Meatball Wiki: IndexingScheme
MeatballWiki | RecentChanges | Random Page | Indices | Categories
Possible indexing schemes for a wiki (or other, similar media):
- 1.1. Readership / Lectorat
- 1.2. Authorship / Auteur
- 1.3. Pages
- 1.4. Ontology / Ontologie
- 1.5. Names / Noms
- 1.6. Links / Liens
- 1.7. Graphs /Graphes
- 1.8. Meta
- 1.9. LangueFrançaise
Feel free to add a scheme to more than one subcategorization.
1.1. Readership / Lectorat
- HitCounts [, Wiki:TopTen]
- VisitorWeight (and VisitedLink, VisitingLink)
- RecentPages
- RecentUsers
- VisitedPageTrail
1.2. Authorship / Auteur
- RecentChanges [RecentChanges]
- See also RecentChangesOptions.
- ChangeCounts [visible on RecentChanges]
- CategoryFilteredRecentChanges
- RecentRelatedChanges
- LeastRecentChanges []
- WritersLog
- Tavi:TaviCategories, OddMuse:Subscribed_Recent_Changes
- VersionHistory
- PostsPerMonth
1.3. Pages
- AllPages [MeatBall:action=index]
- RandomPages [RandomPage]
- PageSize
- SiteSearch
- GoogleOrderedPageList? []
- InterestMap
- Wiki:SignatureSurvey
1.4. Ontology / Ontologie
- MoinMoin:TopicMap
- CategoriesAndTopics (ReverseIndex) [CategoryCategory]
- UnCategorizedPages
- IeeeSumo merged ontology
- PersonalCategories
- CategoryFilteredRecentChanges
- PageTrail
- VisitedPageTrail
- ReverseIndexTree
1.5. Names / Noms
- LikePages []
- WikiNameSpaceViewer
- WordIndex [MoinMoin:WordIndex]
- MetaWiki []
- TwinPages
1.6. Links / Liens
About link discovery or operations. See Graphs below for structure-related indices.
- LinkDatabase
- WantedPages [, MoinMoin:WantedPages]
- WantingPages
- ExternalReferrals []
- LinkSuggester?
- GaGaParser
1.7. Graphs /Graphes
- LinkDatabase
- ParentPages (ZWiki:WikiStructuringIdeas StrikiWiki:ParentPages)
- OrphanedPages []
- LinkGraphView [TouchGraphWikiBrowser, Wiki:VisualTour, linear text via]
- MostReferencedPages []
- MostLinkedPages []
- ShortestPathPages []
- AccumulatedRandomWalk []
- KnotDetection
- WikiPortal
- LocalSiteMap
- RecentRelatedChanges
- PairedPages
1.8. Meta
- SiteNavigation
- None [just don't look at anything. ;)]
Having no indexing scheme is an acceptable and powerful choice provided that
- you want a sense of discovery of a "foreign landscape";
- you are comfortable with low interaction between peers (limited to IncidentalCollaboration);
- have other vectors into the PageDatabase.
Natural indices are bound to be created by people as well, but they are static. Which may require some BarnRaising. The static pages that are maintained by people may even be analogous to "towns."
I've published the source code to the scripts I've written at -- SunirShah
Astra Site Manager, free from does site maps, link checks, graphical link maps, all saveable, and it works on wikis. This thing is scary to watch as it fills my hugescreen monitor with linking fractals. -- JerryMuelver
BrokenLink 2005-01? It's something like nowadays? -- StijnSanders
The license was overly restrictive, so I didn't download it. As in, I am planning to write a LinkGraphView. But do you have snapshots? (By the way, I love how they made "I do not accept the license" a submission error. ;) -- SunirShah
Better: EmacsWiki:EmacsWikiGraph -- AlexSchroeder
See the "Correl Oracle" description on ZhurnalWiki at ?? for an experiment (including source code, a few hundred lines of Perl) in auto-linking, the automagical creation of Wiki cross-links among pages based on statistical co-occurrence of words and phrases. I don't claim that it's great, but it does produce better-than-random hyperlinks in my experience. --- MarkZimmermann
Is a TourBus a kind of indexing scheme? --AndrewCates
- There appears to be a real aversion to indexing by Time in many wiki communities, in spite of the fact that this is the underlying dimension of RecentChanges. Since I've personally always found it helpful, I would like to understand this 'aversion' better before I suggest adding a Time index. -- HansWobbe
Yes, you're right. I guess the 'aversion to time' comes from the WikiConsensus? part of WikiNature?. You're more than welcome to change what's written to reflect your opinion more, but it should be so in the WikiNow, not dated. And the RecentChanges is just there for when you return to the wiki (after a few minutes of after days/months/years alike) and pick up where you left off.
- This may now be a moot point.
- I have come to really appreciate the value of an RssFeed? from wikis, and seldom use Recent Changes anymore since I keep the feeds 'in perpetuity' apparently unlike most. This, together with usemod's Revision history, generally allows me to keep track of timestamped changes, the way I personally prefer, with minimal disturbance to what is called 'the wiki way'.
- -- HansWobbe
1.9. LangueFrançaise
Les schémas possibles d'indexation pour un wiki (ou autre média similaire) seront traduits sur SchémaIndexation.
CategoryWikiTechnology CategoryNavigation CategoryIndexingScheme
FedericoLeva -- Sat Aug 20 12:22:37 2011
I love meatballwiki. one of the best wiki platform.
HansWobbe -- Sat Aug 20 12:25:52 2011
There appears to be a real aversion to indexing by Time in many wiki communities, in spite of the fact that this is the underlying dimension of RecentChanges. Since I've personally always found it helpful, I would like to understand this 'aversion' better before I suggest adding a Time index