- ️Fri Jan 03 2025
~ 1914 ~ |
1) 10 January in Perugia (Italy) (FRANÇOISE DE SALES) founder, Oblate Sisters of Saint Francis de Sales born: 16 September 1844 in Sezanne, Marne (France) competent forum: Perugia-Città della Pieve/Troyes CCS protocol number: 273 type of cause: heroic virtues opening of informative process: 1929 closing of informative process: 1934 decree on writings: 01 July 1936 introduction of cause: 09 April 1957 decree « non cultu »: 11 April 1958 opening of apostolic process: 1959 closing of apostolic process: 1961 decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes: 14 January 1967 congress of CCS officials and consultors: 20 March 1978 plenary session of cardinals and bishops: 23 May 1978 papal confirmation of plenary session sentence: 22 September 1978 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 01 December 1978 opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 1977 closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 1979 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 03 December 1982 meeting of the Medical Board: 02 May 1991 particular congress of theological consultors: 27 September 1991 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 10 December 1991 promulgation of decree on miracle: 21 December 1991 beatification: 27 September 1992 opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for canonization: 1994 closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for canonization: 1994 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 24 March 1995 meeting of the Medical Board: 17 February 2000 particular congress of theological consultors: 23 June 2000 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 05 December 2000 promulgation of decree on miracle: 18 December 2000 canonization: 25 November 2001 information: Surs Oblates de Saint François de Sales, 10 Rue des Terrasses, 10000 Troyes, FRANCE website: www.oblatesisters.org |
2) 14 January in Rome (Italy) priest of the diocese of Rome born: 28 March 1840 in Rome (Italy) competent forum: Rome CCS protocol number: 1863 type of cause: heroic virtues rescript of nihil obstat: 06 May 1992 opening of diocesan inquiry: closing of diocesan inquiry: decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: publication of Positio: session of historical consultors: particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: postulator: Dr. Vittorio Capuzza petitioner: Pontificio Seminario Romano Maggiore, P.za S. Giovanni in Laterano, 4, 00184 Roma, ITALY Parrocchia di S. Marco al Campidoglio, P.za S. Marco, 48, 00186 Roma, ITALY website: |
3) 26 January in Villa del Tránsito, Córdoba (Argentina)
priest of the archdiocese of Córdoba born: 16 March 1840 in Santa Rosa de Río Primero, Córdoba (Argentina) competent forum: Córdoba (Argentina) CCS protocol number: 1246 type of cause: heroic virtues opening of informative process: 1968 opening of rogatory process (Cruz del Eje): 1970 closing of rogatory process (Cruz del Eje): 1972 closing of informative process: 1974 decree on writings: 03 March 1979 opening of supplementary inquiry: 1989 closing of supplementary inquiry: 1989 decree on validity of informative process and supplementary unquiry: 10 May 1996 publication of Positio: 1997 particular congress of theological consultors: 03 February 2004 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 02 April 2004 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 19 April 2004 opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 26 February 2009 closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 07 April 2009 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 07 May 2010 meeting of the Medical Board: 10 May 2011 particular congress of theological consultors: 07 July 2011 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 06 November 2012 promulgation of decree on miracle: 20 December 2012 beatification: 14 September 2013 opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for canonization: closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for canonization: decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: meeting of the Medical Board: particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: promulgation of decree on miracle: 21 January 2016 canonization: 16 October 2016 postulator during canonization: Dr. Silvia Mónica Correale petitioner: Arquidiócesis de Córdoba, Avda. Hipólito Yrigoyen, 98, X5000JHN Córdoba, ARGENTINA website: www.curabrochero.org.ar |
4) 26 January in Kottayam (India) [മാത്യു മാക്കീൽ] apostolic vicar of Changanacherry and Kottayam; founder, Sisters of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary born: 27 March 1851 in Manjoor, Kottayam (India) competent forum: Kottayam CCS protocol number: 2867 type of cause: heroic virtues rescript of nihil obstat: 11 November 2008 opening of eparchial inquiry: 26 January 2009 closing of eparchial inquiry: decree on validity of eparchial inquiry: publication of Positio: session of historical consultors: particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: postulator: petitioner: Visitation Generalate, S.H. Mount P.O, Kottayam 686 006 Kerala, INDIA website: marmakil.org |
5) 11 February in Villa Pasquali, Mantova (Italy) priest of the diocese of Cremona; founder, Daughters of Mary, Missionaries (n.o.) born: 15 August 1835 in Villa Pasquali, Mantova (Italy) competent forum: Cremona CCS protocol number: 604 type of cause: heroic virtues opening of informative process: 07 October 1949 closing of informative process: 28 September 1962 decree on writings: 14 June 1974 decree on validity of informative process 17 May 1991 publication of Positio: 1993 particular congress of theological consultors: 17 February 2006 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 22 January 2008 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 06 December 2008 postulator: Sr. Antonietta Papa, fmm petitioner: Figlie di Maria, Missionarie, Via D. G. Bianchi, 3, 46010 Villa Pasquali (MN), ITALY Figlie di Maria, Missionarie, Via Lorenzo Valla, 21, 00152 Roma, ITALY website: ifmm.org |
6) 26 February in Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Caserta (Italy) priest of the diocese of Capua; founder, Handmaids of the Immaculate born: 28 June 1828 in Casapulla, Caserta (Italy) competent forum: Capua CCS protocol number: 2100 type of cause: heroic virtues rescript of nihil obstat: 29 March 1996 opening of diocesan inquiry: closing of diocesan inquiry: decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 14 May 1999 publication of Positio: 2009 session of historical consultors: 17 February 2009 particular congress of theological consultors: 30 November 2010 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 15 November 2011 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 19 December 2011 postulator: Rev. Nunzio DElia petitioner: Ancelle dellImmacolata, Via Donato Giannotti, 13, 81055 Santa Maria Capua Vetere (CE), ITALY website: www.suoreancelleimmacolata.it |
7) 11 March in Jrabta, Batrūn, Ash Shamāl (Lebanon)
[(بطرسيّة شبق ألريّس (رفقا] professed religious, Lebanese Maronite Religious Sisters (n.o.) born: 29 June 1832 in Himlaya, Metn Nord, Jabal Lubnān (Lebanon) competent forum: Antioch of the Maronites CCS protocol number: 23 type of cause: heroic virtues opening of informative process: 1910 closing of informative process: decree on writings: 12 March 1930 introduction of cause: 01 June 1968 decree « non cultu »: 22 February 1969 opening of apostolic process: 1973 closing of apostolic process: 1973 decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes: 24 October 1974 congress of CCS officials and consultors: 19 May 1981 plenary session of cardinals and bishops: 15 December 1981 papal confirmation of plenary session sentence: 07 January 1982 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 11 February 1982 opening of eparchial inquiry on miracle for beatification closing of eparchial inquiry on miracle for beatification: decree on validity of eparchial inquiry on miracle: meeting of the Medical Board: particular congress of theological consultors: 06 March 1984 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 17 April 1984 promulgation of decree on miracle: 09 June 1984 beatification: 17 November 1985 opening of eparchial inquiry on miracle for canonization: closing of eparchial inquiry on miracle for canonization: decree on validity of eparchial inquiry on miracle: 07 May 1999; 14 May 1999 meeting of the Medical Board: 16 December 1999 particular congress of theological consultors: 07 April 2000 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 06 June 2000 promulgation of decree on miracle: 01 July 2000 canonization: 10 June 2001 information: Religieuses Libanaises Maronites, Couvent Mar Youssef (Saint-Joseph), Jrabta, Batroun, Liban Nord, LEBANON website: www.strafqa.org Note: In several Arabic circles, the religious name is Romanized as Rafka; the family name as Choboq; the baptismal name variably as Boutrossieh or Boutrosiya. |
8) 08 April in Borgetto, Palermo (Italy) founder, Daughters of Mercy and of the Cross born: 08 November 1844 in Partinico, Palermo (Italy) competent forum: Monreale CCS protocol number: 1430 type of cause: heroic virtues opening of informative process: closing of informative process: 08 June 1982 rescript of nihil obstat: 15 September 1989 decree on validity of informative process: publication of Positio: session of historical consultors: particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: postulator: petitioner: Figlie della Misericordia e della Croce,Via Giovanni Evangelista di Blasi, 78, 9015 Palermo, ITALY [1945: Teresa Purpura (Maria Stella)] website: www.figliemisericordiaecroce.it |
9) 11 April at Lucca (Italy) founder, Oblates of the Holy Spirit born: 23 June 1835 in Lucca (Italy) competent forum: Lucca CCS protocol number: 174 type of cause: heroic virtues opening of informative process: 1930 closing of informative process: 1932 decree on writings: 21 May 1935 introduction of cause: 05 May 1936 decree « non cultu »: 03 February 1937 opening of apostolic process: 1939 closing of apostolic process: 1940 decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes: 13 April 1945 antepreparatory congregation: 26 June 1951 preparatory congregation: 20 January 1953 general congregation: 21 April 1953 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 26 June 1953 opening of apostolic process on 1° miracle for beatification: closing of apostolic process on 1° miracle for beatification: opening of apostolic process on 2° miracle for beatification: closing of apostolic process on 2° miracle for beatification: decree on validity of apostolic process on miracles: 16 October 1953; 26 April 1957 meeting of the Medical Board: antepreparatory congregation on miracles: preparatory congregation on miracles: 14 June 1955; 29 April 1958 general congregation on miracles: 10 February 1959 promulgation of decree on miracles: 11 March 1959 beatification: 26 April 1959 opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for canonization: 07 March 2013 closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for canonization: 20 November 2013 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 09 July 2015 meeting of the Medical Board: 01 June 2023 particular congress of theological consultors: 09 January 2024 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 09 April 2024 promulgation of decree on miracle: 13 April 2024 consistory: 01 July 2024 canonization: 20 October 2024 postulator during canonization: Dr. Paolo Vilotta information: Oblate dello Spirito Santo, P.za S. Agostino, 5, 55100 Lucca, ITALY Oblate dello Spirito Santo, Via Silvestro II, 24, 00167 Roma, ITALY website: www.elenaguerra.it |
10) 11 April in Dronero, Cuneo (Italy) priest of the diocese of Saluzzo born: 02 January 1845 in Saluzzo, Cuneo (Italy) competent forum: Saluzzo CCS protocol number: 2273 type of cause: heroic virtues rescript of nihil obstat: 11 March 1999 opening of diocesan inquiry: closing of diocesan inquiry: decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: publication of Positio: 2014 session of historical consultors: October 2014 particular congress of theological consultors: 10 February 2015 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 03 March 2016 postulator: Rev. Federico Lombardi, sj petitioner: Parrocchia Ss. Andrea e Ponzio, P.za Don Mattio, 2, 12025 Dronero (CN), ITALY website: |
11) 09 April in Ceglie Messapica, Brindisi (Italy) (MARIA ANTONIA OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS) founder, Dominican Sisters of San Sisto (n.o.) born: 20 May 1839 in Misilmeri, Palermo (Italy) competent forum: Oria CCS protocol number: 1498 type of cause: heroic virtues rescript of nihil obstat: 13 November 1985 opening of diocesan inquiry: closing of diocesan inquiry: decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 10 October 1986 session of historical consultors: 26 May 1998 publication of Positio: 1999 particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 05 June 2015 postulator: Fra Massimo Mancini, op petitioner: Suore Domenicane di San Sisto, Via Druso, 2, 00184 Roma, ITALY website: www.domenicanedisansisto.org |
12) 24 April in Dinan, Côtes-dArmor (France) [BENITO MENNI FIGINI] professed priest, Hospitallers of Saint John of God; founder, Hospitaller Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus born: 11 March 1841 in Milan (Italy) competent forum: Madrid CCS protocol number: 510 type of cause: heroic virtues opening of informative process: closing of informative process: decree on writings: introduction of cause: 26 February 1964 decree « non cultu »: opening of apostolic process: closing of apostolic process: decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes: congress of CCS officials and consultors: plenary session of cardinals and bishops: papal confirmation of plenary session sentence: promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 11 May 1982 opening of informative process on miracle for beatification: closing of informative process on miracle for beatification: decree on validity of informative process on miracle: 03 December 1982 meeting of the Medical Board: 06 April 1984 particular congress of theological consultors: 17 July 1984 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 20 November 1984 promulgation of decree on miracle: 14 December 1984 beatification: 23 June 1985 opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for canonization: closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for canonization: decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 30 January 1998 meeting of the Medical Board: 18 June 1998 particular congress of theological consultors: 24 November 1998 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 02 March 1999 promulgation of decree on miracle: 26 March 1999 canonization: 21 November 1999 information: Suore Ospedaliere del Sacro Cuore, P.za Salerno, 3, 00161 Rome, ITALY [1883: María Josefa Recio Martín (María Josefa of the Blessed Sacrament); 1963: Elisa de Jesus Pereira (Maria do Monte)] website: www.hospitalarias.org |
13) 03 May in Paris (France) layperson of the archdiocese of Paris; married born: 16 October 1866 in Paris (France) competent forum: Paris CCS protocol number: 628 type of cause: heroic virtues opening of informative process: 08 April 1936 closing of informative process: 1949 decree on writings: 27 June 1955 introduction of cause: decree « non cultu »: opening of apostolic process: closing of apostolic process: decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes: publication of Positio: session of historical consultors: particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: postulator: Fra Massimo Mancini, op petitioner: Frères Dominicains ‒ Province de France, 222 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 Paris, FRANCE website: |
14) 20 May in Drongen, East Flanders (Belgium) professed priest, Jesuits born: 22 May 1822 in Gent, East Flanders (Belgium) competent forum: Gent CCS protocol number: 141 type of cause: heroic virtues opening of informative process: closing of informative process: decree on writings: introduction of cause: 24 February 1937 decree « non cultu »: opening of apostolic process: closing of apostolic process: decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes: antepreparatory congregation: preparatory congregation: general congregation: promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 15 December 1966 postulator: Rev. Pascual Cebollada Silvestre, sj petitioner: Jezuïeten - Vlaamse provincie, Drongenplein, 26, 9031 Gent , BELGIUM website: |
15) 29 May in Roma, Maseru (Lesotho) professed priest, Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate born: 12 March 1831 in Bouxières-aux-Chênes, Meurthe-et-Moselle (France) competent forum: Maseru CCS protocol number: 470 type of cause: heroic virtues opening of informative process: closing of informative process: decree on writings: introduction of cause: 01 March 1955 decree « non cultu »: opening of apostolic process: closing of apostolic process: decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes: congress of CCS officials and consultors: plenary session of cardinals and bishops: papal confirmation of plenary session sentence: promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 13 November 1976 opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 14 March 1986 meeting of the Medical Board: 03 December 1986 particular congress of theological consultors: 13 March 1987 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 19 May 1987 promulgation of decree on miracle: 01 June 1987 beatification: 15 September 1988 postulator: Rev. Diego Sáez Martín, omi petitioner: Oblates of Mary Immaculate, P.O. Box 136, Roma 180, LESOTHO website: |
16) 21 August in Rome (Italy)
pope born: 02 June 1835 in Riese, Treviso (Italy) competent forum: Rome CCS protocol number: 319 type of cause: heroic virtues opening of informative process: closing of informative process: decree on writings: introduction of cause: 12 February 1943 decree « non cultu »: opening of apostolic process: closing of apostolic process: decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes: antepreparatory congregation: preparatory congregation: general congregation: promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 03 September 1950 opening of apostolic process on 1° miracle for beatification: closing of apostolic process on 1° miracle for beatification: opening of apostolic process on 2° miracle for beatification: closing of apostolic process on 2° miracle for beatification: decree on validity of apostolic processes on miracles: meeting of the Medical Board: antepreparatory congregation on miracles: preparatory congregation on miracles: general congregation on miracles: promulgation of decree on miracles: beatification: 03 June 1951 decree on resumption of canonization cause: opening of apostolic process on 1° miracle for canonization: closing of apostolic process on 1° miracle for canonization: opening of apostolic process on 2° miracle for canonization: closing of apostolic process on 2° miracle for canonization: decree on validity of apostolic processes on miracles: meeting of the Medical Board: antepreparatory congregation on miracles: preparatory congregation on miracles: general congregation on miracles: promulgation of decree on miracles: canonization: 29 May 1954 information: Museo San Pio X, Via Roma, 57, 30030 Salzano (VE), ITALY Museo Casa Natale di San Pio X, P.za Pio X, 1, 31039 Riese Pio X (TV), ITALY website: |
17) 22 August in Masamagrell, Valencia (Spain) (FRANCISCO FROM ORIHUELA) professed priest, Capuchin Franciscans; bishop of Santa Marta born: 02 October 1849 in La Aparecida, Alicante, Orihuela (Spain) competent forum: Valencia/Santa Marta CCS protocol number: 433 type of cause: heroic virtues opening of informative process: closing of informative process: decree on writings: 27 December 1937 introduction of cause: 21 December 1968 decree « non cultu »: opening of apostolic process: closing of apostolic process: decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes: 27 September 1984 publication of Positio: 1995 session of historical consultors: particular congress of theological consultors: 12 October 2012 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 03 April 2014 postulator: Fra Carlo Calloni, ofmcap petitioner: Provincia Capuchina de Valencia, C/ Cirilo Amorós, 67, 46004 Valencia, SPAIN website: |
18) 21 October in Roehampton, London, England (United Kingdom) professed religious, Society of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus born: 11 November 1857 in Cottesmore, Rutlandshire, England (United Kingdom) competent forum: Southwark CCS protocol number: 615 type of cause: heroic virtues opening of informative process: closing of informative process: decree on writings: 25 July 1952 introduction of cause: decree « non cultu »: opening of apostolic process: closing of apostolic process: decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes: publication of Positio: session of historical consultors: particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: postulator: petitioner: Society of the Sacred Heart, 3 Bute Gardens, London, England W6 7DR , UNITED KINGDOM website: |
19) 07 November in Yaoundé (Cameroon) consecrated priest, Pallotines; bishop of the apostolic vicariate of Cameroon born: 13 February 1853 in Cappenberg, North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany) competent forum: Yaoundé CCS protocol number: 3324 type of cause: heroic virtues rescript of nihil obstat: 03 June 2017 opening of diocesan inquiry: closing of diocesan inquiry: decree on validity of informative process: publication of Positio: session of historical consultors: particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: postulator: Rev. Adam Golec, sac petitioner: Provinzialat der Herz-Jesu-Provinz der Pallottiner, Vinzenz Pallotti-Str. 14 86316 Friedberg, GERMANY Archdiocèse de Yaoundé, B.P. 207, Yaoundé, CAMEROON website: |
20) 18 November in Wał-Ruda, Radłów (Poland) in defensum castitatis young layperson of the diocese of Tarnów born: 02 August 1898 in Wał-Ruda, Radłów (Poland) competent forum: Tarnów CCS protocol number: 1145 type of cause: martyrdom opening of informative process: 11 February 1965 closing of informative process: 1967 decree on writings: 10 September 1977 introduction of cause: 04 March 1981 opening of apostolic process: closing of apostolic process: decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes: 20 September 1982 publication of Positio: 1983 particular congress of theological consultors: 22 January 1985 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 07 May 1985 promulgation of decree on martyrdom: 30 June 1986 beatification: 10 June 1987 postulator: petitioner: Sanktuarium Bł. Karoliny Kózkówny, ul. bł. Karoliny Kózkówny, 69, 33-133 Zabawa, POLAND website: www.sanktuariumzabawa.pl |