Episode 0618

Picture Segment Description


SCENE 1 Gordon asks Luis to help him lug a piano downstairs; in exchange, he’ll work at the Fix-it Shop on Saturday.

Bath Precautions

Muppets Ernie and Bert: Ernie Prepares for His BathBert scoffs at Ernie bringing an umbrella, a flashlight, and a bowling ball to the bathtub.
(First: Episode 0269)


Cartoon A girl shows how good she is at drawing buildings.
(First: Episode 0454)


Cartoon Speech Balloon: I - ice cream.
(First: Episode 0033)


Cartoon A boy and a dog fight over a letter "I."
(First: Episode 0143)


SCENE 2 Luis and Gordon ask The Count to help them see where they’re going as they carry out the piano. Instead, he makes them bring it out and take it back in just so he can count how many times the piano has come down the stairs.


Cartoon Willie Wimple went a-boatin' and polluted the river.
Artist: Abe Levitow
(First: Episode 0561)


Film A gorilla chases a woman, who registers her protest by shouting "No." She triumphantly drags the gorilla off.
(First: Episode 0546)


Muppets Muppet & Kid MomentKermit the Frog talks with twins Corey and Todd about how they're same and different.
(First: Episode 0557)


Cartoon The Alligator King
Artist: Bud Luckey
(First: Episode 0411)


Song Joe Raposo asks the musical question, "Which Comes First, the Chicken or the Egg?"
(First: Episode 0276)


Cartoon "Presenting -- the bumper jack!"
(First: Episode 0537)


Cartoon A trainer announces that his talking dog will say YES, but he says NO instead.
Artist: Derek Lamb
(First: Episode 0511)

Spies sorting tools

Cast Bob and Maria are spies who meet under a street lamp and greet each other with a recitation of "Little Miss Muffet". Once they've confirmed each others identities, Maria produces some tools and a tricycle while Bob sings "Three of These Things" with a British accent.
(First: Episode 0593)


Song David sings "Who You Looking At, Tiger?"
(First: Episode 0371)


Cartoon Things that are same and different.
(First: Episode 0300)


Cartoon "I in the Sky"
(First: Episode 0368)


Film The Alphabet Dancers form a capital I.
(First: Episode 0462)


Film Kid voiceovers identify a horse's body parts (shown one at a time), then the complete animal.
Music: Joe Raposo
(First: Episode 0428)


Film The celebration of Chinese New Year
(First: Episode 0495)


Muppets Old West: Five good men are needed to form a posse and catch Bad Bart, the meanest man in the West. The sheriff counts five men in the saloon, and tries to organize them. But it turns out that there are only four good men -- one of them is Bad Bart!
(First: Episode 0554)


Celebrity Flip Wilson shows how his teacher, Miss Johnson, taught the ABCs.
(First: Episode 0151)


Cartoon “Presenting - the safety razor!”
(First: Episode 0574)


Film Time-lapse of seeds growing.
Music: Joe Raposo
(First: Episode 0416)



SCENE 3 Gordon and Luis leave the piano outside to be taken away by the sanitation department, then leave for some sodas. Big Bird and Mr. Snuffleupagus encounter the piano, and notice it’s out of tune. Big Bird assumes it should be taken to the Fix-it Shop and decides to move it there, but he and Snuffy aren't able to get the piano to budge.


Film Parts of a clown are shown in close-up as kids guess what it is.
Music: Joe Raposo
(First: Episode 0428)


Cartoon "Presenting...the pepper shaker!"
(First: Episode 0574)

Gordon Luis cooperate apple tree

Cast Gordon and Luis cooperate to get an apple out of a tree.
(First: Episode 0508)


Cartoon Jazz #7
(First: Episode 0136)


Film Close-ups of animals. Kids try to guess what they are.
(First: Episode 0326)


Muppets Ernie and Bert: Bart VisitsErnie notes the differences between Bert and his brother Bart.
(First: Episode 0594)

Horses pull cement

Film Horses compete in a contest to see who can pull the most cement.
(First: Episode 0556)



SCENE 4 The piano has been fitted with ropes, which Snuffy manages to pull all the way to the Fix-it Shop with Big Bird guiding him. Big Bird plays the piano a little as they rest, and Snuffy wants to give it a try. One touch with his snuffle ends up completely demolishing the piano in a matter of seconds.

Gorilla toon2

Cartoon Speech Balloon: G for Gorilla (in man suit)
(First: Episode 0085)


Cartoon Letter G drawing with kid voice-over
(First: Episode 0306)


Animation A grape blows reveille and inspects the "troops" -- 12 raisins on a slice of white bread.



SCENE 5 Inside the Fix-it Shop, Big Bird has put most of the piano back together with bandages and bubble gum, understanding that Luis knows how to take care of the rest. Gordon and Luis are happy to see that the piano is now off the street, assuming the trash collectors have picked it up. They are flabbergasted when they find it shoddily put together inside the shop. Luis gets furious and gives it a push, shattering it again.


Cartoon Two guys row their oars in different directions, until they decide to cooperate and row together.
(First: Episode 0510)


Muppets Ernie and Bert: Herry's NO SignHerry Monster holds a sign with the word "NO" on it, and tells Ernie that he can make him read his sign.
(First: Episode 0416)


Film Cold things that begin with the letter I


Muppets Two Anything Muppets sing "As I Was Going to St. Ives."
(First: Episode 0045)


Cartoon A shoemaker shows how he measures (human) feet with his ruler.


Film The Mad Painter #7
(First: Episode 0314)


Muppets Sesame Street News Flash: Pied Piper of HamelinKermit takes over for the Pied Piper.
(First: Episode 0519)


Cartoon A Gary Owens-voiced man attempts to discuss the letter I, but is jeered by an offscreen voice. The man uses him as an example of the word "impolite".
(First: Episode 0032)


Film George the Farmer demonstrates noisy and quiet.
(First: Episode 0241)


Cartoon I-Ink (angry bird)
(First: Episode 0462)



SCENE 6 At night, Big Bird and Luis go home after having dinner with Susan and Gordon. They are glad they finally got rid of the piano, but then they hear the piano playing the Sesame Street Theme off-key, and wonder where it’s coming from. They split up to look for it, and Big Bird lifts the lid of Oscar's trash can to find Oscar playing and singing a rotten version of the theme. Bob announces the sponsors.



CLOSING SIGNS Gordon and Susan hold the Sesame Street sign, and Luis holds the Children's Television Workshop sign.