Sphere Packing -- from Wolfram MathWorld

  • ️Weisstein, Eric W.
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Define the packing density eta of a packing of spheres to be the fraction of a volume filled by the spheres. In three dimensions, there are three periodic packings for identical spheres: cubic lattice, face-centered cubic lattice, and hexagonal lattice. It was hypothesized by Kepler in 1611 that close packing (cubic or hexagonal, which have equivalent packing densities) is the densest possible, and this assertion is known as the Kepler conjecture. The problem of finding the densest packing of spheres (not necessarily periodic) is therefore known as the Kepler problem, where

 eta_(Kepler)=eta_(FCC)=eta_(HCP)=pi/(3sqrt(2)) approx 74.048%

(OEIS A093825; Steinhaus 1999, p. 202; Wells 1986, p. 29; Wells 1991, p. 237).

In 1831, Gauss managed to prove that the face-centered cubic is the densest lattice packing in three dimensions (Conway and Sloane 1993, p. 9), but the general conjecture remained open for many decades.

While the Kepler conjecture is intuitively obvious, the proof remained surprisingly elusive. Rogers (1958), a well-known researcher on the problem, remarked that "many mathematicians believe, and all physicists know" that the actual answer is 74.048% (Conway and Sloane 1993, p. 3). For packings in three dimensions, C. A. Rogers (1958) showed that the maximum possible packing density eta_(max) satisfies

 eta_(max)<sqrt(18)(cos^(-1)1/3-1/3pi) approx 77.96355700%

(Le Lionnais 1983), and this result was subsequently improved to 77.844% (Lindsey 1986), then 77.836% (Muder 1988). A proof of the full conjecture was finally accomplished in a series of papers by Hales culminating in 1998.

Interestingly, the packing density in ellipsoid packing can exceed eta_(Kepler).

The maximum number of equivalent spheres (or n-dimensional hyperspheres) which can touch an equivalent sphere (hypersphere) without intersections is called the n-dimensional kissing number.

The packing densities for several types of sphere packings are summarized in the following table. In a 1972 personal communication to Martin Gardner, Ulam conjectured that in their densest packing, spheres allow more empty space than the densest packing of any other identical convex solids (Gardner 2001, p. 135).

The rigid packing with lowest density known has eta approx 0.0555 (Gardner 1966), significantly lower than that reported by Hilbert and Cohn-Vossen (1999, p. 51). To be rigid, each sphere must touch at least four others, and the four contact points cannot be in a single hemisphere or all on one equator.

Hilbert and Cohn-Vossen (1999, pp. 48-50) consider a tetrahedral lattice packing in which each sphere touches four neighbors and the density is pisqrt(3)/16 approx 0.3401. This is the lattice formed by carbon atoms in a diamond (Conway and Sloane 1993, p. 113).

Random close packing of spheres in three dimensions gives packing densities in the range 0.06 to 0.65 (Jaeger and Nagel 1992, Torquato et al. 2000). Compressing a random packing gives polyhedra with an average of 13.3 faces (Coxeter 1958, 1961).

For sphere packing inside a cube, see Goldberg (1971), Schaer (1966), Gensane (2004), and Friedman. The results of Gensane (2004) improve those of Goldberg for n=11, 12, and all n from n=15 to n=26 except for n=18 and are almost certainly optimal.

See also

Cannonball Problem, Circle Packing, Cubic Close Packing, Cuboctahedron, Dodecahedral Conjecture, Ellipsoid Packing, Hemisphere, Hermite Constants, Hexagonal Close Packing, Hypersphere, Hypersphere Packing, Kepler Conjecture, Kepler Problem, Kissing Number, Local Density, Local Density Conjecture, Random Close Packing, Reuleaux Tetrahedron, Space-Filling Polyhedron, Sphere, Spherical Design, Sphericon, Stella Octangula, Tangent Spheres, Triangular Orthobicupola, Unit Cell

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Sphere Packing

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Sphere Packing." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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