S.H.I.E.L.D. of his intentions. While dealing with Alphonso Mackenzie, Sarge strategically stayed out of the picture while he watched Mackenzie's agents fail to take care of the Shrike. This patience allowed Mackenzie to turn to Sarge for help and thus giving Sarge the ability to give orders. However, his strategies became clouded as he dealt with his old memories returning to him.



  • Plasma Gun:
    Sarge's plasma gun

    Sarge aims his Plasma Gun at Melinda May

    Sarge's main weapon was a plasma gun that he kept in his right holster. He used it to kill Fox after arriving on Earth and another S.H.I.E.L.D. agent on Zephyr One. While trying to take over the Zephyr, Sarge shot and killed Pax when it looked like he was going to become a distraction to their mission.
  • Shrike Daggers: Sarge carried a case full of daggers that were capable of killing the Shrike. After arriving on Earth with his squad, he used them against the Shrike, including the one in Harold Simcoe and attempted use one on Deke Shaw, believing him to be a Shrike host. He gave up his supply of daggers to S.H.I.E.L.D. to create Shrike Bullets.
  • Sword: Sarge had this sword during his entire campaign against Izel, trying to kill her with it, but failing every time. He was unaware how he became in possession of the weapon, but decided to ignore it. During the Battle at the Temple of the Forgotten, Sarge came close to killing Izel with the sword, but found he couldn't because his connection to her. After Sarge allied with Izel, he used the sword to kill Melinda May before sending it and her into the Fear Dimension as a sign to First, Second, and Third.
  • Winchester Model 1897: Sarge took this shotgun from Amit, the owner of Bob's Market, during a robbery, using it to shoot at a shelf both to test the weapon and intimidate the owner. Once he and his squad left, he took the weapon, but he gave it to Pax soon after.
  • Plasma Pistol: Along with his Plasma Gun, Sarge had a plasma pistol that he kept in his back holster.
  • Makarov PM: Sarge obtained this handgun upon arriving on Earth, and used to kill a man infected by a Shrike in front of Melinda May, by shooting him in the head, though it did not prevent the parasite from reviving the corpse.
  • Smith & Wesson M&P:
    The Sign 23

    Sarge shooting all of Izel's thralled soldiers

    Sarge used one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s handguns to shoot at Izel once he recovered from being killed by her, locating her inside the room where the Gravity Containment Device was kept. Sarge kept shooting at Izel despite the bullets did not harm her, until he ran out of bullets. Sarge was given another gun, outfitted with Shrike Bullets, that he used to kill a Shrike host while on their way to the Temple of the Forgotten. As he was ambushed by a group of hosts, he and Daisy Johnson killed them with their guns while Melinda May dealt with them using one of Sarge's Shrike Daggers.
"Shrike-killing bullets. Should've thought of that. Just never been to a planet that was so into guns."

Other Equipment[]

"Are we happy?"
"Tinker would know for sure. But I think once we have the PEGs, this will sing its beautiful song."
―Sarge and Snowflake[src]
  • Shrike Detector:
    Firing the weapon

    Sarge firing the Shrike Detector

    Sarge and his teammates used this massive device to map the planet on which they were at the moment and indicate the position of all known Shrike hosts. Sarge was usually the one who operated the device on their missions. After arriving on Earth, and receiving more PEGs, Sarge used the Detector to get the position of the Shrike on the planet.
  • Tracker: Sarge and his squad used this device to track down the current Shrike on the planet they were on so they could take them out. While searching for Izel at the Temple of the Forgotten with Melinda May and Daisy Johnson, Sarge used the tracker to find any Shrike that were close by. Though it had issues because of travelling through Wormholes for years. After he and May entered the temple, there was to much interference, so Sarge discarded it.
  • Shrike Repeller: Sarge and his squad used a device that was capable of keeping the Shrike away from their truck by emitting a sonic pulse that disrupts their equilibrium.
"Shelter Charges. I haven't seen these in a while."
"Once the field goes up, nobody gets in or out. Doesn't matter how fast."
Pax and Sarge[src]
  • Shelter Charges: Throughout Sarge's campaign, he and his squad equipped themselves with charges able to put up a force-field to protect themselves from enemy combatants. During Sarge's takeover of Zephyr One, he, Jaco, and Pax used these charges to keep Yo-Yo Rodriguez from interfering with her speed.
"Did you remember to calibrate the firing rod to the new telemetry?"
"This is not my first warhead."
Jaco and Sarge[src]
  • Atom Bomb: During their mission to Earth, Sarge utilized an Atom Bomb to destroy Izel once and for all by ramming his truck into a Shrike Tower with the bomb still in it.




  • Lighthouse:
    Sarge as a prisoner

    Sarge being held inside of the Lighthouse

    After Sarge and Snowflake were captured by Melinda May they were taken to the Lighthouse where Sarge was interrogated by Alphonso Mackenzie about his identity and the Shrike. However, after it was established that S.H.I.E.L.D. was unequipped to handle the Shrike alone, they were forced to free Sarge and let him take charge in dealing with the parasitic race. Sarge was soon a prisoner in the Lighthouse once again after he was captured while trying to take over Zephyr One. He was shot four times by Izel (in May's body) before he recovered and was returned to his cell.
  • Zephyr One: When Sarge's hijacking of Zephyr One ended in failure, he was place in a Containment Module until they returned to the Lighthouse to be placed back in his original cell.





Appearance for Sarge

In chronological order:

In narrative order:


  • Pachakutiq, or Pachakutik, is a concept from the Quechua people meaning "change of the sun" and refers to the "rebirth" of the Earth after the end of an era.
  • Sarge is the third main antagonist of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. who was created specifically for the series, the first two being Jiaying and Kasius.
  • Sarge is the third of three main antagonists to neither be an Inhuman or to have ever been affiliated with HYDRA, the first and second being Eli Morrow and Kasius.
  • In the episode Window of Opportunity, it is implied that Sarge dislikes worlds that use paper bills as currency.
  • Sarge had the longest tenure as a main antagonist on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., having been one for twelve episodes of season six.

Behind the Scenes[]

  • In an interview, Clark Gregg described his role of Sarge as the "anti-Coulson", saying "'Phil Coulson was never comfortable much with collateral [damage]. This guy, as the kids say, he has no sh—s to give."[20] When asked what it was like switching roles from Coulson to Sarge, Gregg described it as "a different job [he] got."[21]
  • It has been noted that Pachakutiq's true form bears a strong resemblance to Ord, a villain introduced in Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-Men. Jed Whedon and Jeffrey Bell have admitted that Pachakutiq's appearance is loosely based on Ord, though they took care to make sure the resemblance was not too strong, as they were legally prohibited from featuring or mentioning anything related to the X-Men in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.[22]
  • Todd Bloomer and Ross Kohnstam were stunt doubles for Clark Gregg in the role of Sarge.
  • Sarge and Lance Hunter are the only new characters who are credited as main characters in their first appearance.
  • Sarge was the fourth main antagonist to be credited as a main character followed after Grant Ward, Hive, and Holden Radcliffe.
    • Sarge is also the only main antagonist to be credited as top billing.
  • In the comics, Sarge was an alias used by many people, namely Nick Fury, Jr.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.01: Missing Pieces
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.05: The Other Thing
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.02: Window of Opportunity
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.13: New Life
  5. The penultimate episode of the fifth season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. reveals that the Black Order are attacking New York City at the same time, which means the season five finale occurs shortly before the Snap. The sixth season premiere has on-screen text which indicates that it is one year later; therefore, despite the series not discussing or dealing with the Snap, all organic characters who are alive at the beginning of the sixth season or are indicated to still be alive are treated as Snap survivors.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.10: Leap
  7. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.12: The Real Deal
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.12: The Sign
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.07: Toldja
  10. 10.0 10.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.08: Collision Course Part One
  11. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.03: Fear and Loathing on the Planet of Kitson
  12. 12.0 12.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.04: Code Yellow
  13. 13.0 13.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.09: Collision Course Part Two
  14. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.11: From the Ashes
  15. 15.0 15.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.01: The New Deal
  16. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.02: Know Your Onions
  17. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.06: Adapt or Die
  18. 18.0 18.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.13: What We're Fighting For
  19. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.05: A Trout in the Milk
  20. Clark Gregg explains his "ruthless" new character Sarge
  21. How AGENTS OF SHIELD’s Clark Gregg is Breaking Bad as Sarge
  22. Did Agents of SHIELD Just Slyly Introduce an Astonishing X-Men Villain?