- CALDWELL'S WWE RAW RESULTS 12/10: Complete "virtual-time" coverage of live Raw - Cena vs. Show, final hype for TLC PPV
- ️Sat Sep 04 2010
WWE Raw Supershow Results
December 10, 2012 - Episode #1,019
Live from Newark, N.J.
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor
Announced before the start of Raw is that next week's show will be the 2012 Slammys Show.
Raw started with a video package focusing on The Shield vs. Ryback feud. The video played up a storyline idea that Shield brought destruction upon themselves by causing Ryback to become so angry that he injured C.M. Punk, which put Punk out of TLC and put Shield in the TLC main event against Ryback. The video then focused on the John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler feud leading to Ziggler's MITB briefcase on the line at the PPV on Sunday.
In the arena, Justin Roberts introduced Dolph Ziggler, who was standing on top of a ladder with his MITB briefcase hanging above him. Ziggler said tonight is about the numbers 6 and 15. Ziggler said it's six days until TLC and 15 days until Christmas. He said Santa Clause (Mr. McMahon) gave John Cena a shot at his briefcase on Sunday, but he will be the coal in Cena's stocking by shutting him up and beating Cena. Ziggler then vowed to cash in MITB on Big Show and become the greatest World champ in history.
Sheamus's music interrupted. Michael Cole introduced the show as Sheamus walked out with something to say about cashing in Ziggler on Big Show, who Sheamus challenges for the World Title at TLC. In the ring, Sheamus made a short joke, then told Ziggler that he doesn't need to worry about Big Show; rather, he is going to beat Show at the PPV to become new World champ. Sheamus excitedly said he thinks down the road it's going to be Sheamus vs. Cena for the World Title.
Suddenly, Big Show's music interrupted. "Blah blah blah blah blah," Show said on-stage. Show said both Sheamus and Ziggler are delusional. He said he would like to smash Sheamus's immigrant face right now, but he can't do that because of the no-contract clause. So, he'll wait for Sheamus at the PPV. Show then told Ziggler that he's running his mouth standing on top of the ladder, but he better not try to cash in on him tonight.
Sheamus asked Show where his Christmas spirit is, then botched a line about throwing Ricardo Rodriguez into Show's "roasted chestnuts" on Friday's Smackdown. More talk about the no-contact clause, then Sheamus suggested he would contact someone else tonight. Sheamus then tipped over the ladder, sending Ziggler spilling over the top rope to the floor. Cole and Jerry Lawler plugged a RawActive poll as Sheamus stood tall in the ring.
WWE cut backstage to show Vince McMahon walking down the hallway with jacket in-hand. Cole acted nervous about McMahon's presence, then plugged a main event tonight of John Cena vs. Big Show.
Leading into break, WWE plugged their Rolling Stones PPV airing Saturday.
[Commercial Break]
[Q2] In-ring: Wade Barrett was in the ring awaiting a match with U.S. champ Antonio Cesaro and IC champion Kofi Kingston ringside on commentary. Mr. McMahon's music then interrupted. McMahon walked out on-stage to excitedly hype John Cena vs. Big Show in tonight's main event. He then asked to bring out the person who made tonight's main event, Vickie Guerrero. Vickie made her way to the stage to boos, then McMahon suggested they need a second main event tonight. Vickie stammered, then McMahon suggested Sheamus should be in a match tonight. Vickie pretended to not be able to think about Sheamus's opponent, then McMahon whispered in Vickie's ear. "Dolph Ziggler?!?!" she shouted. McMahon liked the Sheamus vs. Ziggler booking. Apparently he liked the previous 402 installments.
McMahon then suggested a third main event. Vickie giggled, then said A.J. Lee should be in a handicap match. McMahon didn't like the sound of that. He then waited out a "Vickie, Vickie" chant and said it should be A.J. against Vickie, which excited the crowd. After McMahon made the match, he brought out R-Truth to face Wade Barrett.
PWTorch specialist Robin Scannell summed up McMahon's appearance on Twitter @Robinocracy: "Vince McMahon's appearances are supposed to be a big deal, but he just helped book a few matches that don't mean a great deal."
The announcers, Cesaro, and Kofi were mid-conversation on commentary when Truth surprised Barrett with a quick roll-up for the win. Afterward, Truth yelled in Cesaro's face, then Kofi ran into the ring to splash Barrett to set up the Truth-Cesaro U.S. Title match and Kofi-Barrett IC Title match at the PPV.
WINNER: Truth at 1:52.
Still to come: A four-team semi-final #1 contender match to the Tag Titles featuring a returning Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow vs. Primo & Epico vs. The Usos vs. Prime Time Players.
[Commercial Break]
Backstage: A.J., dressed to wrestle, was shown excitedly talking to a P.A., then Aksana about getting a match tonight. Aksana asked if John Cena knows, then A.J. kept on walking and hugged Kaitlyn. A.J. said she's going to go tell John and Kaitlyn told her that he's in the locker room. A.J. barged in to hug Cena, who was mid-conversation with faces. Cena tried to play nice as A.J. continued to act overly-excitedly. Cena said they can talk somewhere else, then A.J. left and Cena tried to figure out what to do.
2 -- DAMIEN SANDOW & CODY RHODES vs. PRIME TIME PLAYERS (TITUS O'NEIL & DARREN YOUNG) vs. PRIMO & EPICO (w/Rosa Mendes) vs. THE USOS -- elimination tag match
After the A.J. skit, WWE went to the ring, where three teams were already in the ring. Damien Sandow's music then played to bring out Sandow and a returning Cody Rhodes, now with a moustache. Cole noted the winning team gets a tables match against Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio in a #1 contender match at the TLC PPV. Meanwhile, Cole continued his recent trend of no-selling Lawler's
[Q3] Primo & Epico were first eliminated via big splash from the Usos. Titus O'Neil then came in hot for the Players leading to commercial.
[Commercial Break]
During the break, the Players were eliminated, as seen on WWE's App. The Players have not exactly been a focal point since Titus's break-out commentary run. So, it's Usos vs. the Beard & Moustache duo. Said facial-hair duo controlled the action before Cody paused to listen to a "Cody's Moustache" chant. Sandow then tagged in and dropped the Elbow of Disdain. Uso eventually took a hot tag and got the crowd involved with an "Us...O" chant.
Suddenly, all four men were in the ring. Sandow was cleared to the outside and he took Uso to the outside with him. Back in the ring, Uso went to the top-rope for a Superfly Splash, but Cody got his knees up. Cody then sprung on Uso with Cross Rhodes for the pin and the win.
WINNERS: Rhodes Scholars at 10:55. Step One in getting Rhodes Scholars towards a re-match against Kane & Sandow is complete. Step Two is Team Scholars against Rey & Cara at TLC on Sunday.
Still to come: A.J. Lee vs. Vickie Guerrero. Plus, John Cena vs. Big Show and Sheamus vs. Dolph Ziggler.
Backstage: Eve and Alicia Fox were shown on a split-screen. They're in action next.
[Commercial Break]
[Q4] Back from break, WWE ran a plug for the Slammys edition of Raw on next week's show. On commentary, Cole and Lawler noted the winners will be decided via RawActive voting.
3 -- Divas champion EVE vs. ALICIA FOX -- non-title match
A. Fox was already in the ring back from break. Eve was then given a full ring intro. As Eve came out, Cole plugged the Muppets as tonight's Raw Social Media ambassadors. WWE ran a tweet from Miss Piggy knocking Eve before the bell sounded. After the bell sounded, Eve did her disingenuous bit pretending like she was hurt, which allowed her to cut off Fox's offense. Eve then executed her neckbreaker finisher for the win. Afterward, Eve randomly called a ringside photographer into the ring to capture her posing over Fox.
WINNER: Eve at 2:30.
Backstage: WWE champion C.M. Punk was shown walking down the hallway on crutches. In the background, Paul Heyman was holding the WWE Title belt for Punk, who didn't appear to be in a good mood. Cole said they'll hear from Punk following his surgery last week.
[Commercial Break]
C.M. Punk Speech
Back from break, the crowd was heard lightly chanting, "C.M. Punk." Cult of Personality then played to bring out Punk on-stage on crutches. He was joined by Paul Heyman, who held up the title belt over Punk's head. After Cult of Personality stopped playing, Punk said a number of people think this injury is phony. He said others think his surgery did not take place in order to avoid another title defense against Ryback. Punk said he can assure people that this is 100 percent real-life. He said this is what happens when you're the WWE champion and work more days than anyone else. Punk said injuries happen and it's a tough sport.
Punk paused to note his WWE Title run is up to 388 days. He then took everyone back to one week ago when his storyline injury occurred - an attack by Ryback that concluded with a powerbomb through a table. Back live, Paul Heyman spoke next. Heyman said the audience is ticking him off by chanting "Feed Me More." He said Punk is a legitimate champion, not the New Jersey Devils, who haven't won a title in years. Heyman then took a dig at The Rock, saying Punk doesn't have a stunt double to take punishment for him. Heyman said Punk is not complaining, rather he's standing out here like the great champ that he is. Heyman said Punk is standing out here, unlike The Rock, who was too busy to come here to...New Jersey. Heyman said Rock just shows up when he gets a title opportunity.
[Q5 -- second hour] Heyman claimed that Ryback will not get another title shot. He said Punk will always be WWE champion and he is the best in the world. After the crowd booed, Punk spoke next that he wants to address the "vocal minority" that he should be stripped of the WWE Title. Punk called Ryback ridiculous and stupid for trying to injure him, which meant he couldn't try to challenge him for the title. Punk then went down the list of wrestlers who couldn't take the title from him. Punk said come the Royal Rumble, The Rock will get one shot. He promised that Rock would also fail, which drew boos.
Punk then noted he will be present at the TLC PPV on Sunday. Punk said he will be there to watch The Shield - who he is not affiliated with! - do to Ryback what Ryback did to him last Monday. Punk's music played to wrap his speech, then Cole stressed that the new main event on Sunday will be Ryback & Team Hell No vs. The Shield in a TLC match determined by pinfall or submission. Lawler tried to hype it as the most exciting match you'll ever see.
On-camera, Cole and Lawler talked about events involving McMahon tonight, then WWE rolled footage from earlier in the show when McMahon convinced Vickie to book two additional "main events," including Vickie vs. A.J. tonight. Also to come tonight, it's Cena vs. Big Show.
Backstage: Sheamus and Ziggler were shown on a split-screen. They're against each other next.
[Commercial Break]
In-ring: Sheamus came out first for the near-top-of-the-second hour main event as the announcers plugged Sheamus vs. Big Show at the PPV. Dolph Ziggler, sporting a taped left hamstring/upper thigh after Sheamus knocked him off a ladder in the opening segment, then came out with possession of his MITB briefcase for another encounter with Sheamus.
Sheamus quickly targeted Ziggler's leg injury with kicks and stomps. Meanwhile, Cole suggested these two men could be contenders for Superstar of the Year in the Slammys next week. Sheamus maintained the attack on Ziggler's injury, but lost control in the corner. Ziggler then executed a dropkick on one good leg to take control for the first time. But, Sheamus shoved Ziggler to the outside moments later. On the outside, Sheamus kicked Ziggler in the gut leading to commercial.
[Q6] [Commercial Break]
Back from break, Ziggler was in control with a mid-ring chinlock. The crowd picked up a dueling chant as Sheamus tried to fight back, but Ziggler knocked Sheamus to the outside. Ziggler inflicted more punishment, then brought Sheamus back into the ring to continue working on the former World champ. Back to the chinlock. Sheamus fought back with elbows, then chucked Ziggler into the corner turnbuckle. Ziggler then went for a high-flying move, but Sheamus intercepted with a mid-air bodyslam.
Sheamus then tried a top-rope move of his own, but Ziggler jumped to the top turnbuckle and delivered a super-facebuster that sent Sheamus head-first into the mat. But, Sheamus kicked out in-time. Moments later, Sheamus came back with a Texas Cloverleaf attempt, but Ziggler made it to the ropes for a break. Sheamus then caught Ziggler with Irish Curse for another close two count. The #1 contender wanted a Brogue Kick next, but Ziggler made it out of the ring just in-time. On the outside, Ziggler grabbed a chair and jabbed Sheamus with it, causing a DQ.
Post-match, Ziggler blasted Sheamus with more chair shots in the ring. But, Sheamus blocked an attempted grand finale chair shot and sent Ziggler flying out of the ring. Ziggler quickly high-tailed it to the top of the ramp to recover as the announcers hyped the idea of Sheamus with a chair in his hand against Show at the PPV on Sunday.
WINNER: Sheamus via DQ at 15:15. Another solid round of Ziggler vs. Sheamus, but Ziggler still doesn't seem like a threat to Cena at the PPV at this point. Sure, the idea is to make it seem like Cena has a good chance to take Ziggler's MITB briefcase at the PPV, but the two stories just aren't connected on short notice.
[Commercial Break]
[Q7] Back on Raw, Vickie Guerrero was shown warming up for her match against A.J. Lee. Suddenly, Hornswoggle and Great Khali barged in looking for some help with something. Vickie tensed up and said she's feeling tight, so Swoggle tried to engage her in some stretching exercises. Swoggle, Vickie, and Khali ended up in a compromising position, then Vince walked in for the punchline that he thought Raw is a family show. Swoggle and Khali bailed, leaving Vickie to sell frustration and disgust.
Announcers: Cole and Lawler chuckled about Vickie's situation, then switched gears to talking about The Shield, specifically taking out Kane on Friday's Smackdown. WWE then rolled Shield's handheld video that originally aired Friday night to give Smackdown an exclusive over Raw. In the video, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns introduced themselves, stated their mission, and explained why they targeted Ryback, Orton, and tag champs Kane & Bryan. Ambrose concluded by telling Ryback and Kane & Bryan to bring tables, ladders, and chairs to the TLC PPV, while they'll bring the sword.
In-ring: After the video played, Justin Roberts introduced Ricardo Rodriguez to introduce Alberto Del Rio. As Del Rio made his way out for apparent singles action, Raw went to commercial.
Before Raw officially went to break, USA Network aired a plug for WWE Week next week - Slammys Raw, special live Smackdown on Tuesday, and Tribute to the Troops on Wednesday. Plus, Big Show appears on Burn Notice on Thursday and Punk hosts Gameplan on Friday.
[Commercial Break]
Back from break, Del Rio was in the ring glaring toward the ring entrance awaiting his opponent. Zack Ryder's music then played to bring out Ryder near his home market.
After the bell sounded, Del Rio plugged Ryback vs. Del Rio on Wednesday's "Main Event" show. Ryder took control early on, with Lawler noting that perhaps Del Rio is looking ahead to Ryback on Wednesday. Ryder continued to control Del Rio, which sent Del Rio rolling to the outside for a breather.
[Q8] The breather helped Del Rio, who re-entered the ring with re-focused purpose. Del Rio then began dismantling Ryder as Ricardo cockily gloated toward the ringside fans. Ryder wiped the smile off Ricardo's face with a quick pin attempt on Del Rio, but Del Rio resumed control moments later. Del Rio focused his attack on Ryder's lower back, leading to a "Let's Go Ryder" chant supporting Zack. Ryder then broke free of Del Rio and dumped him clear over the top rope to the floor.
Ryder took an opportunity to catch his breath and wait for Del Rio to re-enter the ring. Ryder then dropped Del Rio in the corner and wanted the Broski Boot, but Del Rio snuck out of the way. Del Rio promptly slapped on the cross arm-breaker and it was good for a quick tap-out. Cole noted Del Rio is "victorious-o" heading into Main Event on Wednesday. As Del Rio celebrated, Cole plugged the special start time of 6:30 p.m. EST for Main Event this week.
WINNER: Del Rio via submission at 6:28. If this were a two-hour Raw, the match would have been a succinct three minutes. This seemed dragged out, but at least it created a positive of Ryder getting in a good amount of offense rather than just losing decisively.
Announcers: Cole and Lawler plugged the Slammys voting occurring on next week's Raw episode.
Backstage: A.J. Lee was shown skipping down the hallway. She faces Vickie next in the near-the-top-of-the-third-hour main event.
[Commercial Break]
Back live, Cole plugged the Rolling Stones's PPV in this same building on Saturday night. But, tonight, it's Cena and Big Show "rocking" on Raw.
In-ring: A.J. Lee was announced from Union City, New Jersey to a strong reaction. Will the hometown curse strike tonight? After Lawler plugged Tribute to the Troops, Vickie Guerrero walked out to the ring sans music. Lawler encouraged her to skip, but no dice. Upon entering the ring, Vickie noticed the absence of a referee. Suddenly, Brad Maddox walked out on-stage dressed in a ref shirt. Brad took his sweet time entering the ring to milk his moment in the spotlight. After entering the ring, Brad pointed to himself to indicate he's a referee. A.J. argued with Brad, who then casually called for the bell.
Vickie attacked A.J. from behind after Brad rang the bell, then began a methodical attack while also cackling. At what point does Vince McMahon come out to "right the wrong" of Brad as referee?
[Q9 -- third hour] A.J. decided she would try to "right the wrong" by blasting Vickie with pent-up anger. A.J. then covered Vickie, but Brad just walked around the ring instead of counting. A.J., frustrated, argued with Brad, then Vickie rolled up Brad from behind for a three count.
Post-match, Vickie cackled and safely bailed to the outside to celebrate by skipping away. On-stage, Brad raised Vickie's arm in victory as Cole called this the most-obscene thing she's ever seen. Alone in the ring, A.J. flipped out and pounded the mat in frustration. She then left the ring to start destroying the ringside area with tables, ladders, and chairs. A.J. screamed, flipped out some more, then marched up the entrance ramp to the back.
WINNER: Vickie at 2:13. So, where was Vince to bring out a second referee to pop the crowd with a "feel good moment" re-starting the match in A.J.'s favor? It just seems like the power structure is so inconsistent where Vince is involved in some things, but not others, then shows up later to "react" to events rather than being pro-active by preventing unfair events from occurring. As a company, WWE's m.o. is to be reactive rather than pro-active, anyways, so perhaps it's fitting it carries over to the stories they tell with their authority figures.
[Commercial Break]
Backstage: A.J. was shown continuing her meltdown by throwing things around. John Cena then walked up to A.J. to calm her down as she screamed that Vickie screwed her. Cena told A.J. to relax, then A.J. cried into Cena's t-shirt. A.J. calmed down as the camera focused on Cena's eyes bugging out, trying to figure out what he got himself into.
In-ring: IC champion Kofi Kingston's music played back from break. Cole noted it's Kofi vs. Barrett this Sunday at the PPV, then Cole plugged Elimination Chamber PPV tickets on-sale this Saturday for New Orleans. N.O. seems to be in the running for WM30, so potentially interesting timing. After Kofi completed his entrance, Antonio Cesaro walked out to insult the U.S. fans. Cesaro vowed to make Truth feel pain at TLC, then entered the ring to face Kofi in a re-match from Wednesday's Main Event show.
7 -- U.S. champion ANTONIO CESARO vs. IC champion KOFI KINGSTON
Cesaro controlled early on as Lawler offered a Picasso/canvas joke. Cole then relayed a message that Cesaro believes Americans are soft by relying on government hand-outs. Lawler joked that no one said he's a liar. Cole casually said that's not true, then re-focused on Cesaro continuing to pick apart Kofi. The crowd, uninterested, cat-called as Cesaro continued his attack. Kofi then made a comeback to no reaction. Kofi tried to follow with a corner attack, but Cesaro cut him off. And, they went to a mid-match commercial at 5:10 with Cesaro in control.
[Q10] [Commercial Break]
Back from break at 8:45, Cesaro had Kofi in rear waistlock mid-ring. Lawler noted Cesaro dominated throughout the break. After escaping the hold, Kofi surprised Cesaro with a quick pin attempt, but Cesaro came back with a big bodyslam for a two count. Cesaro then rag-dolled Kofi into the air to deliver a side-winding slam. And, back to the rear waistlock. Cole noted Cesaro has completely taken the life out of Kofi.
Kofi tried to mount a comeback, but Cesaro cut him off with a big uppercut to the back of the neck. Cesaro then delivered body blows to the mid-section, but drew the ref's ire for not breaking his corner attack. The momentary separation allowed Kofi to grapple Cesaro for a quick SOS, and Cesaro grabbed the bottom rope just in-time to avoid a three count.
Kofi tried to follow with a top-rope move, but Cesaro caught him in mid-air and turned it into a spinning backbreaker. Cesaro then wanted the Neutralizer and he squatted Kofi into his finisher. Cesaro with the pin for the win.
WINNER: Cesaro at 13:51. Solid win for Cesaro, who WWE remains high on. The match had no business going nearly 14 minutes, though.
Up next: The Miz hosts MizTV. His guests will be Sandow and Rhodes discuss their potential #1 contender status to the Tag Titles.
[Commercial Break]
Miz TV segment
Back from break, The Miz's music played to bring out Miz dressed in a white suit from the Scott Disick collection. Miz's talk-show set was arranged on-stage instead of in the ring, setting the tone for a get-to-the-point segment. Miz introduced "the beard-o and the weird-o," then Damien Sandow's music played. Sandow and Cody Rhodes stood next to Miz trying to intimidate him, then Sandow spoke first. Sandow said the only thing worse than Miz's show is the people who watch it. "Cody's Moustache" chant from the crowd, then Sandow gave a long intro for Rhodes.
[Q11] Rhodes spoke next that Miz sits in his room watching YouTube clips of his WrestleMania main event from back when he was relevant. Rhodes then insulted New Jersey before Miz changed the subject to "must-asching" him a question. Miz asked Rhodes if Sandow's beard rubbed off on his lip. Sandow and Miz went back and forth, then Miz said Rhodes and Sandow are going to fail harder than Manny Pacquiao at TLC. Sandow paused for the crowd to react, then reprimanded them and Miz.
After Sandow called Miz a terrible host, Miz changed the subject to asking Rhodes how many times Sandow visited him in the hospital. Miz continued to try to drive a wedge between Sandow and Rhodes by claiming Sandow walks around the locker room calling him the star of the tag team. Miz asked Rhodes how it feels to know he'll always be in his father's shadow. Cody waited out Miz's insults, then said he trusts the opinion of his tag partner over a white-suit wearing terrible host. Cody said this interview is over.
After Cody and Sandow walked off, Miz sarcastically asked if it was something he said. Miz then came up with a new nickname for Rhodes and Sandow that they're "pink and the stink." Miz signed off for his show.
Backstage: A.J. Lee was shown talking to John Cena. A.J. said she wants to support Cena by being out there ringside for Cena's match against Big Show. (Flashbacks to Daniel Bryan and Big Show and A.J. from one year ago.) Cena told her she doesn't need to do that, but A.J. insisted on it. Cena said he would feel responsible if something were to happen to her ringside. A.J. finally listened and agreed to stay back. Cena walked off and the camera stayed with A.J. for five seconds as she offered a child-like smile.
[Commercial Break]
Back from break, Cole and Lawler announced a Santa's Little Helper's Divas match to determine the #1 contender to the Divas Title on the TLC PPV pre-show.
In-ring: Dolph Ziggler was introduced for commentary during the main event to link up the Cena and Ziggler stories heading into the PPV. (And tease the possibility of Ziggler cashing in MITB on Big Show here.) John Cena was then introduced as the first participant in tonight's main event. Cena eyed Ziggler upon entering the ring, then Cole plugged Cena on NBC's Jimmy Fallon show this Thursday. After Cena played to the crowd, Big Show was introduced as Cena's opponent.
8 -- World Hvt. champion BIG SHOW vs. JOHN CENA -- non-title match
Loud dueling chant of "Let's Go Cena / Cena Sucks" as the match started. Big Show controlled the action, then yelled at the crowd to go with the former in the dueling chant. Cena then tried to hop on Cena's back, but Show flung him away. Cena tried a feat-of-strength next, but Show fell on top of him. Both men sold on the mat leading to commercial.
[Commercial Break]
Before Raw came back live, a Smackdown plug focused on final hype for TLC. Back to Cena vs. Show, was in control of the action. Show teased a chokeslam, but Cena blocked with a DDT. Cena then tried to deliver sustained offense, but Show cut him off with a big spear for a two count. Show then dropped a big elbow to Cena's chest for another two count. Show had enough of Cena in the ring, so he knocked Cena to the outside and inflicted more punishment.
Show then dragged Cena back into the ring as Cole tried to get Ziggler to realize the error of his ways showing off too much and taking shortcuts. Ziggler wanted nothing to do with that line of thinking, though. In the ring, Show measured Cena for a big Vader Bomb, but Show took too long, allowing Cena to roll out of the way. Cena then made a comeback with a desperation suplex. He did You Can't See Me, then dropped the Five-Knuckle Shuffle. But, Show popped up and chokeslammed Cena for a close two count.
[Q13 -- over-run] At 13:30, Show made a big fist and measured Cena for the KO Punch, but Cena ducked. Cena then hoisted Show into the air for a feat-of-strength Attitude Adjustment. But, Cena couldn't make the cover. Suddenly, Seth Rollins hit the ring to attack Cena, causing a DQ.
WINNER: Cena via DQ at 13:52. Pretty good Cena vs. Show re-re-re-match until Shield made their first appearance 180 minutes into the show to set up the final PPV sales pitch...
After the bell, the rest of the Shield hit the ring to dismantle Cena. Ziggler remained on commentary during this. Kane's pyro then shot off to bring out Kane and Bryan to even the battle. Ziggler then hit the ring to go after Cena to set up their match at the PPV. Suddenly, Sheamus's music played. Sheamus made the save for the WWE roster, then Cena speared Show through a table.
After a pause for Cena and Show crashing through the table, Shield resumed control of the wild scene. Ryback's music then played to bring out Ryback. Ryback chucked a ladder toward the Shield members, then another brawl broke out in the ring. Credits flashed on the screen and Cole said this what TLC is going to be about. Raw signed off three minutes past the top of the hour with everyone brawling in the ring.
FINAL THOUGHTS: WWE was in scramble mode trying to sell this PPV on Sunday, but the problem is a lack of a true main event. The replacement main event of Ryback vs. The Shield was barely focused on until the very end of the show, which is when WWE has its smallest audience due to sending people away from Raw with these three-hour shows. Then, Cena vs. Ziggler is hurt by no one taking Ziggler seriously since he doesn't have big wins to his credit as of late, Cena's focus is on A.J. Lee, and Cena had nothing to do with potentially winning the MITB briefcase during the show tonight.
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