Bill Subscription Service | NJ Legislature
To view your bill subscriptions or to subscribe:
All users must create a login to subscribe/manage subscriptions. If you subscribed to bills via the old website and would like to continue managing that same list of subscriptions via the new site, please use your same email address when creating a login for the new site.
Click Here ToHelpful tips for navigating your bill subscriptions
- The bill subscription service allows you to create and maintain a list of bills. This is a fast and easy way for you to track a group of bills throughout the legislative session. This free service is a time saver for users who track large numbers of bills. As a subscriber, you create a list of bills that enables you to retrieve the latest status and information for all of the bills on your list. You will be notified of any legislative action taken on the bill after a legislative session.
- To create a Bill Subscription Service account, click on the Login button in the upper right hand corner of the website. When you first click on the link, you will get a User Login screen. Navigate to the Don’t have a login? Create one here. link beneath the Submit button. Enter your first name, last name, email and password and click Submit. You will then be taken back to the login screen where you can enter your new credentials to log into to your Bill Subscription Tracking Account.
You can Logout by navigating back to your Subscription Account, scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking on the Logout button.
- Adding Bills
Using Basic and Advanced Search
When using the Bill Search and Advanced Search Forms (from the homepage or the Bills menu dropdown), you can perform a search by Bill Number, Subject, Keyword, Last Date of Action, or Governor’s Action. The results will populate a list of bills pertinent to your search criteria. A folder icon with a plus sign will appear on the right side of every bill that allows you to add that bill to your Bill Subscription Service Account. You will see a checkmark once that bill has been added to your subscription account.Using Bill Detail Page
Anytime a bill number shows up on the website, clicking on it will take you to a bill detail page with a synopsis of the bill, its sponsors, last date of action and votes. You can also choose to add that bill to your subscription account by clicking on the folder plus icon on the right hand side.Viewing Bills
When logged into your Bill Subscription Account, you can click on your name in the top right hand corner which will take you to the User Account/ Manage Current Subscriptions page to see a list of the bills you are subscribed to.Removing Bills
To remove bills, follow the instructions above to view a list of the bills you are subscribed to by clicking on your name in the top right hand corner of the website. You will notice a folder icon with a minus sign. Clicking on that will prompt you with a question that asks if you are sure you want to unsubscribe from that bill. Clicking Yes will result in a confirmation that you have been successfully unsubscribed from that bill number.Additionally, you can delete subscriptions from the bill results and detail pages. The check marks that symbolize a successful addition to your subscription list will turn into a folder icon with a minus on it the next time you run a search on the site.
- From the User Account/Manage Current Subscriptions Page, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Delete Subscription Account. This will prompt you to respond with whether you are sure you want to remove the account from our system. Choosing Yes will mean you will no longer receive any bill subscription updates.
- Click on the Login button in the upper right hand corner of the website. When you first click on the link, you will get a User Login screen. Navigate to the Reset Password link at the bottom of the form. This will bring you to a Request a Password Reset form when you will enter your email address. You will receive an email to reset your password. Please check your junk/spam folder if no email is received in your inbox. You will have 10 minutes to follow the instructions in the email to reset your password.
- The bill subscription service is a free service of the New Jersey Legislature Home Page. No guarantee of service or performance is given or implied. While the intent is to maintain this service throughout each New Jersey legislative session, it may be shutdown, or the addition of new service accounts may be stopped at any time.
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