The Holocaust History Project Homepage
evidence from the past.
Documents on the beginnings of the gassing program:
![]() | October 25, 1941: "Gassing Devices". Letter from Wetzel to Lohse, recommending that the head of the euthanasia program should build "gassing devices" to eliminate the Jews. March 26, 1942: "Special Vans...or Other Remedies". Letter from Rauff to the Criminal Technical Institute, stating that "special vans" are needed at the Mauthausen concentration camp. Until they arrive, bottled poison gas must be used. April 11, 1942: "Delousing Van". Letter to Himmler's staff describing how a "delousing van" - quote marks in the original - will be used to clear out a camp of Jewish women and children.June 5, 1942: "97,000 have been processed". Letter to Rauff, describing in detail how the "special vans" in the East have murdered 97,000 people. |
Documents on the Auschwitz death camp:
![]() | August 21, 1942: "Bathing Installations for Special Action". Describes two ovens installed in Auschwitz gassing bunkers. August 26, 1942: "Material for Special Treatment". Permission to send a truck to pick up Zyklon-B. September 1-5, 1942: Diary of Johann Paul Kremer. Dr. Kremer witnessed gassings in Auschwitz and wrote about them in his diary. September 8, 1942: "Cremation capacity of 2,650 a day is not enough". A note to file by Topf engineer Karl Prüfer. January 29, 1943: "Cremation with Simultaneous Special Treatment". It was important to conduct gassing and cremation at the same time. January 29, 1943: "Vergasungskeller". The gas chamber room's purpose is revealed ("gassing cellar"). March 31, 1943: Krema II Inventory. Mentions the devices by which the Zyklon-B was poured into the gas chamber. June 24, 1943: Krema III Inventory. Lists the fourteen (fake) showerheads and "one gas-tight door" installed in the gas chamber. May 24, 1944: "Unconditional Secrecy". An SS man is sworn to secrecy "to carry out the Jewish evacuation." June/July 1944: "Revealing a State Secret". A woman is executed for having revealed Auschwitz's secrets. |
Documents on the Operation Reinhard extermination camps:
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Other Documents:
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scanned or typed reproductions of works.
Various important books with the permission of the Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers by Jean-Claude Pressac. The seminal and still timely book on the gas chambers at Auschwitz.
French Children of the Holocaust by Serge Klarsfeld. It is a heart-wrenching depiction of the cruel treatment that the Nazis inflicted on innocent French Children.
The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania by Serge Klarsfeld. The Holocaust and Neo-Nazi Mythomania is a documentary work which consists of two studies � "The Launching of the Final Solution of the Jewish Question" and "Reply to the Neo-Nazi Falsification of Historical Facts Concerning the Holocaust."
The Struthof Album by Jean-Claude Pressac. It is a study of the Gassing at Natzweiler-Struthof of 86 Jews whose bodies were to constitute a collection of skeletons.
Wherever They May Be by Beate Klarsfeld. The autobiography of a young German girl who grew up to become one of the premier Nazi hunters.
IMT Volume I (370 pages). The Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, Volume I. Covering October 18 to November 13, 1945. The text has been faithfully reproduced page-by-page. Thanks to Patrick Groff and Harry Mazal.
IMT Volume II (500 pages). Covering November 14 to November 30, 1945. Thanks to Patrick Groff and Harry Mazal.
IMT Volume III (600 pages). Covering December 1 to December 14, 1945. Thanks to Patrick Groff and Harry Mazal.
IMT Volume IV (570 pages). Covering December 17, 1945 to January 8, 1946. Thanks to Patrick Groff and Harry Mazal.
Verdicts in several key trials in Germany in the 1950s and 1960s that contain numerous references to the Final Solution. The documents are in German and are:
- The verdict in the "Auschwitz Trial" in Frankfurt am Main of August 19-20, 1965.
- The verdict in the Belzec Trial in Munich of January 21, 1965
- The verdict in the Sobibor Trial in Berlin of May 8, 1950
- The verdict in the Sobibor Trial in Frankfurt am Main of August 25, 1950
- The verdict in the Treblinka Trial in Düsseldorf of September 3, 1965
- The verdict in the Einsatzgruppen Trial in Ulm of August 29, 1958
- The verdict in the Einsatzgruppen Trial in Munich of July 21, 1961
The Jaeger Report (9 pages), Written by SS-Standartenfuehrer (Colonel) Karl Jaeger, commander of one of the "Einsatzkommandos" (EK 3), it provides a very detailed account of the murderous rampage of this "special squad" in Nazi-occupied USSR, and proudly documents 137,346 murders.
The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide by Dr. Robert Jay Lifton. "An agonizing account of what doctors can do when they are transformed by their culture. To read of the medical experiments at Auschwitz - 'They took us because they didn�t have rabbits' - will make it harder for us physicians ever again to be corrupted." Howard M. Spiro, M.D. Professor of Medicine, Yale Medical School.
The Stroop Report (125 pages), Major General Jürgen Stroop, 1943. The thorough Nazi record proudly documenting the destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto. See also Stroop on Treblinka. Thanks to Jürgen Langowski. See introduction for notes on the English translation.
Blausäure zur Schädlingsbekämpfung (70 pages), Gerhard Peters, 1933. "Prussic Acid in Pest Control." An important work for understanding the characteristics of Zyklon-B. Text transcription and translation are not yet available. Thanks to Daniel Keren.
Die Einsatzfähigkeit der Blausäure-Durchgasung bei tiefen Temperaturen (5 pages), Gerhard Peters and W. Rasch, 1941. "The Efficiency of Prussic Acid Fumigation at Low Temperatures." Addresses behavior of Zyklon-B at low temperatures.
Nochmals: Die Einsatzfähigkeit der Blausäure-Durchgasung bei tiefen Temperaturen (3 pages), R. Irmscher, 1942. "Once More: The Efficiency of Prussic Acid Fumigation at Low Temperatures." Further German research addressing the behavior of Zyklon-B at low temperatures.
Holocaust Denial
We have a special page devoted to an examination of Holocaust denial and deniers.
Among other things, we offer a quick questions and answers page on revisionism and Holocaust deniers.
David Irving is a Holocaust denier residing in the UK who recently lost a lawsuit to Deborah Lipstadt. We now have an index organizing material about David Irving.
We also offer a
for those seeking a printed concise introduction
to David Irving and his lies, entitled
Who is David Irving?
(Over a year ago, David Irving called this pamphlet "lies" and
"fiction." Although he constructed a special webpage to reprint it, and
has corresponded with us several times, he has been unable to name even
one error. In
July 1998, he
said he would respond - and after a long silence, in
January 1999
decided not.)
CODOH (the so-called committee for open discussion of the Holocaust story) is one of the major disseminators of denial in the US. We now have a webpage devoted to addressing the challenge that they pose.
We have a letter from Joel Hayward regarding his change of views with respect to his Master's thesis.
Early in 2009, the Vatican rehabilitated four Bishops who had been consecrated by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre 20 years ago. Since this had been done without Vatican approval, the Bishops were excommunicated. Not long after the rehabilitation had been announced by Pope Benedict XVI, it came to light that one of the Bishops - Richard Williamson - has expressed views consistent with those of Holocaust deniers and antisemites in a television interview aired just days before the Vatican decision was announced. A firestorm of controversy arose, which has been documented in the media, and need not be repeated here. The Bishop was ordered to recant his views (which he has yet to do). THHP member Harry W. Mazal has written a Response to statements made by Bishop Richard Williamson concerning the Holocaust from both the historical and scientific perspectives of Bishop Williamson's public statements.
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