Fink - Package Database - Introduction
This database lists all available Fink packages. It knows about the "stable" tree of the latest release and about all packages in CVS ("current-stable" and "current-unstable"). Note that some packages are only available in the "unstable" tree.
Read this: The above means that a default install of Fink will not recognize some packages listed here. That is because those packages are in a section of the archive called "unstable" because they are not well-tested. You can help improve the situation by testing those packages and reporting both success and failure to the package maintainer. The Packages in Testing page lists all packages that still have to pass testing. In order to test the packages, you need to configure Fink to use unstable and then download the latest descriptions by running fink selfupdate-rsync (or fink selfupdate-cvs if you can't use rsync for some reason).
Help is also needed to find new maintainers for the packages without maintainers.
The database was last updated Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:00:04 (UTC) and currently lists 36849 packages in 29 sections.
You can browse a complete list of packages, or you can browse by archive section:
- base - Core packages
- crypto - Cryptographic software (subject to national regulations)
- database - SQL and other database software
- devel - Software for software development
- editors - Text editors
- games - Games and other fun stuff
- gnome - The GNOME desktop environment (version 2.26)
- graphics - Graphics applications and libraries
- kde - K Desktop Environment (version 3.5.10 and 4.2.4)
- kde/po - Translations for the K Desktop Environment (version 3.5.10 and 4.2.4)
- languages - Programming languages (compilers, interpreters)
- libs - General purpose libraries
- libs/ghc - Glasgow Haskell Compiler libraries
- libs/ocamlmods - OCaml libraries
- libs/octmods - Octave libraries
- libs/perlmods - Perl libraries
- libs/pythonmods - Python libraries
- libs/rmods - R libraries
- libs/rubymods - Ruby libraries
- net - Network-related applications and libraries
- sci - Scientific applications
- shells - Shells (command line interpreters)
- sound - Audio software
- text - Text-processing software
- utils - Utilities that do not fit elsewhere
- web - Web-related software
- x11 - General X11 packages - toolkits and utilities
- x11-system - X Window System core packages
- x11-wm - Window managers for the X Window System