Guide to the Patrick McManus Papers circa 1952-2016
Patrick F. McManus (1933-2018) grew up near Sand Creek outside Sandpoint, Idaho. He spent a great deal of his childhood outdoors, exploring the nearby creek and mountains--subject matter for the dozens of magazine columns and stories that he would later write. McManus graduated from Sandpoint High School in 1952 and proceeded to complete a journalism degree at Washington State College in 1956. He worked briefly as a police reporter before returning to Washington State College to complete a master's degree in 1959. In 1960, he began teaching English, creative writing, and journalism courses at Eastern Washington State College, where he remained until his retirement in 1983. In 2013, Eastern Washington University chose him for its Distinguished Faculty Award. As professor emeritus, he continued to support the university via the McManus Scholarship in Creative Writing and Journalism. In 2018, he passed away in Spokane, Washington, survived by his wife Darlene and four daughters.
Over the course of his career, McManus established himself as a humor writer for a range of magazines and newspapers. From 1982 to 2009, he wrote a monthly humor column called the "Last Laugh" for Outdoor Life. He also served as the publication's editor-at-large. In addition, he served as columnist and associate editor for Field and Stream from 1977 to 1982, and published essays in Reader's Digest, Sports Illustrated, and the New York Times, among others.
McManus published fourteen collections of his humor columns, beginning with A Fine and Pleasant Misery in 1978 and ending with The Horse in My Garage and Other Stories in 2012. He also wrote a series of mystery novels starring Sheriff Bo Tully of Blight, Idaho. In addition, he wrote a book on humor writing ( The Deer on a Bicycle) and a cookbook in collaboration with his sister ( Whatchagot Stew). McManus' books often emerged as best-sellers. In total, some six million copies sold over the course of his career. Parts of McManus' work were converted for the stage by a former student, Tim Behrens, who began touring his McManus shows in 1992. As of 2019, these shows continue to tour regularly.
This collection consists of 52 boxes containing drafts of Patrick F. McManus' writings and correspondence with publishers and fans, circa 1950s-2016, as well as final published copies of his work, copies of class papers and notes, reviews and publications about his work, and audio and video recordings featuring interviews with the author and readings of his work.
Series 1: Reviews and Publications about Patrick McManus, 1955-2016: This series includes bibliographies of McManus' publications as well as reviews of his work and master's theses about his writing.
Series 2: Student Work: Essays, Notes, and Correspondence, 1954-1972: This series includes essays, notes, and the master's thesis written by McManus in his undergraduate and graduate courses at Washington State University and Eastern Washington University. Series 3: Correspondence and Fan Mail, 1957-1986: This series contains correspondence between McManus and various publishers as well as fan mail.
Series 4: Television and Radio Scripts and Plays, 1960-1981: This series contains scripts and plays written by Patrick McManus.
Series 5: Workshops and Conferences, 1978-1986: This series contains flyers and schedules for workshops and conferences where McManus spoke, 1978-1986.
Series 6: Unpublished Work, 1953-1982: This series contains McManus material that was not published, including rejected short stories, scripts, and a brochure.
Series 7: Drafts of Magazine and Newspaper Columns and Stories, with Correspondence, 1957-2012: This series contains drafts of magazine and newspaper columns and stories by McManus, as well as related correspondence with publishers. Series 8: McManus Publications, 1955-2014: This series contains copies of McManus' final, published work, including both magazine columns and books.
Series 9: Book Drafts and Correspondence, 1979-2013: This series contains drafts and galleys of books published by Patrick McManus, 1979-2013, along with related publisher correspondence.
Series 10: Audio and Video Recordings and Interviews, 1985-2013: This series contains copies of interviews by McManus and performances of his work on VHS and cassette tape.
Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, Washington State University Libraries
P.O. Box 645610
This collection is open and available for research use.
Copyright restrictions apply. The McManus family retains intellectual property rights.
Patrick and Darlene McManus donated this collection to the Washington State University Libraries in multiple installments beginning in 1979 (MS.1979.09, MS.1987.28, MS.2005.20, MS.2012.13, MS.2016.11).
Series 1: Reviews and Publications about McManus
Bibliography 1955-2012
Authors bibliographies 1981-1982
Publishers' catalogs 1987-1989
Articles about McManus 1980-1988
Articles about McManus 1989
Articles about McManus 1990-2011
Letters to the editor of Field and Stream, True, and Outdoor Life 1968-1987
Reviews of A Fine and Pleasant Misery 1978-1979
Reviews of Kid Camping 1979-1980
Reviews in Spokane Magazine 1979-1981
Reviews of They Shoot Canoes, Don't They? 1981
Reviews of Never Sniff a Gift Fish 1983-1985
Reviews in the New York Times 1985
Reviews of The Grasshopper Trap 1985-1986, 2014
Reviews of Rubber Legs and White Tail-Hairs 1987-1991
Reviews of The Night the Bear Ate Goombaw 1989-1990
Reviews of Whatchagot Stew 1989-1993
Reviews of Real Ponies Don't Go Oink 1991
Reviews of Real Ponies Don't Go Oink 1991-1992
Reviews of The Good Samaritan 1992
Reviews of How I Got This Way 1994-1996
Reviews of Into the Twilight, Endlessly Grousing 1997-1998
Reviews of Deer on a Bicycle 2000
Reviews of The Bear in the Attic 2002
Reviews of The Blight Way 2006-2008
Who's Who awards 2003-2016
Theses about McManus 1989
Theses about McManus 1995
Theses about McManus 1986-2002
Series 2: Student Work: Essays, Notes, and Correspondence
Class notes and papers 1954-1955
Class notes and papers 1954-1957
Class notes and papers 1958
Class notes and papers 1959
Class notes and papers 1965
Class notes and papers 1966
Class notes and papers 1966
Class notes and papers 1967
Graduate school correspondence 1959-1961
Washington State University correspondence 1964-1965
Washington State University correspondence 1965-1972
Washington State University transcripts 1952-1966
Thesis ideas undated
Drafts of master's thesis undated
Master's thesis 1959
Series 3: Correspondence and Fan Mail
Correspondence with Sunset Magazine 1957-1959
Indians of Washington--research and correspondence circa 1958
Correspondence with Eastern Washington University 1967-1985
Correspondence with Field and Stream 1968-1977
Correspondence with Field and Stream 1978-1981
Correspondence with True Magazine 1972-1974
Correspondence with the Outdoor Writers Association of America 1976-1986
Correspondence with Private Practice (journal) 1979
Correspondence with KPBX, Spokane Public Radio 1982-1984
Queries 1967-1977
Miscellaneous publishing correspondence 1959-1977
Miscellaneous publishing correspondence 1978-1982
Miscellaneous publishing correspondence 1983-1986
Fan mail 1972-1976
Fan mail 1977
Fan mail 1978
Fan mail 1978
Fan mail 1978
Fan mail 1978
Series 4: Television and Radio Scripts and Plays
TV and film scripts 1960-1969
The Last Geeble (performed by Re-Creation) 1978-1979
When the Grass Is Short, You Got to Rustle 1981
Series 5: Workshops and Conferences
Public Relations Short Course 1978
Davenport Hotel dinner 1980
Idaho Writers League Workshop 1981
Pend Oreille Arts Council Workshop 1981-1982
Save the State 1982
Lakeland Junior High School talk 1983-1984
ABA Convention 1985
Canyon Creek Ranch, MT 1985
Washington Library Media Association Conference 1986
Series 6: Unpublished Work
Short story ideas undated
Rejected short stories circa 1950s
Rejected articles and TV scripts 1956-1966
Short story drafts 1953-1956
Chamber of Commerce brochure (rejected) 1982
Series 7: Drafts of Magazine and Newspaper Columns and Stories, with Correspondence
The Lady Who Kept Things (published in Spark, May 1957) 1957-2011
Married Student Proves Interesting Phenomenon (published in Spokane Daily Chronicle, March 2, 1957) 1957
Midwinter Pleasure (published in Sunset Magazine, February 1958) 1958-1959
Hunting with Binoculars (published in Sunset Magazine) 1959
Indecision Bar to Job Chances (published in Spokesman-Review, February 7, 1960) 1959-1960
Faculty Co-op Runs Its Own Summer Resort (published in Sunset Magazine, September 1962) 1958-1962
Billy Travels by Copter Ferry (published in Spokesman-Review, August 16, 1964) 1964
Climber of 60 Proves Years Are No Handicap (published in Lewiston Morning Tribune, June 27, 1965) 1965
Transplanting Idaho Mountain Goat Is No Job for Faint-Hearted Men (published in Lewiston Morning Tribune, July 25, 1965) 1965
Chemistry Fights Crime in WSU Lab (published in Lewiston Morning Tribune, September 4, 1966) 1966
New Methods of Tracking Wildlife (published in Spokesman-Review Magazine, September 24, 1967) 1966-1967
Crime Fighters in the Lab (published in Spokesman-Review Magazine, January 21, 1968) 1967-1968
Wild Life in a Room with a View, (published in Sports Illustrated, June 3, 1968) 1968
I'll Never Forget Old 5789A, 1968 (published in Field and Stream, August 1968) 1968
The Jogger (published in Rogue) 1969
What Ever Happened to Worms? (published in Field and Stream, February 1969) 1968-1969
Kid Camping (published in Field and Stream, March 1969) 1968-1969
The Great Cow Plot (published in Field and Stream, May 1969) 1969
The Rendezvous (published in Field and Stream, December 1969) 1969
Lie Tying: Basic Fishing Lies 1970
Penthouse in the Wilderness (published in Reader's Digest 1970
A Dog for All Seasons (published in Field and Stream, August 1970) 1969-1970
The Purist (published in Field and Stream, February 1971) 1970-1971
The Misery Kit (published in Field and Stream, May 1971) 1970-1971
The Backyard Safari (published in Field and Stream, June 1971) 1970-1978
The Big Trip (published in Field and Stream, October 1971) 1971
Basic Lying Made Easy (published in Garcia Fishing Annual, 1972) 1968-1972
The Backpacker (published in Field and Stream, February 1972) 1971-1972
The Two-Wheeled ATV (published in Field and Stream, March 1972) 1971-1972
The Secret Athlete (published in Field and Stream, May 1972) 1971
The Secret Athlete (published in Field and Stream, May 1972) 1972
But Where's the Park, Papa? (published in Field and Stream, July 1972) 1972
The Mountain Man (published in Field and Stream, November 1972) 1972
The Terrible Toy Menace (published in True, January 1973) 1972-1973
The Rescue (published in Field and Stream, February 1973) 1972-1973
How to Fish a Crick (published in Field and Stream, March 1973) 1972-1973
The Twenty-Pound Brown Trout (published in Field and Stream, August 1973) 1973
The Twenty-Pound Brown Trout (published in Field and Stream, August 1973) 1973-2007
Gassing of America (published in True, 1974) 1974
The Xmas Survival Kit (published in True, January 1974) 1973-1974
Grogan's War Surplus (published in Field and Stream, May 1974) 1974-1977
This Was the Late, Great Fourth (published in True, July 1974) 1973-1974
This Was the Late, Great Fourth (published in True, July 1974) 1974-1991
The Teachings of Rancid Crabtree (published in Field and Stream, August 1974) 1974
The Teachings of Rancid Crabtree (published in Field and Stream, August 1974) 1974
The Horse in My Garage (published in True, August 1974) 1973
The Horse in My Garage (published in True, August 1974) 1974
The Theory and Application of Old Men (published in Field and Stream, October 1974) 1974-1975
The Poaching Game, Research materials circa 1968-1970
The Poaching Game, Research materials circa 1968-1970
The Poaching Game (published in Field and Stream, November 1974) 1968-1970
The Poaching Game (published in Field and Stream, November 1974) 1973-1974
A Yup of a Different Color (published in Field and Stream, June 1975) 1975
Cigars, Logging Trucks, and Know-It-Alls (published in Field and Stream, September 1975) 1975
The Outfit (published in Field and Stream, October 1975) 1975
The $1000 Extravaganza (published in TV Guide) 1976
The 15th Hole (published in the Muzzleloaders' Handbook, 1976) 1974-1976
My Stone Age (published in Field and Stream, February 1976) 1975-1976
Shooting the Chick-a-Nout Narrows (published in Field and Stream, June 1976) 1976-1978
Modified Stationary Panic (published in Field and Stream, July 1976) 1976
Follow That Indian with the Digital Wristwatch (published in TV Guide, July 3, 1976) 1976-2012
Great Outdoor Gadgets Nobody Ever Invented (published in Field and Stream, August 1976) 1976
Further Teachings of Rancid Crabtree (published in Field and Stream, September 1976) 1976-1977
Shaping up for the Hunt (published in Field and Stream, October 1976) 1976
Shaping up for the Hunt (published in Field and Stream, October 1976) 1976-2012
Ah, Sweet Clarity (published in Field and Stream, November 1976) 1976
A Strange Occurrence at No Where Lake (published in Field and Stream, December 1976) 1976
A Strange Occurrence at No Where Lake (published in Field and Stream, December 1976) 1976-1977
It's a Funny Thing about Camping (published in Coleman Camping Annual, 1977) 1976-1977
Bagging the Wily Sharptale (published in The Complete Hunter's Catalog, 1977) 1977
All You Ever Wanted to Know about Live Bait (published in Field and Stream Fishing Annual. 1977) 1976-1977
All You Ever Wanted to Know about Live Bait (published in Field and Stream Fishing Annual. 1977) 1976-1977
Don't Let Your Deer Cook Your Goose (published in Field and Stream Hunting Annual, 1977) 1977
Scritch's Crick (published in Field and Stream, January 1977) 1976-1977
Scritch's Crick (published in Field and Stream, January 1977) 1976-1977
Miracle of the Fish Plate (published in Field and Stream, February 1977) 1976-1977
The B'ar (published in Field and Stream, March 1977) 1976-1977
They Shoot Canoes, Don't They? (published in Field and Stream, April 1977) 1976-1977
They Shoot Canoes, Don't They? (published in Field and Stream, April 1977) 1976-1977
The Fishing Lesson (published in Field and Stream, May 1977) 1976
The Fishing Lesson (published in Field and Stream, May 1977) 1976-1978
Hunkering (published in Field and Stream, June 1977) 1977
Mountain Goats Never Say "Cheese!" (published in Field and Stream, July 1977) 1964-1977
Mountain Goats Never Say "Cheese!" (published in Field and Stream, July 1977) 1977-1986
Tent Traumas (published in Field and Stream, August 1977) 1977
Tent Traumas (published in Field and Stream, August 1977) 1977
If You Don't Mind, I'll Do It Myself (published in Field and Stream, September 1977) 1977
If You Don't Mind, I'll Do It Myself (published in Field and Stream, September 1977) 1977
Bad Company (published in Field and Stream, October 1977) 1977
Bad Company (published in Field and Stream. October 1977) 1977
Sneed (published in Field and Stream, November 1977) 1977
Sneed (published in Field and Stream, November 1977) 1977-1978
The Crouch Hop and Other Useful Outdoor Steps (published in Field and Stream, December 1977) 1977
The Crouch Hop and Other Useful Outdoor Steps (published in Field and Stream, December 1977) 1977-1978
The Bunny Call (published in Scotch Game Call Hunting Annual, 1978) 1978
Bass Is a Four-Letter Word (published in Field and Stream Bass Annual, 1978) 1977-1978
The Hunting Camp Recalled (published in Field and Stream Deer Hunting Annual, 1978) 1978
The Hunting Camp Recalled (published in Field and Stream Deer Hunting Annual, 1978) 1978
The Green Box (published in Field and Stream. January 1978) 1977-1978
The Green Box (published in Field and Stream, January 1978) 1977-1978
Journal of an Expedition (published in Field and Stream, February 1978) 1978
Journal of an Expedition (published in Field and Stream, February 1978) 1978
Cold Fish (published in Field and Stream. March 1978) 1977-1978
Cold Fish (published in Field and Stream, March 1978) 1977-1978
Tying My Own (published in Field and Stream, April 1978) 1978
Tying My Own (published in Field and Stream, April 1978) 1978
Reading Sign (published in Field and Stream, May 1978) 1978
Reading Sign (published in Field and Stream, May 1978) 1978
Tenner Shoes (published in Field and Stream, June 1978) 1978
Tenner Shoes (published in Field and Stream, June 1978) 1978
Wild Things (published in Field and Stream, July 1978) 1978
The Patrick Principles (published in Field and Stream, August 1978) 1978
The Patrick Principles (published in Field and Stream, August 1978) 1978
The Heartbreak of Astigmatism or How to Make a Spectacle of Yourself (published in Field and Stream. September 1978) 1978
The Heartbreak of Astigmatism or How to Make a Spectacle of Yourself (published in Field and Stream. September 1978) 1978
Parallax 1 (published in Spokane Magazine, September 1978) 1978
Letters from Camp (published in Field and Stream. October 1978) 1978
Letters from Camp (published in Field and Stream, October 1978) 1978
Parallax 2: The Man Who Runs Spokane (published in Spokane Magazine, October 1978) 1978
My First Deer and Welcome to It (published in Field and Stream, November 1978) 1978
My First Deer and Welcome to It (published in Field and Stream, November 1978) 1978
Parallax 3: Giant Yard Sale (published in Spokane Magazine, November 1978) 1978
Parallax 4: Debt in the Afternoon (published in Spokane Magazine, December 1978) 1978
The Gift (published in Field and Stream, December 1978) 1978
The Gift (published in Field and Stream, December 1978) 1978
Meanwhile, Back at the B Western (published in Colt American Handgunning Annual 1979) 19781979
Meanwhile, Back at the B Western (published in Colt American Handgunning Annual 1979) 1978-1979
The Arkansas Prank Hound (published in Scotch Game Call Annual, 1979) circa 1979-1983
A Just Very Good University (published in an EWU brochure) 1979
The Rifle (published in Field and Stream, January 1979) 1978-1979
Parallax 5: Chaucer for the Illiterate (published in Spokane Magazine, January 1979) 1979
How to Hunt the Whitetail Deer with a Nick in His Ear (published in February 1979) 1978-1979
Parallax 6: Dr. Parallax's Predictions for 1979 (published in Spokane Magazine, February 1979) 1979
The Last Laugh…The Longest March (published in Field and Stream, March 1979) 1978-1979
The Last Laugh…The Longest March (published in Field and Stream, March 1979) 1979
The Last Laugh…The Longest March, book edits (Outdoor Life, March 1979) 1978-1979
Parallax: Organ-ized Govt. (published in Spokane Magazine, March 1979) 1979
And Now Stay Tuned for the Camp Chef (published in Field and Stream, April 1979) 1979
And Now Stay Tuned for the Camp Chef (published in Field and Stream, April 1979) 1979
Parallax: Ode to a Tent (published in Spokane Magazine, April 1979) 1979
Parallax: How to Pass as a Native in Seattle or Never Say 'Boeing Is Dead' (published in Spokane Magazine, May 1979) 1979
Parallax: Washington Soul Power (published in Spokane Magazine, June 1979) 1979
Useful Outdoor Comments (published in Field and Stream. July 1979) 1979
Parallax: Wood-Stove Ethics (published in Spokane Magazine, August 1979) 1979
Parallax: Battling the Eye in the Sky (published in Spokane Magazine, September 1979) 1979
The Bear Hunters (published in Field and Stream, September 1979) 1979
Parallax: And, You Don't Have to Send to Saudi Arabia for a Log (published in Spokane Magazine, October 1979) 1979
The Hunter's Dictionary (published in Field and Stream. October 1979) 1979
Parallax: Now Playing Moby Turkey (published in Spokane Magazine, November 1979) 1979
Parallax: Conversations with Santa (published in Spokane Magazine, December 1979) 1979
Psychic Powers for Outdoorsmen (published in Field and Stream. December 1979) 1979
Strange Scenes and Eerie Events (published in Johnson Outboards Boating, 1980) 1979-1980
That First Knife (published in Gutmann Knife Annual, 1980) 1980-1986
What Kind of Dog Is That? (published in Scotch Game Call Hunting Annual 1980) 1980-1992
The Case of the Missed Deer (published in Field and Stream Hunting Annual, 1980) 1980
Don't Never Cry Wuff (published in Field and Stream. January 1980) 1979-1985
Parallax: Love Story (published in Spokane Magazine, January 1980) 1979-1980
The Secret Life of an Angler (published in Field and Stream. February 1980) 1979-1980
Parallax: Big Sucker and the Big Apple (published in Spokane Magazine, March 1980) 1980
A Good Night's Sleep (published in Field and Stream, March 1980) 1979-1990
The Fibricators (published in Field and Stream. April 1980) 1980
Parallax: Short in the Saddle (published in Spokane Magazine, April 1980) 1980
Parallax: Taken for a Ride in Disneyland (published in Spokane Magazine, May 1980) 1980
The Education of a Sportsman (published in Field and Stream. May 1980) 1980
The Last Laugh…Mr. Taggart (published in Field and Stream, June 1980) 1980-1992
Parallax: Inappropriate Quotations for All Occasions (published in Spokane Magazine, July 1980) 1980
The Angler's Dictionary (published in Field and Stream, July 1980) 1980
The Short Happy Life of Francis Cucumber (published in Field and Stream. August 1980) 1980
What the Hell Is George Frederickson up to, Anyway? (published in Spokane Magazine, September 1980) 1980
The Elk Trappers (published in Field and Stream. September 1980) 1980
Skunk Dog (published in Field and Stream. October 1980) 1980
The Mountain Car (published in Field and Stream, November 1980) 1980
Gross Gifts (published in Field and Stream, December 1980) 1980-1992
How to Write Humor on a Monthly Deadline (published in Traces, 1981) 1981
The Hunt and Fish Delay Ploy (published in Field and Stream Hunting Annual 1981) 1981
Edgy Rider (published in Field and Stream. January 1981) 1972-1981
Blowing Smoke (published in Field and Stream, February 1981) 1980-1981
Parallax: A Believable Fish Story (published in Spokane Magazine, March 1981) 1981
The Man Who Notices Things (published in Field and Stream, March 1981) 1980-1981
Parallax: Dr. Parallax Q and A (published in Spokane Magazine, April 1981) 1981
Two-Man-Tent Fever (published in Audobon, May 1981) 1980-1981
The Match (published in Field and Stream. May 1981) 1981-1984
Getting Hooked on Fly Tying (published in Field and Stream, June 1981) 1981
The Family Camper's Dictionary (published in Field and Stream. July 1981) 1981
Parallax: Dr. Parallax Finds His Roots (published in Spokane Magazine, August 1981) 1968-1981
Parallax: Dr. Parallax Finds His Roots (published in Spokane Magazine, August 1981) 1981
Never Sniff a Gift Fish, 1981 (published in Field and Stream, September 1981) 1981
Well, Excuuuuse Me! (published in Field and Stream, October 1981) 1981
Parallax: Pour Your Own (published in Spokane Magazine, November 1981) 1981-1991
Best Foot Forward Kicks off as a Novel, 1981 (published in Spokane Daily Chronicle, November 20, 1981) 1981
The Last Laugh…The Christmas Hatchet (published in Outdoor Life, December 1981) 1981
I'd Rather Be…Gunkholing (published in Johnson Outboards Boating, 1982) 1982-1988
The Last Laugh…The Cat and Cat Burglar (published in Outdoor Life, January 1982) 1981-1982
The Last Laugh…Poof, No Eyebrows (published in Outdoor Life, February 1982) 1981-1982
Parallax: The Awful Truth about Rubber Stamping (published in Spokane Magazine, March 1982) 1982
Salami on Rye and Hold the Wild Gobo (published in Audobon, March 1982) 1981-1982
The Last Laugh…Scarry Tales (published in Outdoor Life, April 1982) 1981-1982
The Last Laugh…The Hunters' Workout Guide (published in Outdoor Life. May 1982) 1982
The Last Laugh…I'll Get to It--Someday (published in Outdoor Life. June 1982) 1982
The Last Laugh…I Fish, Therefore I Am (published in Outdoor Life, July 1982) 1982
Janitor's Journal (published in State, July 1982) 1982
The Last Laugh…I Think We're out of G-gas (published in Outdoor Life, August 1982) 1982
The Last Laugh…When I Grow Up…(published in Outdoor Life, September 1982) 1982-1983
The Last Laugh…Share and Share Alike (published in Outdoor Life. October 1982) 1982
The Last Laugh…Backseats I Have Known (published in Outdoor Life. November 1982) 1982
The Last Laugh…Visions of Fish and Game (published in Outdoor Life, December 1982) 1982-1986
Confessions of an English Major (published in EWU Chronicle of Cooperative Education, 1983/1984) 1983
The Last Laugh…Hunting Camp Etiquette (published in Outdoor Life, January 1983) 1983
The Last Laugh…The Hunting Lesson (published in Outdoor Life. February 1983) 1983
You Tough It Out (published in Reader's Digest, March 1983) 1983
The Last Laugh…Get Lost! (published in Outdoor Life. March 1983) 1982-1983
The Last Laugh…Ma, Do You Want the Gun? (published in Outdoor Life, April 1983) 1969-1983
The Last Laugh…The Grasshopper Trap (published in Outdoor Life. May 1983) 1983
The Last Laugh…The Outing (published in Outdoor Life. June 1983) 1983
The Last Laugh…A Boy and His (Ugh!) Dog (published in Outdoor Life, July 1983) 1983
The Last Laugh…The Wager (published in Outdoor Life. August 1983) 1983
The Last Laugh…The Swamp (published in Outdoor Life. September 1983) 1983
The Last Laugh…Into Each Life a Little Fall Must Reign (published in Outdoor Life. October 1983) 1983-1984
The Last Laugh…The Skunk Ladder (published in Outdoor Life, November 1983) 1983-1984
The Last Laugh…I Heard the Wives on Christmas Mourn (published in Outdoor Life. December 1983) 1983
The Last Laugh…The No-Fail School of Duck Hunting (published in Outdoor Life, January 1984) 1984-1986
The Last Laugh…Strange Encounters of the Bird Kind (published in Outdoor Life. February 1984) 1983-1984
The Last Laugh…The Human Fuel Pump (published in Outdoor Life. March 1984) 1984
The Last Laugh…Off on a Lark (published in Outdoor Life, April 1984) 1984
The Last Laugh…'Twas a Dark and Dreary Night (published in Outdoor Life. May 1984) 1984
The Last Laugh…The Runaways (published in Outdoor Life. June 1984) 1984
Keep Your Reading Light, Frothy and Filled with Sharks (published in Spokesman-Review, July 22, 1984) 1984
The Last Laugh…The Canoe (published in Outdoor Life, July 1984) 1984
The Last Laugh…Crick Ritual (published in Outdoor Life, August 1984) 1984
The Last Laugh…Flaws (published in Outdoor Life, September 1984) 1982-1984
The Last Laugh…Trailer Trials (published in Outdoor Life. October 1984) 1984-1985
The Last Laugh…I, the Hunted (published in Outdoor Life. November 1984) 1982-1984
The Last Laugh…Metamorphosis and Other Outdoor Phenomena (published in Outdoor Life, December 1984) 1984
A Trader in Our Midst (published in Outdoor Life Hunting Guns Annual, 1985) 1985
Down and Way out in Brazil (published in Outdoor Life, January 1985) 1984-1985
The Last Laugh…Mean Tents (published in Outdoor Life, January 1985) 1984-1985
The Last Laugh…A Hunker Is Not a Squat (published in Outdoor Life. February 1985) 1983-1985
Hoov (published in Spokesman-Review, February 10, 1985) 1985
The Last Laugh…The Dumbest Antelope (published in Outdoor Life, March 1985) 1984-1985
The Last Laugh…Sweet, Sweet Sixteen (published in Outdoor Life. April 1985) 1985
The Last Laugh…The Grogan Look (published in Outdoor Life, May 1985) 1985-1992
The Last Laugh…The Sharps (published in Outdoor Life, June 1985) 1985
Getting Lost Requires Planning (published in Spectator, Summer 1985) 1985
The Last Laugh…The Shooter (published in Outdoor Life, July 1985) 1985-1986
The Last Laugh…Outdoor Burnout (published in Outdoor Life, August 1985) 1985
The Last Laugh…Gunrunning…Past Your Wife (published in Outdoor Life. September 1985) 1984-1985
The Last Laugh…Show and Gawk (published in Outdoor Life, October 1985) 1985-1990
The Last Laugh…Mutiny of the Sea Puss (published in Outdoor Life, November 1985) 1985
The Last Laugh…Search and--uh--Rescue (published in Outdoor Life, December 1985) 1985-1995
Not Exactly What I Had in Mind, by Ray Blount: Book Review (published in the New York Times, December 15, 1985) 1985
The Last Laugh…The Bridge (published in Outdoor Life, February 1986) 1986
The Last Laugh…A Really Nice Blizzard (published in Outdoor Life, March 1986) 1985-1986
The Last Laugh…Gummy (published in Outdoor Life, May 1986) 1986
The Last Laugh…The Mountain (published in Outdoor Life, June 1986) 1986
The Last Laugh…The Last Flight of Homer Pigeon (published in Outdoor Life, July 1986) 1985-1986
The Last Laugh…Spirits (published in Outdoor Life, August 1986) 1986-1988
The Last Laugh…Scoring (published in Outdoor Life, September 1986) 1986
The Last Laugh…To Filet or Not to Filet (published in Outdoor Life, October 1986) 1986
The Last Laugh…The MFFFF (published in Outdoor Life, November 1986) 1986-1987
The Last Laugh…Dear Santa (published in Outdoor Life, December 1986) 1986-1987
Fish Poles, and Other Useful Terminology (published in Bass and Freshwater Fishing, 1987) 1982-1987
The Last Laugh…Throwing Stuff (published in Outdoor Life, January 1987) 1987
The Last Laugh…The Big Fix (published in Outdoor Life, February 1987) 1986-1987
The Last Laugh…Not Long for This Whirl (published in Outdoor Life, March 1987) 1987
The Last Laugh…What's in a Name, Moonbeam? (published in Outdoor Life, April 1987) 1986-1987
The Last Laugh…Pigs (published in Outdoor Life, May 1987) 1983-1987
The Last Laugh…Sequences (published in Outdoor Life, June 1987) 1987
The Last Laugh…Out of Sync (published in Outdoor Life, July 1987) 1987
The Last Laugh…Kid Brothers and Their Practical Application (published in Outdoor Life, August 1987) 1987-1988
The Last Laugh…Tying One On (published in Outdoor Life, September 1987) 1987-1988
The Last Laugh…Letter to My Boss (published in Outdoor Life, November 1987) 1987
The Last Laugh…The Night the Bear Ate Goombaw (published in Outdoor Life, December 1987) 1987-1988
How to Get Started in Bass Fishing (published in The Original Mister Twister 1988 Fishing Guide) 1987-1988
A Brief History of Boats and Marriage (published in Outdoor Life, 1988) 1988
Try Not to Annoy Me (published in Outdoor Life, 1988) 1988
The Last Laugh…Combustible Consumption (published in Outdoor Life, January 1988) circa 1985-2012
The Last Laugh…The Tin Horn (published in Outdoor Life, April 1988) 1987-1988
The Last Laugh…Love Me, Love My Bass (published in Outdoor Life, June 1988) 1988
The Last Laugh…Garage Sale Frenzy (published in Outdoor Life, July 1988) 1988
The Last Laugh…Never Cry "Arp!" (published in Outdoor Life, August 1988) 1988
The Last Laugh…Blips (published in Outdoor Life, September 1988) 1988
The Last Laugh…White Water Fever (published in Outdoor Life, October 1988) 1988
The Last Laugh…Hooked on Fishing (published in Outdoor Life, November 1988) 1988
The Last Laugh…A Road Less Traveled (published in Outdoor Life, December 1988) 1988
The Last Laugh…Lord of the Flies (published in Outdoor Life, January 1989) 1988-1989
The Last Laugh…Wet behind the Ears (published in Outdoor Life, February 1989) 1989
The Last Laugh…As the Worm Squirms (published in Outdoor Life, March 1989) 1988-1989
The Last Laugh…A Good Deed Undoes (published in Outdoor Life, May 1989) 1989-1991
The Last Laugh…Secret Places (published in Outdoor Life, June 1989) 1989-1991
The Last Laugh…Going to the Birds (published in Outdoor Life, July 1989) 1989-1991
The Last Laugh…Why Is It? (published in Outdoor Life, August 1989) 1989-1991
The Last Laugh…Social Skills (published in Outdoor Life, September 1989) 1989-1991
The Last Laugh…The Road Hunter (published in Outdoor Life, October 1989) 1989-1991
The Last Laugh…Blood Sausage (published in Outdoor Life, January 1990) 1989-1991
The Last Laugh…A Summer of Surprises (published in Outdoor Life, March 1990) 1989-1991
The Last Laugh…Outdoor Apparitions (published in Outdoor Life, April 1990) 1990-1991
The Last Laugh…A Haunting Hunt (published in Outdoor Life, May 1990) 1989-1991
The Last Laugh…Short in the Saddle (published in Outdoor Life, June 1990) 1990-1991
The Last Laugh…Camping in (published in Outdoor Life, July 1990) 1990-1991
The Last Laugh…The Piano Lesson (published in Outdoor Life, August 1990) 1990-1991
The Last Laugh…The Class Clown (published in Outdoor Life, October 1990) 1990-1991
The Last Laugh…Aliens Three (published in Outdoor Life, November 1990) 1990-1991
The Last Laugh…Teenagers from Hell (published in Outdoor Life, December 1990) 1990-1991
Sighting in: The McManus Method (published in Outdoor Life Hunting Guns, 1991) 1991-1992
The Last Laugh…Controlling My Life (published in Outdoor Life, January 1991) 1991
The Last Laugh…Strange Meets Matilda Jean (published in Outdoor Life, February 1991) 1991
The Last Laugh…The Fishing Box (published in Outdoor Life, March 1991) 1991
The Last Laugh…Easing around Easy Ed (published in Outdoor Life, May 1991) 1991-1992
The Last Laugh…The Blundering Buss (published in Outdoor Life, June 1991) 1991
The Last Laugh…The Cub Scout Blues (published in Outdoor Life, July 1991) 1991
The Last Laugh…Doing the Chukar Chuckle (published in Outdoor Life, August 1991) 1991
Forget Desire (published in Palouse Journal, fall 1991) 1991-1992
The Last Laugh…An Asp with Class (published in Outdoor Life, October 1991) 1991-1992
The Last Laugh…The Flashlight Man (published in Outdoor Life, November 1991) 1991-1992
The Last Laugh…Ah, Sweet Poverty! (published in Outdoor Life, December 1991) 1991-1992
Tenner Shoe Blight (published in Outdoor Life, 1992) 1992
Preparation (published in Outdoor Life, 1992) 1992
The Last Laugh… Rancid Crabtree and the Demon Bat (published in Outdoor Life, January 1992) 1991-1992
The Last Laugh…The Worry Box (published in Outdoor Life, February 1992) 1991-1992
The Last Laugh…Kelly Irregulars Learn to Cry (published in Outdoor Life, March 1992) 1991-1992
The Last Laugh…The Secret of Goosey's Success (published in Outdoor Life, April 1992) 1992
The Last Laugh…Now You See Me, Now You Don't (published in Outdoor Life, June 1992) 1992
The Last Laugh…The Big Fish (published in Outdoor Life, July 1992) 1992
The Last Laugh…Converging with Bambo (published in Outdoor Life, September 1992) 1992
The Last Laugh…My Hike with, Ahem, the President (published in Outdoor Life, November 1992) 1992
The Last Laugh…Another Boring Day (published in Outdoor Life, December 1992) 1992
The Last Laugh…The Complete Curmudgeon (published in Outdoor Life, February 1993) 1992-1993
The Liars Club (published in Cedar Post, March 26, 1993) 1993
The Last Laugh…My Greatest Triumph (published in Outdoor Life, April 1993) 1993
The Last Laugh…The Big Toe (published in Outdoor Life, May 1993) 1993
The Last Laugh…The Blue Dress (published in Outdoor Life, August 1993) 1993
The Ultimate Bull (published in Bugle, 1993) 1993
The Last Laugh… Fryin' Fizzy (published in Outdoor Life, September 1993) 1993
The Last Laugh…Warped Camshaft (published in Outdoor Life, October 1993) 1993
The Last Laugh…The Two Masked Raiders (published in Outdoor Life, November 1993) 1993-1994
The Last Laugh…The Bandage (published in Outdoor Life, December 1993) 1993
Excuse Me While I Get out of the Way (published in Outdoor Life, 1994) 1994
Ed in Camp (published in Outdoor Life, 1994) 1994
The Last Laugh…Letter from a Kingfisher (published in Outdoor Life, February 1994) 1993-1994
The Last Laugh…The 400-Pound Pumpkin (published in Outdoor Life, March 1994) 1993-1994
The Last Laugh…Mosquito Bay (published in Outdoor Life, April 1994) 1993-1994
The Last Laugh…Work and Other Horrors (published in Outdoor Life, July 1994) 1994-1996
The Last Laugh…My Fishing Trip with Ernie (published in Outdoor Life, September 1994) 1994-1996
The Last Laugh…Sid Is on the Case (published in Outdoor Life, October 1994) 1994-1996
The Last Laugh…My Stinky Old Pipes (published in Outdoor Life, December 1994) 1994-1996
The Last Laugh…The Snow Cave (published in Outdoor Life, March 1995) 1995-2002
The Last Laugh…Uncle Finn's Hairy Escape (published in Outdoor Life, April 1995) 1995-1996
The Last Laugh…Hunting the Wild Avid (published in Outdoor Life, May 1995) 1995-1997
The Last Laugh…The Dangers of Light Tackle (published in Outdoor Life, June 1995) 1995-1996
The Last Laugh…Fan Mail (published in Outdoor Life, July 1995) 1995-1996
The Last Laugh…Big Ben (published in Outdoor Life, August 1995) 1995-1996
The Last Laugh…Faint Heart (published in Outdoor Life, September 1995) 1995-1996
The Last Laugh…A Good Grouse Woods (published in Outdoor Life, November 1995) 1995-1996
The Last Laugh…The Competition (published in Outdoor Life, December 1995) 1995-1996
The Last Laugh…Littering the Wilds (published in Outdoor Life, January 1996) 1995-1996
The Last Laugh…A Glistening Retreat (published in Outdoor Life, March 1996) 1996
The Last Laugh…Fish of Dreams (published in Outdoor Life, April 1996) 1996
The Last Laugh…For Whom the Boy Toils (published in Outdoor Life, May 1996) 1996
The Last Laugh…R.I.P. (published in Outdoor Life, July 1996) 1996
The Last Laugh…Midnight Rendezvous (published in Outdoor Life, August 1996) 1996
The Attack of the Stamp People (published in Storyworks, September 1996) 1996-1997
The Last Laugh…Where There's a Will? (published in Outdoor Life, October 1996) 1996
The Last Laugh…Buck's Wild Ride (published in Outdoor Life, December 1996) 1996
The Last Laugh…Sensitivity Training (published in Outdoor Life, January 1997) 1996-1997
The Last Laugh…Crime Wave (published in Outdoor Life, February 1997) 1996-1997
The Last Laugh…The Bamboo Shaft (published in Outdoor Life, March 1997) 1996-1997
The Last Laugh…The Stupidity Alarm (published in Outdoor Life, April 1997) 1997
The Last Laugh…The Maltese Fly (published in Outdoor Life, May 1997) 1997
The Last Laugh…Blowing on the Wind (published in Outdoor Life, summer 1997) 1997
The Last Laugh…Caught! (published in Outdoor Life, August 1997) 1997
The Last Laugh…Payback (published in Outdoor Life, September 1997) 1997
The Last Laugh…If I May Digress (published in Outdoor Life, November 1997) 1997-2002
The Last Laugh…The Shoes (published in Outdoor Life, December 1997/January 1998) 1997-2002
The Last Laugh…Dumb Feet (published in Outdoor Life, February 1998) 1997-1998
The Last Laugh…Wrestling Toads (published in Outdoor Life, March 1998) 1998-2002
The Last Laugh…As the Ear Is Bent (published in Outdoor Life, April 1998) 1998
The Last Laugh…A Fisherman Is Born (published in Outdoor Life, May 1998) 1997-1998
The Last Laugh…Pest Power (published in Outdoor Life, August 1998) 1998-2002
The Last Laugh…A Hunter's Breakfast (published in Outdoor Life, September 1998) 1998-2002
The Last Laugh…Low Society (published in Outdoor Life, November 1998) 1998-2002
The Last Laugh…Take No Prisoners (published in Outdoor Life, February 1999) 1999-2002
The Last Laugh…A Pocketful of Posies (published in Outdoor Life, April 1999) 1998-2002
The Last Laugh…Roughing It over Easy (published in Outdoor Life, May 1999) 1998-2002
The Last Laugh…Ralston Comes through (published in Outdoor Life, summer 1999) 1999-2002
The Unexplained (published in Outdoor Life, August 1999) 1999
The Last Laugh…Of Fire and the Night (published in Outdoor Life, September 1999) 1999-2002
The Last Laugh…Dog People (published in Outdoor Life, October 1999) 1999
The Last Laugh…'38 Pickup (published in Outdoor Life, winter 1999) 1998-2002
The Last Laugh…The Time Machine (published in Outdoor Life, winter 1999-2000) 1999-2002
The Last Laugh…Road Rage (published in Outdoor Life, February 2000) 2000-2002
The Last Laugh…The Last Honest Man (published in Outdoor Life, March 2000) 2000-2002
The Last Laugh…Silence Is Golden (published in Outdoor Life, April 2000) 1999-2002
The Last Laugh…Culinary Magic (published in Outdoor Life, May 2000) 2000
The Last Laugh…Scream IV (published in Outdoor Life, summer 2000) 2000-2002
The Last Laugh…Just Like Old Times (Drat!) (published in Outdoor Life, August 2000) 2000-2002
The Last Laugh…Bear Necessity (published in Outdoor Life, September 2000) 2000-2002
The Last Laugh…The Little Boat That Couldn't (published in Outdoor Life, December 2000/January 2001) 1999-2001
The Last Laugh…The Big Chill (published in Outdoor Life, February 2001) 2000-2001
The Last Laugh…Survivors! (published in Outdoor Life, May 2001) 2001
The Last Laugh…Trumped by a King (published in Outdoor Life, summer 2001) 2001
The Last Laugh…Summer Vacation Blues (published in Outdoor Life, August 2001) 2001
The Last Laugh…The Shooting Lesson (published in Outdoor Life, September 2001) 2001
The Last Laugh…In Judgment of Men (published in Outdoor Life, October 2001) 2001
The Last Laugh…The Perils of Aging (published in Outdoor Life, November 2001) 2001
The Last Laugh…The Magic Tree (published in Outdoor Life, December 2001/January 2002) 2001-2002
Writing of 'The Green Box' 2002
The Last Laugh…For Every Smell, a Nose (published in Outdoor Life, February/March 2002) 2002
The Last Laugh…The Perfect Hunt (published in Outdoor Life, May 2002) 2002
The Last Laugh…A Creek to Die for (published in Outdoor Life, summer 2002) 2002
The Last Laugh…Bed and Breakfast (published in Outdoor Life, September 2002) 2002
The Last Laugh…Excuses, Excuses (published in Outdoor Life, October 2002) 2002
The Last Laugh…Many Are Called (published in Outdoor Life, November 2002) 2002
The Last Laugh…A Christmas Mystery (published in Outdoor Life, winter 2002) 2002
The Last Laugh…The Reasons Men Don't Ask (published in Outdoor Life, February/March 2003) 2003
The Last Laugh…Silent but Oh So Deadly (published in Outdoor Life, April 2003) 2002-2003
The Last Laugh…The Best You've Ever Had (published in Outdoor Life, May 2003) 2003
The Last Laugh…The Dalliance (published in Outdoor Life, summer 2003) 2003
The Last Laugh…Thirty Days (published in Outdoor Life, September 2003) 2003
The Last Laugh…Odd Man in (published in Outdoor Life, October 2003) 2003
The Last Laugh…The Eighty (published in Outdoor Life, November 2003) 2003
The Last Laugh…A Dimple in Time (published in Outdoor Life, April 2004) 2003-2004
The Last Laugh…Heads and Tales (published in Outdoor Life, May 2004) 2004
The Last Laugh…The Lucky Guy (published in Outdoor Life, June/July 2004) 2004
The Last Laugh…Sound Advice (published in Outdoor Life, August 2004) 2004
The Last Laugh…Lewis and Clark and I (published in Outdoor Life, September 2004) 2004
The Last Laugh…The Ideal Life (published in Outdoor Life, October 2004) 2004
The Last Laugh…Where's Mr. Sun? (published in Outdoor Life, winter 2004) 2003-2004
The Last Laugh…A Perfect Landing (published in Outdoor Life, December 2004/January 2005) 2004-2005
The Last Laugh…Spare Me the Details (published in Outdoor Life, February 2005) 2005
The Last Laugh…Back to Basics (published in Outdoor Life, March 2005) 2004-2005
The Last Laugh…The Infinitive Split (published in Outdoor Life, May 2005) 2004-2005
The Last Laugh…The Art of Trailering (published in the Outdoor Life, November 2005) 2005
The Last Laugh…The Longest Winter (published in Outdoor Life, February 2006) 2006
The Last Laugh…The Ordinary (published in Outdoor Life, March 2006) 2005-2006
The Last Laugh…The Kind of Guy I Am (published in Outdoor Life, April 2006) 2005-2006
The Last Laugh…People Who Hunt (published in Outdoor Life, June/July 2006) 2006
The Last Laugh…How to Tie a Fly (published in Outdoor Life, August 2006) 2006
The Last Laugh…Man's Worst Friend (published in Outdoor Life, September 2006) 2006
The Last Laugh…Don't Annoy My Inner Frontierman (published in Outdoor Life, November 2006) 2006
The Last Laugh…"Uh-oh!" (published in Outdoor Life, February 2007) 2007
The Last Laugh…A Fine Mess (published in Outdoor Life, March 2007) 2007
The Last Laugh…High Centered (published in Outdoor Life, April 2007) 2007
The Last Laugh…Canoedle (published in Outdoor Life, June/July 2007) 2007
The Last Laugh…Where Was I? (published in Outdoor Life, August 2007) 2007
The Last Laugh…Worm Wise (published in Outdoor Life, September 2007) 2007-2012
The Last Laugh…Thank You for Smoking (published in Outdoor Life, April 2008) 2008
The Last Laugh…The Stalk (published in Outdoor Life, June/July 2008) 2008
The Last Laugh…Chain Gang (published in Outdoor Life, August 2008) 2008
The Last Laugh…September Song (published in Outdoor Life, September 2008) 2008
The Last Laugh…A Lake Too Far (published in Outdoor Life, October 2008) 2008
The Last Laugh…Catch-and-Eaters (published in Outdoor Life, November 2008) 2008
A Routine Fishing Trip (for Jane Fritz book) 2009
The Last Laugh…Risk Assessment (published in Outdoor Life, March 2009) 2009
The Last Laugh…Risk Assessment (published Outdoor Life, August 2009) 2008-2009
Christmas over Easy (published in Outdoor Life, January 2010) 2010
The Longest Three Miles 2012
Series 8: McManus Publications
WSC Daily Evergreen 1955
Powwow (editor) 1956-1957
Powwow (editor) 1958
Washington State Review (editor) 1958-1959
Lewiston Morning Tribune 1958-1964
Spokesman-Review 1958-1970
Sports Illustrated 22003
Literary Art Press (editor) 1962
Cheney Free Press 1963
Ruralite 1964-1966
Quest 1966
bresgal (cover) 1967
Sports Illustrated 24992
Field and Stream 1968-1969
Field and Stream 1969
Field and Stream 1969
Spokane County (photography, cover, layout) 1970
Reader's Digest 1970
Field and Stream 1970
Field and Stream 1970-1971
Field and Stream 1972
Field and Stream 1972-1973
Field and Stream 1973
Field and Stream 1974-1975
Field and Stream 1975
Field and Stream 1976
TV Guide 1976
Field and Stream 1976
Field and Stream 1976
Field and Stream 1976
Lyman Muzzleloaders' Handbook 1976
Field and Stream Fishing Annual 1977
Field and Stream 1977
Field and Stream 1977
Field and Stream 1977
Field and Stream 1977-1978
Field and Stream 1978
Field and Stream 1978
Field and Stream 1978
Field and Stream 1978
Spokane Magazine 1978
Guilded Cage 1978
Field and Stream 1978-1979
Reader's Digest 1978
Spokane Magazine 1978-1979
Field and Stream Deer Hunting Annual 1978
Field and Stream 1979
Perspective 1979
Reader's Digest 1979
Scotch Game Call Hunting Annual 1979
Reader's Digest 1980
American Wheelman 1980
Reader's Digest 1980
Gutmann Knife Annual 1980
Scotch Game Call Hunting Annual 1980
Johnson Outboards Boating 1980
Field and Stream Hunting Annual 1980
Reader's Digest 1981
Audobon 1981
The Pacific Northwest Forum summer 1981
The Hunting and Shooting Sportsman 1981
Reader's Digest 1981
Spokane Magazine 1981
Field and Stream Hunting 1981
Traces 1981
Audobon 1981
Outdoor Life, stories illustrated by Al Hirschfield 1982-1992
Reader's Digest 1982
Audobon 1982
The Hunting and Shooting Sportsman 1982
The Hunting and Shooting Sportsman 1982
Reader's Digest 1982
Johnson Outboards Boating 1982
Daiwa Fishing Annual 1982
Johnston Informal Reading Inventory 1982
Audobon 1982
Reader's Digest 1983
Reader's Digest 1983
The Idaho Sportsman 1983
Reader's Digest 1984
Idaho English Journal spring 1984
Outdoors Unlimited 1984
Reader's Digest 1984
Reader's Digest 1984
South Carolina Wildlife 1984
Hunting Guns 1984
Reader's Digest 1985
Reader's Digest 1985
Trailer Boats 1985
Spectator summer 1985
Reader's Digest 1985
Bugle winter 1985
New York Times Book Review 31368
Hunting Guns 1985
Outdoor Life Freshwater Fishing Yearbook 1985
Hunting Guns 1985-1986
Medium spring 1986
Satellite Orbit 1986
Alaskan Airlines Magazine 1986
South Carolina Wildlife 1986
Writer's Northwest Handbook 1986
Hunting Guns 1986-1987
Outdoor Life Freshwater Fishing Yearbook 1986
Outdoor Life Freshwater Fishing Yearbook 1986
Bass and Freshwater Fishing 1987
The Mountain 1988
South Carolina Wildlife 1988
Reader's Digest 1990
Read 1990
Blackpowder Hunting winter 1991
Saturday Evening Post 1991
Men's Health 1991
Lake 'n Trail fall 1991
Palouse Journal fall 1991
Bonner County Daily Bee 1991
Saturday Evening Post 1991
Sandpoint Magazine summer 1992
Modern Maturity 19921993
Cedar Post 1993
Saturday Evening Post 1993
Bugle fall 1993
Writer's Digest 1994
Remington Country fall 1995
Kootenai Valley Times 1995
Writer's Digest 1995
Storyworks 1996
Yesteryear 1996
Read 1999
The Deer on a Bicycle 2000
The Writer 2001
Salt Water Sportsman 2002
The Blight Way 2006
Outdoor Channel 2007
Kerplunk 2007
Avalanche 2007
Outdoor Channel spring/summer 2008
The Double-Jack Murders 2009
The Huckleberry Murders (paperback) 2010
The Huckleberry Murders (hardback) 2010
Outdoor Life 2012-2013
Outdoor Life 2013-2014
Outdoor Life 2014
Series 9: Book Drafts and Correspondence
Kid Camping, drafts 1979
Kid Camping, illustrations 1979
Kid Camping, drafts 1979
Kid Camping, drafts 1979
Kid Camping, drafts 1979
Kid Camping, drafts 1979
Kid Camping, galleys (1 of 2) 1979
Kid Camping, galleys (2 of 2) 1979
Kid Camping, galleys 1979
They Shoot Canoes, Don't They?--galleys 1980
They Shoot Canoes, Don't They?--marked galleys 1980
They Shoot Canoes, Don't They?--galleys 1981
They Shoot Canoes, Don't They?--marked galleys (1 of 3) circa 1981
They Shoot Canoes, Don't They?--marked galleys (2 of 3) circa 1981
They Shoot Canoes, Don't They?--marked galleys (3 of 3) circa 1981
Never Sniff a Gift Fish, master galleys 1983
Never Sniff a Gift Fish, Su's galleys 1983
Never Sniff a Gift Fish, galleys, 2nd read 1983
Never Sniff a Gift Fish, galleys (1 of 3) 1984
Never Sniff a Gift Fish, galleys (2 of 3) 1984
Never Sniff a Gift Fish, galleys (3 of 3) 1984
The Grasshopper Trap, galleys 1985
The Grasshopper Trap, galleys 1985
The Grasshopper Trap, proofs (1 of 3) 1985
The Grasshopper Trap, proofs (2 of 3) 1985
The Grasshopper Trap, proofs (3 of 3) 1985
Whatchagot Stew, proofs with author queries circa 1988
Whatchagot Stew, proofs with author queries circa 1988
Whatchagot Stew, master proofs circa 1988
Whatchagot Stew, correspondence 1988-1989
Whatchagot Stew, rough drafts and notes, 1987-1988 1987-1988
Whatchagot Stew, rough draft circa 1988
Whatchagot Stew, proofs (1 of 3) 1988
Whatchagot Stew, proofs (2 of 3) 1988
Whatchagot Stew, proofs (3 of 3) 1988
Whatchagot Stew, rough drafts and notes 1988-1989
Whatchagot Stew, copy sent to Jack 1989
Rubber Legs and White Tail-Hairs, proofs (1 of 3) 1986
Rubber Legs and White Tail-Hairs, proofs (2 of 3) 1986
Rubber Legs and White Tail-Hairs, proofs (3 of 3) 1986
Rubber Legs and White Tail-Hairs, uncorrected proofs with author edits 1987
Rubber Legs and White Tail-Hairs, Henry Holt and Co. page proofs (1 of 4) 1987
Rubber Legs and White Tail-Hairs, Henry Holt and Co. page proofs (2 of 4) 1987
Rubber Legs and White Tail-Hairs, Henry Holt and Co. page proofs (3 of 4) 1987
Rubber Legs and White Tail-Hairs, Henry Holt and Co. page proofs (4 of 4) 1987
The Night the Bear Ate Goombaw, page proofs (1 of 3) 1988
The Night the Bear Ate Goombaw, page proofs (2 of 3) 1988
The Night the Bear Ate Goombaw, page proofs (3 of 3) 1988
Real Ponies Don't Go Oink - A Brief History of Giving (chapter) 1989-1991
Real Ponies Don't Go Oink - The Bust (chapter) 1990
Real Ponies Don't Go Oink - Puttering, (chapter) 1990
Real Ponies Don't Go Oink, draft (1 of 2) 1991
Real Ponies Don't Go Oink, draft (2 of 2) 1991
The Good Samaritan Strikes Again - The Farm (chapter) 1982-1992
The Good Samaritan Strikes Again - My Unsolved Mystery (chapter) 1990-1992
The Good Samaritan Strikes Again - You Can See by My Outfit (chapter) 1990-1992
The Good Samaritan Strikes Again (chapter) 1991-1992
The Good Samaritan Strikes Again - Bring Me One Oscar - Hold the Sarcasm (chapter) 1991-1992
The Good Samaritan Strikes Again - The Fly (chapter) circa 1992
The Good Samaritan Strikes Again, proofs (1 of 2) 1992
The Good Samaritan Strikes Again, proofs (2 of 2) 1992
The Good Samaritan Strikes Again, proofs (1 of 2) 1992
The Good Samaritan Strikes Again, proofs (2 of 2) 1992
The Good Samaritan Strikes Again, proofs (1 of 2) 1992
The Good Samaritan Strikes Again, proofs (2 of 2) 1992
How I Got This Way - Brimstone (chapter) 1992
How I Got This Way - The Big Woods (chapter) 1993
How I Got This Way - Elk Magic (chapter) 1993
How I Got This Way - There She Blows (chapter) circa 1993
How I Got This Way (chapter) circa 1994
How I Got This Way - Ethics and What to Do about Them (chapter) undated
How I Got This Way, proofs (1 of 2) 1994
How I Got This Way, proofs (2 of 2) 1994
How I Got This Way, uncorrected proof 1994
Into the Twilight, Endlessly Grousing, audio abridgement (1 of 2) 1997
Into the Twilight, Endlessly Grousing, audio abridgement (2 of 2) 1997
Into the Twilight, Endlessly Grousing, Advance Reading Copy 1997
The Deer on a Bicycle, final draft (1 of 3) 1999
The Deer on a Bicycle, final draft (2 of 3) 1999
The Deer on a Bicycle, final draft (3 of 3) 1999
The Bear in the Attic - Real Work (chapter) 2001
The Bear in the Attic (chapter drafts) circa 2001-2002
The Bear in the Attic, original manuscript (1 of 2) 2002
The Bear in the Attic, original manuscript (2 of 2) 2002
The Bear in the Attic, floppy discs 2002
The Bear in the Attic, uncorrected proof 2002
Kerplunk, final manuscript (1 of 2) 2007
Kerplunk, final manuscript (2 of 2) 2007
Kerplunk, Advance Reading Copy 2007
Kerplunk, CD copy 2007
The Horse in My Garage and Other Stories - A Bit about My Writing Life (chapter) 2012
The Horse in My Garage and Other Stories - Big (chapter) 2012
The Horse in My Garage and Other Stories - Christmas Shopping, (chapter) 2012
The Horse in My Garage and Other Stories - Romantic Moments (chapter) 2012
The Horse in My Garage and Other Stories - The Tent (chapter) 2012
The Horse in My Garage and Other Stories - Chicken Chronicles (chapter) 2012
The Horse in My Garage and Other Stories, manuscript (1 of 2) circa 2012
The Horse in My Garage and Other Stories, manuscript (2 of 2) circa 2012
The Horse in My Garage and Other Stories, proofs circa 2012
The Horse in My Garage and Other Stories - Who Ate My Shakespeare (chapter) 2012
The Blight Way, draft edited by Geoff Kloske (1 of 4) undated
The Blight Way, draft edited by Geoff Kloske (2 of 4) undated
The Blight Way, draft edited by Geoff Kloske (3 of 4) undated
The Blight Way, draft edited by Geoff Kloske (4 of 4) undated
The Blight Way, first draft (1 of 3) 2004
The Blight Way, first draft (2 of 3) 2004
The Blight Way, first draft (3 of 3) 2004
The Blight Way, CD draft 2005
The Blight Way, draft 2005
The Blight Way, draft 2005
The Blight Way, draft 2005
The Blight Way, draft 2005
The Blight Way, draft for Simon and Schuster (1 of 4) 2005
The Blight Way, draft for Simon and Schuster (2 of 4) 2005
The Blight Way, draft for Simon and Schuster (3 of 4) 2005
The Blight Way, draft for Simon and Schuster (4 of 4) 2005
The Blight Way, Advance Reading Copy 2006
Avalanche, CD ROM with final copy undated
Avalanche, research notes 2005
Avalanche, final draft sent to Westberg (1 of 4) 2006
Avalanche, final draft sent to Westberg (2 of 4) 2006
Avalanche, final draft sent to Westberg (3 of 4) 2006
Avalanche, final draft sent to Westberg (4 of 4) 2006
Avalanche, draft for Simon and Schuster (1 of 4) 2006
Avalanche, draft for Simon and Schuster (2 of 4) 2006
Avalanche, draft for Simon and Schuster (3 of 4) 2006
Avalanche, draft for Simon and Schuster (4 of 4) 2006
Avalanche, Advance Reading Copy 2007
Double-Jack Murder, CD draft undated
Double-Jack Murder, research notes circa 2008
Double-Jack Murder, draft (1 of 4) 2008
Double-Jack Murder, draft (2 of 4) 2008
Double-Jack Murder, draft (3 of 4) 2008
Double-Jack Murder, draft (4 of 4) 2008
Double-Jack Murder, Advance Reading Copy 2009
Double-Jack Murder, Advance Reading Copy 2010
Double-Jack Murder, corrections by Simon and Schuster (1 of 3) 2010
Double-Jack Murder, corrections by Simon and Schuster (2 of 3) 2010
Double-Jack Murder, corrections by Simon and Schuster (3 of 3) 2010
The Huckleberry Murders, final corrected proof by Simon and Schuster (1 of 3) 2010
The Huckleberry Murders, final corrected proof by Simon and Schuster (2 of 3) 2010
The Huckleberry Murders, final corrected proof by Simon and Schuster (3 of 3) 2010
The Huckleberry Murders, corrections on CD 2010
The Huckleberry Murders, final proof (1 of 4) 2010
The Huckleberry Murders, final proof (2 of 4) 2010
The Huckleberry Murders, final proof (3 of 4) 2010
The Huckleberry Murders, final proof (4 of 4) 2010
The Tamarack Murders, manuscript (1 of 3) 2011
The Tamarack Murders, manuscript (2 of 3) 2011
The Tamarack Murders, manuscript (3 of 3) 2011
Circles in the Snow, correspondence 2013
Circles in the Snow, manuscript (1 of 3) 2013
Circles in the Snow, manuscript (2 of 3) 2013
Circles in the Snow, manuscript (3 of 3) 2013
Circles in the Snow, copyedited manuscript (1 of 3) 2013
Circles in the Snow, copyedited manuscript (2 of 3) 2013
Circles in the Snow, copyedited manuscript (3 of 3) 2013
Circles in the Snow, page proofs 2013
Series 10: Audio and Video Recordings and Interviews
TCI Cable of Wenatchee: The Pat McManus Radio Hour (VHS) 1994
WFUM/TV28: Passing Through (interview with Patrick McManus) (VHS) 1994
Production West: America's Outdoor Heritage (VHS) 1994
Dann Perkins--University of Wisconsin student production of McManus works 1988
KTVA--CBS: Patrick McManus interview (VHS) 1985
Fishing the West, Kokanee with Patrick McManus (VHS) undated
America's Outdoor Heritage: Outdoor Heritage on Madison River, Patrick McManus and Ed Wright (VHS) 1994
Patrick McManus interview (VHS) undated
Green Frog TV: California Zephyr (VHS) fall 1993
Outdoor Channel: Circle of Honor, Pat McManus (VHS, two copies) 2004
McManus in Love (VHS) 1999
Tim Behrens Presents A Fine and Pleasant Misery (VHS) 1999
Idaho Public Television: An Evening with Patrick McManus (VHS, two copies) 1996
KPTV 12: Northwest Reports (VHS) 1994
Washington Library Media Association: Patrick McManus, Pasco, WA (VHS) 1986
KXLY TV Interview, Spokane, WA (VHS) undated
KGW TV8 (VHS) 1988
KIRO-N POS Northwest: Patrick McManus (VHS) 1993
America's Outdoor Heritage, Pat McManus/Madison River (VHS) 1994
America's Outdoor Heritage (VHS) 1994
#1203 Northwest Profiles (VHS) 1997
KTVA--CBS: McManus Interview (VHS) 1995
Interview with Pat McManus and Eric Miller, Spokane, WA (CD) 2013
Inside the Outdoors, Program #34: Patrick F. McManus (cassette tape) 1987
McManus: Exxon Celebrity Radio (cassette tape) undated
Inland Northwest Voices: Program 5-6, Patrick McManus (cassette tape)
Hunting Reflections by Jim Ottman, author of Hunting on Horseback (cassette tape) 1987
Game Dinner--Edelweiss Rest (cassette tape) 1987
Naturally Michigan Afield, hosted by Joe Derek (cassette tape) 1994
Oregon Outdoor Journal--interview with Patrick McManus (cassette tape) undated
Spirit of the Sport, Patrick McManus and co. 1996
KVI Sportsman Show, hosted by John Beath--interview with Patrick McManus (cassette tape) 1997
WGN: Roy Leonard and Patrick McManus, Chicago (cassette tape) 1989
Bert and I / Tim Sample (cassette tape) undated
Dennis and Patrick McManus and Ted Nugent, promo and intro (cassette tape) 1993
Speak up North Idaho--Starr Kelso, Patrick McManus (cassette tape) 2006
McManus interview (cassette tape) undated
Real Ponies Don't Go Oink, narrated by Norman Dietz, (4 cassettes) 2000
A Fine and Pleasant Misery, read by George S. Irving (2 cassettes) 1993
The Grasshopper Trap and Other Stories, read by George S. Irving (2 cassettes) 1992
Rubber Legs and White Tail-Hairs and Other Stories, read by George S. Irving (2 cassettes) 1991