- CALDWELL'S WWE RAW RESULTS 7/22 (Hour 2): Mark Henry battles The Shield, Miz TV, Ziggler, Rhodes, more

  • ️Sat Sep 04 2010


WWE Raw TV Results
July 22, 2013 - Episode #1,051
Live in Austin, Tex.
Aired on USA Network
Report by James Caldwell (@JCTorch), PWTorch assistant editor

Mark Henry Segment

Back from break two minutes before the top of the hour, Mark Henry's music played. As Henry came out with no set-up for his segment, Cole said Henry took John Cena "to the limit" one week ago at the MITB PPV. Very much a babyface treatment of Henry putting up a "valiant effort" against Cena last Sunday and The Shield last Monday before Shield triple-powerbombed him.

In the ring, Henry contemplated matters before noting he's proud of being a born-and-raised Texan, which popped the crowd. Henry said he's proud of growing up down the street in Silsbee, Texas. Henry said he's proud of the effort he put into his title match with Cena at MITB.

[Q5 -- second hour] But, what he's not proud of is what happened to him last week when The Shield attacked him. He said his heart doesn't pump Kool-aid because made tough and he's ready to dish out what he took last week. Henry called out Shield to come fight him because he's right here. Cole said you have to admire Henry, then Shield's music played.

As Henry took a deep breath in the ring, Ambrose, Reigns, and Rollins marched through the crowd toward the ring. The announcers said Henry might be in his home-state, but The Shield is ruthless. Shield hit the ring and cornered Henry, who tried fighting back against kicks and stomps.

Suddenly, The Usos's music played to telegraph their arrival. Usos attacked The Shield members, then Henry reached his feet, tossed aside one of the Usos, and attacked Shield. Awkward brawling ensued before Henry and The Usos cleared Ambrose and Rollins out of the ring. Reigns was left alone in the ring to take a big corner splash from Henry. Ambrose and Rollins then dragged Reigns out of the ring to avoid further damage. Shield almost took out Sign Guy on the way out of the ringside area, stopping in front of the locker room tunnel to regroup. Shield then took a left-hand turn to walk through the production area as Henry called after them that they're all talk.

After a replay of the events, Henry was shown pounding the mat as he left the ring. The Usos followed behind him from a safe distance.

Locker Room: Daniel Bryan was shown warming up for his matches tonight. Big Brother John Cena then walked into the locker room to talk to Bryan. Cena ran down Brad Maddox, then Bryan told Cena not to worry about him facing three opponents tonight. Bryan said he's fine on his own. Cena replied that he just wants Bryan to make it to Summerslam in one piece. As if he were reading from a cue card, Bryan robotically said Maddox was right that this is an opportunity for him to prove that he belongs here. "Tonight, I am going to fight. And I am going to win," Bryan said more naturally. "Please, don't deprive me of this opportunity." Bryan said if Cena does come out there during his matches tonight, it will prove that everything Cena said earlier is a load of crap. Bryan stomped off, leaving Cena to contemplate matters.

Going to break, WWE ran a hype video for "Total Divas" premiering in six days on E!

[Commercial Break at 9:07]

Back from break, Darren Young was in the ring. Dolph Ziggler was then introduced as D-Young's opponent for singles action. Before the match started, WWE went back to Smackdown when Ziggler said he wishes he dumped A.J. Lee a lot sooner, then Big E. Langston kissed A.J. ... on the forehead.


After the bell sounded, D-Young fixed his hair and the crowd chanted Ziggler's name. After Ziggler and D-Young locked up, Ziggler did a bit of showing off because he escaped a clothesline. Ziggler then "backed it up" with a snap dropkick as Cole hyped Ziggler appearing at Comic Con over the weekend.

[Q6] D-Young came back with a faceplant, prompting Cole to freak out about this potentially being Young's biggest singles victory, but Ziggler kicked out. D-Young, having not learned from Titus earlier, began trash-talking Ziggler, who responded with Zig-Zag for the pin and the win.

Post-match, Big E. Langston hit the ring to attack Ziggler as A.J. Lee watched from ringside. But, Ziggler clotheslined Langston over the top rope, Langston tried to run back into the ring, and ZIggler slid right by him to the outside. Ziggler taunted Big E. and A.J. from the outside as A.J. tried to calm down in the ring.

WINNER: Ziggler at 4:22. Basic reinforcement of the Ziggler-A.J./Big E. issue. So far, there is a lack of sense of urgency to Raw, as if WWE is pacing themselves for four TV tapings in four days. Part of it feels like WWE has several ambiguous/slow-changing characters in-play right now (Ziggler from heel to face, Henry from heel to face, and Daniel Bryan from lunatic to mild-mannered troll) that makes it difficult for the audience to invest all the way.

Announcers: Cole and Co. reacted to the Ziggler-A.J. business before Cole transitioned to a plug for the WWE App. Yes, they re-aired the video package from Smackdown demonstrating how to download and install an App. Cole admitted to using the WWE App throughout the show, which explains why the announcers seem to be distracted at times.

Last Monday: Brock Lesnar "broke down" C.M. Punk. Tonight, Punk provides an update on his condition. Plus, Miz hosts the cast of "Total Divas" on Miz TV.

[Commercial Break at 9:20]

Miz TV Segment

Back from break, The Miz was in the ring. Already seated was the cast of "Total Divas." Miz first plugged his role as the host of Summerslam, which drew a mixture of cheers and indifference. Miz then talked up his reality show background before introducing a video package on the "Total Divas" show. The clip focused on the Bellas being upset about WWE hiring a Diva who looks like them. The Bellas played nice with look-a-like Eva Marie, then described the other "newbie," Jo-Jo, as a little girl.

Back live, the crowd booed. Miz introduced the Bella Twins to boos, Eva Marie to indifference, Jo-Jo, Natalya to cheers, and Cameron & Naomi to cheers. Miz then handed over control of the segment to Jerry Lawler, who sold being unprepared for this. Lawler entered the ring and said hi to the Divas he does know, then introduced himself to Jo-Jo, who was respectful, and Eva Marie, who did not stand up to receive Lawler's handshake.

Eva Maria said she doesn't like how Jerry is looking at him, then, sounding like Maxine, said she is here to make a name for herself. So, she slapped Lawler, who sold the effects. Lawler then handed over the mic to Miz and said he thinks he's done with this segment. The "Total Divas" music then played and the Divas waved to the crowd.

[ JC's Reax: Was that supposed to make people want to watch "Total Divas" or repel the audience from watching the show? No one seemed likable other than Jo-Jo, who has no connection to the audience, and the face Divas were given no talking time. ]

Still to come: Daniel Bryan has multiple matches. Of note, the silhouettes representing Bryan's opponents have been reduced from three to two.

[Q7] [Commercial Break at 9:30]

Backstage: Brad Maddox was on the phone. Triple H then walked in and said Maddox doesn't think Bryan is big enough, strong enough, or championship material. Did someone put words in his mouth? Hunter said he doesn't care what the "old man" thinks because he thinks Bryan could be the future of WWE. He said he didn't go out there earlier to over-ride Maddox's decisions because it really doesn't matter what Maddox throws at Bryan because he will overcome anything.

Hunter continued that there are two trains are leaving the station. One train is the future. The other is a dead-end. "Gotchaaaa," Maddox said as Hunter left. Suddenly, Stephanie McMahon - with different hair - walked in and said he feels for Brad. Steph said she has an idea, but she hasn't thought it through yet. Just make sure you're on-board. "The train?" Maddox asked. Stephanie played nice and told him to stay focused.

Announcers: Back to Cole and Co., who transitioned to a discussion of the Wyatt Family. This led to a video package on the Wyatts's debut over the past two weeks. The video ended with Bray Wyatt's words for Kane to follow the buzzards and come on home.

In-ring: Back live, Fandango's music played to bring out Summer Rae paving the way for Fandango to make his entrance. As FandangoRae slowly, slowly made their entrance, the announcers filled time discussing Fandango's birthday, whether Fandango and Rae are married, and how Shawn Michaels's birthday fits into the equation. After the Fandango Logo lit up in the ring, Cole said Fandango is in singles action next.

[Commercial Break at 9:40]

Back from break, WWE ran a video package on WWE and Make-A-Wish coming up with a WrestleMania 30 giveaway contest.

[Q8] In-ring: Fandango was still dancing in the ring. Suddenly, Damien Sandow was ringside clutching his MITB briefcase. Cody Rhodes was then introduced as Fandango's opponent. If Rhodes is going to be solidified in the face role, he needs to face clear heel opposition, which Fandango is not since Fandango is in AmbigousLand as a dancer who the crowd is supposed to enjoy playing along with. Before the match started, WWE replayed events from Smackdown when Rhodes denied Sandow's "olive branch" to be Sandow's personal briefcase holder.

4 -- CODY RHODES vs. FANDANGO (w/Summer Rae)

As the match started, Sandow either took credit for Rhodes's offense or called Rhodes having "delusions of adequacy" when Fandango delivered offense. Sandow and Cole then argued about "twisting the truth," debating whether the "truth" can be twisted or if it's an absolute state of either "truth" or "lies." Sandow then noted he was going to allow Rhodes to be his butler, but he's not even worthy of that as Fandango went to work on Rhodes. Next, Cole asked Sandow how many titles he has held in WWE, prompting Sandow to list all of his nicknames. Sandow then told Cole he should get a Job Evaluation. Cole said under his breath, "It's every week."

Rhodes made a comeback at 3:30 with a punt to the mid-section, then came off the top with a moonsault attempt. Executing the moonsault, Cody came up super-short, so Fandango practically ran toward the corner to take the moonsault. Fandango rolled to the outside, then Sandow tried to run interference, but Rhodes took out Sandow, then took out a returning Fandango for the pin and the win.

WINNER: Rhodes at 4:15. Overall, fine build-up to Rhodes and Sandow eventually battling, but Rhodes needed to be opposite a more clearly-defined heel; the crowd wasn't sure how to receive both Rhodes and Fandango in this match.

Up Next: C.M. Punk updates his condition.

[Commercial Break at 9:51]


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