Battle of La Rothi�re : Schlacht : Bataille : Batalla : Battaglia

Battle of La Rothi�re
February 1814.


Unwilling to risk battle in great disadvantage,
Napoleon intended to withdraw, however
Bl�cher forced him to deploy and fight.
It was Napoleon's first defeat on the French soil.


"The performance of the heavily outnumbered French troops
at La Rothiere was admirable - for most of the day. This
was a brutal battle ... Many coalition soldiers also performed
feats of extraordinary valor. Some Allied infantry advanced
in bayonet charges without firing - their gunpowder was wet
from the snow." - Ralph Ashby


"What will they say at Paris after this victory ?"
- Tzar Alexander of Russia











Napoleon arrives and assumes the offensive.
The arrival of the Emperor revived the
drooping spirits of the young soldiers.

Napoleon in 1814 by Meissonier The beginning of the campaign of 1814 was very difficult for Napoleon. The Emperor had appointed his wife, Marie Louise, as regent and had left Paris to place himself at the head of the French army.
From the beginning of this campaign Napoleon had "put on his Italian boots" and disconcerted the Allies by the rapidity of his maneuvers. He was able to race from one Aliies' army to the other and confront them successively.

"It was during the Tzar Alexander's stay at Langres that Napoleon quitted Paris for the army. He had put off his departure from day to day, waiting for the arrival of troops from Spain, and for the results of his exertions in the formation and equipment of armies: but receiving daily reports of the rapid advance of the Allies into the heart of France, it was impossible for him to remain longer in Paris, and he therefore resolved to open the campaign, though his preparations for war were not yer completed. ...
On leaving the capital he gave orders, for the first time since he had mounted the throne, that prayers should be read in all the churches for the success of his arms." (Mikhailovskii-Danilevskii - "History of the campaign in France, in the year of 1814")

The emperor arrived to Chalons to the cries of the townpeople Vive l'Empereur ! The army was overjoyed, the trumpets sounded, the drums beat, and the regimental colours were unfurled. The young French soldiers were greatly discouraged by the retreat and the weather, but the arrival of the Emperor revived their drooping spirits. The frost had broken and they struggled painfully forward along the country roads, knee-deep in mud. The artillery would never have got through the woods at all, had not the peasants brought in their farm horses and even harnessed themselves to the guns.

Napoleon had only some 60,000 men available for field operations:
- at Troyes Marshal Mortier's Old Guard of 17,500 battle-hardened veterans
- between Vitry and St.Dizier Marshal Victor with 15,000 men
- east of Chalons Marshal Marmont with 12,500 men
- at Chalons Marshal Ney with 15,000 men
Macdonald's force (10,000 men) was not available for immediate operations and took no part in Napoleon's first offensive movement. MacDonald was engaged with Yorck's Prussians in the valley of the Marne.

"Napoleon spent the night o the 25th in receiving reports from his generals ... and though he had only some 65,000 men available, including Mortier's detachment toward Troyes, he wisely determined to strike at once, before his opponents became aware of his proximity. ...
Blucher By moving to his left to gain touch with the Army of Bohemia, Blucher had exposed his main line of communications through Verdun and Mannheim, and he would have been well advised to halt on the right bank of the Meuse until he could have concentrated his whole force, instead of pushing forward with only part of it. The point of junction for the two armies (Blucher's and Schwarzenberg's) had been fixed too far westward, and Schwarzenberg's detour to teh left, to avoid the Vosges (Mountains) and turn the Meuse and the Moselle had taken him far too the south.
On the morning of the 26th, Napoleon marched with some 35,000 men from Chalons to Vitry, continuing his advance next morning, and after a brush with some Cossacks, covering the front of the Army of Silesia, drove the weak Russian detachment from St.Dizier. He now learned that Blucher, with a slightly smaller force, was moving through Brienne to the Aube, and determined to fall upon him before he could effect his junction with the leading corps of Schwarzenberg's army." (Maycock - "The invasion of France, 1814")

Blucher and his troops Part of Blucher's army still lay quite unconscious of the proximity of their opponents. There was a small combat at St.Dizier but the Old Forward had looked upon this affair as an unimportant cavalry combat. It was only the fortunate capture of French despatch enlightened him as to the presence of Napoleon.
Mikhailovskii-Danilevskii gives more details, "Napoleon remained only 12 hours in Chalons. From that town he went on to Vitry, and the day following to St.Dizier, where he attacked the detachment of General Lanskoi, who had been left there by Blucher to keep up his communications ... with the advanced troops of von York. By this movement Napoleon cut off the corps of the Prussian Field Marshal from that of York, who was in the country around Metz, observing the fortresses on the Meuse. ...
On reading Lanskoi's report of his having been driven out of St.Dizier by superior numbers ... Blucher took this attack for an ordinary reconnaissance, and, of course, paid no attention to it. ...
About mid-day, a prisoner was brought in to him from the advanced posts. This was Colonel Bernard ... From this officer he received detailed information of the ultimate projects of Napoleon, who, by cross roads and forced marches was now advancing straight on Brienne through Montierander. All doubt was now at an end."

Blucher had only 25,000 men at Trannes (south of Brienne and La Rothiere) and lost touch with the reminder of this army, consequently, Schwarzenberg determined to join him with part of his mighty army and the Russian Guards. Soon the Allies had 100,000 men at Trannes.
Napoleon took up position south of Brienne and was within easy communication with Macdonald's force coming from the north and reaching Chalons and Mortier's troops situated near Troyes. The emperor awaited Marmont's corps.

The emperor finally left P a r i s to place himself at the head of the field army.
He had "put on his Italian boots" and disconcerted the Allies by the rapidity
of his maneuvers. The emperor immediately placed himself between Sacken
and Yorck, cutting Blucher's army in half !
The warlike Sacken was isolated and Yorck was unable to join him because
Marmont blocked his road. To rescue the Old Forward's army from a disaster
the timid Schwarzenberg moved his army from Langres toward La Rothiere.


Napoleon's victory at Brienne.
The Emperor was unfortunate in just missing
the capture of Blucher and the chief-of-staff
of the Prussian army, General Gneisenau.

Battle of Brienne, 1814 Blucher posted Olsufiev's (Russian) IX Infantry Corps of two divisions at Brienne. Pahlen's (Russian) Cavalry Corps was to deploy to the north-east.

When Grouchy debouched from the Bois d'Ajou Wood he found himself opposed to Pahlen's cavalry. It was not until 3 PM that he felt himself strong enough to attack. Pahlen fell back through Brienne to take position south of the town.

French General Grouchy Russian General Pahlen Grouchy successfully attacked Pahlen's rear guard and followed the Russians. Pahlen then halted his force and counterattacked, the French were beaten off with the loss of 3 cannons. Olsufiev's infantry corps was still at Brienne.

Both, Napoleon and Blucher, were compelled to bring their troops into action piecemeal; the former because, if he was to gain the tactical result he hoped for, he was bound to begin early, before Blucher could slip away. Russian General Sacken arrived with part of his infantry and deployed across the road from Brienne to Bar-sur-Aube.

Napoleon arrived on the battlefield and issued an order to the artillery to pound the Russians. Under the cover of the artillery fire Marshal Victor deployed, with Duhesme's infantry division debouching from the wood. Duhesme's infantry stormed Brienne, was driven out, and stormed again. The Russians threw them back the second time and also succeeded in capturing 2 guns.

Marshal Ney arrived with two divisions of the Young Guard. He then led 6 battalions against Brienne, attacking the town by the Mezieres Road, while Duhesme renewed his attack from the wood.

Russian dragoon Pahlen's cavalry charged Duhesme in left flank. Duhesme's division lost 8 guns and was driven in confusion on the Young Guard. "Napoleon certainly made a grave tactical mistake in keeping all his cavalry on the right, whilst Blucher's was all on the opposing wing. There was all on the opposing wing. There was thus no cavalry to protect Duhesme's left as he advanced on Brienne. The French attack was completely driven back by the success of the Russian cavalry which Blucher used with great wisdom and just at the psychological moment." (Petre - "Napoleon at bay, 1814" p 24)

Darkness fell and the fighting stopped. Blucher thinking the combat is over for the day, retired to the chateau near Brienne. He was almost caught by the French who entered the chateau by an unguarded road. Victor's infantry then stormed Brienne itself and drove the Russians almost completely from it.

Blucher ordered Sacken to retake Brienne, while Olsufiev stormed the chateau. By midnight Sacken finally captured most of the town. Olsufiev however failed in taking the chateau. "The day had cost each side about 3000 men. On the French side Admiral Baste was killed, and Decouz mortally wounded. ... Blucher now ordered a silent retreat from Brienne on Bassancourt, covered by the cavalry. This was unmolested by the French who only reentered Brienne at 4 AM." (Petre - "Napoleon at bay, 1814" p 23)

The Emperor was unfortunate in just missing the capture of Blucher and the chief-of-staff of the Prussian army, General Gneisenau. Petre writes, "It is almost impossible to estimate the influence on the whole campaign which would have been exercised by the capture of these two generals, representing as they did almost the whole of the energy and determination on the side of the Allies."


Blucher's withdrawal.

On the morning of the 30th Blucher fell back on La Rothiere, and then on Trannes Heights. He appeared to intend holding fast. His positions were unaltered on the next day. On the 31st the Allies decided to attack Napoleon and the command was delegated to Blucher, perhaps largely with the idea of placating him. The Old Forward was to be allowed to "try a battle."


Battle of La Rothiere, February 1, 1814.
Napoleon's first defeat on the French soil.

Unwilling to risk battle in such disadvantage,
Napoleon intended to withdraw, however
Bl�cher forced him to deploy and fight.


French Guard artillery in 1814, 
by Keith Rocco The roads around La Rothiere were ordinary country roads, horribly bad on account of thaw, and much cut up by the passage of artillery on both sides. "As the deep ground was likely to impede the progress of the artillery, Nikitin, who commanded that arm in Sacken's corps, requested permission to advance with only half of the number of his guns, 36, and to leave the remaining 36 on the heights of Trannes, where, in the event of the failure of the attack, they would be useful for defence. He added, that he would answer for success, if he were allowed to take as many men and horses from the guns left in position, as he required. This proposal was reported to Field Marshal Blucher, who at once assented to it." (- Mikhailovskii-Danilevskii)

It was a very cloudy day and "dense showers of snow periodically swept over the field, entirely blotting out every feature of the landscape, while partly on account of the inclement weather and partly on account of the confusion inseparable from divided command, the Allies did not advance to the attack until after 1 o'clock." (Maycock - "The invasion of France, 1814" p 58 )

From the news brought in by his cavalry patrols Napoleon came to the conclusion that a large force was preparing to set out from the Trannes Heights for Brienne and La Rothiere.

Cossack On the flanks and in the rear of the French army numerous Cossacks were seen. It was difficult to protect the communication lines, now that Chernyshev, Karpov and the whole batch of devils were turned loose by the Russians.


Troops, commanders and plans.
Inside a radius of f e w kilometers 100,000 soldiers
were concentrated. Bl�cher was joined by the Tsar
of Russia, King of Prussia and Schwarzenberg.

Inside a radius of few kilometers approx. 100,000 soldiers were concentrated. There were even more Allies troops kept some distance from the battlefield. They formed the reserves. "In order to distinguish the (Allies) troops, which belonged to six different sovereigns, and who, for the first time, here fought united, it was ordered that all, from the general to the private soldier, should wear a white band on the left arm." (- Mikhailovskii-Danilevskii)

Allies at La Rothiere Bl�cher stood on the Trannes Heights and studied the battlefield. From the heights there was a very extensive view of the surrounding country. He was joined by the Tsar of Russia, King of Prussia, and Generals Schwarzenberg and Barclay de Tolly. Before the battle began the sovereigns placed the command of all troops under Blucher.

Blucher's force consisted of:
German troops - 53,700 men (or 52 % of his entire force)

  • Crown Prince of Wurttemberg - 12,500 Wurttembergers
  • Wrede and Frimont - 15,000 Bavarians and 12,000 Austrians
  • Giulay - 14,200 Austrians
    SACKEN (first line) - 22,600 Russians
  • Shcherbatov's Russian infantry corps - 12,500 men
  • Olsufiev's Russian infantry corps - 6,500 men
  • Vasilchikov's Russian cavalry corps - 3,600 men
    DE TOLLY (reserves) - 26,220 Russians
  • Raievski's Grenadier Corps - 6,500 men
  • Yermolov's Guard Infantry - 15,000 men
  • Golitzin's Guard Cavalry and Cuirassiers - 4,720 men
  • Total: 102,520

    Allies order of battle

    French generals and staff officers
of the Napoleonic Wars Napoleon's army at La Rothiere:

  • Victor's corps - 6.070 men
  • Marmont's corps - 6,768 men
  • Gerard's corps - 8,208 men
  • Nansouty's Old and Young Guard cavalry - 7,113 men
  • Ney's Young Guard infantry - 11,923 men
  • Drouot's Guard Artillery - 1,114 men
  • Total: 45,000

    French order of battle

    Napoleon had spread his army along a line of some 7 miles (11.2 km), from Dienville to Morvilliers. The position was far too long for his strength.

    Austrian staff officers There was a great deal of discussion among the Allies about the approaching battle. Bavarian General Wrede suggested to Blucher some delay in the frontal attack, in order to give him time to attack Napoleon's left flank. "Prince Schwarzenberg, and the chief of his staff, Count Radetzky, kept to their original plan in conformity to which orders had already been sent to the commanders of corps to attack the enemy in front, and to General Wrede to turn the
    right wing.
    General Toll, in the presence of the Tzar Alexander, objected: 'that the position itself pointed out the necessity of making the principal attack on the left wing of the French, so as to cut off their passage at Lesmont, the only point on which they could retreat. To gain this object,' he continued, 'the corps of the Hereditary Prince of Wurttemburg , and the (Russian) grenadier corps, with the 2nd and 3rd division of cuirassiers, should be directed against Napoleon's left wing, - to endeavour, jointly with the corps of Wrede to press back the enemy on the Aube River and seize the passage at Lesmont. The corps of the Guards, should be left in reserve, behind the centre ..." (- Mikhailovskii-Danilevskii)

    The Allies were also surprised at Napoleon's inactivity in the last 2 days.
    Mikhailovskii-Danilevskii writes, "We may be allowed to conclude that Napoleon had been meditating some plan, which he did not carry into execution. It has been asserted that his inactivity was caused by false intelligence of Schwarzenberg's army being on the march to Auxerre, and that he spent these 2 days at Brienne with the intention of waiting the completion of this movement, in order to fall separately upon one or other of the allied armies."

    Prussian staff officers "Napoleon has been much blamed by Clausewitz for fighting as he did, but the Prussian critic had not, when he wrote, seen Napoleon's orders, which show clearly that he did not intend fighting at all. ... About noon, in consequence of reports from Victor and Grouchy, he again went out to reconnoitre, and was soon convinced that a general attack of the Allies was about to fall upon him, that it was too late to retreat, and that he must fight a battle even in his disadvantegeous position." (Petre - "Napoleon at bay, 1814" p 31)

    The Allies were curious to see "this once despotic sovereign of the battlefield (Napoleon), in whose presence but few generals ventured to maneuvre, striving only to ward off his blows, now that he was cornered and "modestly waiting to see what the Allies would do." Napoleon, with his weak force, could do little more than hold the villages on his extended front with infantry, and fill the spaces with cavalry and artillery.

    Map of battle of La Rothiere.



    French line infantryman
wearing tenue de route Russian line infantryman
wearing campaign dress At 9 AM on 1 February Napoleon arrived at La Rothiere after a quiet night. Nothing was stirring in the camp. The streets of the villages and surrounding fields were carpeted with soldiers. The previous day some fences had been torn down, doors and windows burned and some stables had already been conveyed to the bivouacs. The snow had melted, transforming the manure covered streets into sewers. Hygienic conditions must have been frightful.

    Then it began snow again.
    The weather made the roads almost impassable and tree limbs sagged laden with the wet snow. The French troops struggled to move into their assigned positions. Marshal Ney marched his Young Guard a mile southeast of Brienne, between La Rotheier and Petit-Mesnil. General Nansouty deployed his Guard Cavalry on two lines.

    At noon a word came from Grouchy's cavalry that the Allies were marching in three large columns on La Rothiere from Eclance and Trannes. Also the villagers reported masses of enemy troops in the region. Napoleon mounted his horse and rode out to see for himself. The visibility however was poor due to falling snow.

    The roads were waterlogged and then frozen and again waterlogged - it made a hell for the artillery. Many guns and wagons on both sides became immobilised. Russian General Nikitin ordered each gun to be served by two teams of horses. It moved half of his artillery forward but the other half was left behind and without horses.

    Hilaire writes, "Around one o'clock in the afternoon, the enemy columns appeared before our posts, in the plain of La Rothi�re and the wood of Beaulieu." Giulay's Austrians advanced on both banks of the Aube River against the village of Dienville on Napoleon's right flank. Sacken's Russians moved against Napoleon's center and the strongly occupied village of La Rothiere. The Wurttembergers and Bavarians marched against Napoleon's left flank.


    The battle began with a cannonade.
    "The gunsmoke mixed up with snowflakes"

    The battle began at once with a cannonade.
    As far as one could judge through the blinding snow the Russian cannons seemed to be firing at a high elevation. Nikitin's gunners then deployed their pieces only a short distance away from the French advance posts and again opened fire.

    French artillery in combat
by Adrian George The French artillery positioned on both sides of La Rothiere opened up. The deep-throated �boom� of cannons rang out across the countryside. The first shots had not yet ceased to reverberate before others rang out and yet more were heard mingling with and overtaking one another. (Mikhailovskii-Danilevskii writes that the French centre "was defended by a battery of 28 guns")

    "The snow now fell so thick that objects were no longer discernible at the shortest distance, and the firing again ceased for a few minutes. In a short time, however, it began to freeze, and men and horses were sent for the 36 guns left at Trannes, which they quickly brought up." (- Mikhailovskii-Danilevskii)

    For 30 minutes the cannonade continued with one unceasing roar and the thick gun smoke mixed up with snowflakes. The artillery projectiles began flying like hail stones. The air shuddered with a massive roar, and the houses and barns trembled. The concussions scrambled the senses of the gunners and infantrymen nearby.


    "Russian infantry advanced
    with magnificent steadiness."

    The action began with Russian direct attack on La Rothiere held by Duhesme's weak division (2,700 men). It was a tiny and not very defensible village. On both sides of La Rothiere stood the French artillery, in front was chain of skirmishers.
    French General Duhesme Duhesme, smoke-begrimed, rode from point to point, encouraging the men and keeping close watch on the movements of the enemy. (Duhesme was a battle-hardened general. At Waterloo in 1815 he was wounded on the head by the Prussians but refused to leave his troops. He could only remain in the saddle by being held there by the soldiers of the Young Guard ! Duhesme was also an expert of light infantry fighting.)

    The Russian artillery continued to pound away at the French, while Russian infantry, strirred by the rhytmic beating of its drums, prepared to attack. The rough-hewn infantrymen, with their motley armament of Russian, British and captured French muskets, greeted Sacken and Blucher with rousing cheer.
    Russian General Sacken.
or von der Osten-Sacken Russian General Sacken (or von der Osten-Sacken) was " bold, resolute, and energetic, he invariably carried out his orders to the letter, and and was one of the hardest fighting generals in the Allied army. He was absolutely loyal to Blucher, to whom he was greatly attached, and throughout the campaign proved himself a thoroughly capable and reliable corps commander." (- Frederick Maycock)

    "As soon as the snow cleared off, Sacken's infantry advanced with magnificent steadiness against the French centre round La Rotheire, some of the regiments even being played into action by their bands.
    Russian infantry The attack was pushed so fiercely that the leading battalions reached the church of La Rotheire, where a desperate struggle ensued. Blinding showers of snow again fell at intervalks, and the men were often unable to see to fire, but they nevertheless plied their bayonets with unremitting vigour." (- Frederick William Maycock)
    The fervor carried the Russians through the first onslaught that surged through the French advance posts.

    The first to be in action were 4 j�ger battalions (11th and 36th J�ger Regiments) formed in columns and led by Diedrich. On they pressed, driving the French skirmishers back. When the Russian columns came closer to the village they got under musket fire from the houses and barns. The Russians struggled to deploy under such fire.
    The jagers were followed by line infantry. "Heedless of the heavy fire of the enemy, the infantry neither halted nor wavered for an instant. Without firing a single shot our regiments advanced in perfect order, and that of the Dnieper, which led the Prince's column, was headed by the regimental singers. ... The attacks we have described were, in the beginning, visible to the Tzar, but as they went on, the troops were soon hidden from his view by a dense cloud of smoke, from the centre of which was heard only the roar of artillery." (- Mikhailovskii-Danilevskii )


    Charge of Old Guard cavalry.
    Nansouty hoped to surprise the Russians.

    French General Nansouty General Nansouty, who commanded Napoleon's Guard Cavalry, hoped to surprise the Russian two batteries under Nikitin and Dietrich's jagers. Nikitin however noticed the masses of cavalry moving toward his batteries. The j�gers formed squares behind Nikitin's guns.

    When the advancing cavalry came within 500 paces the guns fired canister, and the gunners run to the safety of the squares. The French circled around the squares but were unable to penetrate them. The squares fired one or two volleys and the Guard Cavalry rode back to their own lines.

    Heavy cavalry of the
Imperial Guard Nansouty's first attack failed and there were more Russian columns of infantry coming. Nansouty saw his chance. This time he took not one but three cavalry divisions (2 of Old Guard and 1 of Young Guard). In reserve he left only one cavalry division of the Young Guard. The whole ranks of cavalry swayed forward, with the first rank letting out a cheer Vive l'Empereur ! that ignited waves of cries among the rest. The wind rushed through their greatcoats, puffing them high above their shoulders, like the wings of giant birds of prey.


    Charge of Russian cavalry.
    The Russian dragoons captured 2 4 pieces
    of the splendid Old Guard Horse Artillery

    Russian General Vasilchikov Seeing the mass of French elite cavalry moving against him, Sacken called Vasilchikov for help. Vasilchikov dispatched Lanskoi's hussar division. The hussars however were crushed and pursued by the French. Nansouty then attacked Sacken's infantry and artillery. The situation was very difficult for the Russians until Panchulitzev's dragoons arrived. The dragoons sprang forward with outstretched sabers, while the fleeing hussars halted and joined the fresh force. Together they attacked the Guard Cavalry from the front and flank. The guardsmen, struggling with the infantry and artillery, and now attacked by cavalry, gave way and fled north of La Rothiere. They left behind 24 guns of Old Guard in Russian hands.

    Russian vs French cavalry 
at La Rothiere, 1814. 
Picture by Oleg Parhaiev The Russian dragoons must have impressed the French writers, because they inflated their numbers from 1,500 to 6,000 men (for example in "Journal Historique de Cavalry Legere du Corps de Cavalerie pendant La Campagne de France en 1814".)
    Further advance of the Russians was halted by one of Milhaud's dragoons. The French advanced "in column of squadrons" and threw the Russians back. The situation in cavalry combat changed so quickly that when Vasilchikov informed Blucher about his success it was too late to take advantage of it. However, the captured 24 guns of Old Guard stayed in Vasilchikov's hands as a trophy.
    "Had Sacken at once advanced, he would probably carried La Rothiere, broken the French centre, and hemmed their right against the Aube River. But Blucher had not seen this cavalry affair on account of the snow, and when he heard of it the opportunity was lost." (Petre - "Napoleon at bay, 1814" p 33)


    Street fighting in La Rothiere: French vs Russians.
    The Russians captured the church and the center of La Rothiere.
    The French however held the northern side of the village.

    Although Nansouty failed, he made Sacken to slow down his advance. Sacken formed the infantry of VI and IX Corps in two large columns in such a way that they could repulse cavalry attack. The columns were screened by a thick chain of skirmishers.

    French infantry Duhesme ordered his infantry to fix bayonets and charge. The French drove the numerous Russian skirmishers from the village and the surrounding area. (Duhesme's division consisted of four battalions. One of them came from the 24th Light Regiment. It was one of the best units of Napoleon's infantry. During the Napoleonic Wars it won 6 battle honors. The three other battalions of Duhesme's division were line infantry.)

    Russian infantry columns 
approaching La Rothiere.
Picture by Oleg Parkhaiev The columns of Russian infantry had begun their advance like a clenched fist. Duhesme's men watched them through the curtain of snow. Disregarding canister and musket fire the Russians have entered La Rothiere. Suddenly, a brisk fusillade bursts. The crackling intensifies, then suddenly is replaced by an immense clamor which mixes with the sound of the drums beating the charge.

    Duhesme's men again attacked the Russians with the bayonet. Actually the soldiers used bayonets, fists and stones. The hardest battling was for the church and the main street. Killed and wounded were sprawling in the snow. The Russians captured the church and took over the center of La Rothiere but the French held the northern side of the village. During the fight Sacken's infantry captured 8 guns.


    The Bavarians and Wurttembergers
    attacked Napoleon's weak left flank.

    Wurttemberg light infantry Stockmeyer commanded the (Wurttemberg) Advance Guard Brigade and his infantry pushed back the French advanced posts near La Giberie. In the beginning the Germans enjoyed notable but short-lived success. Four squadrons of Herzhog Louis Chevaulegers were brought forward, the French cavalry however withdrew before attack. It left French 2 battalions without any support. When the Wurttembergers rushed against them, the infantry broke and fled. Approx. 130 were captured and taken into captivity.

    Wurttemberg chevaulegers advanced toward La Giberie and the height nearby, and drove the French from there. Mikhailovskii-Danilevskii writes, "The possession of this village was of advantage to us, inasmuch as it served as a connecting link in the chain of operations of the whole line, that is, between the centre, commanded by Scaken and Count Wrede's left wing."

    Marshal Victor directed part of Forestier's Brigade (46th and 93rd Line) against Stockmayer. Forestier charged overthrowing everything on his way. At 4 pm the Wurttembergers were streaming back. The situation became difficult for the Germans and Crown Prince asked Bl�cher and Toll for immediate support. He also urged Wrede to attack Chaumesnil. (Later on the loss of that village greatly alarmed Napoleon.)


    Austrians on Napoleon's right flank .
    Giulay's actions made little
    impression on the French.

    Blucher called for Giulay's (Austrian) III Corps to support Sacken's hard-fighting Russians.
    Napoleon directed two brigades to hold Dienville and bridge at all cost.

    Officer of Austrian infantry Giulay then moved Chollich's Brigade toward Dienville. Pfluger's Brigade was near the river and Grimmer's Brigade was to link up with Sacken's Russians. The Austrian infantry was supported by part of Archduke Ferdinand Hussar Regiment and 18 guns of the reserve (Some sources give these hussars as being attached to Stockmayer's Wurttenberg division.) Giulay's infantry on the left bank did, indeed, for a short moment, get possession of the bridge but was promptly driven back.

    Giulay's actions however made very little impression on the French. The French infantry pitched the bullets into the Austrians so rapidly they couldn't stand the racket and fell back. Giulay ordered to cannonade the village of Dienville but it brought very little results. To justify his complete failure Giulay wrote report that he had to fight against Napoleon's Old Guard. Mikhailovskii-Danilevskii writes, "The French then began to retire to Brienne, and Giulay, at midnight, after a sixth assault, carried Denville, which the enemy did not yield till La Rothiere was finally in our possession."


    The Young Guard led by Ney
    attempted to retake the village.

    Napoleon at La Rothiere Napoleon made a personal tour of the field and had exposed himself to enemy's fire in order to animate his wavering young troops. The emperor ordered Marshal Ney's Young Guard to recapture La Rothiere.

    Galloping on to the left, where the reserves were readying, Ney rode along the line of his troops, then swung his horse toward the enemy and shouted "I will lead you !" The Russians are stubborn, the Young Guard must use their bayonets.

    The darkness was falling when three columns of 2nd Tirailleur Division fell upon Sacken's infantry. Majority of the Russians fled and only few fired their muskets. Sacken's reserve who stood behind the village counterattacked but the French brought 4 guns near the church and halted the Russians.
    "The French (column) advancing up a narrow street and as yet not knocked about by the ebb and flow of battle, found themselves at the entrance to the village square besides the church. Across the 30 yards of open space was a column, or more accurately, a mass of Russian infantry pouring out onto the cobbles. The Russians, seeing the enemy appear, directed a badly aimed volley and refused to advance further. The two bodies of men now faced each other, hurling musket balls and insults at each other, but neither showed the slightest enthusiasm to charge home, despite the best efforts of their officers." (- P.P.H. Heath )

    Meanwhile two other columns of Young Guard entered the village and it seemed that the Russians lost La Rothiere. The confusion was riotous and some buildings were burning. There was even a group of French cavalry who swept through the streets. The horsemen almost captured General Sacken !


    The Old Forward created confusion.
    Bl�cher created confusion, and the Russian grenadiers
    engulfed in voluminous greatcoats halted not knowing
    what to do and which order to follow.

    After 4 pm Bl�cher sent his trusted chief-of-staff, General Gneisenau, to Sacken. La Rothiere was considered as the most important point in Napoleon's line and Bl�cher in 'soldierly way' urged Sacken to capture it. Sacken was with his hard fighting men in the village and saw the situation himself. The Russian told Gneiseanu that Blucher's orders are impossible to execute and asked for support from the Reserves standing on the Trannes Heights. The same urgent question asked Crown Prince of Wurttemberg, as his troops struggled against the French at La Giberie.

    Blucher Russian General de Tolly In this situation Blucher ordered part of the Reserves to support the Wurttembergers. The Reserves began their march. Barclay de Tolly however wanted to keep at least the 2nd Grenadier Division and ordered it to go back to Trannes Heights. Anyway, de Tolly tought they are more needed for Sacken's Russians than for the Germans.

    Commander of the 2nd Grenadier Division - General Paskevich - protested as de Tolly's order was not signed by Bl�cher. The confused Russian grenadiers engulfed in voluminous greatcoats halted not knowing what to do and which order to follow.

    Charge of Polish lancers Meanwhile Colbert's Guard Cavalry Division (Brigade of Polish lancers and eclaireurs of Krasinski's brigade) attacked Sacken's infantry.
    Olsufiev's IX Corps was hit hard and Sacken again sent a messenger to Bl�cher urgently asking for support. Now Bl�cher realized how difficult situation was not only with the Germans on the flank but also at La Rothiere itself. The Old Forward ordered the Russian Reserves back.


    "The carnage became dreadful"
    La Rothi�re was yielded to the Russians.

    Blucher directed the Russian 2nd Grenadier Division toward the burning village. Behind the grenadiers marched Austrian Grimmer's brigade. The Astrakhan Grenadier Regiment and Little Russia Grenadier Regiment charged into the village and drove the Young Guard at bayonet point.

    The Young Guard broke and fled and was only rallied in the northern part of the village "by officers beating men back into the ranks." They were able to hold on some buildings.
    "The carnage became dreadful; General Decouz, an officer of known worth, commanding the 2nd Division of the Young Guard, was dangerously wounded. General Baste, who just recently commanded the seamen of the Guard, fell dead, after prodigious acts of valor. The battle was prolonged into the night. Finally, after the most obstinate resistance by both sides, the village of La Rothi�re was yielded to the Russians." (- Hilaire),


    Marshal Marmont fell back.
    The Allies renewed their attacks on Napoleon's flank.
    Poor visibility prevented them from greater success.

    French Marshal Marmont Wrede's Bavarians renewed their attacks against Napoleon's left flank. Marmont's weak corps attempted to cover the front between Chaumesnil and Morvilliers. One of French horse batteries was caught in the flank and was overrun by 2 squadrons of (Austrian) Schwarzenberg Uhlan Regiment.

    While Hardegg's infantry division deployed before Morvilliers and La Motte's Bavarians were on their flank, Rechburg carried Beauvoir Farm defended by Joubert's Brigade. Behind Hardegg's division marched Splenyi's division and these forces were too much for one French brigade. Marmont ordered Joubert to withdraw his infantry to Ajou Wood. The French were closely followed by Frimont's Austrians and Wrede's Bavarians.

    At 4 pm arrived an officer from Crown Prince of Wurttemberg asking Wrede - in very strong words - for support. Wrede accordingly ordered to attack the village of Chaumesnil. Austrian Grenzers spearheaded the attack. Although the village was defended by 2 battalions the French fell back without a fight. Wrede garrisoned the village with Frimont's Austrian infantry and then deployed two batteries.

    When Napoleon learned about the capture of Chaumesnil he ordered to retake the village. Guyot's 2nd Old Guard Cavalry Division, Meunier's 1st Voltigeur Division and additional 16 guns marched against the Bavarians. But it was too little and too late.

    At 7 pm near Chaumesnil two Austrian batteries exchanged fire with 16 French guns. The French artillery pieces were protected by Doumerc's cavalry and Lagrange's infantry formed in squares.
    Bavarian lighthorseman Wrede ordered up two Bavarian and one Austrian regiment of light cavalry. They charged, captured the French guns and routed Doumerc's chasseurs and hussars which attempted to intervene. Poor visibility prevented the Bavarian and Austrian cavalry further pursuit.


    Napoleon's army began withdrawal.
    The Allies renewed their attacks on Napoleon's flank.
    Poor visibility prevented them from greater success.

    Napoleon was in trouble; while the Russians stubbornly held the center, Wrede captured Chaumesnil and attacked his flank. (One year later, at Waterloo, Napoleon will face similar situation. Wellington was stubbornly holding his ground against Napoleon's center, while Blucher attacked Napoleon's flank.)
    Crown Prince of Wuertenburg launched an attack on Petit Mesnil. The French put up a short fight, but lost heavily and abandoned the village. Bavarian cavalry charged the exposed flank of Marmont's infantry. The French fell back again. Napoleon ordered Grouchy's cavalry and Ney's Young Guard to delay the advance of the German troops. Meanwhile the rest of Napoleon's army began withdrawal.

    French infantry in winter 1814 About 8 pm the Young Guard abandoned La Rothiere. Few die hards however barricaded themselves in the northern houses and held them against all Russians efforts. This fight went on for a while before they also abandoned the village.

    Drouot of artillery received order to burn La Rothiere to the ground. Meunier's 1st Voltigeur Division retired for the night on Brienne. Splenyi's Austrian division moved to the eastern edge of Ajou Wood and Marmont's infantry retired to the western edge of wood. Vasilchikov's hussars and dragoons had advanced north, from La Rothiere toward Brienne.

    At 9 pm the snow was again falling hard. In this situation the fire from Druout's artillery made little impression on the Russians. It was almost dark (only the surroundings of La Rothiere were lighted by the burning houses) when the Bavarian and Wurttemberg cavalry repeatedly charged each other by mistake.

    "Expecting every moment to hear the shouts of the pursuing horsemen, the Emperor spent a most anxious time in the chateau of Brienne, but as there was no sign of the enemy, the weary fugitives went onto bivouac round the town, and towards morning he snatched a few hours' rest." (Maycock - "The invasion of France, 1814" p 63)


    Aftermath and casualties. Pursuit.
    "What will they say at Paris after this victory ?"
    - Tzar Alexander of Russia

    It was clear victory for the Allies. Mikhailovskii-Danilevskii wrote, "All the villages occupied by the French in the beginning of the battle, had fallen into our hands. The darkness of a gloomy January night did not allow us to take advantage of the victory, and our advanced posts were thrown out as it were gropingly, but so near to the enemy as not to lose sight of them. Some of the officers of the French general staff lost their way in the dark, and, wandering within our lines, were made prisoners."

    French drummer According to British historian David Chandler "Each side lost an estimated 6,000 men" (Chandler - "Dictionary of the Napoleonic wars" p 239)
    According to Petre "... Napoleon lost some 6,000 men, including 2,000 prisoners, and 50 to 60 guns. The Allies lost about the same number of men. The brunt was borne by Sacken who lost about 4,000." (Petre - "Napoleon at bay, 1814" p 37)
    Napoleon's loss in artillery was especially heavy, 54-83 guns were left in enemy's hands. The Russians captured 12 horse guns of Old Guard. And according to Hausmann the Wurttembergers took 41, and the Bavarians 15. (Most of the guns were left by the French due to a deep mud on the roads.)

    During the retreat on the next day 5,000 French conscripts
    had thrown away their weapons and returned to their homes.

    The Allied generals (with the exception of Gneisenau, Prussian chief-of-staff) were entirely carried away by their enthusiasm and, instead of organising a vigorous pursuit, wasted the day following the battle in feasting and mutual congratulations.
    Tzar Alexander of Russia Russian General Sacken "... the Tzar returned from Bar-sur-Aube to the field of battle,, and going up to Sacken's corps, which was standing in column, thanked the officers and men, and then said to the General, 'You have not only vanquished foreign enemies, but domestic too. (In 1806-1807 during the campaign in Eastern Prussia, Sacken commanded a division. General Bennigsen unfairly accused Sacken of failings during the campaign. It resulted in military court and Sacken being out of army for several years.)
    The order was now given for the troops to pursue the enemy. The Tzar and the King of Prussia kept up with the advancing columns. The Hereditary Prince of Wurttemberg and General Wrede were not long in driving the enemy out of the town and chateau of Brienne." (- Mikhailovskii-Danilevskii)

    "What will they say at Paris after this victory ?" - observed the Tzar, as he was leaving the battlefield. Mikhailovskii-Danilevskii writes that Napoleon's supporters could not, as formerly, pretend to ascribe the Allies victory to a concurrence of unexpected circumstances; as, for example, the rising of the waters of the Danube River, on the day of Aspern (1809), the winter in Russia (1812), or the treason of the Saxon troops at Leipzig (1813).

    Napoleon spent the night of the 1st/2nd in the Chateau of Brienne, so familiar to him as a student, now seen by him for the last time.

    Picture: young Bonaparte's snowball fight at Brienne, by Boules de Neige.
    "The climax of Bonaparte's career at Brienne was in 1784, when he directed a snowball fight between two evenly divided branches of the school with such effect that one boy had his skull cracked and the rest were laid up for weeks from their wounds." ( John Bangs - "Mr Bonaparte of Corsica")


    Sources and Links.
    Recommended Reading.

    Leggiere - "The Fall of Napoleon" (excellent book)
    Lefebvre - "Napoleon from Tilsit to Waterloo"
    Heath - "La Rothiere 1814"
    Petre - "Napoleon at Bay, 1814" publ. in 1977
    Houssaye - "1814"
    Maycock - "The invasion of France, 1814"
    Georges Blond - "La Grande Armee" publ. in 1995
    Houssaye - "Napoleon and the campaign of 1814" publ. 1914
    Mikhailovski-Danilevski - "History of the Campaign in France"
    The Department of History at the US Military Academy.
    Conlon - "The Historical Impact of Epidemic Thyphus"

    Previous article: Campaign of France 1814. Napoleon versus Europe

    Next article: Battle of Paris. End of the war of 1814.

    Napoleon, His Army and Enemies