BBC News - 'Overdose' protest against homeopathy
The protest was taking place at cities around the UK
Protesters in Glasgow have joined a "mass overdose" as part of a campaign against homeopathy.
The 10.23 group believes the treatment is "unscientific, absurd pseudoscience" and does not deserve to be accepted as a complementary medicine.
It wants the NHS to reduce its £4m annual budget on homeopathic medicines.
The event in Royal Exchange Square is aimed to show that the treatment "does not work beyond the placebo effect" and is a "waste of money".
The 10.23 campaign staged similar events across other UK cities.
The Society of Homeopaths said treatments are "person specific" and based on taking a series of small doses, so it did not expect any reaction in the protesters unless one already had symptoms matched to their remedy.
Chief executive Paula Ross said: "This is an ill-advised publicity stunt in very poor taste, which does nothing to advance the scientific debate about how homeopathy actually works."


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