Tech Target Eliminator (N-Strike)

This product has been discontinued.

It cannot be purchased in retail stores. The only way to obtain it is through second-hand websites and stores.

Not to be confused with the original Tech Target Eliminator or the Dart Tag Eliminator.

The Tech Target Eliminator is a Nerf blaster that was released in 2007 under the N-Strike series.

It comes packaged with the Tech Target Set and cannot be purchased separately.


The Tech Target Eliminator is a single-fire blaster that is very similar to the original Tech Target Eliminator, the only difference being that it fires Sonic Micro Darts instead of Screamin' Mega Darts. It also features a reversed color scheme. Below the muzzle of the blaster are two spaces to store darts, in a similar fashion to the Nite Finder EX-3.


The Tech Target Eliminator was replaced in the Tech Target Set in 2009 by the Reflex IX-1.



The Tech Target Eliminator.

The Tech Target Eliminator.

Comparing the dart storage between the original and N-Strike versions of the Tech Target Eliminator.

Comparing the dart storage between the original and N-Strike versions of the Tech Target Eliminator.

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vieweditN-Strike blasters
2003Hornet AS-6Scout IX-3Titan AS-V.1
2004Nite Finder EX-3
2005Firefly REV-8Maverick REV-6Secret Strike AS-1
2006Longshot CS-6 (Longshot front blaster)
2007Magstrike AS-10Tech Target Eliminator
2008Element EX-6Recon CS-6Reflex IX-1Switch Shot EX-3Vulcan EBF-25
2009Raider Rapid Fire CS-35
2010Alpha Trooper CS-18Barrel Break IX-2Barricade RV-10Deploy CS-6LongStrike CS-6Rapid Fire AS-20Spectre REV-5Stampede ECS
2011Big Bad BowJolt EX-1
2012Rayven CS-18
2013Blazin' Bow
2016BowStrikeGlowShotOn the Go Blaster KeychainSharpFire Delta