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  1. STScI’s Rick White Named AAS Fellow

    STScI congratulates our own Rick White, who was recently named an American Astronomical Society (AAS) 2025 Fellow! This recognition is bestowed on less than 0.5% of AAS’s membership each year. Fellows are selected for original research and publications, innovative contributions to astronomical techniques or instrumentation, significant contributions to education and public outreach, and noteworthy service.

    Rick White is smiling in front of beach dunes dotted with grasses

  2. STScI at the 245th AAS Meeting, January 12–16, 2025

    Members of STScI will participate in the 245th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) January 12–16 at National Harbor, Maryland. Throughout the week, STScI will be involved in a wide variety of workshops, science and technical presentations, press releases, press conferences, an exhibit booth, and talks at the NASA Hyperwall.

    The AAS logo, the number 245, the outline of the National Harbor, and the STScI logo all sit above a purple star-forming region

  3. Meeting of Hubble’s Space Telescope Users Committee (STUC)

    Hubble’s Space Telescope Users Committee (STUC) met in person in December 2024. Topics included mission status, new opportunities for Cycle 33, and updates on the budget process for Hubble. Of special note was the telescope’s extraordinary scientific productivity. The STUC will deliver a full report with recommendations based on the information presented.

    Hubble soars above Jupiter's Red Spot which was part of the OPAL program

  4. Preparing for Roman as a Big Data Survey Mission

    The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is on track to launch in 2026. In addition to Roman’s proposal submission system and policies, and traditional proposal tools, all potential Roman data users should become familiar with the resources and data products that will be available to them. Familiarity with Roman data, data access, and analysis tools will prepare users to maximize the science from Roman.

    colorful cartoon showing the contrast in data size contrasting Hubble, Webb, and Roman

  5. The STScI Help Desk

    The STScI help desk provides a service to anyone in the community who has a question, request, or feedback about any of the operations or policies at STScI. This article discusses why you might not have gotten a response to your ticket, as well as tips for what information to include in your ticket. Learn what to expect when you submit a ticket and see useful links and answers to commonly asked questions.

    A silhouette of Hubble floats over a star cluster, a question mark is on the left with a star in the dot.

  6. Hubble Cycle 32 Proposal Selection

    STScI recently conducted the Hubble Space Telescope proposal review and telescope allocation process for Cycle 32. The extremely high quality of the proposals and compelling science was impressive, as was the dedication, commitment and integrity of all those involved. This article summarizes the review process and the results from the Hubble Cycle 32 proposal review, and discusses upcoming changes for Cycle 33 and beyond.

    Hubble soars above a star forming region with the words “Hubble Cycle 32 the TAC” overlaid

  7. A High-Level Guide to Changes in the JWST Cycle 4 Call for Proposals

    The JWST Cycle 4 Call for Proposals (CfP), to be issued August 1, contains several changes that will directly impact how JWST proposers write and submit their General Observer (GO) and Archival (AR) proposals. The changes aim to improve the proposal review process by addressing key challenges noted by the JWST Users Committee (JSTUC). This supplementary guide explains at a high level the motivation for and implementation of the changes.

    Webb soars in front of an active galaxy

  8. The Space Telescope Users Committee (STUC): June 2024

    The Hubble Space Telescope Users Committee (STUC) met in person on June 26 and 27. Much of the discussion was devoted to the recent Hubble Operations Paradigm Change Review (OPCR) – NASA’s review of potential cuts to the Hubble budget for Fiscal Year 2025. STScI presented to the STUC some details of proposals to meet the constraints and the impact on operations, grant funding, and staffing.

    The Hubble Space Telescope hovers above a galaxy, with the title "STUC" on the image

  9. STScI at the 244th AAS Meeting, June 9–13, 2024

    STScI will participate in the 244th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) in Madison, Wisconsin, June 9–13. Throughout the week, members of STScI will be involved in a wide variety of science and technical presentations, press releases, press conferences, and an STScI Town Hall.

    The STScI, AAS, and the skyline of Madison, Wisconsin sit above a comet in the background

  10. STScI's 2023 in Review

    2023 was an ambitious and productive year for STScI staff! The STScI Annual Report details new projects, significant milestones, and completed initiatives, as well as top news stories and instances of public engagement. The report also includes immersive Q&As, allowing you to read what our colleagues experienced firsthand.

    Five people appear throughout this illustration. To the left is a light complexioned man in a suit and tie sitting at a desk with a laptop and a coffee cup. At center are two people interacting. A dark complexioned woman with long hair is standing, holding a notebook, and wearing a blue-green shirt and blue pants. She is facing right toward a large poster. A lighter complexioned man stands to the poster's right. He appears to be explaining the graphs shown on the poster. At right is a man with a medium brown complexion and a beard wearing a yellow shirt and blue pants. He is facing a woman seen from the back sitting at a desk on a roller chair. She is wearing a pink long-sleeved top and a blue skirt, and has a lighter complexion. She is in front of a laptop. They are both touching a sheet of paper. In the background, a trail of small, blue star icons starts at left and loops toward the top before it flows to the right, connecting the people at far left and right. Stars and planets also appear along the top.

  11. The JWST Cycle 3 GO/AR Proposal Review

    STScI recently completed the proposal review and time allocation process for JWST Cycle 3. We received an astounding 1,931 proposals, a record for  any observatory in response to any call for proposals! This illustrates the scientific community’s excitement over JWST’s performance and the ways the observatory is revolutionizing astronomy.

    The James Webb Space Telescope soars above a nebula announcing "JWST Cycle 3 TAC"

  12. JWST Mission Operations: Bring Your Child to Work Day

    JWST Mission Operations recently celebrated a very special “Bring Your Child to Work Day” designed to captivate young minds and provide a glimpse into the inner workings of mission operations. From origami and IR camera photos to stomp rockets, each activity was meticulously curated to ignite curiosity and foster exploration.

    Playful lettering over two galaxies that says Bring Your Child to Work @ STScI

  13. Roman’s Community-defined Surveys: A Status Report

    The majority of observing time for the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope’s first five years will be devoted to surveys currently being defined by the science community. This article provides a status report on these community-defined surveys, and highlights ways the science community can get involved and stay informed.

    A cartoon of a happy group of astronomers working with Nancy Grace Roman with the galactic plane behind them

  14. Dr. Jennifer Lotz Appointed STScI Director

    Dr. Jennifer Lotz recently began her five-year appointment as STScI Director. Previously, she served as the Director of the International Gemini Observatory. Dr. Lotz was chosen from a pool of highly qualified candidates by a selection committee of respected leaders in the field of astronomy.

    Dr Lotz smiles in front wall of green foliage

  15. Dr. Kristen McQuinn Appointed Head of Roman Mission Office

    The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) recently appointed Dr. Kristen McQuinn to the role of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Mission Head. McQuinn is responsible for the continued development and operations of the Roman Science Operations Center at STScI. The Roman Space Telescope is less than three years from launch.

    Dr McQuinn smiles smartly in front of a starry globular cluster

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