- WWE S. SERIES PPV RESULTS 11/24 (Hour 2): Cena vs. Del Rio World Title match, Mark Henry returns, Divas Survivor Series match, Laurinaitis, more
- ️Sat Sep 04 2010
WWE Survivor Series PPV Results
November 24, 2013
Live in Boston, Mass.
Report by James Caldwell (@JCTorch), PWTorch assistant editor
Second Hour PPV Results
In-ring: The Total Divas theme music played to bring out the seven-Diva cast of the E! reality show for the next traditional Survivor Series match. A.J. Lee's music then brought out the non-Total Divas as they tried to find their worth in beating the Divas appearing on a fake reality show.
3 -- TEAM TOTAL DIVAS (BRIE BELLA & NIKKI BELLA & NATALYA & CAMERON & NAOMI & EVA MARIE & JO-JO) vs. TEAM A.J. (Divas champion A.J. LEE & TAMINA SNUKA & KAITLYN & AKSANA & ALICIA FOX & ROSA MENDES & SUMMER RAE) -- seven-on-seven Survivor Series elimination match
Rapid-fire pinfalls early on, then Nikki and Summer Rae had an impromptu dance-off to break up the action. Summer took her off the ball, allowing Nikki to pin her for another elimination. More rapid-fire pinfalls, almost feeling like that battle royal a few years ago where Gail Kim just eliminated herself because pre-match instructions were to get in and out. Referee Marc Harris's arm looked like a windmill out there counting one, two, three every 45 seconds.
The match eventually came down to Brie, Natalya, and Jo-Jo against A.J. and Tamina. Then, it was Jo-Jo playing underdog Rey-Rey against Tamina playing Roman Reigns. Tamina softened up Jo-Jo, then A.J. pinned her. A.J. thought they had this won, but Natalya fended off Tamina, then put A.J. in the Sharpshooter. It was good for a submission win.
WINNER: Natalya via submission at 10:50. Stripping away the reality show fluff, the match was about setting up Natalya getting another run at A.J.'s Divas Title. (*1/2)
Backstage: Randy Orton approached ref Charles Robinson, who he noted is the referee for their title match tonight. Orton told Charles to put their friendship aside and call this right down the middle. Charles nodded along, then tried to leave, but Orton pulled him back to make sure he understands what he's talking about. "Randy, I'm going to do what The Authority said," Charles said. Orton breathed deeply in frustration.
Announcers: Cole and Co. talked on-camera about WWE's next PPV, TLC, from Houston next month. Cole then hyped the pre-show, where The Miz beat Kofi Kingston and the Hall of Fame panel discussed the show. Up to the panel area, where Josh Mathews welcomed in Mick Foley, Booker T, and Bret Hart to a very loud reaction.
Suddenly, Ryback interrupted. Ryback addressed the Hall of Fame panel, then called them second-rate, just like this arena. Ryback said he can intimidate them, the fans, or anyone in the locker room. Now in the ring, Ryback said he is not a bully, just Ryback. He issued an Open Challenge to anyone who wants to make a name for himself. After a pause, Mark Henry's music played to bring out Henry with his new look sans hear, a full beard, and a swagger selling he was glad to be back on WWE TV.
4 -- RYBACK vs. MARK HENRY -- Open Challenge
Henry shoved Ryback across the ring early on. Ryback got up, smiled, and circled the ring before getting knocked down again by Henry. But, Ryback targeted Henry's injured shoulder to slow down Henry and begin working on him. Ryback followed with a snap suplex as the "Goldberg" chants picked up. Ryback then airballed a corner attack and spilled to the outside.
On the floor, Ryback collected himself, then re-entered the ring and ran into Henry, who kind of knocked him down. Henry then got down on all fours to do the JYD move headbutting Ryback from a kneeling position. Henry couldn't follow up, though, selling the effects of not being in good condition. Ryback dropped his straps and teased a Meathook clothesline, but Henry intercepted with a leaping cross-body. Henry then dropped Ryback with World's Strongest Slam for the pin and the win.
WINNER: Henry at 4:48. Okay return for Henry. Neither man seemed to gain much since Henry was presented as rusty and unimpressive (despite the victory) and WWE continues to "Jekyll & Hyde" Ryback giving him wins/impressive moments and significant losses. But, now WWE can re-insert Henry in storylines tomorrow on Raw to give him a purpose following up on his WWE return. (*3/4)
Back to the Hall of Fame panel, who discussed the World Title match of John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio. The match is up next, according to Cole and Co. Cue up a video review of what led to this match.
In-ring: Alberto Del Rio was introduced first. Of note, Ricardo Rodriguez is ringside at the Spanish announce location - will he factor in the match? John Cena was then introduced to his hometown crowd. Cena took a victory lap before entering the ring. Lilian Garcia handled formal ring intros as numerous anti-Cena signs were held up facing the hard camera. Cena soaked in the atmosphere, looked around the arena, and smiled. Cue the bell.
5 -- World Hvt. champion JOHN CENA vs. ALBERTO DEL RIO -- World Title match
Hot crowd early on with "Cena Sucks" drowning out "Let's Go Cena" chants. Del Rio quickly knocked down Cena, targeting Cena's injured elbow. The announcers talked champions, so JBL brought up "Mad Dog" Vachon, who died at the age of 84 on Thursday. Lawler then brought up Cena not wearing protection over his left elbow, perhaps for pride reasons.
Del Rio took control of the match after targeting the elbow, then took Cena to the outside, where he ran him hard into the ring steps. Back in the ring, Del Rio covered for a two count. Del Rio then continued to work on the elbow, prompting another discussion of whether Cena came back too early. Leading the line of questioning was JBL, who Cena called out on Raw TV the last time JBL questioned him.
Back to the outside, Del Rio smashed Cena into the guardrail. No eye contact between Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez, keeping the focus on Cena-Del Rio. Back in the ring, Del Rio resumed his attack on the elbow. Cena attempted another comeback, but Del Rio cut him off and went back to work on the elbow. Del Rio got cocky mocking You Can't See Me, then Cena intercepted Del Rio coming off the second rope with a mid-air dropkick.
Reset at 10:00. Cena wanted the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but Del Rio countered again with a kick to the face. Del Rio with a slam, but Cena kicked out before three. Del Rio went back to the injured elbow, but airballed a running splash and fell to the floor. In the ring, Cena recovered as Del Rio slowly picked himself up and ran back into the ring. Cena then dropped him, Shuffle'd him, and measured Del Rio for the AA, but Del Rio slipped out into a German Suplex for a nearfall.
At 12:00, Del Rio missed with a corner enziguiri, then Cena nailed a Tornado DDT for a very close two count. Cena complained about it being a three. Can they go to the video review like earlier this year? Cena calmed down, then decided to climb up top, but Del Rio nailed him with a step-up kick for a close two count. Del Rio couldn't follow up, though, and Cena nailed a top-rope guillotine leg drop for another close two count.
At 15:00, Del Rio nailed a backbreaker for a two count. Del Rio then slapped his wrist to signal that he wanted the Cross Arm-breaker, but Cena used Del Rio's momentum against him to counter into the STF. Del Rio teased tapping out, but managed to reach the bottom rope for a break. Del Rio recovered, then responded with a standing kick to Cena for a two count.
Reset at 17:00 with both men catching their breath. Del Rio wanted the arm-breaker again, but Cena swung underneath Del Rio and nailed a new-ish neckbreaker move for a two count. The crowd picked up a rally clap, then Cena climbed up-top for a cross-body, but Del Rio rolled through into the Cross Arm-breaker on Cena's injured arm. "No, no, no," Cena said. Cena then reversed momentum into a lift-up powerbomb to escape, both both men sold the effects of the sequence.
Reset at 18:30. Del Rio wanted the Cross Arm-breaker one more time, but Cena ducked, shoved him away, nailed the AA, and pinned Del Rio for the pin and the win. Post-match, JBL described Cena as the best of their generation and Cole endorsed Del Rio for his effort tonight. Cena then hugged his father and took a victory lap on the way out.
WINNER: Cena at 18:48 to retain the World Title. As expected, Cena overcame the "stacked deck" to continue winning. Now the question is what big WrestleMania match WWE is building toward with his comeback run. Overall, the match was solid for PPV. (***)
Locker Room: Santino, R-Truth, Los Matadores, El Torito, and Fandango played with WWE action figures. Then, John Laurinaitis returned to TV when someone said "power," because he's People Power. Santino and Truth then went back to fighting over the action figures.
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