About the Maryland State Department of Education

Maryland has over 1,400 public schools, 24 local education agencies, and over 7,000 child care providers serving all of the state’s 23 counties plus Baltimore City. The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) works collaboratively with the State Board of Education and stakeholders to ensure the promise of an excellent and equitable education for all students, especially those who have been historically underserved. At MSDE, we are a dedicated team of educators, specialists, and administrators joined together by a single vision: to be a system of world-class schools where students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for success in college, career, and life.

The Maryland State Board of Education and Maryland State Department of Education have developed a multiyear Strategic Plan composed of three phases leading up to June 2023. The Strategic Plan anchors the vision, mission, values, priorities, enablers, goals, metrics, and flagship programs, initiatives, and strategies to realize the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future promise of an excellent and equitable education for every student. Learn more about the Strategic Plan.

Our Mission

We will ensure a rigorous and world-class educational experience for every Maryland student, in every neighborhood, that prepares each to be college and career-ready, through:

  • strategic direction and leadership;
  • policy making and resource allocation; and
  • engagement and advocacy.

Our Vision

We will be a system of world-class schools where students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for success in college, career, and life.

Our mission requires us to be bold with urgency. We are seizing this once-in-generation opportunity to transform Maryland education to ensure that every Maryland student has access to excellent and equitable educational opportunities to realize their full potential. MSDE is implementing the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, a once-in-a-generation opportunity, that provides the policy and investment needed to realize our mission. Through a new multiyear strategic plan, the State Board of Education and MSDE will anchor the Blueprint and operationalize best-in-class practices with the full participation of all stakeholders. Learn more about the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future.

Our Values

  • Engagement: We will partner and engage with diverse stakeholders and decision-makers in the design, implementation, and evaluation of our policies, programs, and actions.

  • Equity: We will do whatever it takes to eliminate barriers to success and provide the necessary resources and support to ensure that every Maryland student achieves at the highest level.

  • Excellence: We will ensure a rigorous and engaging educational environment for all students defined by high expectations, research-based instructional practices, and highly effective, culturally responsive educators.

  • Transformation: We will pursue best-in-class outcomes through bold, impactful actions to ensure that every student has the tools, resources, support, and opportunities they need to thrive.