Parts of the Oakland freeway collapsed 1989: Earthquake hits San Francisco

A powerful earthquake rocks San Francisco killing nine people and injuring hundreds.

Derailed train at Hatfield 2000: Four dead in Hatfield rail crash
Four people are killed when a high speed passenger train derails in Hatfield, just north of London.

The Queen and the Pope 1980: Pope welcomes Queen to the Vatican
The Queen makes the first state visit to the Vatican by a British monarch and is received by the Pope.

1968: Black athletes make silent protest
Two black Americans make history at the Mexico Olympics with a silent protest against racial discrimination.

Grey seals 1978: Grey seal cull dramatically reduced
Public pressure leads ministers to reduce the number of grey seals to be culled in Scotland.

 Around this Day

Top Story 1994: Israelis and Arafat share peace prize
Top Story 1969: Millions march in US Vietnam Moratorium
Top Story 1996: Handguns to be banned in the UK
Top Story 1989: East Germany leader ousted
Top Story 1989: Guildford Four released after 15 years
Top Story 1967: Thousands join anti-war movement
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