- CALDWELL'S WWE NXT RESULTS 11/30: Complete "virtual time" coverage of NXT Season 3, Week 13 - Season Finale, Intro for NXT Season 4

  • ️Sat Sep 04 2010


WWE NXT TV Results
November 30, 2010 - Season 3, Week 13
Taped in Norfolk, Va.
Aired on WWE's website
By James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

A reminder of the cast of Season Three of WWE NXT:

Rookie: A.J. Lee. Pro: Primo.
-- Rookie: Naomi. Pro: Kelly Kelly.
-- Rookie: Maxine. Pro: Alicia Fox.
-- Rookie: Aksana. Pro: Goldust.
-- Rookie: Jamie Keyes. Pros: Bella Twins.
-- Rookie: Kaitlyn. Pro: Vickie Guerrero.

Tonight's final episode of NXT Season 3 began with a video package recapping this season heretofore leading to Naomi vs. Kaitlyn in the finals.

Announcers: The show went right to the announce table where Michael Cole solemnly discussed what happened on Raw last night. He said he still hasn't figured out why he cost Jerry Lawler the WWE Title last night or what he was thinking. Cole said he's going to attempt to talk to Jerry Lawler privately and share his thoughts next week on Raw. Good start immediately following up on that big development at the end of Raw.

In-ring: Matt Striker was in the ring to introduce the two remaining Rookies. Instead, Vickie Guerrero interrupted on-stage and introduced her "horrible" Rookie, Kaitlyn. Out came Kaitlyn on stage and they walked separately to the ring. Naomi then came to the ring to stand next to Kaitlyn. Striker recapped the journey to the end of NXT Season 3. He asked the crowd to congratulate them on reaching this point. Striker noted Naomi's Pro, Kelly Kelly, cannot be here tonight, but she did send a special message.

Video message: Kelly spoke via satellite about traveling with Big Show and Eve overseas to entertain the troops. She said she expects Naomi to win NXT tonight. ... Back in the ring, Striker asked Naomi to put over Kelly Kelly. She did and Cole expressed frustration with this lovefest. Striker then noted Kaitlyn's rough relationship with Vickie. Before Kaitlyn could talk, Vickie interrupted and said she will speak for Kaitlyn. Vickie said she ditched her original Rookie and it was the biggest mistake of her life.

Kaitlyn tried to cut off Vickie, which prompted Vickie to cut her off. "Excuse me!" she shouted. Vickie accused Kaitlyn of stealing Dolph Ziggler. Kaitlyn tried to settle things down and said she actually gave thanks on Thursday at Thanksgiving for Vickie as her Pro. As for Vickie, it was apparent she gave thanks for a second helping of mashed potatoes. Vickie said she's out of here, but Kaitlyn pushed her down and Vickie started screaming again. She stomped off before Striker sent it to the announcers.

Announcers: Cole talked up Vickie, which drew Josh Mathews's ire. Mathews told Cole to get with it before recapping the end of Season 3 tonight. He plugged Season 4 beginning next week. "You mean there's another season?!" Cole angrily asked.

Backstage: R-Truth was doing a dance with no music. His music kicked in and he introduced his Rookie, Johnny Curtis. Video package: They went to a profile video on Curtis introduced himself from FCW.

Six-Divas tag match to come tonight: A.J. and Bellas vs. Alicia Fox & Maxine & Aksana bringing some of the eliminated Rookies.


In-ring: The Bellas and A.J. came to the ring first as Cole recapped John Cena picking off Nexus one by one last night on Raw despite being fired. He paused to let that logic head-scratcher sink in. Mathews plugged the TLC PPV before Alicia's music hit to bring out the heel trio. Goldust looked forlorn as Aksana walked by and the announcers debated whether Goldust and Aksana are actually divorced.


Cole said they put six Divas in the ring because "what we can't make up for in quality, we make up for in quantity." A.J. worked over Aksana early on as Cole dryly said he can't remember anything that happened last week. Cole said he has a lot of other things going on in his life right now. He also said these last 13 weeks have been the most horrible experience of his life. Cole said he even had his gong taken away. A.J. eventually made a hot tag to Brie while trash-talkin' Nikki talked trash from the ring apron.

The action broke down as Cole wondered aloud what this has anything to do with anything happening tonight. A.J. eventually re-tagged in and landed a cross-body block on Maxine for the pin and the win. Cole excitedly shouted the win means nothing because she's already been eliminated. "What's next?" he asked. Post-match: Carlito took it upon himself to slip into the ring, then slip A.J. a rousing kiss. Primo then celebrated with A.J. and the Bellas to conclude the segment.

WINNERS: Bellas & A.J. in 5:00.

Backstage: Chris Masters was in a suit. His voice sounds so different. He said his Rookie is a bit brash and cocky. Masters introduced Byron Saxton. Are they going to acknowledge his role as the final ECW announcer? The intro video certainly didn't acknowledge his ECW background. Neither did the announcers.


Backstage: Ted DiBiase and Maryse were staring into the camera. DiBiase said he's a Pro on NXT Season 4. He said his Rookie has quite the size advantage. This is Brodius Clay. He's from Pasadena, Calif. Ah, my old stomping grounds. They basically focused on Brodius being the new Taz, giving him the label of the "human suplex machine." Back to the announcers, Cole smiled and winked to the camera that he knows someone is going to be mad about this.

In-ring: Striker built up a competition between Naomi and Kaitlyn for a trash-talking contest. Kaitlyn stared Naomi in the eyes and talked her up before talking about herself. Kaitlyn said she literally had her first match on NXT. Meanwhile, Naomi started hot, then flatlined. Kaitlyn said she can't teach Naomi personality. Naomi brushed that off and said she's not taking the bait on the competition. She thanked the fans for supporting her, which drew a mix of boos and cheers. Naomi said she wanted to be a "performer" and an "entertainer" since she was a little girl. She re-built to another babyface promo, prompting a gong request from Cole. Striker plugged Naomi vs. Kaitlyn in a singles match up next.

[Break. We...must...have...more...WWE DVD plugs. They're promoting Legendary and Knucklehead together now.]


The bell sounded and they stared at each other. Cole showed no enthusiasm as the proceedings began. Kaitlyn then did the Big Swing and Cole showed he doesn't keep up with the wrestling product outside of WWE saying he hasn't seen that since the 1980s. Cole then offered an apology to Harley Race, saying he forgot to note Race's King of the Ring victory last night on Raw. He said Race texted Talent Relations and the word was passed along to him. The match moved to the floor where Kaitlyn catapulted Naomi into the ring apron. They cut to a shot of the Pros on the stage with blank looks on their faces.

The action resumed in the ring with a mighty struggle to impress the Pros. The announcers gave a shout-out to Tony Chimel as Naomi scored a nearfall. Cole then shouted at the referee to count faster. The crowd rallied up with a "Let's go Kaitlyn" chant before Naomi and Kaitlyn crashed and burned in the ring. They cut to Vickie groaning and Fox laughing. Kaitlyn eventually scored the pin for the win and Cole complained about the ref's count.

WINNER: Kaitlyn in 6:00.

Post-match: Vickie stood up on the stage saying no one cares about Kaitlyn's victory. "Excuse me!" she shouted. Vickie said she would like to take this opportunity to - pause for a "You suck" chant - introduce one of the WWE Pros for NXT Season 4...Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler walked out on stage sporting a black jacket and black tie. No shirt. It's Dolph. He thanked Vickie for the intro, then introduced Jacob Novak. They cut to a video on Jacob, who looks like Josh Mathews. He's doing a businessman gimmick.

On-stage: Matt Striker asked the Pros to huddle up and cast their votes on who's winning NXT Season 3. They'll find out next.


Announcers: Cole and Mathews plugged the three-hour Slammy Awards show in two Mondays. ... Raw Rebound: They focused on The Miz's first WWE Title defense against Jerry Lawler. The mode changed as Cole interjected himself into the match and distracted Lawler before Lawler snapped on Cole with right hand blows. The video dramatically slowed down as Punk narrated Miz smashing Lawler off the ladder to retain the WWE Title.

Announcers: Back to Cole and Mathews. Cole said he will try to contact Lawler about this matter privately before addressing it on Raw this coming Monday.

Backstage: Daniel Bryan will be a Pro on Season 4. Bryan said his Rookie is manly and hilarious. He's the Pro for Derrick Bateman. He said he's mantastic.

On-stage: Matt Striker was with the four eliminated Divas from NXT Season 3, including Jamie, Aksana, Maxine, and A.J. Jamie said she thinks there should be two winners. Well, maybe Naomi. She went for a cheap pop asking Virginia to make Naomi the next breakout Diva. A.J. said it's the "athlete vs. the entertainer," but she wants Kaitlyn all the way. Maxine was given talking time. "100 percent Naomi," she said. Finally, Aksana. She has a question. "Are you single?" she asked Matt. Goldust interrupted and told her to close her mouth. "Be quiet, darling," Aksana retorted. She said Aksana and all Double Double E Universe want to see Aksana the winner. Cole said Vince McMahon is probably glad he's in a coma. And... stretch some more. Winner on the opposite side of the break.


KOTR plug: Sheamus is the new King of the Ring. Next Monday, Sheamus begins his royal reign. How will he rule his Raw kingdom? And, John Cena has been fired by WWE, but he's still getting TV time. What will Cena do next?

Backstage: Alberto Del Rio introduced himself as the next Season 4 Pro. Del Rio said his Rookie is not rich and handsome like him, but he believes he's a fighter. His Rookie is Conor O'Brian. He's your basic 6'1" 220 lb. fighter-type with interesting facial hair and tattoos.

In-ring: Matt Striker was with Naomi and Kaitlyn in the ring to finally find out who's winning Season 3. Striker cued the drumroll and they cut to the video screen. And the winner is...Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn dropped to her knees in the ring to celebrate while Vickie leaned back on her stool with her arms folded. Naomi and Kaitlyn hugged each other in the ring.

Naomi was given talking time. She said she's bittersweet, but she's proud of Kaitlyn. Exit Naomi. Kaitlyn took the mic and shouted, "I promised myself I wouldn't cry." She said she got a call two days before NXT Season 3 started and had nothing to wear. Kaitlyn thanked everyone, including her ridiculous Pro, Vickie Guerrero. Kaitlyn was booed by the crowd for her attempted babyface promo. She gave a shout-out to A.J. and Naomi before trying a "You suck Aksana" chant. "That's classy," Cole whispered. Cole said he's shocked Kaitlyn didn't thank him.

The Pros entered the ring and hugged it out with Kaitlyn. Aksana then walked out on stage twirling her hair. A.J. hugged Kaitlyn and practically wrapped herself around Kaitlyn. Cole walked off the set and banged his headset on the announce table as they replayed Kaitlyn winning and celebrating. They went to a shot of Vickie selling disgust with the result before a final in-ring shot of the Pros and Rookies clapping for Kaitlyn.

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