
"I love being king, I love my people, but it's all meetings and raven-mail and meetings that could have been raven-mail. I miss fighting. I miss my sisters."
―Valkyrie to Mighty Thor[src]

King Brunnhilde is the reigning sovereign of New Asgard, erstwhile leader of the fallen Valkyrie; shield-maidens who swore to defend the throne. She resided on Sakaar as a bounty hunter designated Scrapper 142 after her defeat at the hands of Hela. Years into her self-imposed exile, Brunnhilde found the Asgardian prince Thor and sold him to the Grandmaster, only to grow towards him when he told her of Hela's new invasion of Asgard. Joining the Revengers as Valkyrie, she escaped from Sakaar and assisted Thor to defeat Hela, witnessing Ragnarök as a result before she then joined all of the remaining survivors traveling towards Earth, only for the Statesman to be attacked by the Black Order. She was one of the few survivors from Thanos' attack, helping lead the remaining Asgardians to safety before the Mad Titan destroyed the ship and killed the remaining forces, and ultimately survived the Snap.

Valkyrie played an essential role in the relocation of the Asgardian population on Earth, in their new settlement in Tønsberg, Norway. For the next five years, Valkyrie helplessly saw Thor spiraling down into alcoholism and idleness due to his previous failure to stop Thanos. Shortly after Thor rejoined the Avengers to resurrect the victims of the Snap, Valkyrie led the Asgardians during the Battle of Earth against an alternate Thanos and his forces. Following this victory, Valkyrie was appointed the new leader of the Asgardians by Thor, who joined the Guardians of the Galaxy and left the Asgardians under her care.

Under her rule, New Asgard began focusing on tourism, with Asgardian themed attractions. Despite enjoying her new job, she found herself wishing to return to the battlefield. One night, the village was attacked by Gorr the God Butcher, which she helped to defend alongside Thor and Mighty Thor. Gorr managed to escape the fight, kidnapping the children as he did, forcing Valkyrie to band together with her allies to get them back. After stealing Zeus' Thunderbolt from Omnipotence City, Valkyrie traveled to the Shadow Realm to confront Gorr. However, they fell victim to his trap, and Valkyrie was badly injured in the ensuing battle. After escaping back to New Asgard, she was forced to stay behind to recover from her injuries. When the children were rescued by Thor, she began training them so that they could defend themselves. Later, Valkyrie would take in Skrull refugees at the request of Carol Danvers.


Leading the Valkyrie[]

Defeated by Hela[]

"She massacred everyone in the palace and tried to seize the throne. When she tried to escape her banishment, he sent the Valkyrie in to fight her back. I only survived because... Look, I already faced her once back when I believed in the throne, and it cost me everything."
―Valkyrie to Thor[src]
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Brunnhilde charges with the Valkyrie

Brunnhilde was one of the many Valkyrie sent by Odin to drive Hela back to her prison. Riding a winged steed, Valkyrie engaged Hela in combat. Hela created a vast amount of weapons that she used to kill the Valkyrie as they descended on her.

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Brunnhilde fights against Hela

Brunnhilde was one of the last of the Valkyrie, managing to avoid death by the ferocious attack when Hela then personally engaged her but was thwarted by the only other remaining Valkyrie.[2]

Life on Sakaar[]

Becoming Scrapper 142[]

"I've spent years, in a haze, trying to forget my past. Sakaar seemed like the best place to drink, and to forget, and to die. One day."
―Valkyrie to Thor[src]

Being all that remained of the Asgardian warrior maidens, Brunnhilde exiled herself to the planet Sakaar where she served the Grandmaster as one of his best acquisition specialists under the designation "Scrapper 142". She had an antagonistic relationship with the Grandmaster's bodyguard, Topaz, but was favored by the Grandmaster himself. Scrapper 142 eventually found and brought the Grandmaster Hulk after he arrived on Sakaar.[2]

Meeting Thor[]


Valkyrie arrives in the scrapyard of Sakaar

"I am Thor, son of Odin. I need to get back to Asgard."
"Many apologies, Your Majesty."
Thor and Valkyrie[src]

Scrapper 142 located a group of Sakaaran Scrappers that had just captured Thor. Considering Valkyrie's payment for delivering the contender to the Grandmaster, she intervened the Scrappers and parked her Warsong in front of them. As Valkyrie was drinking her alcohol, she demanded them to relinquish their ownership over Thor.

Warsong Valkyrie

Valkyrie attacks the Sakaaran Scrappers

While drunkenly walking towards the Scrappers, Valkyrie stumbled around onboard of her ship and began to trip onto the garbage that was on the ground. Getting up from the ground, Valkyrie told the Scrappers that Thor is hers and if they want him then they'll have to go through her. As the Lead Scrapper disobeyed her demand and insisted on capturing her too, Valkyrie then proceeded to turn on her gauntlets and shoot almost all of the surrounding Scrappers that were holding Thor hostage.

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Valkyrie successfully captures Thor

Once one Scrapper survived from the shootout, Valkyrie dodged his attack and subdued him due to her Asgardian strength. As Thor thanked her for seemingly rescuing him from a life of slavery, Valkyrie quickly threw an Obedience Disk onto his neck and activated it with a remote controller, electrocuting and incapacitating him. With the opportunity to capture Thor, Valkyrie took him by the broken cape and went on board in her ship.


Valkyrie electrocutes Thor for his demands

Valkyrie drove her Warsong with Thor being knocked out, it soon that Thor had eventually regained consciousness. Valkyrie informed the Grandmaster that she'll be on her way for the delivery, however, Thor demanded to know who she was and where he was being taken, smashing at the glass and proclaiming himself to be the son of Odin and insisting that he had to get back onto Asgard. Valkyrie simply ignored Thor's demands and then reactivated the Obedience Disk, much to her mockery.[2]

Paid by Grandmaster[]

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Valkyrie brings Thor to the Grandmaster

After bringing Thor to a sped-up presentation that led him to be awake from his unconsciousness and found himself sitting in front of the Grandmaster, Valkyrie observed him from afar as the Grandmaster told her that he looked wonderful. While Thor attempted to break from his restraints, Valkyrie was told that she always brings the best stuff and was about be complimented until Topaz called her trash.


Valkyrie ignores Thor's demand to escape

After Grandmaster apologizes on behalf of his bodyguard and called Valkyrie the best, she then noted that she brought a contender and was brought closer to Thor. Once attempted to break free, Valkyrie tased him again with the controller. Valkyrie told Grandmaster that she'll take ten million and was given the units by Topaz. When Thor threatened Valkyrie, she reminded him that she cannot pay for bringing him to the Grandmaster.[2]

Duel in the Grand Arena[]


Valkyrie having a drink at the bar

"You must be a traitor or a coward because the Valkyrie are sworn to protect the throne!"
"Listen closely, Your Majesty. This is Sakaar, not Asgard, and I'm a scrapper, not a Valkyrie."
Thor and Valkyrie[src]

Buying alcohol near the gladiator's quarters, Valkyrie started to open up her fiery beverage before stopping a bystander for stealing it. Thor then spotted Valkyrie who was imprisoned after she had captured him. As Thor was about to talk to Valkyrie, she threatened him with a device that would activate his Obedience Disk.


Valkyrie listens to Thor for help on escaping

As Thor was considerably more nervous about speaking with Valkyrie, she drank her bottle of alcohol until Thor was distracted from her tattoo from her time of joining the Valkyrie. While Valkyrie attempted to ignore Thor, she listened on from Thor being enthusiastic over about his admiration of the Valkyrie and how he had always wanted to join them before learning they were only women. Thor then attempted to hold a conversation with Valkyrie, telling her of the threat of Asgard and Hela's return.

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Valkyrie leaves Thor to battle other champions

After Thor had requested Valkyrie's help in stopping Hela, she waved bye to him until Thor called her a coward before being told to go out and fight. Being furious with his reasoning, Valkyrie confronted Thor and stated that he was no longer on Asgard, including the resignation of her title as a Valkyrie. While Thor was electrocuted and beaten by the Sakaaran Guards, Valkyrie told the God of Thunder that no one can escape Sakaar so he'll die anyways.


Valkyrie arrives for the Contest of Champions

Arriving upwards from the Contest of Champions arena with her Warsong, Valkyrie had her drink and sat down to observe the fight in order to see Thor in the area. While the audience continued cheering, Grandmaster introduced Thor as the Lord of Thunder while his champion prepared to arrive. When the champion emerged, it was revealed to be Hulk, having Thor fight against him in a brutal duel. However, Valkyrie was surprised by the sheer blow from Thor, as he strikes Hulk with it at full force.


Valkyrie observed Thor's fight against Hulk

Seeking to end the fight without any more conflict, Thor then tried to use Black Widow's calming technique which Valkyrie found confusing on what he was doing before Thor was thrashed across the arena. During the fight, however, Thor channeled electricity from his body, subduing Hulk, until the Grandmaster intervened and disarmed him. As Hulk stomped upon Thor's unconscious body, Valkyrie looked away left the show while taking another sip from her drink.[2]

Tricked by the God of Thunder[]

Hulk & Valkyrie (Winning)

Valkyrie visits Hulk for his next fighting match

"You're so thick-headed that you can't tell when someone's hiding all the way across the universe and wants to be left alone?"
"We need to talk."
"No, you wanna talk to me."
―Valkyrie and Thor[src]

After watching the duel of Thor and Hulk in the Grand Arena, Valkyrie decided to visit Hulk inside of his room in order help him train for his next battle for the Contest of Champions. Once Hulk was ready to train for his next sparring match, Valkyrie asks him what had he been up to before laughing at his reply of saying that he was winning.


Valkyrie playfully fights against Hulk

Getting a call, Valkyrie was then summoned to Hulk's room. After making fun of the Sakaaran Guards from the doorway, Valkyrie and Hulk playfully sparred each other, leading to her noticing Thor before she questioned Hulk. Knowing what the call was about, Valkyrie rejected Thor's permission to talk. As Hulk threw a part of his bed to ensure Valkyrie did not leave, she agreed to listen for as long as it took her to drink a large bottle of alcohol.


Valkyrie tells Thor about Hela's banishment

While Thor began explaining how Asgard was currently in danger, Valkyrie finished chugging her drink, much to Thor's surprise. Once Valkyrie said her byes, Thor then explained that Odin was dead and Hela had invaded Asgard, which caused her to stop in her tracks. Lamenting over Odin's recent death in Norway, Thor informed Valkyrie of Hela's return to Asgard. Valkyrie then started to open up to him, revealing how Odin had banished Hela for her power to seize control over the cosmos, resulting in Hela's banishment in Hel.


Valkyrie and Thor converse in Hulk's room

Valkyrie then noted her failed attempt at stopping Hela from escaping Hel, costing her everything she cared. After Valkyrie had fed up from Asgard's conflict, Thor offered her an opportunity to join his team so as to escape Sakaar and prevent Hela from fulfilling her goals, only for her to tell him to not get familiar. As Thor agreed with her about Asgard's problems, Valkyrie drew her daggers at his throat to warn him not to get too familiar with her.


Valkyrie listens to Thor after his trickery

Once Valkyrie refused to be involved in the fight against Hela, she was then tricked by Thor after their conversation had led them closer, as Thor stole the Obedience Disk from her, thus allowing him to disarm his disk. Thor then reminded her that the Asgardians were their people and that he will save them, and asked her if she was going to continue to enslave people on the Grandmaster's orders or fight her past before leaping out of the window.[2]

Remembering Her Past[]


Valkyrie and Loki meet up with Grandmaster

"You're a Valkyrie. I thought the Valkyrie all died gruesome deaths?"
"Choose your next words wisely."
Loki and Valkyrie[src]

In the wake of Thor and Hulk's recent disappearance, the Grandmaster summoned both Valkyrie and Loki to his chambers. Expressing his displeasure at the fact that the two fugitives disappeared from the palace, Grandmaster noted that he needed them back, as Loki offered him that he'll bring them back in twelve hours, leading to Valkyrie in competition with of bring them in a short amount of time.

Valkyrie & Loki

Valkyrie has a brief duel against Loki

Grandmaster then offered them a bounty for the capture of Thor and Hulk, instead of planning of public execution, leading to him find them quickly as possible. In a separate room, Loki interrogated Valkyrie about her role in allowing the two fugitives to escape, she then replied that she doesn't help anyone, as this had quickly turned into a duel, with both drawing their knives and slashing at the other. As Valkyrie kept fighting Loki, she was discovered by her tattoo on her arm, leading to Loki knowing she was the last living Valkyrie; however, Valkyrie was unwilling to allow this secret to be revealed as she kicked Loki away and threatened him by pinning him against the wall and telling him to chose his next words carefully.


Valkyrie relives her horrifying flashback

Although Loki had still remained unfazed by Valkyrie's threat and noting what a painful memory it must be for her, she was possessed by Loki's magical abilities to make her relive the Massacre of the Valkyrie at the hands of Hela when she had attempted to escape from Hel. Furious at Loki's actions at making her relive her own trauma, Valkyrie knocked him out with a hard punch to the face before chaining him up inside her room.[2]

Helping the Fugitives[]


Valkyrie locating both Thor and Bruce Banner

"I was thinking that you drink too much and it was probably gonna kill you."
"I don't plan to stop drinking. But... I don't wanna forget. I can't turn away anymore. So... if I'm gonna die, well... it might as well be driving my sword through the heart of that murderous hag."
Thor and Valkyrie[src]

With the memories awakened, Valkyrie decided to help Thor and managed to locate him in the Sakaar City and tazed a potential threat. Valkyrie and Thor briefly exchanged glances and questioned who Bruce Banner was, unaware that his alter-ego was Hulk. While Thor awkwardly flirted with Valkyrie, she then directed the two fugitives to her apartment.

Valkyrie, Thor and Bruce

Valkyrie brings Thor and Bruce Banner to Loki

The two then followed Valkyrie to her apartment, and she explained that her drinking habits were the result of the Massacre of the Valkyrie. As Thor commented that her alcoholism was a bit too excessive, Valkyrie affirmed him that she was unwilling to stop drinking but willing to fight the Goddess of Death one last time with the intent of stabbing her through the heart. Valkyrie reconciled with the two as Thor agreed with her statement, however; she questioned the group to know if they have a name. Thor claimed that if they were going to get revenge, their new team would be called the Revengers, although Banner claimed to be undecided.


Valkyrie and the Revengers discuss Loki

Valkyrie then welcomed the two fugitives into her apartments and showed them her peace offering; a restrained Loki. As Thor threw a bottle at his head to confirm that Loki was not an illusion, Valkyrie then showed Thor her ancient Dragonfang, which he was impressed by. Discussing their escape plans, Valkyrie insisted that the best route through Asgard would be through a wormhole, which would take them to Xandar. Thor then suggested that they go through the Devil's Anus.

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Valkyrie listening to Loki's new plan

As she observed the wormhole, she pointed out that her ship would destroy her Warsong. As Loki began to offer the three advice, Valkyrie threw an empty bottle at his head. Loki then noted that since he had stolen the Grandmaster's security codes to his secret room of ships. Thor then explained to Valkyrie how Loki had tried to kill the two on many occasions. Valkyrie demanded to get rid of the Sakaaran Guards away from the palace before Thor had told them to start a revolution.[2]

Escape from Sakaar[]

Valkyrie Liberates Korg

Valkyrie liberates Korg and other prisoners

"Sakaar and Asgard are about as far apart as any two known systems. Our best bet is a wormhole just outside the city limits. We can refuel in Xandar, and we should be back in Asgard in about... eighteen months?"
―Valkyrie to Thor[src]

Acting on the orders of Thor, Valkyrie used the security codes to break into the Sakaaran prisons, which held Korg, Miek, and other members of the Sakaaran Rebellion, and liberated them. Valkyrie then proceeded to disable their Obedience Disks and informed them of the location of the Grandmaster's room of ships.

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Valkyrie pilots the Commodore

Valkyrie then boarded her Warsong, with her Dragonfang and traditional armor. However, a group of Sakaaran guards started to chase Valkyrie, with Topaz having been informed that the rebellion was started. During the pursuit, she managed to destroy a few pursuing ships, although Topaz managed to shoot down her ship, forcing Valkyrie to jump from her ship, surviving due to her Asgardian strength. As Thor and Hulk piloted the Commodore, Valkyrie destroyed the remaining ships, before reuniting with Thor and Hulk in the Commodore. As they fled Sakaar, they made their way into the Devil's Anus, and were subsequently knocked out.[2]


Battle for Asgard[]

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Valkyrie shooting at Fenris and the Berserkers

"The people are safe. That's all that matters."
"We're fulfilling the prophecy."
"I hate this prophecy."
"So do I, but we have no choice."
―Valkyrie and Thor[src]

Hours later, the three awoke from their unconsciousness and seemingly found themselves back in Asgard. Horrified by the destruction Hela and her resurrected Berserkers caused to the civilization, Banner commented that the realm was not in good condition and would have looked nicer had it not been in flames. Valkyrie then noticed a group of heat signatures clustered within a hidden stronghold in the Asgardian mountains. Thor, who assured Valkyrie that he had an ally on the inside, headed to the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf so he could lure Hela away from the Asgardian citizens.

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Valkyrie fights against the Berserkers

Whilst the Asgardians headed towards Himinbjorg to evade Hela's tyrannical rule on Asgard, a horde of Berserkers led by Skurge, Hela's right-hand-man, and Fenris surrounded them, preventing an escape. Valkyrie then proceeded to shoot at the gargantuan wolf, only for the creature to absorb the bullets. Having discerned that the bullets caused no harm to the wolf, Banner announced to Valkyrie that he would turn back into Hulk. As Fenris launched toward Heimdall armed with Hofund, Banner fell on the Bifrost Bridge.


The Revengers discuss how to defeat Hela

Fenris dismissed Banner as a threat and approached the Asgardians. However, Banner suddenly turned into Hulk and attacked Fenris, which led to a fight between the two. Watching, Valkyrie immediately realized Banner was the Hulk and the reason Thor brought him. Moments later, reinforcements from Sakaar arrived, providing a safe refuge to the Asgardian citizens on board the Statesman as Loki and gladiators of the Sakaaran Rebellion prepared to combat Hela's forces. A group of Berserkers attempted to overwhelm the Commodore ship, forcing Valkyrie to crash the ship on the Bifrost Bridge.

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The Revengers stand against Hela

As Thor gained his new electricity powers, Valkyrie fought against a horde of Berserkers, slicing each one down with her Dragonfang. After all the Berserkers were killed, Valkyrie reunited with the Revengers as they prepared to fight Hela. Thor soon realized that since Asgard is a people, not a place, he authorized Loki to cause Ragnarök, as the doomsday prophecy foretold that only the Destruction of Asgard would end Hela's threat.

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Valkyrie counters Hela's attack

As Loki revived Surtur with the Eternal Flame in Odin's Vault, Thor and Valkyrie fought against Hela. As a result of his lightning new powers, Thor and Valkyrie were both able to stalemate her. Hela then launched her Necroswords at Valkyrie, who was able to deflect all the weapons. However, the Goddess of Death managed to subdue the Asgardian warrior. Thor responded to one of Hela's attacks by launching another lightning blast at her, only for her to quickly impale him with a Necrosword.


Valkyrie is defeated by Hela

As Hela approached Valkyrie, Thor leaped up and told her that Asgard was all hers. Surprised by his statement, Hela claimed that he could not defeat her as she was the Goddess of Death. Thor agreed with her statement and acknowledged that while he couldn't, Surtur could, who emerged from the Royal Palace, having been resurrected by Loki. As Hela attempted to stop the Fire Demon, Valkyrie attacked Hela, which allowed enough time for Thor to use his lightning powers to destroy a portion of the Bifrost Bridge.[2]

Destruction of Asgard[]

Valkyrie & Thor (Statesman)

Valkyrie witnessing Asgard's destruction

Valkyrie and Thor watched helplessly as Surtur laid waste to all of Asgard with his Twilight Sword. Together, they sadly acknowledge the prophecy of Ragnarök, and accepted that they would die to ensure that the safety of the remaining Asgardian refugees who were on the Statesman. Suddenly, they spotted Hulk emerge from the waters attacking Surtur. The unaffected Fire Demon threw Hulk onto the Rainbow Bridge and continued his mission. As Hulk approached Surtur, Valkyrie and Thor told him to stop smashing.

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Valkyrie serves under the leadership of Thor

Hulk proceeded to help the two Asgardian warriors escape onto the Statesman. Aboard the Statesman ship, both Valkyrie and Thor witnessed the realm's destruction and Hela's apparent demise. The crestfallen Asgardians looked up to their new king, Thor, for leadership. Valkyrie was then present when Thor announced the new Asgard would in fact be Earth.[2]

Infinity War[]

Attack on the Statesman[]

In 2018, the Statesman was ambushed by the Sanctuary II. It was then boarded by Thanos and the Black Order, who killed half of the Asgardians onboard and spared the other half.[5] Valkyrie was one of the half that was spared and helped lead the remaining Asgardians to safety on escape pods alongside Korg and Miek.[6]

The Snap[]

Hours later, Valkyrie, alongside Korg and Miek, survived the Snap.[4]

Living on Earth[]

Settling in New Asgard[]

Valkyrie led Korg, Miek, and the surviving Asgardians to Earth and arrived in Tønsberg, Norway. There they reunited with Thor, who renamed the town New Asgard. Instead of ruling in an effective way, Thor neglected his duties as king and reverted to a life of alcoholism, which resulted in a massive weight gain as a way to cope with his failures, much to Valkyrie's dismay. With an absent leader, Valkyrie fell into the position of helping her community.[4] While on Earth, Valkyrie would meet and become good friends with Captain Marvel.[7]

Visited by the Avengers[]

Valkyrie Endgame 3

Valkyrie greets Hulk and Rocket

"Valkyrie! Great to see you, Angry Girl."
"I think I liked you better either of the other ways."
Hulk and Valkyrie[src]

In 2023, Valkyrie was working at the docks when she was approached by Bruce Banner and Rocket. When they arrived, Valkyrie warned them that they shouldn't have come, knowing they were there only for Thor.

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Valkyrie speaks about Thor's status

Unimpressed by Banner's new form, she stated that she preferred him either of his two ways. Banner introduced her to Rocket, whom she exchanged glances with. She then informed them that Thor wouldn't see them and informed that that his state was extremely bad, with him only being seen once a month for alcoholic supplies. Despite her reluctance, she directed the two to Thor's house.[4]

Battle of Earth[]


Valkyrie joins the battle against an alternate Thanos

Following the Blip, Valkyrie, along with Korg, Miek and the Einherjar were recruited by the Masters of the Mystic Arts to join the battle against an alternate Thanos and his army. They left New Asgard through an Inter-Dimensional Portal and arrived on the destroyed ruins of the Avengers Compound.

Valkyrie & War Machine

Valkyrie rides Warsong into battle

She then stood alongside all the assembled heroes as they prepared to face alternate Thanos and his army. Riding Warsong, she charged into battle once again and aided the Avengers and their allies in fighting the army. In the initial clash, she swooped down on a Chitauri Gorilla.

Valkyrie spotting the van

Valkyrie reports where the van is located

Valkyrie then overheard Hulk and Ant-Man discussing that the Infinity Stones needed to be returned to their universes by using the Quantum Tunnel and she reported that the van was located behind enemy lines after Steve Rogers asked where it was located.

Spider-Man & Valkyrie

Valkyrie assists Spider-Man in battle

Valkyrie then gave Spider-Man, who was carrying the Nano Gauntlet, a ride after he was dropped onto Warsong by Rescue. Spider-Man attempted to introduce himself to Valkyrie, but an airstrike from the Sanctuary II soon separated them.

Wasp (2023)

Valkyrie assists Captain Marvel in battle

Valkyrie then witnessed Carol Danvers's arrival, with her destroying the Sanctuary II, and joined her, along with Wanda Maximoff, Okoye, Potts, Shuri, Mantis, Nebula, Gamora and Wasp in fighting past the army to reach the Quantum Tunnel. Valkyrie managed to down a Leviathan by using her spear to tear through its thick armor, which Maximoff held back.

Nebula, Quill & Valkyrie

Valkyrie kneels out of respect

Eventually, the battle was concluded when Iron Man used the Stones to disintegrate alternate Thanos and his army, but coming at the cost of his own life in the process.[4] Afterwards, upon seeing Nebula and Peter Quill do so, Valkyrie knelt out of respect to him.[8]

As Valkyrie had been wounded during the battle, she spilled her blood on the battlefield, which was collected by Nick Fury's secret Skrull unit and placed into a vial known as the Harvest alongside other enhanced DNA samples. The Harvest vial was later administered by Super-Skrulls Gravik and G'iah, granting them access to Valkyrie's physiology and abilities.[9][10]

King of New Asgard[]

Mantle Passed Down[]

Thor and Valkyrie Endgame 4

Valkyrie discovers that Thor is leaving

"You're a leader. That's who you are."
"You know, I'd make a lot of changes around here."
"I'm counting on it, Your Majesty."
Thor and Valkyrie[src]

A week later, Valkyrie was met by Thor, returned to New Asgard. As the two gathered on the hill overlooking New Asgard, Valkyrie inquired as to when Thor would be back, reminding them that the Asgardians needed a king to lead them. However, Thor instead assured Valkyrie that they already had a king, referring to her.

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Valkyrie is named the King of New Asgard

Staring in disbelief, Valkyrie took his statement as a joke, but soon realized he was serious. Glancing at the prospect of being the leader of the Asgardians, Valkyrie warned Thor that she would make changes to New Asgard in his absence. Valkyrie then watched as Rocket called Thor over and as he left with the Guardians of the Galaxy on the Benatar.[4]

Taking Charge[]

Valkyrie commercial

Valkyrie does a commercial

Over the next year, Valkyrie turned New Asgard into a tourist destination, with cruise ships, tours, rides on the Aegir, and a live reenactment of the prelude to Ragnarok.

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Valkyrie being bored by her duties as King

Valkyrie appointed Miek as her secretary. Together they opened up an ice-cream shop named Infinity Conez. Valkyrie additionally did a commercial for Old Spice. She also took in Hugin and Munin, and they ran raven mail for her at times. However, Valkyrie felt that her role as King had just become a lot of tedious duties and meetings, which bored her.[3]

Attack on New Asgard[]

Valkyrie on her steed

Valkyrie protects New Asgard from attack

"Who'd you piss off now?"
"It's not my fault. I've never even seen these things, whatever the hell they are."
"Welcome back."
―Valkyrie and Thor[src]

After encountering Jane Foster, who had become the Mighty Thor, New Asgard fell under attack by Shadow Monsters, so Valkyrie mounted Warsong and rode through a portal into battle to protect her people. Thor joined the fight and caught up with Valkyrie, who welcomed him back to Earth. As Thor fought Gorr the God Butcher, Valkyrie and Mighty Thor went to back him up, causing Gorr to retreat, whilst secretly kidnapping all of the children in the town.

Valkyrie speaks with her people

Valkyrie comforting her people

The Asgardians gathered in the town hall, where Valkyrie gave orders to Miek and Darryl Jacobson to figure out which children had been taken, and assured her people that they would all be found. Valkyrie was also approached by the actors, who wanted to create a play about the attack, but Valkyrie ignored them. Thor gave a speech, stating that he would rescue the children, but crashed outside when summoning the Bifrost Bridge, so Valkyrie ordered everyone out so she, Thor, Mighty Thor and Korg could talk.[3]

Getting Back in the Fight[]

Valkyrie, Jane, Korg & Thor

Valkyrie discusses Gorr the God Butcher

"You're a Viking now. It means you pretty much have to die in battle, and it needs to be devastatingly painful. Otherwise you don't get into Valhalla. That's my plan."
―Valkyrie to Jane Foster[src]

Valkyrie, Thor, Mighty Thor and Korg discussed everything they knew about Gorr the God Butcher, including that he travels through the shadows and that the Necrosword was infecting him. When Axl Heimdallson contacted them, they learnt that the children had been taken to the Shadow Realm. Knowing they would be disadvantaged in the Shadow Realm, Valkyrie and Thor came up with the idea to raise an army of gods at Omnipotence City.

Valkyrie with Jane Foster

Valkyrie checks up on Mighty Thor

Before leaving, Valkyrie checked up on Mighty Thor, who was uncertain about coming with them. Valkyrie felt that she should, saying that if Foster died in battle she could enter Valhalla, which was also her plan. Mighty Thor asked Valkyrie about being King, which she said she still loved, but she missed fighting alongside her sisters, which was why she wanted Foster to come. After Valkyrie showed off her weapons and a portable speaker, Foster asked her not to tell Thor about her cancer, which she agreed to.[3]

Escape from Omnipotence City[]

Thor & Valkyrie

Valkyrie and Thor discuss Mighty Thor

"Look, these gods aren't gonna help, but that Thunderbolt, I think that might be of use. Jane, you go right. Thor, you go left. We bum rush him, take the bolt. Ding dong."
"Alright, let's go get it."
―Valkyrie and Mighty Thor[src]

The group departed from New Asgard in the Aegir and soon arrived in Omnipotence City. While exploring the city, Valkyrie detected feelings between Thor and Mighty Thor, so she brought it up with the former, who got defensive and denied it, even accusing Valkyrie of having feelings for Foster.

Valkyrie and Mighty Thor

Valkyrie listens to Zeus' refusal to help

Valkyrie acquired them disguises by stealing the cloaks from the Gods of Emotions, and they made their way into the Golden Temple. They witnessed the arrival of Zeus, who displayed the immense power of his weapon, Thunderbolt. After listening to Zeus, the group realized that the gods was not going to be much help, so Valkyrie suggested they steal Thunderbolt to give them an edge in the coming battle instead, which Foster supported but Thor was reluctant to go along with. Thor was called to the stage, and the rest watched as he made his plead to the gods, but was ignored and restrained by Zeus, who stated that they would not help, claiming that Gorr would not reach Eternity. Valkyrie explained whoever reached Eternity would be granted a wish.

Valkyrie vs. Olympian

Valkyrie fighting in the Golden Temple

Zeus then ordered that they were not allowed to leave Omnipotence City, so Valkyrie, Mighty Thor and Korg rushed to the stage to help Thor fight off the Spartans. When Korg perished in the fight, leaving only his face intact, Valkyrie tied him to the back of her head using her hair, and he summoned Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder to them so they could escape. Valkyrie retrieved Thunderbolt, kissed the hand of one of the Zeusettes, and boarded the Aegir with Thor and Mighty Thor and left the city.[3]

Heading to the Shadow Realm[]

Valkyrie (Love and Thunder)

Valkyrie on board the Aegir

"Did you ever have a special someone?"
"I've had so many special someones, but I don't know... I don't know if I want that again."
Korg and Valkyrie[src]

While heading for the Shadow Realm, Valkyrie stated that they had no plan, seeing how they failed to raise a god army and that Korg was now just a head, which made her think they were going to die. Later on, Korg asked Valkyrie if she had a special someone, which she replied she had many but did not want it again, which Korg surmised was because she had lost her girlfriend in battle and never forgave herself. They then watched as Thor and Mighty Thor kissed, and discussed how having a child was not in the future for them due to Foster's cancer.[3]

Facing Off with Gorr[]

Valkyrie with Thunderbolt

Valkyrie prepares to fight against Gorr

Once they arrived at the Shadow Realm, they discovered that the children were not there, so they searched the planet. Mighty Thor realized that it was a trap for Gorr the God Butcher to steal Stormbreaker so he could open the gates of Eternity, and they got ready to fight him.

Valkyrie and Gorr

Valkyrie argues with Gorr the God Butcher

But, Gorr managed to retrain them all with ease and demanded Thor summon Stormbreaker. Gorr told Valkyrie that he was bringing peace, but she did not agree due to him killing innocent gods. However, Gorr brought up how the gods failed Valkyrie as well, as her sisterhood were all killed by Hela and they did nothing to save them despite her pleas. This greatly upset Valkyrie, and when Gorr went back to Thor, he began to suffocate Valkyrie and Mighty Thor, forcing him to call back the axe, freeing them.

Gorr and Valkyrie Clash

Valkyrie fighting Gorr the God Butcher

Gorr conjured more Shadow Monsters, so Valkyrie and Mighty Thor went to fight them off while Thor dealt with the God Butcher. Using Thunderbolt, Valkyrie managed to kill the creatures, and she and Mighty Thor went to assist Thor with fighting Gorr. Valkyrie then found herself facing off with Gorr by herself, which resulted in him using the shadows to sneak up behind Valkyrie and stab her. Mighty Thor carried Valkyrie to safety, and Thor summoned the Bifrost Bridge to get them home, but Gorr was able to steal Stormbreaker.[3]


Valkyrie gives Thor Thunderbolt

Valkyrie hands over Thunderbolt to Thor

"I wish I could join you but I'd probably die, and that won't help get the kids back, so you'll have to go alone."
―Valkyrie to Thor[src]

Back on Earth, Valkyrie and Jane Foster were brought by Thor to the New Asgard Infirmary, where the stab wound resulted in her losing one of her kidneys. After she had healed, Valkyrie met Thor outside and told him where to find the Gates of Eternity and that she wouldn't be joining him as she would likely die. Valkyrie gave Thor Thunderbolt and reminded him that the Necrosword was Gorr the God Butcher's source of power.[3]

Training New Warriors[]

Valkyrie trains children

Valkyrie training Asgardian children

"The kids were safe to be kids again. Especially after their King made them all go to self-defense class."

Valkyrie continued healing and witnessed when the children were all returned to their families. Valkyrie also decided to teach all of the children self-defense, so that they would be better prepared in a fight.[3] Under Valkyrie's leadership, New Asgard established a beneficial cooperation with the United States of America, as Valkyrie and President James Ritson signed a trade pact.[11]

Meeting Ms. Marvel[]

Valkyrie Call

Valkyrie on call with Ms. Marvel

"'O Captain! My Captain!' Oh, you're not my Captain."
"Captain Marvel residence, this is Ms. Marvel speaking, how can- You're Valkyrie!"
"Tis I. Um, wait, Mrs. Marvel? She got married again? And no invite, again?"
―Valkyrie and Ms. Marvel[src]

In 2026, Valkyrie called Carol Danvers from New Asgard, seductively quoting "O Captain! My Captain!," but she quickly discovered that she was not speaking with Danvers. Instead, it was a teenage girl who introduced herself as Ms. Marvel, leading Valkyrie to believe that Danvers had gotten married again and that she once again had not been invited, so Ms. Marvel awkwardly cleared up the confusion. Valkyrie overheard the ship announce its arrival at the Jump Point, so she told Ms. Marvel to strap in, only for her to suddenly vanish, and Danvers appeared in the ship.[12]

Helping the Skrulls[]

Valkyrie arrives

Valkyrie arrives on board the Hoopty

Later that day, Carol Danvers contacted Valkyrie to assist her with supplying the Skrulls refuge after the attack by the Kree.

Valkyrie and Carol

Valkyrie talks to Carol Danvers about teams

Using the Bifrost Bridge, Valkyrie arrived on the Hoopty and was immediately hugged by Danvers. She remarked on Danvers working in a team, something Valkyrie was familiar with, and she told Danvers it would benefit her. Valkyrie kissed Danvers on the cheek and told her that she hoped their next meeting would be joyful. The Skrulls gathered around Valkyrie, and they used the Bifrost to transport them away.[7]


"The Valkyrie are legend. Elite warriors of Asgard sworn to defend the throne."
"I'm not getting dragged into another one of Odin's family squabbles."
Thor and Valkyrie[src]

Valkyrie embodied all that the Valkyrie were renowned for; she was selfless, brave, noble, loyal and dedicated to her people, to her Valkyrie sisters, and to Asgard. Sadly, the Massacre of the Valkyrie by Hela inflicted deep psychological scars on Valkyrie, traumatizing her greatly. The final blow came as she witnessed a fellow Valkyrie sacrifice herself to save her from Hela's attack. With the overwhelming grief combined with anger against Odin for sending them against Hela, and with the shame of being the only survivor, Valkyrie abandoned Asgard and fled into exile on Sakaar.

Valkyrie's overall personality underwent a drastic change during her time on Sakaar. She became a notorious alcoholic, seeking to eventually drink herself to death, and adopted a rude, sardonic, gung-ho and generally selfish attitude towards everyone besides the Grandmaster and Hulk. Feeling no remorse or empathy, she delivered numerous contenders to the Grandmaster for years, filling in any spare time with drinking, fighting, training, or hunting - sometimes all at once. She developed a strong bitterness toward Asgard and the monarchy but her deep-rooted fear of Hela and the trauma from their last encounter remained with her even though she was eventually able to bury the memories of the massacre deep in her subconscious.

When she encountered Thor, Valkyrie initially remained apathetic and unmoved by his efforts to get her to help him and Hulk escape. Valkyrie took a sharp turn; however, when in an encounter with Loki, he unlocked the memories of the Valkyrie massacre that she had buried long ago, forcing her to finally confront her fear and guilt and enabling her to begin moving past it at last. Thus, Valkyrie finally resolved to help Thor and Hulk escape Saakar and help save the Asgardian people from Hela. By the time she reached Asgard, she was essentially her old self again except her penchant for heavy drinking remained. Nonetheless, she bravely charged into battle against Berserkers and helped distract Hela long enough to cause her eventual downfall at the hands of Surtur. Following this, she rejoined her people as a lieutenant of Thor.

Five years after the devastating loss of many fellow Asgardian due to Thanos' attack on the Statesman and the Snap, Valkyrie was not traumatized unlike Thor, but she was dismayed that Thor did not rule in an effective way and instead became a drunken hermit who only came for his people to get drinks. Valkyrie thus took over as the de facto leader of the surviving Asgardians and appeared to have no hope Thor would come to his senses and showed apprehension towards Hulk and Rocket when they came for Thor, though remained cordial. Regardless, Valkyrie appeared to bear Thor no ill-will and was willing to acknowledge him as King after he had regained his drive and hesitated to accept the position from him, though she eventually did when he made it clear he was serious.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Asgardian Physiology: Valkyrie possessed many superhuman attributes that is similar with her species, the Asgardians.
    • Superhuman Strength:

      Valkyrie knocks down Hulk

      Valkyrie managed to help Thor stalemate Hela, with a kick managing to slightly make her stumble back and she managed to stab her with enough force to cause her some pain and impale her through the chest with her sword so Thor may blast Bifrost Bridge and her down to the ocean. She also managed to overpower Loki and even knock down Hulk in a brief sparring match. During the event Battle of Earth Valkyrie was also able to defeat many members of Thanos' army, knock down a Gorilla while riding on her steed and pierce a Leviathan's thick armor with her spear.
    • Superhuman Durability: Valkyrie was able to withstand Hela's mighty attacks, falls from great heights, extreme pressures and temperatures, and powerful explosions. During the event Battle of Earth Valkyrie also resisted being shot down, along with Warsong, by an energy shot from Thanos' ship.
    • Superhuman Speed: Valkyrie could run at very high speeds. She was able to deflect a wave of projectiles hurled at her by Hela in rapid succession, and to momentarily incapacitate Hela with a sudden jump on the latter.
    • Superhuman Agility:
      Valkyrie on the windscreen

      Valkyrie leaps and grabs onto Commodore

      Valkyrie naturally possesses great agility, allowing her to land on her feet after a big fall. She was also able to jump across aircrafts and grab onto the side of the Commodore.
    • Superhuman Stamina: Valkyrie was able to fight many Berserkers, and even the more powerful Hela herself, without tiring at all. Later, she fought Thanos and his army along with the Avengers and many other heroes.
    • Superhuman Reflexes: Valkyrie can react and dodge objects traveling at high speeds. She was able to dodge a powerful attack from Hulk.
    • Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite her body's resistance, Valkyrie can still be injured like any other Asgardian. However, she is able to heal very fast. Similarly, she is unaffected when drinking large amounts of alcohol. Although, if she drinks a lot, she can still get drunk evidenced by when she fell off of the Warsong when grabbing Thor. Her limits were established again when she permanently lost a kidney to Gorr the God Butcher, who impaled her with the Necrosword and left her in a weakened state.
    • Longevity: Even though she is thousands of years old and much older than Thor, Valkyrie still looks young and fit.
"This is the army right here. It's sleek, it's slender, it's powerful, it's beautiful..."
Thor to Valkyrie[src]


"The Valkyrie are legend. Elite warriors of Asgard sworn to defend the throne."
Thor to Valkyrie[src]
  • Master Combatant:

    Valkyrie fighting against Hela

    As the leader of the Valkyrie, Valkyrie is an extremely skilled and formidable hand-to-hand combatant, having received immense training in unarmed combat and swordsmanship as well as having thousands of years of combat experience, making her one of the most powerful and best warriors in Asgard. She was able to overpower and chain up Loki fairly quickly and possibly able to train Hulk for the Contest of Champions, defeat several Berserkers with little effort, and even aid Thor in fighting against Hela herself, though Hela had the upper hand. In fact, Valkyrie was the only Valkyrie to survive the battle against Hela, whereas her fellow Valkyrie who were legendary for being elite Asgardian warriors were massacred by Hela.
  • Spear Mastery:
    Valkyrie vs. Leviathan

    Valkyrie tears through Leviathan with spear

    Valkyrie is extremely skilled at using a spear in combat, being able to use it to defeat many soldiers of Thanos' army and even cut a Leviathan during the Battle of Earth.
  • Sword Mastery: Valkyrie is extremely skilled at using a sword in combat, being able to use it to easily defeat several Berserkers at once, and even able to use it to fight off Hela.
  • Knife Mastery: Valkyrie is extremely skilled at using knives in combat, being able to use them to contend with Loki in a brief sparring match.
"I was thinking about "best." Cause I always say you're the best. She brought me my beloved champion, you know."
Grandmaster to Valkyrie and Topaz[src]
  • Expert Tactician: Valkyrie is the leader of the Valkyries, so she has to formulate plans to get the upper hand in battles. After the defeat at the hands of Hela, she went to Sakaar and quickly made a name for herself as one of their best Scrappers. Later, her tactician expertise allowed her to become the King of New Asgard as appointed by Thor. She turned New Asgard into a tourist destination which allowed the city to thrive. She also did many advertisements for companies like Old Spice.
  • Expert Pilot: As a scavenger and bounty hunter, Valkyrie is well-versed with operating various types of spacecraft, including her own ship, the Warsong. She later knew how to fly the Grandmaster's ship, the Commodore.
  • Bilingualism: Valkyrie is fluent in her native Asgardian, as well as English.




Valkyrie's dagger

  • Dragonfang: The ceremonial sword belonging to all the Valkyrie.
  • Daggers: Valkyrie was equipped with dual daggers that she used against Thor and would later use them while sparring with Loki.
  • Asgardian Spear: A traditional spear from Asgard used in battle. The spear is extremely sharp, as seen during the Battle of Earth when Valkyrie managed to tear through a Leviathan's thick armor.
  • Thunderbolt: Following their encounter with Zeus, Valkyrie and the others had obtained his thunderbolt, which they would use to combat Gorr the God Butcher.

Other Equipment[]

  • Valkyrie's Armor: As a former Valkyrie maiden, Brunnhilde wears a prestigious gray and white uniform consisting of an ornate protective armor that includes: a chest plate with a collar or high collar protector, shoulder protectors, gauntlets, boots golden knee pads and golden plates on the hips. Her armor is also complemented by a blue cape bearing Odin's sigil in relief.
  • Warsong Gauntlets: Valkyrie wears a set of gauntlets which she can activate to remotely controlled the weapons of the Warsong.



  • Grandmaster Palace: As a scrapper in Sakaar, Valkyrie would often visit the Grandmaster's palace, in order to check up on his favorite champion Hulk. Following Thor's duel with Hulk, Valkyrie visited Hulk for his regular scheduled training. When Valkyrie came back, Valkyrie played with Hulk, but found Thor attempting to convince her to save Asgard against Hela and her forces, but refused to partake in the conflict having lost faith in the throne. Valkyrie was summoned back to the palace by the Grandmaster, alongside Loki, and ordered them to track down Thor and Hulk. When Valkyrie eventually decided to fight against Hela with Thor, leading to them sparking the Sakaaran Rebellion so that they would be able to escape from Sakaar.






  • In the comics, Brunnhilde was selected by Odin to lead the Valkyrior, and she became a long-time member of the Defenders. She was based on the Norse mythological figure Brynhildr.
    • Following her introduction in Thor: Ragnarok, an alternative version of Valkyrie that resembles Tessa Thompson's character was introduced in the mainstream comic universe, as an Asgardian vigilante and a member of the Exiles.
    • Another version resembling Thompson's character, albeit one native to the 616 universe, was subsequently introduced; her name is Rūna.
    • During her battle with Hela in Hel, Valkyrie's life is saved by the sacrifice of a blonde Valkyrie more closely resembling the Brunnhilde from the comics.
  • Valkyrie's number among the Grandmaster's Scrappers, 142, refers to the Incredible Hulk #142 issue, where Valkyrie first met Hulk.
  • Valkyrie is the first ruler of the Asgardians that is not part of the Asgardian Royal Family.
  • Valkyrie is a fan of Mary J. Blige.

Behind the Scenes[]

TTDW Brunhilde the Valkyrie 1

Valkyrie's Concept Art for Thor: The Dark World


  1. Conjecture: Known Only by Codename
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 Thor: Ragnarok
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Thor: Love and Thunder
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Avengers: Endgame
  5. Avengers: Infinity War
  6. 'Avengers: Infinity War' Director Reveals Fate of Valkyrie, Asgardians
  7. 7.0 7.1 The Marvels
  8. Avengers: Endgame Deleted Scene
  9. Secret Invasion: 1.05: Harvest
  10. Secret Invasion: 1.06: Home
  11. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
  12. The Marvels Deleted Scene
  13. Meet the Valkyrie that was almost in Thor: The Dark World
  14. The big reveal, the nixed romance, and the noodle worm: What was cut from (and added to) 'Thor: Ragnarok'
  15. How Tessa Thompson Went From Indie Actor to ‘Thor: Ragnarok' Badass
  16. It's Official: Valkyrie Will Be the MCU's First LGBTQ Hero
  17. Thor: Ragnarok actress Tessa Thompson talks redefining Valkyrie
  18. ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home': The Screenwriters Explain the Twists

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