- CALDWELL'S WWE RAW RESULTS 4/29 (Hour 2): Ongoing "virtual-time" coverage of live Raw - Shield's message, Champ vs. Champ, Tug of War sponsored by Dominos

  • ️Sat Sep 04 2010


WWE Raw TV Results
April 29, 2013 - Episode #1,039
Live in Columbus, Ohio
Aired on USA Network
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

Back live two minutes before the top of the hour, The Shield was in the crowd. Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins were halfway down one section while Roman Reigns was being patted on the back by fans. He shrugged them off, then Shield eventually hopped the guardrail and hit the ringside area. JBL said the only thing that can stop them is themselves.

Shield Promo Segment

[Q5 -- second hour] The Shield hit the ring at the top of the hour, then Ambrose took the mic and waited out boos. Ambrose began that when they arrived in WWE, they vowed to bring justice to an unjust world, which is exactly what they've done. Seth Rollins said they have torn down the walls brick by brick. He said not a person in their way has been able to stop them. As a matter of fact, they changed the course of WWE history when they stopped Ryback from becoming WWE champion. This led to a still-shot from Survivor Series last November.

Reigns spoke next that it was just the beginning. He said no one can stop them, not even The Great One (not pictured), not even Big Show (pictured), not even a warrior (Sheamus), and not even The Champ (John Cena). Ambrose said those men are mortal, but then they meted out justice to the immortal, The Undertaker. He said Taker is now a victim after being the symbol of justice for too long. Reigns quietly said, "Rest in peace."

This led to a full-length video package documenting Shield spearing Taker through the ringside barricade, then triple-powerbombing Taker through the announce table to conclude Friday's Smackdown.

Back live, Ambrose said justice doesn't care if you're undefeated at Mania, if you're The Champ, or who you are because it strikes without justice and without mercy. Rollins said justice has not forgotten about Ryback and Cena, either. Suddenly, 3MB's music interrupted. Out came Heath Slater, Drew McIntyre, and Jinder Mahal apparently not pleased by Shield getting in-ring time.

Slater told Shield to shut up and re-consider who they have business with tonight. McIntyre asked who they think they are, noting they were "mere seconds" away from showing Triple H how they rock and roll, but, no, Shield crashed their party. So, Jinder said, now they rock their faces. "You've got to be kidding me," JBL said on commentary.

3MB surrounded the ring, then hit the ring, leading to a three-man brawl. Shield beat down 3MB, then Kane's pyro suddenly shot off. This brought out Tag Champs Kane and Daniel Bryan, who marched to the ring looking for a piece of The Shield. As the tag champs hit the ring, Shield decided it was a good time to exit the ring. So, Kane and Bryan decided to take out their anger on 3MB, clearing them from the ring. Kane then finished off Slater with a mid-ring chokeslam as Shield watches from the crowd. The crowd followed with a loud "Yes! Yes!" chant directed by Bryan, then Kane shot off his pyro and Shield bailed through the crowd.

Locker Room: john Cena was shown getting his right ankle taped by the trainer, then Ryback walked in. Ryback told Cena that he can tape up his ankle all he wants, but it won't matter in their feud. Cena said he's hurt, not injured, and probably more effective on one leg than Ryback on two. The crowd oooh'ed, then Ryback replied that he can't take that chance. Ryback stomped off, leaving Cena to contemplate matters.

Extreme Rules plug: Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar inside a steel cage.

[Commercial Break]

Announcers: Cole and Lawler did a sponsorship bit for Domino's Pizza. Lawler claimed to have just ordered a pizza. At the arena. At the announce position. They focused on the Pizza Tracker deal on Lawler's laptop. Cole said the pizza will arrive in another 20 or 30 minutes.

Suddenly, Dolph Ziggler's music played to bring out World champ Dolph Ziggler, A.J. Lee, and Big E. Langston for what was announced as a Champion vs. Champion match. As Ziggler came to the ring, JBL criticized the heel, Ziggler, for being disrespectful by wearing the World Title belt backwards around his waist. U.S. champ Kofi Kingston was then introduced to face Dolph. Before the match started, they replayed Kofi capturing the U.S. Title from Antonio Cesaro two weeks ago on Raw. Then, Cole plugged the re-match of Kofi vs. Cesaro this Wednesday on Main Event.


4 -- World Hvt. champ DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Big E. Langston and A.J. Lee) vs. U.S. champion KOFI KINGSTON -- non-title Champ vs. Champ match

As the match started, the announcers plugged Kofi welcoming a new child into the world. Kofi then smashed Dolph in the mouth with a kick, rocking the World champ. Ziggler quickly regained control, then the announcers plugged A.J. Lee as the #1 contender to the Divas Title, with the title match to come in the future. Ziggler then kicked Kofi off the ring apron to the floor, giving the World champ a breather heading to break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Ziggler was in control of the match with a mid-ring submission. Kofi broke free with elbows, then rocked Ziggler with forearm strikes. But, Ziggler responded with a corner forearm strike to regain control. Kofi then came back with palm-thrusts and chops into a flying clothesline. Kofi wanted the Boom Drop next, and he connected, concerning A.J. Kofi then wanted Trouble in Paradise, but Ziggler heard it coming and easily ducked. Ziggler then jumped onto Kofi to deliver a DDT for a two count.

The Champs reset before Kofi nailed the SOS, but Ziggler kicked out just in-time, giving A.J. a fright. Ziggler tried to come back with the Zig-Zag, but Kofi ducked and nailed TIP. But, A.J. put Ziggler's foot on the bottom rope just before three to stop the ref's count. Big E. then dragged Ziggler out of the ring to wake him up, but Kofi splashed both of them on the outside. Kofi slowly dragged Ziggler back into the ring, then came off the top with a high cross-body splash for a close nearfall.

This brought A.J. onto the ring apron to distract the ref, but Kofi escaped a quick pin attempt. Kofi then slingshot Ziggler into the corner turnbuckle. He tried a top-rope turnaround splash, but Ziggler kind of moved. Or, Kofi just completely missed. In any event, Ziggler nailed the Zig-Zag for the pin and the win.

Post-match, Big E. Langston spotted Kofi Kingston waking up, so he approached him to deliver The Big Ending at Ziggler's encouragement. Ziggler celebrated Big's accomplishment while A.J. smiled from the ring apron. "That's what we do!" Ziggler declared.

WINNER: Ziggler at 12:14. Another very good TV match. The WWE crew is coming into Raw energized after the long European Tour, and this was an overall good spotlight moment for the Dangerous Trio. (**3/4)

Up Next: Lesnar-Hunter focus. The graphic described it as "Here Comes The Pain" is next.

[Q7] [Commercial Break]

Hallway: Ziggler, Big, and A.J. were shown walking down the hallway talking up their victory. They suddenly bumped into Kaitlyn and Natalya. Kaitlyn and A.J. exchanged barbs to set up their eventual Divas Title match, then Kaitlyn silenced things by saying she's not holding back with her anymore. She told A.J. to try to take the title from her. Suddenly, a gift was delivered, which A.J. intercepted, but it was for Kaitlyn. Natalya looked over Kaitlyn's shoulder to read the note, which was a sweet note from anonymous person. Natalya teased Kaitlyn that she has a secret admirer.

After the announcers reacted to the middle-school segment, Cole fed to a video package on the Lesnar-Hunter feud explaining why they're facing off at Extreme Rules in mid-May. The video concluded with a look at Hunter delivering a Pedigree to Paul Heyman. Back to the announcers - JBL said a cage has a different purpose in MMA vs. wrestling.

GM Office: Brad Maddox was shown talking to Vickie Guerrero, then Ryback stormed in. Ryback said he's not facing Shield alone again, just like every other time Cena has been involved. Ryback breathed heavily, then Vickie agreed and booked Shield vs. Ryback and Team Hell No in a six-man tag match. Ryback shook his head no, saying he's been there and done that. "No!" he shouted in Vickie's face, then stormed off. Brad, confused, asked what he meant by no. Vickie just sighed.

[Commercial Break]

[Q8] Announcers: Back to Cole and Lawler tracking Lawler's pizza. It had not been delivered yet according to the screen. Suddenly, the tracker showed that it was delivered. Suddenly, fans on the front row were shown eating pizza. Need that Dwight Howard quote from the First Hour again.

In-ring: Jack Swagger's music played to bring out Swagger and Zeb Colter. After they slowly marched to the ring, Zack Ryder's music played. Ryder, now with longer hair, actually had a mic in-hand as he walked to the ring. Ryder went to events from earlier in the night when Ricardo rolled up Colter for a three count in the opening match. Ryder had a good laugh at Zeb's expense, then entered the ring to face Swagger.

5 -- ZACK RYDER vs. JACK SWAGGER (w/Zeb Colter)

Swagger quickly dominated the Woo-Woo Kid before shouting down at him, "Say something now, funnyman." Swagger softened up Ryder in anticipation of the Patriot Lock before measuring Ryder for a running Vader Bomb, but Ryder got his feet up to block. Ryder then dumped Swagger clear over the top rope to the floor before delivering a baseball slide dropkick.

Ryder rolled Swagger back into the ring and tried to follow up witha top-rope move, but Swagger avoided and nailed a gutwrench powerbomb. Swagger then slapped on the Patriot Lock and Ryder quickly tapped out. Colter called off Swagger, who eventually released the hold after delivering more punishment.

Post-match, Swagger shoved Ryder throat-first onto the middle rope for Colter to taunt Ryder. Colter then punched Ryder in the face, further embarrassing poor Ryder. Swagger saluted the hard camera, then Zeb and Swagger left the ring.

WINNER: Swagger via submission at 3:06.

Backstage: Mark Henry was shown walking down the hallway. He had a large rope over his shoulder, prompting the announcers to wonder what he has in mind.

[Commercial Break]

During Commercial: Matt Striker attempted to interview Ryback for WWE Active, but Ryback stomped away. The announcers speculated that Ryback left the building. Lawler wondered what it means for tonight's main event.

In-ring: Mark Henry was standing by waiting for his cue to offer some thoughts. Henry introduced himself, then shot down their applause. He said he's out here to prove that he is the strongest man in the world, and he asked Vickie for two opponents. So, bring 'em out. After a pause, Brodus Flay's music played to bring out Sweet T, Tensai.

6a -- MARK HENRY vs. TENSAI -- Tug of War

The two wrestlers stood on opposite sides of a red line in the middle of the ring as the announcers finally figured out that it's a tug of war. Henry easily dragged Tensai close to the middle of the ring, then yanked him over the line for an elimination.

6b -- MARK HENRY vs. BRODUS CLAY -- Tug of War

Clay's music played again to bring out Brodus Clay as the crowd sat quietly. Henry and Clay then grabbed each end of the rope as Cole suddenly had rules to offer the audience. Henry then easily yanked Clay across the red tape to win. Henry's music played.

Suddenly, Sheamus's music played to put some life into this segment. Sheamus paced on-stage, then sarcastically congratulated Henry on his victory. He offered Henry himself as a third opponent, which Henry shook his head "no" to. Sheamus asked if he's afraid, then Henry took the bait and welcomed Sheamus to the ring.

[Q9 -- third hour]

6c -- MARK HENRY vs. SHEAMUS -- Tug of War

Henry and Sheamus prepared to battle, then locked up. The crowd came to life as the two men struggled, then Henry yanked Sheamus near the red line. But, he couldn't pull Sheamus across the line. So, Sheamus did a heelish thing by letting go of the rope, causing Henry to fall down. Henry angrily stood up, then Brogue Kicked Henry in the face. Lawler called it quite embarrassing for Henry.

WINNER: ??? The Tale of Two Shows continues - multiple bizarre segments mixed with two very good TV matches thus far.

Announcers: Cole gushed over John Cena and his Make-a-Wish partnership that played out earlier in the show. WWE then replayed footage of Cena welcoming out Jacob, Nick, and Logan to be honorary WWE Superstars for the night.

GM Office: Brad Maddox was shown talking to Daniel Bryan and Kane, who interrupted Brad as Brad noted that Ryback left the building. Kane said it looks like Brad and Vickie are back to a handicap match with Shield against them two. Vickie said if it's what they want, then they got it. Vickie waited for them to leave, then Vickie whispered a task in Brad's ear. Brad sighed and sold exasperation.

[Commercial Break]


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