
Open Access Directory

The Open Access Directory (OAD) is a compendium of simple factual lists about open access (OA) to science and scholarship, maintained by the OA community at large. By bringing many OA-related lists together in one place, OAD makes it easier for everyone to discover them, use them for reference, and update them. The easier they are to maintain and discover, the more effectively they can spread useful, accurate information about OA. To see what we have, browse the table of contents below, browse the table of categories, or use the search box in near the upper right corner. To help the cause, just register and start editing. If you have any questions, see our FAQs or drop us a line.

OAD is a wiki and we count on our users to keep these lists accurate, comprehensive, and up to date. Our goal is for the OA community itself to maintain the lists with little intervention from the editors or editorial board. We welcome your contributions to the lists, ideas for new lists, and comments to help us improve. Please contact us or use the discussion tabs on individual pages. The OAD is hosted by the School of Library and Information Science at Simmons University and supervised by an independent editorial board.

The OAD is looking for a co-editor

Table of contents

Add your contributions to the Open Access Directory
Add or update content: To add new content to one of the existing lists or update existing content you need first to log in or create an account.
New to wikis?: Use the following links to get started:
OAD Form: Don't feel comfortable using the OAD wiki platform? Suggest your update using our simple form.
Social Media: You can follow the OAD on Twitter @OADirectory.
Propose new list: To propose a new list start from here.

Lists under development

These lists have been accepted by the editors for inclusion and are now undergoing final refinements before moving to the table of contents.