Tunguska event of 1908 was to be of geophysical origin!
- ️Andrei Ol'khovatov
You can read a brief 'summary on Tunguska' below.
Andrei Yu. Ol'khovatov
Russia, Moscow
Here the author's idea (first it was published in IZVESTIA ACADEMY
OF SCIENCES OF USSR in 1991, and now it is already rather popular among
Tunguska researchers) is explained that the famous 1908 Tunguska event
in Siberia was not an impact of a stony asteroid/meteorite or a comet, but a
manifestation of geophysical (terrestrial) processes: roughly speaking, a
result of coupling between tectonic and atmospheric processes in very rare
combination of favourable geophysical factors.
In general it is based on the following:
Simultaneous realization of all these geophysical phenomena together
with Tunguska as just pure accidental coincidence is very unlikely.
Remarkably, that on small scales similar geophysical micro-Tunguskas
occur rather often.
The exact physical mechanism of Tunguska event is still disputable.
In my opinion electromagnetic phenomena play large role in it.
Here is a note from SCIENCE magazine - a reaction on the above-mentioned discussion of Tunguska at the Brunel Univ. conference (SCIENCE's issue of Sept.13, 2002, p.1803):
On the morning of 30 June, 1908, in the remote Tunguska forest of Siberia,
a vast explosion charred and flattened trees across an area nearly as large
as Rhode Island.
Scientists have been mystified for years over the cause, although
prevailing wisdom has it that an extra-terrestrial chunk of ice or rock
struck Tunguska (Science, 20 August 1999, p. 1205).
At a conference in London last week on environmental
catastrophes, physicists from Russia and Germany rejected the 'ET
hypothesis.' Andrei Ol'khovatov, formerly of the Soviet Radio Instrument
Industry Research Institute, noted that decades of research has failed to
find definitive traces of extraterrestrial material. No impact crater has
been found and, more tellingly, patches of trees were left untouched near
the epicenter of the blast.
Wolfgang Kundt, an astrophysicist from Bonn University, Germany,
then proposed an alternative scenario: a massive gas explosion. A large
natural gas deposit lies below the site, a well-known fact unconnected to
the event until now, he said. Kundt has modeled a Tunguska 'outgassing' and
says it would fit with eyewitness accounts of the event.
"The geophysical hypothesis is a fresh idea," says Jesus Martinez-Frias of
the National Aerospace Institute in Madrid, Spain "It could be the answer."
But Ol'khovatov believes Tunguska was a "poorly understood strong coupling
between subterranean and meteorological phenomena" that science is not yet
ready to understand.