Winmar victim of friendly fire
Winmar victim of friendly fire
(Written by Patrick Smith on 20 August 1998.)
Nicky Winmar is said to be embarrassed by his performance on Sunday. So he should be. He let down his teammates and supporters on a broad stage.
We are told, by his high-profile manager Peter Jess, of Winmar's humiliation. But Jess has also told the media a lot of other things about Winmar. Sadly, Winmar is more likely to be embarrassed by Jess' expansive comments than he was by his self-destruction at the MCG.
Let's just quote Jess from a radio interview on 3AW he gave to Neil Mitchell on Tuesday.
Jess: "Nicky is a very basic guy. He is a very good person and when he is faced with fairly complex problems he doesn't have the socialisation skills to deal with them.
"And unfortunately he reacts in a way that, you know, we have seen quite a lot of these people do and at the end of the day that is why our jails are full of them."
Mitchell: What do you mean? Aborigines?
Jess: "Yeah, I mean he just struggles to cope in situations where he is placed under pressure."
Jess is a confidante of Winmar's and has no doubt helped Winmar win the best possible contracts from St Kilda. We emphasise he has done much to support Winmar. Sadly, for Jess, Winmar and football, this is not one of those occasions. In an attempt to articulate our country's appalling record of dealing with our indigenous people, he has thrown a punch for the opposition.
His comments surely hurt Winmar and definitely harm the cause of Aborigines in an already sensitive environment. Pauline Hanson's scriptwriters will have highlighted them. Jess' words are patronising; a raging generalisation, stereotyping about Australia's indigenous people. At best, they are thoughtless.
Collingwood's former president Allan McAlister was hounded out of town for statements that were just as careless. McAlister took his Magpies to the Northern Territory to play an Aboriginal All-Star team in a bid to redeem himself and his club. It was football's first reconciliation.
Jess' mistake is that his explanation suggests that all Aborigines behave in such a manner when confronted with difficult situations. That is gibberish.
Jess cannot be excused because he was under the hammer. That he was caught on the hop. On the same day he told Kevin Bartlett on Sport 927: "What we have in terms of our, you know, white society, we have certain ways that we deal with things and unfortunately, you know, Nicky doesn't have those same level of skills. And as a sort of consequence he has . . . and he deals with it in a sort of different way and that way is, you know, dysfunctional to us, but unfortunately that is what has gone on and, you know, it's sad . . .
"So you know, it's a problem that he needs to work through. It's very, very difficult for him, I mean . . . You know the reality of the situation is, is that how we deal with it in white society is we fill our jails full of these people, you know, because we can't understand how they think."
Again he used the term "these people". The answer lies in anthropology?
Australian football has much to be proud of in the way it has declared war on racism. Dermott Brereton in a raw and honest column in The Age has explained how just eight years ago Winmar was one Aboriginal player who could be targeted for his spontaneous reaction to racist remarks. Brereton did just that and has since apologised.
Jess, no doubt thought he was acting in the best interests of his client. In the end, he acted in the worst interests of everybody.