
The Open University

  • ️Sun Jan 01 2006


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ed. (2006). Values and Virtues: Aristotelianism in contemporary ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

After 25 centuries, Aristotle's influence on our society's moral thinking remains profound even when subterranean. Typical members of our society can often be made to see that their moral thought and action are, in crucial ways, unwittingly Aristotelian. No one in contemporary philosophical ethics can afford to ignore Aristotle. Much of the finest work in recent moral philosophy has been overtly and professedly Aristotelian in inspiration. And many writers who would officially distance themselves from Aristotle and his contemporary followers are nonetheless indebted to him, sometimes in ways that they do not realise. Values and Virtues provides a platform for some notable writers in the area to present and discuss their new ideas about Aristotelian ethics in a way that will advance the academic debate and engage the interest of a broad range of philosophical readers.