OA publication funds - Open Access Directory
- ️Thu Nov 01 2012
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This list is part of the Open Access Directory.
- This is a list of funds to support OA journals, books, and other kinds of publication. The funds may be hosted by universities, research centers, foundations, or government agencies.
- Until September 21, 2016, this page was limited to OA journal funds. Now it is more inclusive, for example, including funds to cover OA books.
- All the journal funds listed here are designed to pay publication fees (or article processing charges, APCs) at fee-based OA journals. If funds emerge to support no-fee OA journals, they belong here as well.
- When possible, annotate the funds with their launch dates, end dates (if any), special criteria, funding limits or cost-ceilings, and other notable features.
- If an institution once had an OA publication fund which has since expired, please add it to the list of Discontinued OA publication funds.
- Related lists in OAD: (1) OA book business models, (2) OA journal business models, (3) Discontinued OA publication funds.
- Related lists elsewhere:
- Co-Action Publishing maintains a list of universities and funding agencies willing to pay article processing charges for grantees.
- De Gruyter maintains a list of universities and funding agencies willing to pay publication fees.
- PLOS maintains a list of universities and funding agencies supporting open access fees.
- SPARC maintains a guide to Open Access Funds, which includes a table of funds and their associated features or policies.
- Springer maintained a list until December 2014 of universities and funding agencies with OA journal funds. Springer also once maintained similar list in connection to university and funder support for OA publishing, Funding and policy support.Springer now maintains a separate list with regularly updated information on OA funding for books.
- Ubiquity Press maintains a list of universities and funding agencies willing to pay publication fees for academic books.
- Aalto University
- The fund only supports open access publishing of journal and conference articles.
- OA publishing expenses are subject to department-specific quotas.
- Academy of Finland
- Funds "available for research costs arising from publishing of research results" including articles and monographs, for applicants to include in "a publication plan as part of the research plan" as of September 2014.
- Hybrid publication discouraged.
- University of Agder
- Fund available to University of Agder corresponding authors.
- Funding for journal articles limited to approved fully OA journals maintaining Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) membership; hybrid publication ineligible. Maximum award of 30,000kr, limited to 10 funded publications per author annually.
- Funding for books limited to DBH levels 1 and 2 publishers with mandatory Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) indexing. Maximum award of 60,000kr.
- Mandatory deposit in institutional repository, AURA.
- Secondary fund available for publication in "level 2" hybrid journals as of January 2016; applications require faculty recommendation.
- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
- Funds available in the form of reimbursement, shown under the larger Printing Subsidies plan.
- Reimbursement of OA publication fees addressed in Joint Statement by German Science Organisations released in March 2009.
- Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
- Funds available to cover OA and Hybrid publication costs, including support for monographs.
- Funding available as of 2001.
- University of Arizona
- Fund supports "UA faculty, researchers, staff, post-docs, and students publishing a peer-reviewed article within an open access journal.", announced October, 2015.
- Supported journals must be included in both the Directory of Open Access Journals and Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association.
- Maximum award of "$3,000 per article".
- Arthritis Research UK
- Funding available in connection to the Charity Open Access Fund (COAF) as of October 2014.
- Encouraged CC-BY licensing for publications funded by Arthritis Research UK; required CC-BY licensing for publications funded through larger Charity Open Access Fund (COAF) fund.
- Required deposit in Europe PMC for publications "wholly or partially funded by Arthritis Research UK", "no later than six months after publication.".
- Aston University
- Aston University maintains separate funding criteria for individual university schools, including Aston Business School (ABS), School of Engineering & Applied Science (EAS), School of Life & Health Sciences (LHS), School of Languages & Social Sciences (LSS), and Aston Medical School (AMS).
- Included Aston University schools maintain selective funding processes, available to "4*" and conditionally "3*" publications.
- Criteria dated May 2016 across all schools; institutional funding referenced as early as May 2014.
- Required "REF returnable" status.
- Reviews excluding "systematic reviews that include novel findings" ineligible for funding across all schools, excluding Aston Business School (ABS).
- University of Bamberg
- Fund available to members of the University of Bamberg.
- Limited to fully OA publications.
- Maximum award of 2,000€.
- Universitat de Barcelona
- The fund was announced in July 2010 and began accepting applications on September 1, 2010.
- The U of Barcelona is a member of the Compact for Open-Access Publishing Equity (COPE).
- The fund will not pay publication fees at hybrid OA journals.
- University of Bayreuth
- The Open-Access Publishing Fund of the University of Bayreuth is available to University of Bayreuth corresponding or submitting authors.
- Fund operates with support form the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), renewed in 2013.
- Funded "publication fees should not exceed a maximum of 2.000 Euro per article.".
- Funder acknowledgement encouraged.
- Universitetet i Bergen
- The fund at the University of Bergen started to accept applications in October 2013.
- Corresponding authors from the university can apply to cover APC for accepted peer reviewed articles in Open Access journals, and partly for some hybrid journals.
- It is also possible to apply to cover author payment for other types of scientific material, like books.
- Freie Universität Berlin
- The fund launched 2012 and operates with support from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through the Open-Access Publishing Programme
- The DFG supplies 75% of the fund, and the university 25%.
- The fund limit is EUR 2,000 per article.
- The fund covers only articles in full open access journals and will not pay fees at hybrid OA journals.
- The fund will only pay for articles in peer reviewed journals.
- The fund will only pay for articles for which the 'submitting author' or 'corresponding author' is from Freie Universität Berlin.
- All papers covered by the fund also be deposited in the Institutional Repository of the Freie Universität Berlin
- Technical University Berlin (Germany)
- The fund launched 2016 and operates with support from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through the Open-Access Publishing Programme
- Funding is available to submitting or corresponding authors from TU Berlin.
- Up to two publications in each chair may receive funding each year.
- Limited to publication in fully peer-reviewed OA journals with fees up to 2,000€. Partial funding is not possible.
- Publication under CC-License is required.
- A statement of acknowledgment that the article was funded by the TU Berlin publication fund is required.
- Universität Bielefeld
- The fund was launched in 2009 with a grant from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through the program “open access publishing” and has been renewed each year since.
- The fund limit is EUR 2,000 per article.
- The fund covers only articles in full and immediate open access journals and will not pay fees at hybrid OA journals.
- The fund will only pay for articles for which the 'submitting author' or 'corresponding author' is from Bielefeld University.
- A standard acknowledgment of the fund's support must appear in the published article.
- Boston College
- The Boston College Open Access Fund covers the cost of publication fees associated with open access journals
- Awards available for all Boston College faculty, researchers, and enrolled students without external funding to cover costs
- Eligible journals needs to be peer-reviewed, fully open access, with publicly available standard article fee schedules, and a policy of waving fees under economic hardship.
- All articles published with funding from Boston College Open Access Fund must be deposited in the eScholarship@BC repository
- Annual funding limit per person of $3000
- The Directory of Open Access Journals, the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association as well as the watch list of publishers with suspicious practices will be consulted in order to determine journal eligibility.
- Bournemouth University
- The fund officially launched on August 1, 2011.
- The fund covers both full OA and hybrid OA fees.
- Authors may "apply for funds on multiple occasions during the academic year."
- It is explicitly stated that authors receiving funds "must adhere to the BU Citations and Repository Policy".
- Brandeis University
- The Brandeis LTS Open Access Fund covers the cost of open access publishing frees for Brandeis faculty, staff, and enrolled students
- Covers 100% of fees associated with open access publishing, with a limit of $3000
- Funding is available for open access journals that do not charge fees to institutions, libraries, or individual readers to access content and do not have embargo periods, including members of the Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association, journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals that allows authors to retain distribution rights, and hybrid journals that allow authors to retain distribution rights
- Technische Universität Braunschweig
- The fund was launched in 2017 with a grant from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through the program "open access publishing".
- The fund limit is EUR 2.000 per article.
- The fund covers only articles in full and immediate open access journals and will not pay fees at hybrid OA journals.
- The fund will only pay for articles for which the 'submitting author' or 'corresponding author' is from Technische Universität Braunschweig.
- Universität Bremen
- Fund awarded to Universität Bremen scientists, supporting advance payment and reimbursement options.
- Fund launched in 2010 in connection to Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
- "Open Choice" publication not eligible for funding.
- British Heart Foundation
- Funds available under the British Heart Foundation Open Access Policy, in connection to the Charity Open Access Fund (COAF) as of October 2014 in addition to direct reimbursement of publication costs.
- Policy indicates required Europe PMC deposit "no later than 6 months after publication.".
- Brno University of Technology (VUT v Brně), Czech Republic
- Central Library at BUT Open Access Fund for staff and students.
- 3000$/2000€ max. per year; first-come, first-served.
- Gold OA only.
- Brunel University
- The Brunel University Open Access Publishing Fund was set up in 2009.
- Funds are available for both full OA or hybrid journals.
- Funded work is "expected to [be] deposit[ed]" in the Brunel University Research Archive, and "articles that are funded should request a Licence to publish from the relevant publisher rather than signing a standard copyright transfer agreement."
- University of Calgary, Canada
- The Open Access Authors Fund was launched June 23, 2008. This was the first OA journal fund at a Canadian University.
- Also see the BMC case study on the Calgary fund (undated).
- Also see the SPARC case study on the Calgary fund (undated but September 2009).
- The fund will pay publication fees only of hybrid OA journals "that reduce subscription fees in response to the take-up of their Open Access programs" (December 2009).
- University of California
- Fund available to University of California faculty, launched in 2012.
- Participating University of California institutions include: UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Merced, UC San Diego, UC San Francisco, and UC Santa Barbara listed below.
- University of California, Berkeley
- The Berkeley Research Impact Initiative (BRII) fund was launched January 21, 2008 to "take advantage of open access (OA) publishing opportunities--including OA journals and journal articles, scholarly books (called “monographs”) and book chapters". Also see the second announcement, February 27, 2008.
- UC Berkeley is a member of the Compact for Open-Access Publishing Equity (COPE).
- Also see the SPARC case study on the Berkeley fund (undated but September 2009).
- Maximum award amount of $2,500 for articles and book chapters, and $10,000 for books.
- The fund is part of the California Digital Library Open Access Publishing Fund.
- University of California, Davis Library
- The UC Davis Open Access Fund is available to "UC Davis Academic Senate, Academic Federation members, faculty, post-docs, residents, fellows, and graduate students who do not have grant funds that can be used for open access charges are eligible to apply for funds from the UC-OAF."
- Launched in 2012.
- Maximum award of $1,000 for publication in OA journals at a limit of "one article per author per year.".
- TOME Open Access Monograph Fund ("Toward an Open Monograph Ecosystem,” formerly OAMPI)
- Est. 2018 as a five-year pilot.
- Covers "monograph open access subventions up to $15,000."
- For works published by participating presses.
- The UC Davis Open Access Fund is available to "UC Davis Academic Senate, Academic Federation members, faculty, post-docs, residents, fellows, and graduate students who do not have grant funds that can be used for open access charges are eligible to apply for funds from the UC-OAF."
- University of California, Irvine Libraries
- The UCI Libraries Open Access Publishing Fund supports "open access publishing charges for researchers who do not have grant funds available to cover them" available to "UC Irvine faculty, post-doctoral scholars, researchers, graduate students and staff".
- Pilot fund launched in 2013, ending in 2014 with continued application available for publication in Royal Society of Chemistry journals.
- Maximum award of $3,000 for publication in OA journals and $1,500 for publication in hybrid journals on a per-article basis, limited to "a cap of one article per author per year".
- University of California, Merced Library
- The UC Merced Graduate Student/Postdoctoral Scholar OA Fund functions to "support open access publishing costs for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.".
- Pilot fund launched in January 2015, concluding in June 2015.
- Funding limits undefined.
- University of California, San Diego
- UCSD participates in and/or supports numerous OA publishing ventures and initiatives.
- Please visit this LibGuide to see the list of opportunities for authors to get discounts or funding for OA publishing.
- University of California, San Francisco
- The fund aims to "Provide grants to faculty and other academic authors to defray open access publishing charges when other funding is not available".
- The fund will pay up to up to $2,000 per article published in fully OA journals and up to $5,000 for an OA book, restricted to one article per author in a twelve-month period or one book every other year. Find more eligibility criteria here.
- The fund is available to applicants from any UCSF faculty series.
- Funds are provided by UCSF's Academic Senate since 2015 and on a year-by-year basis. The fund is managed by the UCSF Library.
- As of August 2016, the fund is fully committed and not accepting new applications, pending funding renewal by the Academic Senate.
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- The UCSB Open Access Fund is available to "UCSB faculty members, post-doctoral scholars, graduate students, researchers, lecturers, scientists, librarians, and other non-Senate academic appointees", supporting publication in open journals, and publication of open monigraphs, data, and conference proceedings.
- From July 2016 forward, "the UCSB Open Access Fund will only be accepting applications from assistant professors, post docs, and graduate students.".
- Fund pilot launched in November 2012.
- Limited to publication in journals shown in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), and "limited to authors with no external funding" available for OA publishing.
- Maximum award of $3,000 annually.
- California State University, Fullerton
- "Funding is limited to $3,000 per author each academic year, and is used to cover author processing charges in reputable, peer-reviewed journals that are open access or have an open access option."
- Applications are available.
- Canadian Cancer Society
- Funding available in connection to the Canadian Cancer Society Open Access Policy, active from July 2013 forward.
- Policy includes "support for any charges levied by publishers that are required to comply with this open access process. Such charges may be included as legitimate research expenses (fully justified as with all other expenses) in the budget of a research grant submission.".
- Funding limits undefined.
- Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement (CFHI)
- Policy on Open Access Research Outputs indicates fund availability in connection to submitted grant proposals, noting, "Expenses that researchers may incur related to having their submissions evaluated or published by open access or hybrid journals can be included as eligible expenses as of October 2008.".
- Organization formerly known as Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CHSRF).
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
- Funding available as "an eligible expense under the Use of Grant Funds", as outlined in the Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications dated February 2015, superseding the existing Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Open Access Policy effective as of January 2008.
- Limited to "journals[s] that offers immediate open access or that offers open access on its website within 12 months.".
- Cancer Research UK
- Funding identified in larger Cancer Research UK Policy on Open Access, in connection to the Charity Open Access Fund (COAF) beginning in October 2014.
- In addition, "Researchers that receive funding from us but are not based at an institution which receives support from the COAF may use any unspent grants to pay for APCs.".
- Required CC-BY license for publications covered by OA publication funds.
- Required funder acknowledgement and Europe PMC deposit "no later than 6 months after publication.".
- Carleton University
- The Carleton University Research Impact Endeavour (CURIE) Fund is available to "Carleton University faculty, post-doctoral fellows, graduate students and full-time professional staff" for "Articles accepted for publication after March 1, 2012"; fund currently on hold.
- Funding limited to journals maintaining "reasonable article processing fees" for "eligible peer-reviewed open access journals for which no alternative funding is available.".
- Limited to publication in journals included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) which maintain Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) membership or Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) Code of Conduct compliance including "a publicly available standard fee schedule" and waiver policy.
- Funding limited "$2500 per article for fully Open Access journals and a cap on any one author of $5000 per year.", including "one application can be made per article".
- Required note of Carleton University affiliation in funded publication.
- Carnegie Mellon University
- "To help level the playing field and encourage Carnegie Mellon authors to publish in open access journals, at the request of campus faculty the University Libraries has agreed, on an experimental basis and under certain conditions, to help CMU authors pay reasonable APCs to publish their peer-reviewed articles in open access journals."
- The fund payments are limited to $1,500 per article, and capped at £3,000 per author per fiscal year, conditional upon the type of OA journals being published in, and the article author's external funding status.
- Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
- Funding available to be included in proposed grant budgets, as outlined in the CIFOR policy on open access dated April 10, 2015.
- Connected policy "applies to articles published in peer-reviewed academic journals and in-center produced books, occasional and working papers, research report series, audio/video, and photographs" created in connection to CIFOR, to be released under a "default" CC BY license.
- Required deposit in CIFOR repository.
- CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire) (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
- The fund.
- CERN is a member of the Compact for Open-Access Publishing Equity (COPE). See the announcement from December 2, 2010.
- The fund only supports full OA publications, "and not for so called 'hybrid' journals, which sell subscriptions and make part of their content available Open Access: the CERN Library has already paid for those journals, so Open Access fees cannot be covered."
- Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden)
- The Fund for Open Access publishing covers the costs of publication fees associated with publishing in OA journals
- Journals must be listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals
- Authors must be employed at Chalmers and articles need to recognize the Open Access Fund
- Full text of the articles need to be uploaded in the Chalmers Publication Library at date of publication
- Technical University of Chemnitz (Saxony, Germany)
- The fund launched 2012 and operates with support from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through the Open-Access Publishing Programme
- Limited to publication in fully peer-reviewed OA journals with fees up to 2,000€. Publication in hybrid journals, like Springer Open Choice, ineligible for funding. Budget in 2016: 20.400€
- Mandatory deposit in institutional repository MONARCH-Qucosa
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- The UIC Research Open Access Article Publishing Fund (ROAAP) Fund is eligible to "University of Illinois at Chicago faculty, researchers, staff, post-docs, and students.".
- Awards "provide full coverage for OA fees under $600", "half of the OA publishing fee (up to $1,500) when the OA publishing fees is more than $600", and " “Open choice” or “paid access” fees -- up to $1500 per article", to journals meeting established standards.
- Grant funded research ineligible.
- Funded paper must be deposited in institutional repository INDIGO and cite fund in the corresponding publication.
- Clausthal University of Technology (Lower Saxony, Germany)
- The fund launched 2013 and operates with support from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through the Open-Access Publishing Programme
- Limited to publication in fully peer-reviewed OA journals with fees up to 2,000€
- University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus - Health Sciences Library
- Open Access Fund is available to students and early career professionals without additional grant funding to pay for any author processing charges associated with open access journals
- Awards of up to $1000
- Only eligible for open access journals that comply with Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) Code of Conduct
- University of Colorado Boulder Libraries
- Fund available for "faculty, staff and students" of University of Colorado Boulder.
- Maximum award of $2,000 per-article annually for articles published in an Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association Code of Conduct compliant journal.
- Publication in hybrid journals not eligible for funding.
- Colorado State University, Fort Collins:Open Access Research and Scholarship (OARS) Fund
- "CSU Faculty Council Committee on Libraries, has allocated $45,000 to establish the Open Access fund", to "encourage submission and reduce barriers to open access publishing as a scholarly communications option".
- CSU tenured and tenure-track faculty are eligible for up to $2,500 of support per year, under certain conditions.
- Columbia University
- The fund was launched on February 1, 2010.
- Columbia is a member of the Compact for Open-Access Publishing Equity (COPE).
- The fund will not pay publication fees of hybrid OA journals (February 2010).
- The maximum the fund will cover for a "single article is $3,000"; for a multiauthor work, "each eligible author can apply for reimbursement for a prorated portion of the publication fee."
- Complete guidelines are provided.
- Concordia University
- The Concordia Open Access Author Fund supports publication in open journals, monographs, and monograph chapters for "all full-time and part-time faculty members, staff, currently registered graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows affiliated with Concordia.".
- Funding available from June 2011 forward.
- Maximum award of $3,000 capped at two funding requests annually.
- Subscription based and hybrid publications are not eligible for funding.
- Funding for journals limited to publications included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) that maintain membership with the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association or are Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association Code of Conduct compliant and support fee waiver.
- Funding for monographs limited to publishers included in Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB), in addition to being "eligible if they meet the criteria for open access journals" specified.
- Mandatory deposit in institutional repository, Spectrum.
- University of Connecticut
- The University of Connecticut Open Access Author Fund is "available to any University of Connecticut faculty, post‐doctoral researcher, staff member, or graduate student author.", acting as corresponding author.
- Limited to publication in journals shown in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), maintaining Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) membership or Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association OASPA Code of Conduct compliance in addition to maintaining a "publicly available a standard article fee schedule". Hybrid publications ineligible for funding.
- Maximum award of $1,250 per-article and $2,500 for each author or research group annually.
- Mandatory inclusion of author University of Connecticut affiliation in funded publication.
- Mandatory deposit in institutional repository, DigitalCommons@UConn.
- Cornell University
- The fund was launched September 15, 2009, to support open access publication for books and journal articles.
- Cornell is a member of the Compact for Open-Access Publishing Equity (COPE).
- The fund will not pay publication fees of hybrid OA journals (December 2009).
- The maximum the fund will cover for a "single article is $3,000"; for multiauthor works, "each author is responsible for a prorated portion of any publishing fees."
- Cyprus University of Technology
- The fund was launched in September 2013.
- It has a limit of € 3,000 per faculty member per academic year. All members of the academic staff and students are eligible for funding through faculty members.
- For article publications, journals must be part of the Directory of Open Access Journals.
- For book publications, books must be published in the Directory of Open Access Books.
- Both book and article publishers must be a part of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association and adhere to the OASPA Code of Conduct.
- Other details, including forms for application, are available.
- Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (Hesse, Germany)
- The fund launched 2015.
- The cost is 2/3 reimbursed. Limited to publication in fully peer-reviewed OA journals. Publication in hybrid journals, like Springer Open Choice, ineligible for funding.
- Technical University of Darmstadt (Hesse, Germany)
- The fund launched 2016 and operates with support from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through the Open-Access Publishing Programme
- Limited to publication in fully peer-reviewed OA journals with fees up to 2,000€. Publication in hybrid journals, like Springer Open Choice, ineligible for funding.
- "All papers covered by the fund are additionally published on TUprints"
- Dartmouth College
- The fund was launched September 15, 2009.
- Dartmouth is a member of the Compact for Open-Access Publishing Equity (COPE).
- The fund will not pay publication fees of hybrid OA journals.
- The maximum the fund will pay per article is $3,000; for multiauthor works, "an individual author’s support will be set at a prorated portion of the publication fee, which will be set by dividing the fee by the number of authors."
- Delft University of Technology
- In 2008, the fund started to pay the production costs of Delft-published peer-reviewed OA journal articles, book chapters, and books.
- Award limits include €2,000 for articles and book chapters and €3,000 for books.
- Eligibility limited to institutionally affiliated authors, article publication in DOAJ indexed journals, and outputs published under Creative Commons CC BY and CC BY-NC licenses.
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- The Open-Access Publishing Programme "supports research universities in the establishment of publication funds" for 12 month periods with potential for renewal, available to institutions based in Germany.
- Funded institutions "must contribute a fixed share of the requested funding volume" to a sum of "at least 25% of the publication funding calculated for the proposal year" as identified in fund guidelines.
- Limited to publication in fully OA journals maintaining fees up to 2,000€; publication in subscription based journals ineligible.
- Limited submitting and corresponding authors affiliated with included universities.
- Technical University of Dortmund (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany)
- The Dortmund University Library launched a fund in 2015 that operates with support from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through the Open-Access Publishing Programme
- Limited to publication in fully peer-reviewed OA journals with fees up to 2,000€. Publication in hybrid journals, like Springer Open Choice, ineligible for funding.
- University of Duisburg-Essen (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany)
- The fund launched 2010 and operates from 2010-2016 with support from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through the Open-Access Publishing Programme
- Fund limited to Universität Duisburg-Essen members acting as an author for the funded publication.
- Maximum award of 50% of publication charge capped at 1,000€, limited to journals included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
- "Fees for publishing articles as Open Access within subscription journals ("Open Choice" scheme) may be paid on the basis of individual assessment."
- Duke University
- The fund was announced on October 4, 2010.
- Duke is a member of the Compact for Open-Access Publishing Equity (COPE).
- Funds may only be spent on articles in full (not hybrid) OA journals, journals listed in the DOAJ, and journals published by members of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association. Funds are not available to authors who could use grant money to pay the same publication fees.
- Funds are available to Duke faculty, post-docs, and graduate and professional students.
- Individual authors may not receive more than $3,000/year from the fund. Apart from that, "reimbursement is on a first come, first served basis up until the funding for a given year is exhausted."
- Dunhill Medical Trust
- Fund available in connection to the Dunhill Medical Trust Open Access Policy last dated July 2014, noting that "Grant holders may apply to DMT for a contribution towards the valid costs of open access fees levied by publishers" but must include both evidence of publisher acceptance and invoice.
- Maximum award varied by grant size by the following limits:
- Under £50,000 = £1,000
- Between £50,000 and £100,000 = £2,000
- Above £100,000 = £3,000
- For publications with multiple funders, "DMT will only pay a percentage of the APC in line with the percentage of the funds that have been provided by DMT to support the research.".
- Deposit mandated by Dunhill Medical Trust Open Access Policy.
- Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
- Fund available to EPFL authors from 2016 forward.
- Maximum award of 2,500 CHF.
- Eligible journals for publication are shown in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) or the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA); publication in hybrid journals ineligible for funding.
- Institutional membership to Public Library of Science (PLoS) funds full publication fees of PLoS journals; available to EPFL corresponding authors.
- Supports access to publication discounts for multiple publishers.
- Emory University
- The Emory University Open Access Publishing Fund is available to Emory University authors for the publication of "articles and books", launched on September 1, 2012.
- Limited to publishers maintaining Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) membership or Code of Conduct compliance, including "journal publishers must be listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and book publishers may be listed in the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)"; hybrid and delayed OA publication ineligible for funding.
- Funding limited to one award per author annually at a limit of $1,500 per publication; in addition to funding available for "data archiving costs" at a limit of $100.
- Funded works must be deposited into the University's repository, OpenEmory.
- Research Data Distribution Fund.
- "Funds are awarded on a first come, first serve basis. The maximum award allocation is $200 per deposit. Due to limited funds, any given researcher is limited to one funded deposit per fiscal year."
- "Fund is for research data, not institutional data."
- Began in 2017.
- The Emory University Open Access Publishing Fund is available to Emory University authors for the publication of "articles and books", launched on September 1, 2012.
- University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
- The fund was launched in 2010.
- The fund will not pay fees at hybrid OA journals.
- The fund will be rewarded to the "'submitting' or 'corresponding author'" of a work, if from the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg.
- The fund awards a maximum of € 2,000.00 per article.
- ETH Zurich (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich)
- The fund was launched in 2008.
- The fund will not pay fees at hybrid OA journals using the double-charge model (December 2009).
- European Commission
- Fund available to "support Open Access publications arising from FP7 projects" including books and articles, meeting identified guidelines.
- Fund operating under OpenAire2020 "Funding Open Access for Post-Grant FP7 Publications" launched January 2015 and "will run until the funding is exhausted, but for no longer than two years (until the end of April 2017).".
- Maximum award of 2,000€, limited to 3 openly licensed and peer reviewed publications funded publications in connection to a given FP7 project; hybrid publication ineligible. Requirements and criteria outlined in fund pilot overview.
- Required deposit of publisher-provided PDF of funded publication into "OpenAIRE-compliant repository" and must include "At least one additional format that allows text and data mining". Deposit metadata must include licensing info relating to funded publication.
- Required DOI in addition to funder acknowledgement in publication and corresponding deposit metadata.
- European Research Council (ERC)
- Funds available as eligible costs included in larger grant funds, "if they are incurred during the lifetime of the project and provided that they are in line with the requirements for direct costs as listed in Article II.14 of the General Conditions of the ERC Grant Agreement (Single and Multi-Beneficiary)."
- Required repository deposit.
- University of Exeter
- The fund is a pilot project in 2012.
- The fund is partially supported by the Wellcome Trust, so "Wellcome-funded researchers [are encouraged] to apply for funds."
- Florida International University
- The Open Access Publishing Fund is available to "Any FIU Faculty member or doctoral candidate", including eligible postdoctoral authors.
- Fund launched in 2013 and active through August 2015. The fund is currently suspended from 2016 - 2017.
- Maximum award of $3,000 for publication in fully OA journals, and a limit of $1,500 for publication in hybrid journals. For publications with more than one author, "Each eligible author can apply for a prorated portion of the article processing fees.".
- Fund maintains list of approved publishers for funded publications.
- Encouraged deposit in institutional repository, FIU Digital Commons.
- Florida State University
- The Open Access Publishing Fund supports publishing costs for eligible open access journals and books where external funding is not available
- Awards given to Florida State University faculty, post-docs, researchers, and enrolled students
- Limited to one fund reimbursement per year with preference given to authors not previously funded
- Maximum reimbursement of $1,500
- Only available for publishers who are listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB), or members of the Open Access Scholarly Publisher's Association (OASPA)
- All publications funded through the Open Access Publishing Fund must be depositing in DigiNole Commons, Florida State University's digital repository.
- University of Florida
- The University of Florida Open Access Publishing Fund became operational on July 1, 2010, and has just been renewed for the 2017-2021 period.
- Covers publications in both open access and hybrid journals.
- The fund will award up to $3,000 per eligible author for publications in open access journals. Eligibility specifications are available.
- Up to $1,500 can be awarded per eligible author for publications in hybrid journals.
- Fondazione Telethon
- Funds available to support publications originally ineligible for Europe PMC deposit, as outlined in connection to the Fondazione Telethon Open Access Policy.
- Available to publications in connection to Fondazione Telethon funded research, appearing in an English language journal.
- Requested CC-BY licensing for funded publications and required "immediate deposit in PMC and Europe PMC".
- Goethe University Frankfurt (Hesse, Germany)
- The fund launched 2016
- Funding is available to submitting or corresponding authors from Goethe University Frankfurt
- Limited to publication in fully peer-reviewed OA journals. Publication in hybrid journals, like Springer Open Choice, ineligible for funding.
- Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
- Launched in Summer 2008. Current status is unknown. Source.
- University of Freiburg (Baden-Württemberg, Germany)
- The fund launched 2010 and operates with support from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through the Open-Access Publishing Programme
- Fund available to University of Freiburg authors acting as submitting or corresponding author to publication.
- Limited to publication fees up to 2,000€; hybrid publication ineligible for funding.
- Mandatory funder acknowledgement and deposit in institutional repository, FreiDok plus.
- Fulda University of Applied Sciences (Hesse, Germany)
- The fund launched on 1 October 2017.
- Limited to publication in fully peer-reviewed OA journals with fees up to 2,000€
- Publication in hybrid journals, like Springer Open Choice, ineligible for funding.
- A statement of acknowledgment is required in the article (“We acknowledge support by the Open Access Publishing Fund of Hochschule Fulda – University of Applied Sciences.”)
- George Mason University
- The Mason Open Access Publishing Fund was launched in October 2012.
- Funds may be requested to publish in reputable full OA and eligible hybrid journals.
- The fund maximum award is $3,000 per article, with an annual cap of $3,000 per author. Multi-authored works are pro-rated.
- Recipients of grant funds that may be used to pay OA publishing fees are asked not to apply.
- A statement of acknowledgment is required in the article.
- Funded works must be deposited into MARS, the university's digital repository.
- University of Göttingen
- Fund launched in 2012.
- Limited to authors whom are a "researcher at Göttingen University as well as the corresponding or submitting author of the publication.", as shown in attached document.
- Publication limited to fully OA journals; subscription based journals are ineligible for funding.
- Retroactive reimbursement available.
- Maximum award varied by fee:
- Up to 2,000€: Fully funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
- Over 2,000€: Funded by the University Medical Center of Goettingen (UMG-GOE) up to 5,000€.
- Grand Valley State University
- The Open Access Publishing Support Fund was launched in September 2011.
- The fund covers both full OA and hybrid publications that do not have an embargo period.
- The fund maximum award is "$3,000 per year," and funding for multiauthor works is prorated.
- Grand Valley State University must appear as the fund-awarded author's affiliation.
- Funded works must be deposited into the University's repository.
- Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany)
- The fund operates with support from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft since 2017 through the Open-Access Publishing Programme
- eligibility criteria (July 2017)
- Hamburg University of Technology
- Fund available to Hamburg University of Technology corresponding or submitting authors, launched in 2013 in coordination with Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
- Limited to publication in fully OA journals with publication costs up to 2,000€.
- Funded publication must contain funder acknowledgement.
- Handelshøyskolen (BI)
- Fund available to Handelshøyskolen (BI) employees and Ph.D. candidates publishing as corresponding author; some flexibility available for other Handelshøyskolen (BI) affiliated authors; required affiliation acknowledgment in supported publication. Requirements indicated in attached document.
- Fund guidelines last revised August 2015.
- Support limited to publications included in the NSD at levels 1 or 2 and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) publishing under a Creative Commons license; hybrid publication ineligible for funding as outlined in attached document.
- Required deposit in institutional repository, BI Brage.
- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University Hannover
- The fund launched 2013 and operates with support from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft since 2012 through the Open-Access Publishing Programme
- The fund covers only articles in full open access journals and will not pay fees at hybrid OA journals.
- The fund will only pay for articles in peer reviewed journals, e.g. journals included in the DOAJ.
- The fund limit is EUR 2,000 per article.
- The fund will only pay for articles for which the 'submitting author' or 'corresponding author' is from Leibniz Universität Hannover.
- The fund will only pay for articles "if all alternative sources of finance have been exhausted, particularly when publishing results obtained from third party-funded research".
- The fund must be acknowledged in the published article.
- University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation (TiHo) (Lower-Saxony, Germany)
- The fund operates with support from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft since 2015 through the Open-Access Publishing Programme
- Funding is available to submitting or corresponding authors from TiHo
- Limited to publication in fully peer-reviewed OA journals with fees up to 2,000€. Publication in hybrid journals, like Springer Open Choice, ineligible for funding.
- Harvard University
- The Harvard Open-Access Publication Equity Fund (HOPE) fund was launched on September 15, 2009.
- Harvard is a member of the Compact for Open-Access Publishing Equity (COPE).
- The fund will only pay fees on articles "for which no alternative funding is available" (e.g. from the author's funding agency).
- The fund will not pay publication fees at hybrid OA journals (December 2009).
- Annual funding is capped at $3,000 per author, with multiple authors being "responsible for a prorated portion of any publishing fees" on a shared work.
- See a summary of the restrictions on the how the funds can be spent.
- Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
- Funding available in connection to the HSF Open Access to Research Outputs Policy applying to funded research publications from June 2010 forward.
- Policy maintained by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada "covers expenses that researchers reasonably may incur related to publishing in Open Access or hybrid scholarly journals.".
- Under the connected policy, "the full text of all final peer-reviewed manuscripts accepted for publication are freely accessible through the Publisher's website or an online repository within six months of publication date.", including mandatory research data deposit.
- Funding limits undefined.
- Heidelberg University
- The Heidelberg Open Access Publication Fund was created in 2013
- Covers the cost of publication fees for academics employed at the university
- Eligible articles are accepted into journals that provide free access to their articles immediately upon publishing
- Awards of up to €2,000 per year
- For 2014, the fund will have a total of €121,000
- Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)
- The fund was launched in April 2011, administrated by the library.
- The fund limit is EUR 3,000 per article.
- The fund does not cover hybrid journals fees.
- The fund will only pay for articles in peer reviewed journals included in the DOAJ.
- Funding is available to submitting or corresponding authors from HZDR.
- University of Helsinki
- The institution's OA policy, adopted June 5, 2008, includes a willingness to pay publication fees at fee-based OA journals.
- University of Hohenheim.
- The fund was approved December 10, 2010, with a grant from the DFG's program to support university OA journal funds. The DFG supplies 75% of the fund, and the university 25%.
- The fund does not cover fees at hybrid journals.
- Funds are available for fees through September 2013.
- The maximum fund amount paid per article is $2000, which is available to articles published "between 07.10.2011 and 30.09.2013."
- University of Hull
- Open Access Publishing Pilot supports open access publications by researchers at the University of Hull
- £2500 deposited at PeerJ and SAGE available for University of Hull researchers at a first-come, first-serve basis
- Human Frontier Science Program
- Publication funding availability expressed in HFSP Open Access Statement, approved March 2014.
- Funding recipients permitted to use provided funds toward costs associated with OA publication.
- Technical University of Ilmenau (Thuringia, Germany)
- The fund operates with support from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft since 2014 through the Open-Access Publishing Programme
- Funding is available to submitting or corresponding authors from TU Ilmenau
- Limited to publication in fully peer-reviewed OA journals with fees up to 2,000€. Publication in hybrid journals, like Springer Open Choice, ineligible for funding. Budget in 2017: 20.625 €
- Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI).
- The Open Access Publishing Fund was established in 2013.
- Provides about $50,000.00 annually to underwrite publication charges in fee-based, peer-reviewed, open access journals.
- Articles published through the fund will be available in the IUPUI ScholarWorks repository.
- Contributors to the fund include: IUPUI University Library, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, Ruth Lilly Medical Library, School of Science, School of Informatics & Computing, School of Nursing, School of Dentistry, Fairbanks School of Public Health, School of Engineering & Technology, Robert H. McKinney School of Law, School of Public & Environmental Affairs, School of Health & Human Sciences, and Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.
- Reports on the progress of the fund are available from: https://scholarworks.iupui.edu/handle/1805/11935.
- Spending data about the fund are contributed annually to: IUPUI DataWorks and Open APC
- Imperial College London
- Funds include RCUK Open Access Fund, Charity Open Access Fund (COAF), and Imperial Open Access Fund.
- RCUK Open Access Fund
- Available to Imperial College London corresponding authors.
- Required publication under CC-BY license.
- Effective May 2015.
- Charity Open Access Fund (COAF)
- Required publication under CC-BY license.
- Established October 2014.
- Imperial Open Access Fund
- Available to "for authors who do not have eligible open access funding in their research award or whose work is not externally funded.".
- Required publication under Creative Commons license.
- Referenced as early as April 2012.
- International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
- Publication funds available in connection to the ILRI policy on open access, dated March 2015, applying to outputs including but not limited to "Peer-reviewed journal articles", "Books and book chapters", and "Data and databases".
- University of Iowa
- The University of Iowa Open Access Fund exists to "encourage the University community to publish their research in Open Access platforms" for articles, monographs, and book chapters.
- Administered by the University Libraries, the fund allowed for up-to $2,000 for articles and book chapters in addition to a $5,000 limit for monographs. Hybrid publications were ineligible for funding.
- The fund also supported PeerJ memberships for biological and medical scientists. PeerJ, as opposed to other open access publishers, charges a one-time membership fee rather than a per-article fee for authors.
- On July 12 2018, Iowa announced that it was laying down its fund.
- Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
- Fund launched in early 2013 after the university declared its commitment to OA in January 2013 by adopting the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities.
- "The fund has been established to support open access publications and receives financial support from the German Research Foundation (DFG).
- A total of €85,000 has been budgeted, with a €2,000 maximum per article. Additional criteria can be found here.
- The University Library Mainz has also "completed an institutional membership in the Open Access publisher BioMed Central for members of Mainz University and University Hospital. This gives researchers a discount of 15% handling fee on all items at BioMed Central, Chemistry Central and SpringerOpen.
- Justus Liebig University Gießen (JLU)
- The fund launched 2011 and operates with support from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through the Open-Access Publishing Programme
- The fund will reimburse up to 100% of article processing charges or author charges in fee-based OA journals.
- Funding is available to submitting or corresponding authors of works that are members of JLU.
- Conditions for Funding
- Kansas State University
- The K-State Open Access Publishing Fund (KOAPF) was launched in January 2013.
- Maximum award of $3,000 annually, limited to one funded publication per-author, with some flexibility.
- Limited to Kansas State University authors acting as primary author or authors.
- Publication in hybrid journals are ineligible for funding.
- "Expected" deposit in institutional repository, K-REx, and include recognition of fund in publication acknowledgements
- Kansas University
- The Kansas Univeristy One-University Open Access Fund was launched in November 2012.
- The fund is a two-year pilot program which allocates $50,000 in two 25,000 annual budgets to "support KU authors who publish in open access journals".
- "KU, KUMC, and KU Law faculty, graduate students, post-docs and staff on the KU main campus in Lawrence and the Medical Center campus in Kansas City are eligible for funding".
- A funding allowance of $2,000 per article is allocated to cover processing fees. More details can be found here.
- University of Kansas
- The fund was announced on October 22, 2012 and will go live in November 2012.
- The fund is a 2-year pilot, "with a total of $50,000 to be shared across campuses.". Third year of pilot announced November 2014.
- Funding is available for University of Kansas "faculty, graduate students, post-docs [or] staff".
- Maximum award of $1,500 per article, limited to one award per-author annually.
- Published works and publication in hybrid and delayed OA journals are ineligible for funding.
- Limited to publication in journals that maintain membership to the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) or are OASPA Code of Conduct compliant, and are included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
- Funded publication deposited in KU Scholarworks.
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
- The fund started in 2011, with a grant from the DFG's program to support university OA journal funds. The DFG supplies 75% of the fund, and the university 25%.
- The fund does not cover hybrid journal fees.
- Funding is available to submitting or corresponding authors from KIT.
- Funding is limited to publication charges that are a maximum of $2000.
- University of Kassel
- The Open Access Publication Fund is available to University of Kassel affiliated submitting and corresponding authors, launched in 2013.
- Fund partially supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
- Limited to publication in fully OA journals with fees up to 2,000€; hybrid publication ineligible.
- Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven
- The KU Leuven Fund for FAIR Open Access "provides financial support for the publishing costs of eligible OA books and articles", founded in 2018.
- Support for articles limited to journals indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Web of Science, or VABB-SHW with a funding limit of €1,000. Hybrid publications ineligible.
- Terms for article funding include mandatory KU Leuven affiliation, Creative Commons licensing, DOI assignment, and author copyright retention.
- Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany)
- The fund operates with support from Land Schleswig-Holstein through the programm Open-Access-Publikationsfonds (funding 2016-2020, Kiel: 35.000€ per year)
- Funding is available to submitting or corresponding authors from University of Kiel
- Researchers completed their master thesis (or a comparable academic degree) not more than 10 years ago
- Limited to publication in fully peer-reviewed OA journals with fees up to 2,000€. Publication in hybrid journals, like Springer Open Choice, ineligible for funding
- A statement of acknowledgment is required in the article ("We acknowledge financial support by Land Schleswig-Holstein within the funding programme Open Access Publikationsfonds")
- King's College London
- King's College London holds institutional funds supported by the Charity Open Access Fund (COAF) and Research Councils UK/UK Research and Innovation.
- Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
- Available funding expressed in the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation Grant Policy.
- Publication costs may be included in initial funding application with mandatory deposit, writing "Research funded by the Foundation must be published with open access, that is, published articles must be archived in openly searchable databases. The additional cost for this can be taken up as a direct cost in project applications.".
- University of Konstanz
- Fund available to University of Konstanz corresponding or submitting authors as of January 2011.
- Fund limited to fully OA journals with publication costs to up 2,000€.
- Fund operating in coordination with Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- Leibniz Association
- The Leibniz Open Access Publishing Fund is available to Leibniz Association submitting or corresponding authors as of January 2016.
- Maximum award of 2,000€.
- Mandatory funder and Leibniz Association affiliation acknowledgement in funded publication.
- Limited to publication in fully OA journals, which "should be listed in the "Directory of Open Access Journals" (DOAJ)".
- In addition, "If the article is not published under a Creative Commons license, a second publication right for institutional and subject-specific repositories must be granted by the publisher before the invoice can be paid.".
- University of Leipzig
- The fund launched 2014 and operates with support from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft since 2013 through the Open-Access Publishing Programme
- The fund] is available to Leipzig University authors.
- Limited to publication in fully OA journals with a maximum APC of 2,000€.
- A statement of acknowledgment is required in the article ("We acknowledge support from the German Research Foundation (DFG) and Universität Leipzig within the program of Open Access Publishing")
- Louisiana State University
- The Open Access Author Fund was launched in January 2018.
- The fund is ongoing.
- Published works and publications in hybrid journals are ineligible for funding.
- Only OA journals from completely OA publishers (ones that only publish OA) are eligible for funding.
- The maximum award is $1,500.
- London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
- Funds comprise the RCUK Open Access Fund and the Charity Open Access Fund (COAF)
- RCUK Open Access Fund
- Available to LSHTM authors in receipt of funding from the RCUK
- Publication under the Creative Commons Attribution license is required
- Authors must include a statement of acknowledgement in the article
- Charity Open Access Fund (COAF)
- Available to LSHTM authors in receipt of funding from Arthritis Research UK, Bloodwise, British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, Parkinson's UK or Wellcome Trust
- Publication under the Creative Commons Attribution license is required
- Authors must include a statement of acknowledgement in the article
- University of Lübeck (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany)
- The fund operates with support from Land Schleswig-Holstein through the programm Open-Access-Publikationsfonds (funding 2016-2020, Lübeck: 14.000€ per year)
- Funding is available to submitting or corresponding authors from University of Lübeck
- Researchers completed their master thesis (or a comparable academic degree) not more than 10 years ago
- Limited to publication in fully peer-reviewed OA journals with fees up to 2,000€. Publication in hybrid journals, like Springer Open Choice, ineligible for funding
- A statement of acknowledgment is required in the article ("We acknowledge financial support by Land Schleswig-Holstein within the funding programme Open Access Publikationsfonds")
- Lund University
- The fund was announced in March 2009. It was apparently launched January 2009.
- Also see the Jörgen Eriksson Lars Bjørnshauge article about the fund in the January 2009 issue of ScieCom Info.
- The fund will not pay publication fees of hybrid OA journals.
- Fund submissions before "2012-11-01" will be fully funded, while those after will receive "50% of the article publishing cost."
- Funding is available to corresponding authors from Lund with "an active LUCAT-id."
- University of Manchester
- The University APC funds are provided by the UK Research Councils and The Wellcome Trust
- Available to all academics and research staff, including postdocs, research fellows, associates, and assistants, at the University of Manchester
- Supports gold access for articles or conference proceedings, meaning that the publisher makes the article available freely on their own website, the version of work available is the final version, and the published work is available online as soon as it is published.
- University of Manitoba
- The Open Access Authors' Fund is provided by the Libraries at the University of Manitoba. "The Libraries initially began supporting UM researchers OA fees for certain publishers in 2010/11. On October 22nd, 2012 they extended coverage to all open access journals that are eligible." See more information about eligibility here.
- The fund is open to all faculty, staff, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers at the University of Manitoba
- The fund supports one OA fee up to the maximum of $3,000 CAD per applicant per fiscal year.
- University of Maryland Libraries
- The UMD Open Access Publishing Fund "improves access to research produced at the University of Maryland", launched in 2013.
- Maximum award of $3,000, limited to one article annually.
- Publication in subscription based, hybrid, and delayed OA journals not supported by fund.
- Mandatory deposit in institutional repository, DRUM (Digital Repository at the University of Maryland).
- University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- The SOAR Fund (acronym for "Supporting Open Access Research"), "supports open access publication of University of Massachusetts Amherst peer-reviewed scholarship", launched in 2014.
- Pilot fund of $25,000 available for the duration of the 2014 - 2015 fiscal year, with a funding limit of $3000 annually per-applicant.
- Publication in hybrid journals not eligible for funding.
- Works deposited into institutional repository UMA Amherst ScholarWorks.
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- The fund was announced June 11, 2010.
- Will only pay fees at journals that "[1] Are peer reviewed; [2] Are listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals; [3] Adhere to the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association Code of Conduct; [4] Make their standard fee schedules publicly accessible; and [5] Waive their fees in cases of financial hardship."
- Will not pay fees at hybrid OA journals or journals offering only delayed OA. Nor will it pay fees when the author's funding agency is willing to pay the fees instead.
- MIT is a member of the Compact for Open-Access Publishing Equity (COPE).
- The funding is capped at "$1,000 per article."
- Max Planck Society
- See this undated description of the fund. (When was it launched?)
- The fund will cover fees for certain journals and publishers for MPS members.
- Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
- The Sloan Kettering Open Access Publication (SKOAP) Fund was formally launched on May 10, 2010.
- MSKCC is a member of the Compact for Open-Access Publishing Equity (COPE).
- Limited to fully OA publications included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), and maintaining Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) membership or Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) Code of Conduct compliance with an available fee waiver policy and fee schedule.
- The fund will not pay publication fees of hybrid or delayed OA journals.
- Funding is available to "any researcher, clinician, staff member, or student author."
- Funding is capped at "$3,000 per article."
- Memorial University Libraries
- The Open Access Authors Fund supports funding for "All Memorial faculty, undergraduate students, graduate students, staff, post-docs, emeriti, and honorary research profs who have had a peer-reviewed article accepted to an Open Access journal that meets the funding criteria.".
- Fund launched in 2011.
- Applicant must be first author on funded publication, and funded publication must be published in a peer-reviewed journal included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) with no subscription cost, and supporting author copyright retention.
- Publication in subscription-based and hybrid journals are not eligible.
- Mandatory deposit in institutional repository.
- Michigan State University
- An article in the MSU newspaper (January 27, 2011) said that, "The library helps professors and other faculty members pay to publish in these [fee-based OA] journals...." If anyone can find direct info on an OA journal fund at MSU, please add it here.
- University of Michigan
- The fund was launched on September 16, 2010, for a two-year period.
- The University of Michigan is a member of the Compact for Open-Access Publishing Equity (COPE).
- The funds are available to "University of Michigan faculty, post-doctoral researchers, graduate and professional students, staff members, and students."
- Funding is capped at "$3000 per submission" for OA journals; hybrid and delayed-access journals are funded to a lesser degree. See details here.
- As of March 1, 2012, all funds were allocated. As of June 2012 it has not been determined whether the program will continue.
- University of Münster, Germany
- fund available to members of the University of Münster
- since 3/2011 funding for articles in open access journals, since 11/2017 also funding for open access books or book chapters
- funding for articles limited to a total fee of 2,000€ (no payment of parts of highter fees), funding for books limited to 6,000€ and for book chapters to 2,000€ (payment of parts of higher fees possible)
- fund launched with support from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
- Publication funding available to National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) funding recipients as a direct cost, outlined in the NHMRC Direct Research Costs Guidelines effective January 2014.
- Fund availability identified in the NHMRC Open Access Policy.
- National Heritage Science Forum
- The fund was launched in 2016 and supports gold open access publication for papers that will have an impact on the field of heritage science and align with the National Heritage Science Strategy.
- Only employees or members of NHSF member organisations are eligible to apply.
- Applications available online.
- National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- Funds available in connection to NIH Public Access Policy; FAQ includes "Publication costs, including author fees, may be charged to NIH grants and contracts".
- Connected NIH Public Access Policy effective in 2008.
- Conditions for funding include "(1) such costs incurred are actual, allowable, and reasonable to advance the objectives of the award; (2) costs are charged consistently regardless of the source of support; (3) all other applicable rules on allowability of costs are met.".
- Required deposit in PubMed Central within 12 months of publication.
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas
- The University of Nevada, Las Vegas Open Article Fund was created in June, 2018 to support "faculty and graduate student researchers seeking to publish in open access journals".
- Funding limited to Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) compliant journals with a funding cap of $1,500.
- Ineligible outputs include "hybrid journals (where only some content is open access), books, book chapters, magazines".
- Universitetet i Nordland
- The fund has allocated NOK 100,000 for 2013.
- The fund will cover the costs of publishing in peer-reviewed full (not hybrid) open access journals that meet the publication requirements of the Norwegian Database for Statistics on Higher Education (DBH).
- Support will only be given for items deposited in the university's open records archive, BLIX.
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte, J. Murrey Atkins Library
- The Open Access Article Publication Subvention Fund (OAAPSF) is "intended to assist UNC Charlotte faculty across campus with the cost of article processing charges (APCs)."
- Maximum award of $1,000 per-article.
- Publication in hybrid and predatory journals ineligible for funding.
- University of North Carolina at Greensboro
- The Open Access Publishing Support Fund supports "full-time faculty, a full-time EPA employee, or an enrolled graduate student[s]" at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
- Maximum award limited to $1,000 per-article and one award per-author annually.
- Funding limited to publication in peer-reviewed journals.
- University of Northern British Columbia
- The University of Northern British Columbia Publication Grant supports the publication of articles and books.
- Funding limited to University of Northern British Columbia affiliated applicants with a funding limit of $5,000.
- Northern Illinois University
- The fund was announced in March 2013 "to advance the use of open access as a means of distributing the research and creative work of the Northern Illinois University community".
- The fund, currently being run as a pilot project funds NIU tenured, tenure-track and non-tenture-track faculty and graduate students covers OA publishing fees of up to $2000 per article, or per year.
- Northwestern University
- The Open Access Fund was launched in 2013 as a pilot program
- Awards up to $3000 per year to Northwestern community members for open access processing or publishing fees
- Can only be used for articles accepted for publication in peer-reviewed open access journals that either are listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals or are members of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association.
- Supports full open access journals, but not hybrid open access journals.
- Funded by the Northwestern University Library
- The Norwegian School of Sport Sciences (NIH)
- The NIH Publishing fund [1] is administrated by the University Library.
- There is no maximum award limit per article or per author or per year.
- Funding is available to corresponding authors at NIH, either employees or PHD students. NIH must be credited in the article as (one of) the corresponding author’s affiliation(s).
- OA journals must be listed in DOAJ, all journals must be accredited in the Norwegian funding system for Higher Education and Research institutions.
- Publication in hybrid journals is eligible for funding.
- Support will be given for publications deposited in Cristin.
- Support is limited to publications that have a CC license.
- Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
- The NMBU Publishing fund [2] was established in 2012 and is administrated by the University Library.
- Maximum award is limited to NOK 15.000 per article.
- Funding is available to corresponding authors at NMBU for accepted articles (peer-reviewed) in “gold” OA journals.
- Journals must be listed in DOAJ and must be accredited in the Norwegian funding system for Higher Education and Research institutions.
- Publication in hybrid journals is not eligible for funding.
- Support will be given for publications deposited in Cristin and NMBU’s institutional archive Brage NMBU [3]
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
- The NTNU Publishing fund was established in 2013 and is administrated by the University Library.
- Maximum amount of NOK 20000 per author per year (incl Norwegian taxes).
- The fund supports articles with corresponding authors employed by or studying at NTNU.
- The fund does not support hybrid journals.
- Journals must be listed in DOAJ and must be accredited in the Norwegian funding system for Higher Education and Research institutions.
- University of Northampton
- The Open Access Fund was launched on August 1, 2016 and is administrated by the Library and Learning Services (LLS) staff.
- Fund supports the payment of article processing charges (APCs).
- Funding awards vary according to request. Details of request process available.
- University of Northern Colorado
- The Fund for Faculty Publications is available to University of Northern Colorado faculty acting as "senior or corresponding author[s]" for fees associated with publication in "books and peer-reviewed journals" beginning in 2013.
- Maximum award of $2,000, limited to one award per fiscal year.
- University of Nottingham
- Information on the fund is available here. The fund was apparently launched before June 2007.
- Also see Matt Cockerill's article about it in OCLC Systems & Services, vol. 25, no. 1 (2009).
- Also see the BMC case study on the Nottingham fund (undated).
- The policy states that the OA fees charged by hybrid journals "can be covered by the use of the University Open Access Publishing Fund", and provides an email address to which enquiries to access the Fund should be directed.
- Oakland University, Michigan
- Kresge Library Open Access Fund Pilot Program: for faculty, adjunct faculty, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers.
- $3,000 max.
- Began in 2016.
- University of Oklahoma, Norman Campus
- Open Access (OA) Subvention Fund
- Available to "Any current University of Oklahoma-Norman regular faculty member, post-doctoral researcher, staff member or student author" for the publication of articles and books.
- Maximum award of $1,500 annually.
- Article funding limited to journals which maintain a "publicly available standard article fee schedule", waiver policy, inclusion in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), and Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) membership or Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) Code of Conduct compliance. Hybrid and delayed OA publication ineligible for funding.
- Book funding limited to publishers included in the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) which maintain Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) membership or Code of Conduct compliance.
- Required deposit in institutional repository, SHAREOK.
- Norman Campus Office of the Vice President for Research Publication Support Program
- Supports funding for hybrid and delayed OA publication; available to "regular tenured or tenure track faculty of all ranks, as well as research faculty.".
- Maximum award of $6,000.
- Required deposit in institutional repository, SHAREOK.
- Open Access (OA) Subvention Fund
- Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg (Lower Saxony, Germany)
- The fund operates with support from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft since 2015 through the Open-Access Publishing Programme
- Funding is available to submitting or corresponding authors from Oldenburg University
- Limited to publication in fully peer-reviewed OA journals with fees up to 2,000€
- Budget: 2016 (46.329 €), 2017 (69.480 €)
- Ontario Genomics Institute
- The fund was announced on May 19, 2010.
- The fund will pay no more than $3,000 CAD per article.
- The fund is limited to high-impact OA journals (impact factor of 8 or above, or named on a special OGI list) and requires authors to submit the fund-supported work to a repository, too.
- Funds are awarded to primary or corresponding authors from Ontario-based institutions.
- Funding is set aside for 30 articles to be supported on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- University of Oregon
- The fund was launched on April 1, 2009 and is funded through the spring of 2012.
- Hybrid and delayed-access journals are not supported.
- Funding is capped at "$1,000 per article" and "$3,000 per person over the period of this pilot project."
- Funding is available to both "peer-reviewed scholarly article[s] or monograph[s]."
- Oregon State University
- Fund available to Oregon State University faculty acting as the publication's "sole or lead author".
- Fund announced February 2015.
- Maximum award of $2,000, limited to one award per author.
- Publication limited Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) Code of Conduct compliant journals; hybrid publications ineligible.
- Mandatory funding acknowledgement in publication, including deposit in institutional repository, ScholarsArchive@OSU.
- Initial pilot funds have been allocated.
- University of Oslo
- Publication fund was established in 2013. The fund is administered by the University Library.
- Publishing in hybrid journals is not supported.
- Journals must be listed in DOAJ.
- NOK 500.000 was allocated in 2013.
- Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (HiOA)
- Introduced an open access policy in September 2011, with an open digital archive (ODA) with self-achiving options.
- HiOA has also launched a publication fund to cover APCs, starting in 2013 with a budget of NOK 300,000.
- Östersjöstiftelsen (The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies)
- Fund available in connection to Östersjöstiftelsen open access policy, enacted January 2011.
- Work funded by Östersjöstiftelsen automatically includes 30,000kr budget allotted to open publishing.
- University of Ottawa
- The fund was announced on December 8, 2009.
- Ottawa is a member of the Compact for Open-Access Publishing Equity (COPE).
- Hybrid OA journals are supported only if the journals "make articles available immediately or allow open access self-archiving immediately upon publication (no embargo period imposed)."
- Funding is available to "all full-time and part-time faculty members, staff, currently registered graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and adjunct professors."
- Authors may apply for funds for a total of "two (2) publications per fiscal year."
- Funding is available for both book chapters and journal articles.
- Funded work must be deposited in the University of Ottawa's repository.
- Parkinson's UK
- Charity Open access Fund (COAF) is "a partnership between medical research charities and is administered by the Wellcome Trust.", supporting compliance with the larger Parkinson's UK OA Policy.
- Fund participation began in October 2015.
- Applicants must be located within network of identified UK institutions, and publications funded must be licensed under CC-BY.
- Funding limits undefined.
- University of Passau (Bavaria, Germany)
- The fund is available to submitting or corresponding authors from University of Passau
- Limited to publication in fully peer-reviewed OA journals with fees up to 2,000€. Publication in hybrid journals, like Springer Open Choice, ineligible for funding
- Deposit in institutional repository is desired OPUS Passau
- Pennsylvania State University
- The Penn State Libraries Open Access Fund was announced in March 2015. As of November 2018, the fund is not active.
- Available to "any current Penn State faculty member, researcher, post-doc, graduate student, or staff member" and faculty-endorsed undergraduate students.
- Maximum award of $2,000, limited to one award per author annually.
- Publication in hybrid journals are ineligible for funding.
- Funded publication must include fund acknowledgement and be deposited in institutional repository, ScholarSphere.
- Philipps-Universität Marburg
- Fund launched in January 2016 in connection to Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
- Funding available to Philipps-Universität Marburg "submitting / corresponding" authors.
- Maximum publication fee of 2,000€.
- Funds initially distributed at 50% of the total publication cost; remaining funds will cover up to 100% of the publication cost.
- Publication in hybrid journals ineligible for funding.
- University of Pittsburgh, University Library System (ULS)
- The Open Access Author Fees Fund is available to "faculty, staff, postdoctoral associates, and students served by the ULS and the BARCO Law Library." authors and co-authors.
- Fund operates in connection to Compact for Open-Access Publishing Equity (COPE) as of October 2012.
- Limited to publication in fully OA journals included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and maintain Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) membership or Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) Code of Contact compliance. Hybrid and delayed OA publications ineligible for funding.
- [http://www.plos.org/publications/publication-fees/open-access-funds/ PLOS Open Access Fund provides support for institutions and individuals
- Individual authors can be directly funded through PLOS, particularly in low- and middle- income countries as part of the PLOS Global Participation Initiative
- Institutions are offered either accounts, which will cover the full fees, or memberships, which will partially cover fees.
- University of Portsmouth
- The fund offers APC funds that are only available to authors who can demonstrate that they have no other sources (e.g. their departments) from which they can meet the costs, and that paying an APC to publish in the specified journal can be justified.
- Funding from the University may be obtained through application.
- APC discount deals are also available.
- University of Potsdam (Brandenburg, Germany)
- The fund operates with support from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft since 2014 through the Open-Access Publishing Programme
- Funding is available to submitting or corresponding authors from University of Potsdam
- Limited to publication in fully peer-reviewed OA journals with fees up to 2,000€. Publication in hybrid journals, like Springer Open Choice, ineligible for funding. Budget in 2017: 42.500€
- A statement of acknowledgment is required in the article ("We acknowledge the support of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) and Open Access Publication Fund of Potsdam University.")
- Portland State University
- The Open Access Article Processing Charge Fund was launched in 2016 and has set aside $10,000 for open access scholarship for PSU authors.
- Maximum reimbursement are given on a first come, first serve basis with a limit of $2,000 per article. Has a number of eligibility requirements.
- Research Council of Norway
- Funds announced in June 2016; included in Principles for Open Access to Scientific Publications revised in June 2013 outlining "In the period 2014–2019 the Research Council will implement a funding scheme to cover fees incurred by Norwegian research institutions for publication in open access journals.".
- Initial fund of 8,000,000kr (about USD 1,300,000) as of 2014.
- Fund supports a maximum of 50% of total costs associated with OA publication.
- Recommended publication in openly licensed journals included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ and rated "levels 1 or 2 in the registry of publication channels from the Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions.", as shown in attached document.
- University of Rhode Island (URI)
- The URI Open Access Fund helps cover the cost of open access publication fees for URI faculty who do not have other sources of funding.
- Created in December 2013 after URI signed the Compact for Open-Access Publishing Equity (COPE)
- Available for full-time faculty
- Only articles accepted to open access, peer-reviewed scholarly journals are eligible
- Journals must be listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals and adhere to the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association's Code of Conduct
- Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ) (Riksbank Tercentenary Foundation)
- The fund was announced on June 1, 2010.
- It will provide grantees with up to 30,000 SEK per project.
- Based on terms in effect for grant recipients awarded from 2013 forward, publication funds are provided to all Riksbankens Jubileimsfond (RJ) project grant recipients.
- Grants "up to three years' duration that fund positions corresponding to up to 75% of full-time employment" are awarded 50,000kr. Funding varied for "larger projects".
- Programs instead "must be included in the programme budget applied for.", and are not awarded on an included basis.
- Maximum embargo period of 6 months, with mandatory deposit upon publication "If the researcher opts for parallel publishing", with encouraged deposit from publication in Open Access journals.
- University of Rostock (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany)
- The fund launched 2017 and operates with support from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft since 2016 through the Open-Access Publishing Programme
- Funding is available to submitting or corresponding authors from University of Rostock
- Limited to publication in fully peer-reviewed OA journals with fees up to 2,000€. Publication in hybrid journals, like Springer Open Choice, ineligible for funding.
- Publication of University Medicine Rostock require OA-Journal with Impact Factor.
- A statement of acknowledgment is required in the article ("We acknowledge financial support by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and Universität Rostock/Universitätsmedizin Rostock within the funding programme Open Access Publishing.")
- Royal Holloway, University of London
- The Open Access Fund for article processing charges (APCs)
- Courtesy of a RCUK block grant
- Provides £81,627 in total for 2013-2014, rising to £96,031 for 2014-2015
- Pays APCs for journals that provides immediate and unrestricted access to articles via their own website with CC-BY licenses.
- Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- Fund available to Ruhr-Universität Bochum submitting or corresponding authors, launched January 1, 2014 with support from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
- In 2016 maximum award supports 10% total publication costs per author / per author annually, 5% in 2017. As of 2015, author contribution must support 20% of article processing charges.
- Budget: 2015 (50,074€), 2016 (60,000€), 2017 (95,000€)
- Limited to publication in full OA journals maintaining a maximum fee of 2,000€. "Open Choice" publications are ineligible for funding.
- Ryerson University Library & Archives
- The Ryerson Library Author Fund is "open to graduate students, faculty, staff, adjunct faculty, and postdoctoral researchers at Ryerson University." who "must exhaust other funding sources (e.g. grants) to pay for open access charges before applying.".
- Funding limited to publication in journals operating under "Biomed Central*, The Public Library of Science, and Hindawi.".
- Publication in hybrid journals ineligible for funding.
- Mandatory deposit in institutional repository, RULA.
- University of Salford
- The Open Access Support Fund is available to "staff and postgraduate research students.".
- Fund referenced as early as September 2013.
- Universität Salzburg
- The University of Salzburg Open Access Publication Fund is available to University of Saltzburg employees acting as corresponding author on accepted "monographs, edited volumes and articles in edited volumes.".
- Fund launched in 2014.
- Maximum award of 2,000€ for articles and 8,000€ for "monographs and edited volumes".
- Limited to publication in journals shown in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); hybrid publication ineligible for funding.
- Funded publication limited to Creative Commons license.
- University of Saskatchewan
- The Research Services Publication Fund is available to University of Saskachewan "tenured or tenure track" faculty, university librarians and term faculty.
- Fund activity shown prior to 2009.
- Maximum award of $1,000 ($1,500 when funding available).
- Funding limited to "one application per applicant per fiscal year" and "one scholarly and creative work can be requested for support per fiscal year".
- Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
- Funding available in connection to the SFI Open Access Availability of Publishing Research Policy, effective February 2009.
- Costs associated with "publishing or depositing in an Open Access repository are allowable as an Eligible Cost under SFI Awards and should be charged against the Miscellaneous budget line.".
- Connected policy mandates deposit of funded publications, with preference to institutional and disciplinary repositories.
- Simon Fraser University (SFU)
- The fund was announced in February 2010.
- SFU "faculty, staff or graduate students" may apply for funding.
- The fund wll not pay publication fees of hybrid OA journals.
- Authors may ask for up to $10,000 per year.
- Simon Fraser joined the Compact for Open-Access Publishing Equity (COPE) on October 21, 2010.
- University College of Southeast Norway (formerly Telemark University College)
- Fund available to Telemark University College affiliated corresponding authors.
- Supports publication in both fully open and hybrid publication maintaining a DBH level 1 or 2, as stated in fund guidelines.
- Fund suggested in section 4.4.4. for 2010 launch.
- Mandatory deposit in Cristin repository.
- University of Stuttgart (Baden-Württemberg, Germany)
- The fund launched 2011 and operated with support from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft from 2010-2015 through the Open-Access Publishing Programme
- Funding is available to submitting or corresponding authors from University of Stuttgart
- Limited to publication in fully peer-reviewed OA journals. Publication in hybrid journals, like Springer Open Choice, ineligible for funding
- Budget in 2017: 56.000€
- Deposit in institutional repository is desired: OPUS - Publication Server of the University of Stuttgart
- University of St Andrews
- Supports access to the following funds:
- RCUK Block Grant
- Awarded from 2013 - 2014 in connection to RCRK Policy on Open Access.
- Publication in policy compliant journal must include funding acknowledgement and access guidelines.
- Charity Open Access Fund (COAF)
- Available to "Researchers funded by Arthritis Research UK, Breast Cancer Campaign, British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK and Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research".
- Fund launched in October 2014.
- Publication must be licensed CC-BY.
- St Andrews University Library
- Available to St Andrews University staff, launched in August 2013.
- Publication in hybrid journals ineligible for funding.
- RCUK Block Grant
- Supports access to the following funds:
- Stellenbosch University
- The Stellenbosch University Open Access Publication Fund is available to "Stellenbosch University faculty members or currently enrolled students".
- Fund policy approved in May 2012.
- Funding limits varied annually.
- Swansea University (Prifysgol Abertawe)
- The fund helps cover the cost of Article Processing Charges (APCs) for articles funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI, formerly RCUK)
- Only supports gold open access, meaning the article needs to be immediately available, at no cost to readers with unlimited non-commercial re-use.
- Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning
- Publication funding available to grant applicants, and "can be included in research project applications as a direct cost" as outlined in applicant instructions updated April 2016.
- Authors of funded applications "must guarantee that their research results will be available through Open Access within six months of publication.".
- Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life, and Welfare (FORTE)
- As expressed in connected policy, Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life, and Welfare (FORTE) grant recipients receive a flat rate of 30,000kr dedicated to OA publication, effective as of January 2012.
- Open publication limited to a "högst sex månaders fördröjning", or (English Translation: Google) a "maximum of six months' delay", as outlined in policy.
- Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
- Funds "can be claimed from the agreed project funding up to a limit of CHF 3000 per publication." in connection to Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) funded grants as outlined in SNSF Guidelines on Open Access. Eligible outputs include both articles and books.
- Hybrid publication ineligible for funding.
- Technische Universität Dresden
- Fund available to Technische Universität Dresden authors acting as submitting or corresponding author.
- Fund launched in 2013 in coordination with Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
- Limited to fully OA publications included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) with a maximum fee of 2,000€.
- Technische Universität München
- The TUM Open Access Publishing Fund operates in connection to Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), available to Technische Universität München affiliated authors.
- Fund announced in 2013.
- Supports free publication in identified SCOAP3 journals in addition to discounted publication costs through additional publishers.
- Maximum APC of "2,000 € or 2,270 USD".
- Publication "should contain a reference to the DFG-funding".
- Temple University
- The Open Access Publishing Fund was launched in 2016.
- Funding is available to any "current Temple University faculty member OR a current postdoctoral fellow/resident/graduate student with a faculty member listed as a co-author."
- Each applicant may request up to $1,500 total per fiscal year. For articles with multiple Temple authors, the per article payment is capped at $3,000.
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- The Open Publishing Support Fund was launched in the fall of 2008.
- Funding is available to any "faculty member, post-doctoral associate, or currently enrolled graduate student ready to submit a completed article for publication."
- Articles published by "peer-reviewed open access publishers" are supported; "Any open access publication will be considered, provided that the journal is freely available at the time of initial publication with no embargo periods. Hybrid journals that make only selected articles open access are not included in the pilot project."
- Applicants receive funding on a "first-come, first-served basis to a maximum of $3,000 per article."
- Texas A&M University
- Open Access to Knowledge Fund (OAKFund) is available to support OA publication costs for "journal articles, book chapters, and books" and institutional PeerJ membership for "current members of the faculty or full-time research staff at Texas A&M University". Current funds have been allotted, with possible renewal.
- The fund (or equivalent) is mentioned in this June 2007 conference report.
- Maximum award of $3,000. Awarded sum is divided "evenly between all eligible authors" for multi-author funded works.
- Publication in hybrid or delayed access journals are ineligible for funding.
- Encouraged deposit in institutional repository, OAKTrust.
- Texas Christian University
- The Open Access Fund supported by Texas Christian University is available to "faculty, staff, and students" acting as corresponding author for the publication of OA "journal articles, conference proceedings, monographs, monograph chapters, and other scholarly material such as data sets".
- Funding limited to journals which are included in the DOAJ, maintain a "DOAJ Seal of Approval" or "DOAJ checkmark", and maintain OASPA membership; hybrid journals ineligible.
- Funding for books limited to publishers maintaining OASPA membership or inclusion in the DOAB.
- Maximum award of $3,000
- Mandatory deposit in TCU Institutional Repository.
- Texas Woman's University
- The fund "provides scholarly funding to TWU full-time faculty members who wish to publish their work in peer-reviewed, Open Access journals".
- Pilot launched in 2015 for duration of the 2015 - 2016 academic year.
- Supports a maximum award of $3000 per individual or group.
- Thomas Jefferson University
- The Jefferson Open Access Publishing Fund was launched in the fall of 2018.
- Funding is available to faculty, students, and staff.
- Authors or publishers with sufficient funding from grants or contracts should not apply. Researchers are encouraged to include a line-item on future grant proposals for dissemination or open access costs.
- The journal must have one or more of the following: a listing in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); membership in the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA); or adherence to the OASPA Code of Conduct.
- Hybrid publications that make some articles free while charging subscriptions for others are ineligible for funding.
- The maximum support Jefferson will provide is $2,500 per article or $2,500 per author for the 2018 academic year.
- University of Toronto
- The fund was announced in October 2012.
- Peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters or monographs accepted for publication after June 1, 2012 are eligible.
- Funding is available to "all full-time and part-time faculty members and librarians, staff, currently registered graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows".
- The fund will pay up to a maximum amount of CAD 3,000 per fiscal year per corresponding author, on a "first come, first served" basis.
- The fund will not pay publication fees at hybrid OA journals.
- Requests for funds may be refused if the publisher appears to be a "predatory open access publisher".
- UiT The Arctic University of Norway (formerly The University of Tromsø)
- The fund was announced February 18, 2011. Article about the fund and its rules. See also information pageÌ
- The fund supports APCs in OA journals (not hybrid journals) for corresponding authors employed by or studying at the University of Tromsø, full- or part-time. PeerJ membership is also supported.
- There is no financial limit per author but a per article limit of NOK 25,000, and there is no limit to the number of articles per author per year.
- Journals must be listed in DOAJ (or eligible for such listing) and must be accredited in the Norwegian funding system for Higher Education and Research institutions.
- 2018 budget is NOK 3,500,000 (roughly USD 445,000) - but will be augmented with funding from the Norwegian Research Council's STIM-OA program, refunding up to 50 per cent of payments made by the institutional funds. This makes NOK 4,000,000 (USD 500,000) the actual budget for 2018.
- University of Tübingen
- Fund available to University of Tübingen authors acting as corresponding or submitting author.
- Fund launched in 2013, operating in connection to Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
- Limited to publication in full OA journals with a maximum fee of 2,000€, funding 70% of costs limited to three publications per-author annually as of 2015.
- Funder acknowledgement encouraged.
- Tufts University
- The Provost's Open Access Fund was launched in January of 2011.
- It supports both publication in open access journals and the digitization of small research collections for open access.
- University of Twente
- Fund available to University of Twente employees acting as first or co-author for funded publication.
- Publication limited to journals included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); hybrid publication ineligible for funding.
- Limited to one award per-applicant annually; fund must function as only "received or requested" funding for publication.
- Maximum award of 2,500€.
- UK Department for International Development (DFID)
- The Department for International Development (DFID) Research Open and Enhanced Access Policy adopted in January 2013 includes support for publication costs.
- University of Bergen
- The University of Bergen fund was launched in 2013, and currently publication costs for open access articles and books.
- Funding for articles are limited to journal or book publishers "registered on level 1 or 2 in the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers" and outputs released under a Creative Commons license.
- Funding limited to authors with University of Bergen institutional affiliation.
- The University "currently has a "Supporter Membership" with BioMed Central. This means that the university pays a fixed amount per year, providing all UiB employees with a 15% discount on publication in BioMed Central's journals, Chemistry Central and Springer Open journals". (See full policy)
- University College London (UCL)
- Funds available to University College London (UCL) staff and students acting as corresponding author, in addition to funds supported by Research Councils UK (RCUK) and COAF.
- Required deposit in University College London (UCL) Research Publications Database (RPS) and UCL Discovery, as outlined in connected policy.
- University of Ulm
- The fund was announced in 2009 for non-medical publications.
- In 2013 an additional fund for medical publications was announced.
- Funding is available to submitting or corresponding authors from University of Ulm.
- The funds reimburse two-thirds of the publication fees, the author has to pay one third.
- The funds support hybrid journals.
- Utah State University Libraries
- Fund available for Utah State University students and faculty, announced in 2013.
- Maximum award of $1,500 per-article, limited to one award per-author annually.
- Publication in hybrid journals not eligible for funding, and fund applicants "must request a match from their department, college, or an outside granting agency".
- Mandatory deposit in institutional repository, DigitalCommons@USU.
- Utrecht University
- The Utrecht University Open Access Fund helps cover the cost of publication fees for academics at Utrecht University who do not have external funding.
- Articles must be published in journals that are fully open access. Hybrid journals are not eligible.
- Grants for book publications are also available
- All publications must be made available at Igitur Archive, Utrecht University's repository
- Vetenskapsrådet (The Swedish Research Council)
- Funding available in connection to grant conditions relating to open access first established in January 2010, and mandating open publication effective 2015 and under a CC-BY license effective 2017.
- Publication funds available for inclusion in initial grant applications.
- University of Vienna
- The Central Open Access Publishing Fund was launched on July 16, 2014. It is run by the Open Access Office, Library and Archive Services of the University of Vienna.
- Funding is available for articles in genuine open access journals: DOAJ-listed, no hybrid journals.
- Articles that are published as outcomes of primarily externally funded research projects will not be funded.
- „First come, first served policy“; up to three publications per year and author.
- The maximum publication fee expected is EUR 2,000 per item. Higher costs can be covered in individual cases.
- The submitting author/corresponding author must be affiliated to the University of Vienna.
- A refund of already paid bills for APCs is not possible.
- Virginia Commonwealth University
- The VCU Libraries Open Access Publishing Fund is open to faculty, postdocs, graduate and professional students.
- Funding is capped at $3,000 per author and $2,000 per article within a fiscal year.
- The fund does not cover articles in hybrid journals.
- Virginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
- The subvention fund was launched by the University Libraries on September 28, 2012.
- Funds are available for fully OA journals only.
- Authors must not have grants that could cover APCs.
- Funding is available to current faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students.
- Funding is capped at a maximum of $2000 per article and $4000 per author per year.
- University of Virginia
- "The Open Access Fund is intended to support U.Va. authors who wish to publish their research in an open access journals", in addition to providing funding for the publication of OA books.
- All faculty, staff and students served by the U.Va. Library system are eligible for funding.
- Funding is limited to up to $2000 per article, with a maximum of $3000 per year.
- All successful funding applicants will must deposit a copy of their articles in Libra, U.Va.’s institutional repository.
- The University of Virginia Open Access Fund was in operation from 2013 through 2017.
- Wageningen University and Research Center
- The fund was launched in 2006.
- The renewed conditions were published in 2011.
- Funding covers a "maximum of 50% of the costs of an open access publication".
- Funding is provided "in proportion to the Wageningen UR contribution".
- Wake Forest University, Z. Smith Reynolds Library
- Fund available to Wake Forest University faculty for the publication of "peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters", launched in 2008.
- Limited to publication in journals which are included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) or maintain Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) membership.
- Funding is "provided in equal sum from three sources: the Z. Smith Reynolds Library, the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs, and the author’s department".
- Mandatory deposit in institutional repository, WakeSpace.
- Fund criteria available in supporting document.
- Wayne State University
- Open Access Fund "available to current full-time Wayne State University Faculty".
- Maximum award of $1,000, limited to "One award per author per funding year.".
- Limited to "members of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA, http://oaspa.org/), or meet the membership requirements of OASPA, as delineated under OASPA’s Membership Criteria (http://oaspa.org/membership/membership-criteria/) and Code of Conduct (http://oaspa.org/membership/code-of-conduct/).", with no embargo period.
- Mandatory deposit in institutional repository, DigitalCommons@WayneState.
- Currently closed while the initiative is reassessed.
- Wellcome Library
- Wellcome Library Open Access Fund supports "funds available to pay the open access publishing costs for research papers, monographs and book chapters that result from research based on the Wellcome Library’s collections."
- Publisher eligibility for articles is limited to "a journal that operates an anonymous peer-review system", and for books a "recognised academic press".
- Funded outputs are required to be published under a Creative Commons CC BY license and shared in Europe PMC.
- Wellcome Trust
- Funding available to Wellcome Trust supported researchers for the publication of articles, monographs, and book chapters.
- Charity Open Access Fund (COAF) available to 36 higher education institutions as of July 2018. Required PubMed Central deposit and CC-BY license.
- Funding available to researchers unaffiliated with Charity Open Access Fund (COAF) institutions by contacting Wellcome Trust directly for support.
- Western University
- The Western Libraries Open Access Fund is available to Western University first or corresponding authors to support the publication of OA "journals, monographs, and book chapters".
- Funding limited to journals included in the DOAJ "or meet the DOAJ’s selection criteria"; publication in hybrid journals ineligible.
- Funding for books and book chapters limited to publishers maintaining OASPA membership or Code of Conduct compliance.
- Maximum award of $2,400, limited to two awards per applicant annually.
- University of Wisconsin
- The fund was launched in 2007 and was discontinued in January 2014.
- The fund paid publication fees of hybrid OA journals, but had a cap on the maximum to be paid of 30% of fee.
- The fund will paid 50% of the publication charges for full OA journals.
- On a per-article basis, funding did "not exceed $1,500" per year per author.
- University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
- The fund was established in June 2012 and discontinued in June 2023.
- The fund had a successful pilot in support of graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in 2022-23.
- In total, the fund provided financial support for 142 article processing changes, 113 unique first authors affiliated with 30 different departments.
- University of Worcester
- Fund available to University of Worcester staff and research students.
- Support for fund included in University of Worcester Open Access Publishing Policy, published March 2014.
- World Health Organization
- Funding availability identified in World Health Organization OA policy, including, "WHO will include the costs of open-access charges, where appropriate, in its applications to donors who support WHO’s work. It will also invite external entities applying for project support from WHO to include such costs, where appropriate, in their applications.".
- Connected policy effective July 2014, mandating OA publication under "Creative Commons 3.0 intergovernmental organization (IGO)" license or author deposit into Europe PMC.
- Universität Würzburg
- Fund available to Universität Würzburg authors acting as corresponding author.
- Fund launched in 2011, operating in connection to Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) from 2011 to 2016.
- Funded publication must be licensed under CC-BY and include fund acknowledgement.
- Fund available to cover up to 60% of publication costs; applications limited to fees up to 2,000€.
- Funded publications included in OPUS Würzburg.
- University of York, UK
- The Open Access Archaeology Fund was launched in 2016 and aims to support the publishing and archiving costs of researchers who have no means of institutional support; awards began in 2017.
- It is administered by Internet Archaeology and the Archaeology Data Service.
- Fund awards vary in size and are allocated through application. "Funds will be prioritised to those without means of institutional support, namely early career researchers and independent scholars who deposit an archive with ADS or who have been accepted for publication in Internet Archaeology."
- York University Libraries, Canada
- The York University Libraries OA Author Fund is available for "All York, faculty, graduate students, staff, post-docs, emeriti, and visiting scholars who have had a peer-reviewed article accepted to an Open Access journal that meets the funding criteria.".
- Funding limited to one publication per applicant annually, and funded publication must have a York University affiliated first author.
- Publication in subscription-based and hybrid journals including journals that maintain "embargoes that limit Open Access to content for a specific time period after publication, if it is longer than the publication timeline required by the funding source." are not eligible for funding.
- Mandatory deposit in institutional repository, YorkSpace.
- University of Zurich
- In 2012 the Publishing Fund for Social Sciences and Humanities was launched as a pilot program to support open access publications from the social sciences and humanities, including articles, monographs, book chapters, and edited works.
- The open fund does not support publication in hybrid journals.
- Funding is capped at a maximum of 2,000 CHF per author per year.