BBC NEWS | Wales | Welsh are 'more patriotic'

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Welsh people around the world have just marked St David's Day

Welsh patriotism is stronger than English national pride, according to a study.

The survey found that that 67% of people in Wales - two in three - see themselves as being Welsh first and British second.

Across Offa's Dyke, fewer than one in three people, 31%, put their Englishness ahead of their Britishness.

The national identity research by the finance firm Morgan Stanley found barely a fifth of people living in Wales, 21%, would say they were primarily British. In England, the figure was 34%.

Wales is clearly a distinct society within the United Kingdom

But the study - published in the week Wales celebrates its national day - was perhaps not a great source of comfort for those who want to emphasis Wales' links with the rest of Europe.

Just one per cent people in Wales said their main sense of identity is European - despite the UK being politically allied in Europe for more than 30 years.

In England, four per cent of people said they felt primarily European.

More than 4,000 were questioned in the poll, which found that while national identity is stronger in Wales, regional identity has the upper hand in England.

One in five of the English people questioned, 21%, said they gave their loyalty to their county. In Wales it was only nine per cent. In Cornwall, 44% of those asked said they felt Cornish, rather than English or British.

'English shared loyalty'

The survey found age does not seem to be a factor in swaying people's loyalties - 66% of 20 to 29-year-olds feel primarily Welsh, compared to 63% of 50 to 59-year-olds.

Similarly, 24% of 16 to 19-years-olds in Wales feel principally British, compared to 26% of 50 to 59-year-olds.

Also, there was no gender divide when it came to the question of feeling Welsh first and foremost, with 67% of both sexes saying that their primary identity is Welsh.

Jeannine Farhi, Managing Director, Morgan Stanley's Consumer Banking Group, said: "Wales is clearly a distinct society within the United Kingdom and many Welsh people feel patriotic about their country and its achievements.

"It is interesting that English people meanwhile still feel more loyal to the shared identity of being British."



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