Two RAF pilots in flying gear 1940: Luftwaffe launches Battle of Britain

The German air force, the Luftwaffe, attacks shipping convoys off the south-east coast of England at the start of the battle to save Britain from invasion.

Photo of police searching fields near the Russell family home 1996: Girl survives murder of mother and sister
The battered bodies of Lin Russell and her six-year-old daughter Megan are found near their home in Kent.

American Sherman tank in Palermo, Sicily 1943: Western Allies invade Sicily
British, Canadian and American troops arrive on the Mediterranean island of Sicily - largely unopposed.

Photograph of the Rainbow Warrior 1985: Rainbow Warrior sinks after explosion
The Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior is blown up in Auckland harbour, New Zealand.

Photograph of Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Willie Whitelaw 1972: Whitelaw's secret meeting with IRA
The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland William Whitelaw is involved in secret talks with the provisional IRA in London.

2000: UK tidal wave of web users
One in four British homes is now using the internet according to figures released by the government.

 Around this Day

Top Story 2005: Bomb attacks on London
Top Story 1996: Seven slashed in school machete attack
Top Story 1982: Queen fends off bedroom intruder
Top Story 1995: Serbs overrun UN 'safe haven'
Top Story 1986: Orange Parade sparks riots
Top Story 1985: Live Aid makes millions for Africa
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