
A097239 - OEIS

21125, 36125, 42250, 54925, 63375, 72250, 84500, 105125, 108375, 109850, 122825, 126750, 144500, 147875, 164775, 169000, 171125, 190125, 210125, 210250, 216750, 219700, 232375, 245650, 252875, 253500, 289000, 295750, 315375, 325125, 329550


If m is a term, then 2*m and p*m are terms where p is any prime of the form 4k+3. - Ray Chandler, Dec 30 2019


Cf. A004144 (0), A084645 (1), A084646 (2), A084647 (3), A084648 (4), A084649 (5), A097219 (6), A097101 (7), A290499 (8), A290500 (9), A097225 (10), A290501 (11), A097226 (12), A097102 (13), A290502 (14), A290503 (15), A097238 (16), A290504 (18), A290505 (19), A097103 (22), A097244 (31), A097245 (37), A097282 (40), A097626 (67).