wide pullback in nLab
Limits and colimits
A wide pullback or wide fiber product or wide fibre product in a category 𝒞\mathcal{C} is a product (of arbitrary cardinality) in a slice category 𝒞↓C\mathcal{C} \downarrow C. In terms of 𝒞\mathcal{C}, this can be expressed as a limit over a category obtained from a discrete category by adjoining a terminal object.
Yet more explicitly, the wide pullback of a family of morphisms f i:A i→Cf_i\colon A_i \to C (a wide cospan) is an object PP equipped with projection p i:P→A ip_i\colon P\to A_i such that f ip if_i p_i is independent of ii, and which is universal with this property.
Binary wide pullbacks are the same as ordinary pullbacks, a.k.a. fiber products.
Of course, a wide pushout is a wide pullback in the opposite category.
A category has wide pullbacks (of all small cardinalities) if and only if it has (binary) pullbacks and cofiltered limits.
The saturation of the class of wide pullbacks is the class of limits over categories CC whose fundamental groupoid Π 1(C)\Pi_1(C) is trivial.
On the other hand, together with a terminal object, wide pullbacks generate all limits:
To build up arbitrary products ∏ i∈Ic i\prod_{i \in I} c_i in CC, take the wide pullback of the family c i→1c_i \to 1. Then to build equalizers of diagrams f,g:c⇉df, g\colon c \rightrightarrows d, construct the pullback of the diagram
d ↓δ c →⟨f,g⟩ d×d\array{ & & d \\ & & \downarrow \delta \\ c & \underset{\langle f, g \rangle}{\to} & d \times d }
From products and equalizers, we can get arbitrary limits.
Notions of pullback:
pullback, fiber product (limit over a cospan)
lax pullback, comma object (lax limit over a cospan)
(∞,1)-pullback, homotopy pullback, ((∞,1)-limit over a cospan)
Analogues in dependent type theory:
The terminology wide pullback appears in:
- Paul Taylor, Quantitative domains, groupoids and linear logic, Category Theory and Computer Science: Manchester, UK, September 5–8, 1989 Proceedings. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1989.
Wide pullbacks are considered under the term fibred product in:
- Robert Paré, Simply connected limits. Can. J. Math., Vol. XLH, No. 4, 1990, pp. 731-746, CMS
Last revised on February 10, 2024 at 23:24:18. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.