- JAMES'S WWE NXT RESULTS 12/5 - WEEK 24: Kidd main event, Cesaro, Shield member in action, Overall Reax
- ️Sat Sep 04 2010
WWE NXT TV Results
December 5, 2012
Taped at Full Sail University
Report by Justin James, PWTorch contributor
[Q1] No pre-title video packages, and we are immediately greeted by Michael McGillicutty coming to the ring for a match. McGillicutty gets a fairly warm reaction from the Full Sail crowd. Tony Dawson and William Regal are tonight's announcers. McGillicutty is facing Antonio Cesaro. Wow, this match is like an early Christmas gift.
1 - U.S. champion ANTONIO CESARO vs. MICHAEL MCGILLICUTTY - non-title match
Technical wrestling to start things off. Dawson thanks Regal for teaching him basic "sports entertainment" history, notably the name of McGillicutty's grandfather. McGillcutty shows some speed, but Cesaro comes back with power. McGillicutty back on the attack, but Cesaro tosses him over his head and right across the ropes in the corner where McGillicutty gets caught up. Cesaro follows with a big kneelift to the exposed midsection. Cesaro with a double foot stomp to knock the air out of McGillicutty. Sunset flip gets McGilicutty a nearfall, but Cesaro knocks him silly with a clothesline in return.
They trade blows and McGillcutty gets the upper hand. Saito suplex and a sliding elbow to Cesaro for a two count. A ref break lets Cesaro sneak in a thumb to the eye, followed right after by his trademark uppercut. Cesaro cracks the neck and the Neutralizer ends it.
WINNER: Antonio Cesaro in 6:20. Very nice match that would not have worn out its welcome if given another five minutes. Cesaro has so many innovative and unique moves, it is always a treat to watch him, and McGillicutty is quickly accumulating a list of good-to-great matches.
In the ring is Axl Keegan making his debut. He's facing Bo Dallas.
The larger Keegan can't get the upperhand on Dallas. Keegan puts Dallas's face into the turnbuckle and roughs him up. Dawson says that Dallas is "masochistic." That really put the wrong visual in my head. Dallas eats big punches to the head with a smile.
[Q2] Dallas with a semi-Edge impression gearing up for a spear, lands it, and makes the cover for the win.
WINNER: Bo Dallas in 3:00. Dallas was much more aggressive than usual, though I'm not sure if he needs to be copying Edge in the way he sets up the spear.
Post-match, Dallas gives a promo explaining his more aggressive attitude as that he's tired of losing. He says he doesn't want a match, he wants a fight.
Raw Rebound.
William Regal says that Corey Graves was "born naughty." Graves throws his jacket at Yoshi Tatsu as Tatsu comes to the ring, and when Tatsu turns around to dump the jacket, Graves assaults Tatu from behind. The ref checks on Tatsu, and rings the bell.
Graves is deadly quick out of the bell and destroys Tatsu's leg with repeated blows. Tatsu is limping as Graves continues to attack the leg. Meanwhile, Dawson waxes eloquently on Graves being "naughty." Tatsu rallies, but he struggles to land his kicks because of the leg damage. Graves catches a kick and slams Tatsu from the air into his knee, leg first, a very unique trick. Graves sets up the "thirteenth step" leg lock for an instant tapout.
WINNER: Corey Graves in 2:45. Graves put on a really standout performance here, matching Tatsu's speed and telling a simple story of working a leg and using that injury to win a match. Refreshing to see that actually work in a WWE match.
In the ring is Gavin Reid making a debut; he'll be facing now-current Shield member Roman Reigns.
[Q3] Reigns immediately dominates Reid. Reigns just knocks Reid down in the corner, then growls in Reid's face and Reid cowers. Reigns with trash talk while applying a cravat. Reigns continues the hold while berating the crowd. Reigns calls for the end and delivers his finisher for the win.
WINNER: Roman Reigns in 2:00. Reigns looked good as usual, and turned up the volume on his in-ring character to good effect.
Post-match, Reigns tosses Reid out of the ring and demands that Byron Saxton come into the ring. Reigns yanks the mic from Saxton and lectures Saxton, and says that Saxton wants to be just like him. Reigns says he doesn't want to have to talk to Saxton ever again about how to properly announce him as the winner.
Backstage, Tom Phillips interviews Tyson Kidd. Kidd says he isn't worried about Leo Kruger hurting him after he hurt Trent Baretta last week. Kassius Ohno interrupts and says that Kidd reminds him of Richie Steamboat, in that he runs his mouth, but Ohno will put him away for good. Kidd quotes Albert Einstein to shut Ohno up. Another well done backstage bit from Ohno.
It's Jim Ross and William Regal on the call for this main event. Kruger sits in the corner after the bell as Kidd demands he wrestle. When Kruger springs, Kidd is ready for him. Kidd mocks Kruger's smile. Kruger with a length stretch of offense until a commercial break.
[Commercial Break]
Kruger is controlling Kidd with a full nelson out of the break. Kidd tries to make a comeback but Kruger ducks a jumping clothesline and Kidd takes the cables to the stomach and falls out of the ring. Kidd continues to absorb offense. Kidd flips out of a suplex attempt to finally turn things around. Kruger gets his knees up to counter a springboard elbow, then cackles like a hyena in the corner. Kruger to the top ropes, but Kidd jumps up and lands an instant armdrag to send Kruger flying. Kidd wants another springboard move, so Kruger puts a boot up. Kidd lands on his feet instead and immediately locks Kruger into the Dungeon Lock and Kruger taps before it is even on all the way.
WINNER: Tyson Kidd in 11:40. Kidd can make just about anyone look good, but he didn't make Leo Kruger look better than "average."
Post-match comes the semi-expected attack from Kassius Ohno. Kruger and Ohno team up on Kidd, then William Regal leaves the announcer booth to pull Kidd from the ring and check on him. Regal helps Kidd up the ramp. I smell Kidd/Regal vs. Ohno/Kruger in the near future, a match that I look forward to.
Final Reax: The NXT storylines have just kind of wandered around lately. Where were Bray Wyatt, Big E. Langston, Paige, Audrey Marie, or The Ascension, all of whom are involved in various plotlines? How about Jinder Mahal or Seth Rollins to put a final sell for their title match next week? The in-ring action was good enough over all, though a lackluster match with Tyson Kidd shows Leo Kruger to not be a stand-out talent once and for all. Corey Graves, though, made a big impact.